Link to the Petition: https://action.hsi.org/ea-action/action?ea.client.id=104&ea.campaign.id=66281&ea.tracking.id=dodo
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A sad sight...
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Facts About Canada’s Commercial Seal Hunt
The United States has repeatedly passed unanimous House and Senate resolutions urging Canada to end its commercial seal hunt. 
March 2005, as part of the Protect Seals campaign, The Humane Society of the United States began encouraging American grocery and restaurant chains to shift purchasing away from Canadian seafood products until Canada ends the seal hunt.
US companies have the power to help shift Canada toward responsible marine stewardship. 
Canada’s Department of Fisheries and Oceans says that it will shut down the commercial seal hunt for good if and when Canada’s fishing industry asks it to do so. To date, no Canadian seafood company has spoken out against the seal hunt. 
Nearly 70 percent of Canadians holding an opinion are opposed to the commercial seal hunt outright. Only 4 percent indicated that they would be very upset if the hunt ended. 
In 2012, an iPhone app was launched empowering consumers to help save seals in danger. The app, called Protect Seals, allows users to locate restaurants and food suppliers who support boycotting Canadian seafood products until the country ends its annual slaughter of baby seals. 
Information from The Humane Society of the United States.
For more facts visit: http://www.humanesociety.org/assets/pdfs/seals/fast-facts-canada-seals.pdf
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PETA Protest against seal hunting...
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How Can You Help?
You can help by...
Supporting and donating money to foundations
Raising money
Spreading awareness
Join a charity, fund, organization that supports this cause
Stop buying “seal-related” products
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Supporting ‘Save the Seals’
“For 40 years, The International Fund for Animal Welfare has investigated the cruelty of commercial seal hunting and campaigned to end it.”
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The war against the Canadian seal hunt is more than a protest. It is a crusade to bring harmony between the natural world and humanity. All of us who oppose it are dedicated to the protection of life and the abolition of cruelty.
Paul Watson 
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Some Statistics on Seal Hunting
In 2007, Norway claimed that 29,000 harp seals were killed, Russia claimed that 5,479 seals were killed, and Greenland claimed that 90,000 seals were killed in their respective seal hunts. 
In Canada, it is estimated that each year more than 300,000 of them are senselessly slaughtered.
In 2015, The Canadian Government gave the green light for almost half a million seals to be killed for their fur in the annual cull. A vast majority will be pups who die by a club or ice pick to the head.
Sources: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3014363/Canada-s-killing-fields-Government-gives-green-light-HALF-MILLION-seals-killed-fur-annual-cull-vast-majority-pups.html
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For some more information about Seal Hunting, check out this website!
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Most of the world’s seal hunting takes place in Canada and Greenland!
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What is Seal Hunting?
Also know as sealing, seal hunting is the personal or commercial practice of hunting and killing seals. Currently, sealing is practiced in eight different countries. Seals are often killed for their fur.
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