rubyzd · 7 days
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jupiter-moonchild · 1 year
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I feel this all the way down to my pikachu socks 🥺
When I was a little kid, I remember my mum saying to someone that I was shy.
I wasn't shy, I was fucking terrified of everyone, everything and everywhere that wasn't my house.
We didn't have a phone in the house for many years and when I was 13 my dad got a landline installed.
All was fine for a while, I didn't use the phone as I only had one singular friend and she lived just 12 houses away from me. She didn't have a landline phone either. I would just run down the road to her house, knock on the door and ask her mum if Helen was in. So I had no need to use the phone.
Then the calls started. At first it only affected mum. Someone would ring the house phone and just say nothing. She could hear them shuffling their feet in the booth of a payphone.
This was back when anyone could find your number in the phone book. If they knew your name they could get your number and address.
I picked up the phone when it was ringing one time. The man on the phone was breathing hard and said the most vile things. I slammed the phone down and ran to my dad. He typed the 1471 code into the phone, rang the number and after a few rings a lady answered the phone. She told us it was a payphone. The payphone that was situated just around the corner from our house.
This freaked us out. This was the 80s, we didn't have cctv.
Dad changed our number and asked to be X directory. This meant they couldn't get our number from a book anymore.
The trouble stopped, I'm guessing he picked another number from the book and hassled someone else.
Years later, I'm grown up living in my own house, my best friend lives in the same house with me, and we start getting weirdo phone calls. It went on for months.
When we moved I decided to not get a phone at the new place. I went for 7 years with no phone. It was awesome.
Fast forward to the 90s and I still had no land line but my dad wanted to be able to contact me. The rest of the family had mobile phones, my best friend had a landline, I was still refusing to have a phone because of my fears.
He got me a pager. 🙄 Against my will I had to carry it around so my dad could page me. I would then have to walk to a payphone to ring him. We had a good system, I would ring the house phone and drop the call and he would ring straight back so I didn't have to pay.
Then my brother got a mobile phone and convinced me to get the exact same phone because normally a text cost 12 pence but between these phones it was 5 pence.
This was also back when one network couldn't ring another network so we all got BT phones, which later became O2.
Over the years I've realised that I really don't like talking to strangers on the phone. I even feel anxious trying to make appointments for the Dr.
The worst ones are when I psyche myself up to make an important call only to be met with the automated system. "If you want blah please press 1"
I have maybe 10 minutes of what I call "bravery battery" to use and they waste half of it with their circle pit of despair. When someone finally picks up the call it's like a jump scare and I immediately want to throw up.
Incoming calls are even worse. My heart rate skyrockets as soon as the land line starts ringing. Most times it's Helen, but on the times it isn't my stomach drops and my brain freezes.
I don't think my relationship with phones will ever improve now. I'm fine with texts, emails, msgs through the apps, as they give me time to process the information before requiring action but phone calls are not my favourite thing.
So yeah, Mr Frodo. I feel ya.
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franki3w · 3 months
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#PadaSpiration #5 #JaredPadalecki Always Keeps Fighting.
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violet624 · 2 years
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Never Give Up Bookiversary 💜
It's been One Year since my story was released into the world and what a year its been!
It's been a year of truly healing, the feeling of the world being lifted off my shoulders and the feeling that I can finally breathe again.
Thank you for those who have read of story, shared their own journey's with me and for all the love and support I have gotten.
It was scary to have shared this, so many what ifs... What if my abusers come after me or my loved ones? What if no one believes me? What if my abusers were right and I was crazy?
Finally I can put there's what ifs to rest as I know I have a great support system and people who believe me and I know I am not crazy.
I'm no longer afraid, I am strong, I am Beautiful and this is my truth
Much love as always,
Jess 💜
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deanwinchestersgirl87 · 7 months
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Got my shirt and hoodie today so excited to wear them 🤗 😍
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spn-asm · 1 year
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Of course my first post has to be my favorite comfort character, Dean effing Winchester.
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I have Stiff Person Syndrome
What does that mean?
I am not a doctor and therefore cannot give medical advice.
I put this together and I hope it’s informative. I could not fit all relevant information in these slides so if there are any questions let me know. My DMs are always open!!
Sources used are:
Image Description:
The first slide has a pale pink background with the title in black and a other text in an orange shade.
All other slides have a white background. A pale pink bubble contains another white one which has the title typed in an orange shade and the words typed in a black font. All slides have the Instagram handle @chronicallyme.katie on the top.
SLIDE 1: What is Stiff Person Syndrome?
imagine a full body charley horse that stops you in your tracks*
SLIDE 2: What?
SPS is a progressive disease that affects the nervous system, it presents as a neurological disease with autoimmune features
SLIDE 3: Who?
SPS affects at least 1 - 2 people in every million and is more common in women than men
SLIDE 4: Why?
the cause is not certain.
It has something to do with a disruption in the central nervous system
SLIDE 5: Diagnosis
on average, it takes 5 - 7 years to get an SPS diagnosis
elevated levels of GAD antibodies will show up in 70 - 80% of people with SPS
SLIDE 6: Symptoms
extreme muscle stiffness, rigidity and painful spasms in the trunk and limbs, severely impairing mobility. Spasms can generate enough force to fracture bone
SLIDE 7: Symptoms
heightened sensitivity to noise, sudden movements, touch and emotional distress, which can set off muscle spasms
SLIDE 8: Treatment
there is no cure for SPS
treatment focuses on relief from difficult symptoms, usually muscle spasms and pain.
