mx-marlynnx · 3 years
to the masc who approached me in the men's section at Target today and asked my opinion on jackets:
you're lovely, and sorry I'm socially inept
mayhap we'll run into each other again
so mote it be❤️
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mx-marlynnx · 3 years
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The Compass Spread
A perfect spread for finding some guidance, when you are feeling lost.
Central - You right now
East - New beginnings, what's on the horizon.
South - Your Passion, where you should draw your fire from.
West - Your Subconscious. What are you keeping hidden? Where do you need to look inward?
North - Your Wisom, where should you look for guidance and wisdom?
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mx-marlynnx · 3 years
♡ asks ♡
 Do you have freckles? 
 Do you drink tea or coffee? How do you take it? 
What was the last song you listened to? 
Do you sleep on your back, stomach or side? 
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? 
Do you prefer drawing or writing? 
What’s your ideal number of blankets to sleep with? 
What’s your favorite band/artist? 
When is your birthday? 
How tall are you? 
What color are your eyes? 
Who are five (or more) people you want to hug right now? 
What’s your favorite color? 
What’s your favorite season? 
Want any tattoos? What of? 
Want any piercings? Where? 
Who is the last person you texted? 
Do you have a best friend? How long have you been friends? 
What/who do you miss? 
How was your day today? 
How much sleep did you get last night? 
Do you believe in aliens? 
When was the last time you cried? Why? 
What’s your favorite decade? 
What are some seemingly childish things you like? 
What’s your favorite book? Or just one you’ve read a few times? 
How are you, really? 
Does it take you a long time to make decisions? 
What are you looking forward to in the near future? 
What are you looking forward to in the distant future? 
If you could go anywhere right now, where would you go? 
Do you sleep with your door open or closed? 
What’s your favorite flower? 
Do you currently have a squish? 
Do you like your middle name? 
Do you prefer dogs or cats? 
Do you have any phobias? 
Do you stay up late?
Do you like the beach? Do you prefer it sunny or cloudy? 
What’s your favorite cartoon? 
Tag 5 of your favorite blogs
Do you have siblings? How many? 
Who was the last person you said “I love you” to? 
Is there anyone you would die for? 
What do you need when you’re sad? 
Have you memorized your phone number? 
Who’s someone you can trust with your life? 
What does your last text say? 
Wild Card. Any question, ask away. 
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mx-marlynnx · 3 years
Y'all ever need to put headphones/earbuds on in your own home cuz every little noise is enough to set your brain on fire?
Cuz same
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mx-marlynnx · 3 years
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✧ The Elements ✧
‣ ‣ Charging Items with the Elements - You can use the elements to charge a specific item with energy that corresponds with that element.
Earth: Bury the item in the soil, sit the item out in the sun, surround the item with crystals, etc. Water: Soak the item in water (Moon or Sun water or water charged by crystals), sit the item out in the moonlight, etc. Fire: Pass the item over a candle’s flame or through incense smoke, keep the item close while you exercise or commit acts of passion, etc. Air: Play music around your item, toss the item into the air, pass the item through smoke or fresh air, etc. ‣ ‣  Bonding with the Elements Earth: Take a walk in nature, gardening, grounding and meditating, use herbs or essential oils, etc. Water: Take a long shower or bath, make Sun or Moon water, collect rainwater, cleanse yourself, etc. Fire: Light a candle, drink hot tea, be active and exercise, release your anger, express your passion, etc. Air: Take a walk on a windy day, be creative, express yourself, recognize your talents, stand in front of a fan, etc. ‣ ‣ Correspondences: Earth: Direction - North. Time - Midnight. Season - Winter. Colors - Green, Brown, Black, White, and Gold. Tools - Pentacle, Salt, Dirt, Herbs, Crystals, Wood, Plants and Flowers. Crystals - Emerald, Jet, Tourmaline, Quartz, Granite, Bedrock, Onyx, Jasper, Azurite, Peridot, and Amethyst. Metals - Iron and Lead. Plants - Cedar, Cypress, Honeysuckle, Magnolia, Primrose, Sage, Oak, and Ivy. Virtues - Being Grounded, Patience, Truth, Reliability, and Thoroughness. Vices - Dullness, Laziness, Inconsiderate, and Gluttony. Astrological Rulers - Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, Venus and Saturn Connecting with Earth - Spending time out in nature, out in a park or in a garden. Filling your home with plants. Enriching your diet with vegetables and fruits. Meditating outside vs inside. Taking long walks while just enjoying being outside. Be barefoot, if able, less often and feel the connection of you and the Earth. Water: Direction - West. Time - Twilight. Season - Fall. Colors - Blue, Silver, Turquoise, White, and Navy. Tools - Seashells, Rainwater, Ocean Water, Seaweed, Hag Stones, Chalice, Cup, and Cauldron. Crystals - Amethyst, Aquamarine, Blue Fluorite, Topaz, Tourmaline, Lapiz Lazuli, Opal, Pearl, and Sodalite. Metals - Mercury and Silver. Plants - Aloe, Apple, Chamomile, Ferns, Gardenia, Jasmine, Lemon, Lily, Lotus, Moss, Rose and Willow. Virtues - Compassion, Love, Flexibility, Forgiveness, and Understanding. Vices - Indifference, Instability, Moodiness, Depression and Fragility. Astrological Rulers - Cancer, Scorpion, Pisces, Moon, Neptune, Pluto. Connecting with Water - Take a soothing bath. Drink plenty of water and/or tea. Keep fresh water near your altar or your bed. Visit a pond, lake, the ocean, etc. Go swimming. Be out in the rain (be careful not to get sick!), Eat fruits and vegetables high in water content like cucumbers and watermelon. Fire: Direction - South. Time - Noon. Season - Summer. Colors - Red, Orange, Gold, White, Violet. Tools - Candle, Athame, Sword, Dagger, Burning Herbs, Cleansing Sticks/Bundles. Crystals - Fire Opal, Ruby, Garnet, Red Jasper, Bloodstone, Quartz, Tiger’s Eye, Agate. Metals - Gold, Grass, Copper. Plants - Allspice, Basil, Cinnamon, Juniper, Cardamom, Nettle, Onion, Peppers, Thistle, Poppy. Virtues - Courage, Enthusiasm, Willpower, Action, Strength. Vices - Anger, Jealousy, Hatred, Pettiness, Recklessness, Irrationality. Astrological Rulers - Aries, Leo, Saggittarius, Sun, Mars. Connecting with Fire - Vigorous exercise (don’t harm yourself! do what you can). Light candles. Go on an adventure. Do something new/different. Partake in something you’re passionate about. Partake in sexual acts. Air:  Direction - East. Time - Dawn. Season - Spring. Colors - Yellow, Gold, White, Light Blue, Pink. Tools - Feathers, Wand, Staff, Incense, Pen, Broom, Bell. Crystals - Topaz, Amber, Citrine, Jasper, Agate, Quartz, Amethyst. Metals - Tin, Copper. Plants - Acacia, Anise, Aspen, Cedar, Clover, Frankincense, Lavender, Lemongrass, Myrrh, Pine, Vervain, Yarrow. Virtues - Intelligent, Practical, Optimistic, Curious, Creative. Vices - Impulsive, Frivolous, Gullible,Flighty, Detached. Astrological Rulers - Gemini, Libra, Aquarius, Moon, Neptune, Pluto. Connecting with Air - Spend time outside when it’s windy. Decorate with wind chimes. Complete a creative project you’ve been working on. Journal or write something. Learn a new skill. Meditate. Focus on your breathing.
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mx-marlynnx · 3 years
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Tarot spread for when dis bitch (me) is empty.
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mx-marlynnx · 3 years
Y'all my partner falling asleep while I play with their hair is the cutest fucking shit
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mx-marlynnx · 3 years
i love freaks who dress weird and cut and dye their hair weird and wear weird makeup and go out in public like that i love u
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mx-marlynnx · 3 years
rb this and tell me the piece of media, art, literature, music, etc. that you feel was the turning point in the development of your personality
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mx-marlynnx · 3 years
What to use when in Witchcraft -
Ok so I am gonna say this is my personal reference, its mainly through associations. You might TOTALLY disagree and thats chill!
Its more something to think about and a guideline of what I use myself…
Candle Magic:
Carve a candle when…. the candle represents the target, in sympathetic magic. When, essentially, the candle is a poppet and lighting it is a symbol of destruction or empowerment to the target.
