Not so well
So clearly this blogging daily thing ...is not my thing. :/ The KonMari has stalled a bit. Work is stressful as hell. They're forcing me back to days. Fucking bullshit it what it is. I likely have asthma. Work won't believe my misophonia without official diagnosis. While I get it...it sucks. I can't sleep and my restless legs/hands are back with a vengeance with trying to change my meds over again to days. Everything sucks. Except Mike.
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Before (kind of) , the discard versus keep (right) pile, and after. This is harder because there are a lot of books that I was given as gifts meant to push me forward in directions that I haven't been actively pursuing. I kept them because "one day" but I need to let them go off on their own and make others happy now.
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114 versus the 253 I started with. Not bad, but that right hand side is all sweaters and "coverup" (sheer/button ups to go over tanks) with a few dresses. So o clearly have an issue. #IKnewThisAlready 😂😂
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Jeans, not including ones I tossed immediately. Left to right: 1 pair of shorts discarded. 8 pairs of pants discarded 4 pairs of shorts kept. 1 pair of Capri kept. 4 pairs of jeans kept. Exactly half and half. 😂😂
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Place holder for KonMari adventure explanation
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I'm starting my KonMari journey. The blogging daily has failed. But this will not. I'll go into it more when I'm at the computer. #KalliKonMari #thenext30years #kallipiak #KonMari #MarieKondo
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Jan 4, 2017
Things I'm Thankful For
Cats being cuddly
Career & Career Planning
Have spent from 5am to about 1230 working on my agents performance reviews etc I need to deliver tonight. Super anxious. I don't know what I'm doing. >_< 
Leisure Planning
SPN, and deciding I'm trying to make my planning too techy
How today went
I've spent a majority of my day---actually the entirety---either working on putting together agent data, or trying to sleep. The former, mostly. And emphasis on trying.
I don't know what I'm doing tonight. I really don't =_=
I got my Rekonect book and refill paper today. Pretty sure they sent me more than I Kicked, but ah well!  Think I will use it to simplify my daily planning. A page for each activity, then I can arrange in the days priorities. Or week's priorities. Something.  'Cause otherwise, I'm still trying to think of a use for it. Don't want to waste it 'cause it's magnetic paper, I mean, super cool!  But don't want to use it for just a notebook kind of thing. But now that I have two, mayb---no. I have OneNote for my agents.
Uncle Art is doing better, but I think I mentioned it before.
Pretty sure I pulled a muscle in my neck / back. It hurts… 
But now I'm back to working on my agent's things. My butt hurts though. I think I've been sitting too much on my days off. It's been so cold so I haven't wanted to get up, and I've had so much work stuff to do I haven't done much else. *Sigh*
Work on it for a while, then try to sleep again. I think I was having trouble sleeping 'cause I recognized I still have a lot more work to do before tonight.
 Didn't really sleep. Tried, but not really. Woke around 9 in attempts to get things done before going in to work, but that…well didn't work.
Ended up getting to work maybe 20 minutes early, barely enough time to settle in. Discovered I can't move Team Meetings I've set, or Lunches. Had to shuffle agents around a bit.
Sat with co-TL for a while, and then ended up having Team Meeting from 1:45am - 2:15am, then did 15 minute one on one coachings back to back until 4:15am. Oi. Time has gone by quickly. Was scheduled for another 1 on 1 with my boss at 5, but she didn't show until 6am ish. So now, not sure how / when to get my second break in before 7:30am. Guess I'll see. 
Mike messaged me--had trouble getting out of bed this morning, and commented on how the Creativerse server owner invited him to his base to look around.
Not gonna lie, I'm jealous he (hubby) got Admin access, and am working to get on the owner's side and get the same. Haha.
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Jan 3, 2017
Things I'm Thankful For
Date / movie nights with hubby (La La Land)
Good food being reheatable
Hubby understanding my Miso
Career & Career Planning
Working with coworker to figure out new year plans
Leisure Planning
Again, lots of tv but also using It as background noise as I work
  How today went
I should have written this earlier. Ugh.
Mike took me to a movie last night, La La Land. It was really good. I enjoyed it--Emma Stone amuses me.
We finished watching the OA---kind of disappointed with the ending. Predicted part of it, but it felt like there should be more afterwards.
