mylife-myrecovery · 4 years
I’m back in a funny place - my hands are cold, my head aches and I’m scared to tell my boyfriend that I’ve only managed 2 pots of jelly and 3 raw mushrooms (I know - it sounds so dumb, but I tried to get a normal lunch, cut them up to put in something and just couldn’t continue... so I just ate the mushrooms)
I think I need therapy but I can’t afford it... I feel so fucking guilty... I don’t want to lie to him but I also don’t want to upset him...
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mylife-myrecovery · 4 years
Is there actually a difference between an eating disorder and disordered eating? Or have I just been lying to myself for years to avoid getting help?
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mylife-myrecovery · 4 years
Can’t stress enough how good it is to have good, nonjudgmental people teach you things. Especially when life feels messy at the best of times.
I love that I can sometimes catch myself in a panic and think “what would *insert person here* suggest?”, and go from there... 💕
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mylife-myrecovery · 4 years
**Black Cat Appreciation Post**
Black cats are not unlucky, ugly or evil - The only thing unlucky about a black cat is that they were born with black fur and superstitious tags...
Please, if you’re considering adopting a cat, don’t be put off by the colour of their fur - they’re all equally as lovable (and mad) as their more colourful counterparts!!
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mylife-myrecovery · 4 years
Is there anything better than fresh homemade soup made using vegetables of the season?
Pumpkin and sweet potato - starting the spooky season right! 🍁🍁
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mylife-myrecovery · 4 years
For all the lovelies that are in a rough patch right now, it does get better
I was in a horrible state today (intrusive thoughts of hurting myself etc). Sat in my car for I don’t even know how long, just sitting in how I feel.
Then out of nowhere, it was like there was a parting in the fog. That intense pain I was feeling? It just sort of dissipated...
Tonight I wanted to hurt myself. I felt out of control. But I let myself feel what I was feeling instead of running... And honestly, I’m so happy I did... Because it helped me to realise that I didn’t want to hurt, I just didn’t want to feel THAT type of hurt - but sometimes we need to hurt in order to heal, ya know?
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mylife-myrecovery · 4 years
Ways to Avoid!
*Listen to music 🎶
*Organize room 🛏️
*Take a bath 🛀
*Do school work 📙
*Write a poem 🖋
*Play video games 🎮
*Paint your nails 💅
*Do your hair 💇
*Sing karaoke 🎤
*Practice makeup styles 💄
*Look at thinspo 👯‍♀️
*Go for a walk/run 🏃
*Do yoga 🧘‍♂️
*Learn something new 👩‍🎓
*Browse Tumblr 📱
*Call/Text a friend 👭
*Go shopping 🛍️
*Watch a movie 🎦
Just keep your mind preoccupied and you can avoid eating, and remember if you don’t want an apple 🍏 your not hungry your bored.
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mylife-myrecovery · 4 years
My loving boyfriend of 6 years has recently realised that he is in fact bisexual - and I 100% believe he is valid 💖
reblog if ur bi, ur not biphobic, or ur best friend is a beautiful valid bisexual
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mylife-myrecovery · 4 years
What is wrong with me.
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mylife-myrecovery · 4 years
Not interested in making people feel bad for not reblogging, but if you see this and want to help (either by reblogging to pass the message along or by using the link), I’m sure Shaunise and her family would be grateful! 💖
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Don’t worry Bro , Black Tumblr got you and your Sister.✊🏿
Can we find her a donor please ✊🏿🙏🏿
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mylife-myrecovery · 4 years
Just found myself looking at a scratch on my arm that is slowly starting to heal. How lovely of my body to still patch me back up after I’ve been so rotten to it! Thank you body, for everything you do - I promise to try and be better to you 🌸
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mylife-myrecovery · 4 years
Reblog if it’s okay to befriend you, ask questions, ask for advice, rant, vent, let something off your chest, or just have a nice chat.
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mylife-myrecovery · 4 years
I think I might not be okay?
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mylife-myrecovery · 4 years
British - ours is in the kitchen... In fairness, most British bathrooms (that I’ve seen anyway) are typically quite small! Especially in small houses, so lots of people stick em in the kitchen instead! (Unless you have a separate room for it all...)
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mylife-myrecovery · 4 years
I’m in a mood where I just want to write - I don’t know what about, or why, but I do know when and where.
Here. Now. But what to write?
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mylife-myrecovery · 4 years
I feel angry. I feel betrayed. I feel confused. Why don’t I remember anything more than I think I do?
I have this memory that sits and floats around and I forgot about it for so long. I was a fucking child. He was an old man.
What if I made it up? What if I got it wrong? What if I am looking to pass the blame? Worse yet, what if it’s real? If it is, surely I would recall actual events?
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mylife-myrecovery · 4 years
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