Place something under the candle or before it when… you are doing general candle magic, when the candle represents empowering a wish, idea or concept.
Anoint the candle when… doing work with spirits and gods, when you mark the candle for a special purpose, when doing high magic.
Herbs and plant work:
Use dry herbs when… it is convienent to do so, when the herbs are out of season or when you need to store them in a jar or bottle for a long time.
Use fresh herbs when… the spell is very earth orientated, when doing magic on behalf of another or when the magic is sympathetic so that the herbs represent the target, within kitchen witchery.
Use flowers when… when the spell concerns love and sex, or perhaps fertility and attraction, due to flowers being the reproductive parts of the plant.
Use fruit when when… working with children as a target, or with children practising. When you work with fertility and abundance spells.
Use wood and twigs when… when the spell is for protection or binding, for hardiness.
Burn herbs (recaning/incense) when… you wish to cleanse or banish, or invoke an atmosphere - that being, for divination using herbs that are said to open up your perceptions, when banishing, burning acrid or pungent herbs.
Use oil infusions when… you wish to anoint something, when you wish to mark something permanently.
Use floral waters (rose water etc) when… dealing with spirits and gods, for glamour as it has a long history of being used to beautify.
Use metals (haematite, copper, ores etc..) when… you work in protection, when you do energy work due to the conductive properties of metal.
Use shell, pearl, coral and such when… you work in sea magic, when you work within emotional magic due to the element of water.
Use points when… you wish to direct magic to a target.
Use tumble stones when… you wish the magic to be gentle or manifest at a certain place on the body on a target.
Use geodes when… you work in protection, when you work with glamour aimed to obscure and hide.
Knot magic:
Use cotton when… it is convenient.
Use silk when… doing spells that benefit the target.
Use ribbons when… love spells and wealth spells, as well as confidence and beauty spells. Spells to ensure victory.
Use rope when… doing spells that aim to hurt or weaken the target, binding especially.
Use cloth when… the spell aims to benefit who the poppet represents, use particular care when sewing or cutting, choose colours that are appropriate to them.
Use wax when… you wish to manipulate the target.
Use clay when… wish to create fetches or servitors, when you wish to create permanency.
Use twigs when… you wish to bury or throw the poppet out, when you want the poppet to be easily destroyed by breaking or setting on fire.
Use an alphabet grid or circle when… you wish the sigil to be more random and less attached to you.
Combine the shapes of letters from a sentence… when your sigil is very specific and a short term goal.
Use your own personal symbols when… you want the magic to be connected to you, when it is personal.
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mx-marlynnx · 3 years
☀️ Summer Tarot Spread ☀️
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1. PAST - Energy and growth
What energy am I currently radiating? How can I use this energy coming from the sun’s strength to grow into a better being? 
2. PRESENT - Joy and celebration
How can I open myself to a greater joy? What in my life should be celebrated? In what ways can I celebrate and find happiness?
3. FUTURE - Guidance and release
What guidance and lessons can I learn from the sun and the first half of this year? What should I let go of during the coming months?
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mx-marlynnx · 3 years
These past few weeks have been remarkably good. Like, the happiest I've been in a really long time.
And I'm here wondering when the Crash is going to come. When all the happiness is going to become too much and everything is going to collapse.
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mx-marlynnx · 3 years
Honey Lavender Bread
submitted by @materiamystica​
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½ cup Greek yoghurt ½ cup plain flour 1tsp baking powder ¼ tsp salt 1 tbsp dried lavender 1 tbsp honey 1 egg, beaten
The intent is to increase mental clarity and connection. To clear your spiritual and mental brain fog so that you can think and see more clearly again. To improve clarity of vision and connection to your heart’s desire. Lavender is employed to stimulate clarity and connection, cleansing, memory, passion, peace of mind, healing, love, passion and retention. With the honey for added sweetness and stickiness to make visions all the more sweet, and memories stick more permanently. Harvesting your own lavender can also be intended to honour Lammas, too!
1. Mix everything in a bowl and preheat the oven at 350 F. 2. Turn out onto a floured surface and knead adding more flour until it’s no longer sticky and has formed a nice stretchy bread dough. 3. Put into a floured loaf tin. 4. Brush top with egg wash. 5. Bake in the oven for 20-30 minutes until a golden crust has formed and a skewer comes out clean. 6. Slice and enjoy!