Went to bed around 945 last night, I was passing out on the couch. I hadn't slept much during the day, couple hours maybe. So much for my 6+ hours during the day. Guess it was a birthday gift. =_=
I can't remember much more >_< 
Oh, played some Creativerse, an hour or so I think?  Maybe more… but also saw that my coach did a live stream of his workout, and I thought that was a neat way to do accountability, but then self consciousness, etc kicked in. But it spurred me to re-publish my fitness page on FB. I guess I'm thankful it didn't close it down properly when I asked them to delete it? 
So hoping to get people keeping me accountable again through there…
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Jan 2, 2017
Things I'm Thankful For
Coworkers who can notice trends that I can't
Snuggles with husband
Good food
  Career & Career Planning
Trying to organize my OneNote best I can
Can't do agent data because Dec end report isn't in yet
  Leisure Planning
Watched way more tv than healthy but Supernatural and the OA are too good. Haha
   How today went
 Worked on excel things, trying to make formulas etc work. Boss has a new sheet she wants us to use, but I had to tinker with it a bit to make it work for me. Now I have to hope that she'll approve it, because it's supposed to be a sheet universal to all leaders.
 Have a headache, so I might be going to sleep earlier. I feel bad though, going to bed when my husband wakes up. I feel bad not sleeping with him on my nights off. :(  But if it is the key to sleeping during the days---it's taken me 6 months to get to this point… 
 I like feeling rested, even if it's not fully rested yet. =\
 I really hate that they haven't / won't update my name at work in gmail.  It's still sending as KB when it should be my married name, KC. Ugh. I was basically told deal with it, which pisses me off… 
 So I didn't sleep for a long time today. Maybe 3 hours, broken sleep. Woke up, and thought we were going to go grocery shopping, but turned out it was just a pharmacy and cat food run. I took us to Mongo's with the gift card my parents gave Mike and I for Christmas. I made so much food in one bowl, usually I can eat it, but not today apparently. =_=
 Ended up packing up half the bowl or more, and I'm hoping it reheats okay. =-S 
 Got home, and Mike and I watched the OA for more episodes than we meant to. Went to bed around 10pm. I'm up now at 4:30, but have been up for a few hours with broken sleep again.
 Oh, I also changed over my coach with Beachbody to Caleb, so excited about that. Lot of interaction going on in the group. I cleared some space in the basement to workout, and I ordered the Country Heat challenge pack. Shakeo will be good for me at night again, and hopefully it doesn't need as much space to move as 21DF. Hoping! 
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Jan 1, 2016
Things I'm Thankful For
Another day of sleep
Napping on Hubby's lap
Leisure Planning
 Trying to limit game time. Only played for 2 hours today. >_<
Career & Career Planning
 No clues...
I went to bed around 10am, and ended up sleeping for another 6 hours. Wow, this is a lot of sleep the last few days, during the day. I'm really surprised. I'm thinking it might be from staying up all night on my nights off…so I'll see again tonight---tomorrrow---how I sleep.
We didn't do a whole lot. I had spaghetti for supper, and did dishes. Almost died coughing on the remnants of the bath bomb smell in the washroom.
Mike was playing Tomb Raider, so I curled up on the couch and laid my head in his lap, and fell asleep. Woke up again around 11, a couple of hours later, and started working on the laptop. Some work stuff, mostly work stuff, and some home stuff.
I had big plans to be super organized, and I'm struggling to even start. Oh boy. 
Watching more Supernatural, of course. :) 
Oh yeah, the frogs wanted to croak. I kept shining the flashlight on them in an attempt to shut him up. :(
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December 31, 2016
Things I'm Thankful For
A husband who works so hard
Cats that are ridiculous and adorable
Cute little black nighties
 Leisure Planning
Didn't make any plans
 Career & Career Planning
Downloaded the Excel All in One for Dummies PDF
 How today went
I stayed up most of the night, and played way more Creativerse than I probably should have (like, 7 hours---great way to start of being an adult after your 30th birthday! haha)
My husband woke up, and he fed the cats and started laundry, and I felt guilty I hadn't fed the cats, so I'm going to make it a mission to help out around the house more.
Hubby and I went grocery shopping and to pick up crickets for reptiles. He ran in to grab them and I parked just up the street cause there wasn't parking behind the store. I wanted to get some new pants, so we ended up getting groceries at Superstore…found so many cute things to try on.
Bathing suits and flip flops are out.
