February 2nd
Where do I start I live in a house right next to my mom but its a duplex so I rent the other half to myself. I live there with my boyfriend (kinda) and my sister who is 14. She totally hates my boyfriend and he hates her to so my home life literally sucks dealing with fighting everyday and trying to keep peace between everyone. My boyfriend currently lives with his dad because he is really old and needs help and can't live alone, so most nights we stay at his house it gets pretty annoying staying here but I love getting to sleep with my boyfriend every night so I suck it up. We have been together for almost a year and a Half crazy it feels like its only been like 6 or 7 months. He is my first actual boyfriend I am 20 and he is 25. In the beginning our relationship was perfect but I guess thats just how it is in the honeymoon phase lol. past couple months have been a little rocky but I figured all relationships has its downs. I love him with all of my heart but it seems as if we are just two different people, I don’t receive the love I want to recieve or the affection. When I bring it up its almost like he doesn't know what to say and doesn't even try to make up for the lack of affection that he gives me. Im starting this blog just to get everything off my chest day to day some days I feel like I need to let it all out and I have nobody to talk to.  
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