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mx-marlynnx · 3 years
Do you know any spells that use jars? As I've got loads of spair jars. Cheers
Oh, so so many my dear. I’ve made this list for you and it’s by no means the ultimate compilation of jar spells, but there’s a nice selection here that I hope provides you with some inspiration or something.
Love & Self Love:
Self Love Jar.
Self Love Charm.
Aphrodite Healing Self Love Jar.
Lavender Self Love Jar.
Torque’s Self-Love Motivation Jar.
Love Attraction Jar.
Self-Love Jar.
To Strengthen a Romantic Relationship.
Self-Care Spell Jar.
Cuddle Jar!
Happiness & Mood Improvement:
Happiness Spell Jar.
Healing & Broken Hearts:
Sew Closed Your Heart Jar Spell.
Friendship Spell Jar.
Luck & Good Fortune: 
Luck Spell Jar.
Luck and Fortune Spell Jar.
Sleep & Dreams:
Restful and Peaceful Sleep Spell Jar.
Free Me From My Nightmares.
Remember Your Dreams.
Nightmare Jar.
Pleasant Dreams Jar/Bottle.
Aphrodite Glamour Water.
Queen Grimhilde’s Glamour Jar for Intimidating Looks.
Anxiety & Depression & Mental Health:
Anxiety Salt Spell.
Anti-Anxiety Jar Spell.
Gender & Self-Empowerment Magick:
The Empress Reclaim.
Self-Empowerment Jar.
Heat of the Flame Jar Spell.
Communication Spell Jar.
Sweet Talkin’.
Focus and Study Spell Jar.
“My Passion is my Income” Spell Jar.
Workplace Witchcraft - Memory and Awareness Jar.
Knowledge Spell Jar.
There and Back Again Jar.
New Job Spell Jar.
Home and Surroundings:
Home Sweet Home Jar.
Happy Atmosphere Bag/Jar.
Simple Space Calming Spell Jar.
To Keep the Home Safe and Cozy!
Safety & Travel:
Safe From Harm Spell Jar.
Personal Safe Travels Jar.
Safe Travels Mini Spell Jar.
Banishing & Binding:
GFTO Banishment Jar.
“You cannot touch her” Curse/Binding Jar.
Sugar and Spice Prosperity Jar.
Money Jar.
Aggressive Protection Jar.
Wither and Rot Protection Bottle.
Empath Protection Jar.
Mini Protection Jar/Vial.
Dragon Protection Jar.
Tough as a Nail, Sharp as a Thorn Protection Jar.
Mama Cat’s “Evil Eye” Protection Jar.
Witchy Woman’s Protection Jar.
To Enhance Productive Energies.
“Everyday” Spell Bottle.
Will-o’s Jar Spell for Removing Energy Blocks.
Motivation Jar.
Purification Jar.
Creativity Spell Jar.
Paint Water Creativity Jar.
Malevolent Magick:
“You’ve fucked with the wrong witch” Spell Jar.
“Broken and rotting” Curse Jar.
Blood Rain Curse Jar.
“From this pain I will rise” Curse Jar.
“Over the falls” Curse Jar.
The Tower - Tarot Curse Jar.
“Shut up, you twat” Curse Jar.
Gentle Curse Jar.
Elemental Magick:
“Capture the Wind” Jar.
Planetary & Celestial Magick:
Moon Magic Jar.
Full Moon Reflection Jar.
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mx-marlynnx · 3 years
The best crystals for... Part 3 🤍
Part 1
Part 2
@lovebyluna on instagram
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mx-marlynnx · 3 years
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Happy pride y'all! Just a friendly reminder that I'm an agender human who is panromantic, poly amorous, and demisexual. Embrace who you are, y'all are so valid. And allies make sure to send some love to your lgbt peeps
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mx-marlynnx · 3 years
An update: we've been seeing a lot of each other and they asked me to be their partner 😍❤️
The other day I want to a bar for the first time since 2019
Had a first date with a lovely enby
Kissed them at the end of the night, the first time kissing someone romantically who was not a cis-het male
And now thinking about it makes me really giddy and happy
I'm most definitely Not Straight
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