 I mean really??
Whatever… lol 
I tried on the pants that I usually buy, only size they had were the small yellow tag…which I own. But they didn't fit. So I guess the pairs that I have I fit when I had lost weight, and now that I've gained the weight, I stretched them. Further conviction to needing to get back to a healthier lifestyle.
I hate the term Diet, because it puts the wrong image into people's minds, especially kids'. I'm changing how and what I eat, yes, but not in the way that diet's usually require. This is just making healthier choices in healthier portions. It's just hard 'cause I'm so picky, that finding recipes is difficult. And I'm a terrible cook.
Well, more that I don't know / like many vegetarian dishes, so I don't want to make a meat dish when my hubby can't eat it. =\ 
So I left all the cute clothes, and only bought the slim black nightie 'cause it was soft and adorable. The wireless bras sat too far back into my armpits, so they didn't fly, unfortunately.
When we got home, I headed to bed, around 230. The anticipated plan was maybe going to a friend's for New Year's Eve board gaming, and hubby was going to wake me when we heard if / when the friend would be home for us to go.
He woke me up at 10pm.
Yikes. Did not anticipate that, but felt pretty good considering I usually don't sleep very well.
Hubby told me he left me a present on my island in Creativerse, so I ended up playing more, but had to bail for working on OneNote and things to organize my home and work life when my stepson had a bath with a bath bomb.
I'm super sensitive to smells and sounds, and the smell was so floral and so overpowering I had to literally tie a scarf around my face for two hours. =_=  Hubby stayed up until about 3am playing Lora Croft new game.
Basically, that brings me to now. Haha
Trying to determine if I should write my posts the day after, in hindsight, or at the end of the day before I go to work (on typical days). Hmmm
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My Next 30 Years
My plan was to do this yesterday, but it got pretty busy.
It was my 30th birthday, and since it’s just before the new year, it just seems right to try to make a turn of things.
I’ve had an awesome life up until now, with big droughts of absolutely terrible. Just like everyone, right? :) 
I want to make a difference. Whether it’s just in my life, if it’s in a friend or family’s life, or if I can manage to make a difference in a stranger’s life---I want to make a difference. I want to be focused, I want to have a plan. I don’t want to keep living in the style that I have been. I want to enjoy my work, I want to feel productive, I want to get rid of my clutter in every way possible.
2017 is a new life for me. I’m newly married, I finished a decade, I left a career I’d been in for a decade. I’m an “adult” now. I want to focus my time, and not regret choices I’ve made. Be proud of myself.
I’m going to use this blog to stay accountable, and if any luck, have a detailed account of my next 30 years and how things have changed.
This is a little scattered, I apologize.
Dec 30, 2016
I work overnights, so it was pretty awesome to have my coworkers should out Happy Birthday at the stroke of midnight. They spoiled me. One agent bought my Timbits, one agent came in on his day off and gave me a beautiful frame that says ‘Smile’ and a card that said ‘There’s no bad time to meet Kalli*’
*name changed
I was given a card from my Management with chocolates, and hugs everywhere. It was pretty amazing. I felt grown up and strong ‘cause I’d taken time to do my hair and makeup, and was feeling pretty awesome in my outfit as well.
When the shift was over, I stayed late, because I was trying to set up my reports and meetings for the new year properly. I wouldn’t be in for 5 shifts, and there’s a lot more expected of me this year, which has me a little panicked, but that’s alright. I can manage. *crosses fingers*
I got home and ended up sleeping until 5pm. My husband made me one of his handmade cards, which I love to pieces. We got ready to go and went to After Dark, a board game cafe, and ended up meeting up with Carlos, Ofelia, Louis and Denis with J for games. We had food (which ended up not that great) and played games from 7 - 11pm. Tried many new ones, which I’m looking to pick up at some point. Water Tsuro, Tempurra, Make ‘n Break, and Lanterns. We looked at Nuns on the Run, but it was complicated to figure out on the fly. Played regular Tsuro. I’m sure I’m missing some!
It was amazing to have people come out who I hadn’t seen in a while, or hadn’t had a chance to spend time with outside of work. One of my goals is to spend more time with friends and playing games.
I ended up trying to stay up, but passed out on the couch for a couple of hours, but now I’m playing Creativerse in the Server my hubby is in, and working on setting up my routines.
What’s your 2017 look like? What plans do you have?
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