SLIDE 9: Treatment
intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg) treatment is effective in reducing stiffness, sensitivity to noise, touch, and stress and for improving gait and balance for people with SPS
IVIg contains immunoglobulins (natural antibodies produced by the immune system) derived from thousands of healthy donors
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Sigo traumada, atrapada, acalorada por tener en mis manos esa pequeña botella que me deja tranquila. La abstinencia me tiene abatida... como cuando una mujer por fin acaba y se quita de encima, piernas temblando, sientes que te estas sofocando, algo asi es necesitar con urgencia ese farmaco.
Golpean al lobo hasta que muerde y luego dicen que él es el malo. Asi es mucha gente. Como ese llamado y mensaje que decia "solo queria escuchar tu voz".. debo dejarlo pasar o sentir pavor?..
Hipocritas apuntando a quien se defendio, llamandolo demente, aprovechando su pasado en este presente.
Lo siento si creias que iba a perder la paciencia, tengo claro lo que soy en mi conciencia, no escondo lo que he sido, he sido una perra, he querido partirle la cara a much@s con una sierra, tambien me han maltratado, he sido victima y verdugo, he sido yo quien a herido, con indiferencia, con engaños, pero que los digo de frente, mirando a los ojos, que las cosas son de 2, no las vas contando cambiando la historia para tu beneficio.
Se que saco facilmente de quicio, pero tienen de mi un muy falso juicio... te invito a razonar por ti mismo, si lo logras, te dare un premio, un gran beneficio.
He sobrevivido más de diez años a hipocritas y falsas musas, que fueron tan falsas que solo cuentan que las usas.
Use mi ingenio para salir año a año de tanto engaño, de salir de una adicción que me hundio, mi cerebro y cuerpo fundio.
Me costo tiempo, pastillas, botellas de alcohol, perdida de personas y golpes a más no poder, para entender que todo lo que dijeron no era cierto, que plasmaban sus miedos y su obsesion de venganza en mi, por eso mordí y tambien por error mordí a quien no se lo merecía por culpa de los golpes de put@s desleales, donde quedaron sus ideales?.
Mis dientes estan listos para la siguiente mordida, nisiquiera te imaginaras la siguiente movida.
Tuve que escuchar a los demas para mi ira calmar, tuve que quedar en los huesos para querer parar y engordar, tuve que follar con quien no amaba para un poco olvidar, sanar y mi autoestima salvar.
He sido victima y verdugo, jamas negare mi lado oscuro, ese que daño a otros.
Aun tengo tanto que sacar, pero debo callar, las ratas de su alcantarilla miran y lo que digo o hago su sensibilidad arruina y me culpan de todo lo malo que les pueda pasar, pero es como una bomba desarrollandose, como una mina en una ciudad llena de gente, la pisan y explotara, todos señalaran, pero nadie preguntara porque explotó, quien la creo, quien la daño hasta tal punto, todos ven el final, no como comenzo, quien la semilla planto.
Esta historia sigue, pero insomnio me llama para pelear la guerra de esta noche, se ha unido con ansiedad, sera una noche de reproches.
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sadiqssolitude · 9 hours
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#JaredPadalecki #SamWinchester #Supernatural #DeanForester #GilmoreGirls #HouseofWax #Fridaythe13th #AlwaysKeepFighting #WalkerTexasRanger #CordellWalker #FireCountry #GenevieveCortese #actor #portrait #pencildrawing
Full vid: https://youtu.be/9e3BZue4PAw Shorts: https://youtu.be/UX7R4ibdmX0
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seriesmagicx · 26 days
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Supernatural Staffel 15: Ein würdiger Abschied
Die Reise von „Supernatural“ ist in Staffel 15 zu einem Ende gekommen, und es fühlt sich an wie das Ende einer Ära. Über 15 Jahre hinweg haben Sam und Dean Winchester gegen Dämonen, Engel und alles dazwischen gekämpft. Doch in dieser finalen Staffel steht mehr auf dem Spiel als je zuvor – es ist nicht nur ein Kampf gegen das Übernatürliche, sondern auch ein innerer Kampf um das, was es bedeutet, ein Winchester zu sein.
Ohne zu viel zu verraten, kann ich sagen, dass Staffel 15 die Essenz dessen einfängt, was „Supernatural“ so besonders macht. Es gibt dramatische Wendungen, emotionale Rückblicke und das Gefühl, dass jede Entscheidung, die die Brüder treffen, von enormer Bedeutung ist. Die Serie bleibt ihren Wurzeln treu, bietet aber auch eine Reflexion über die vielen Jahre, die wir mit Sam und Dean verbracht haben.
Ein besonderes Highlight dieser Staffel ist, wie sie es schafft, sowohl langjährige Fans als auch Neueinsteiger zu begeistern. Die Charaktere sind vertraut, aber nicht statisch – sie entwickeln sich weiter und müssen sich Herausforderungen stellen, die ihre tiefsten Überzeugungen auf die Probe stellen.
Die finale Staffel ist auch ein visuelles und musikalisches Erlebnis. Die düstere, aber zugleich hoffnungsvolle Atmosphäre wird durch eine sorgfältig ausgewählte Musikkulisse verstärkt, die die emotionalen Höhepunkte perfekt untermalt. Die visuellen Effekte sind so eindrucksvoll wie immer und bringen die übernatürlichen Elemente der Serie auf eine neue Ebene.
Für die treuen Fans bietet Staffel 15 zahlreiche Momente, die an die gesamte Reise erinnern, und lässt uns alle noch einmal erleben, warum wir diese Serie so sehr lieben. Es ist ein emotionaler Abschied, aber auch ein Abschluss, der der Serie gerecht wird.
Wenn du noch nicht in die letzte Staffel eingetaucht bist, jetzt ist der perfekte Zeitpunkt dafür. Die Geschichte der Winchester-Brüder ist eine, die in Erinnerung bleiben wird – und diese finale Staffel ist das perfekte Finale für eine epische Serie.
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Supernatural - Staffel 15
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dust-inmy-blood · 9 months
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rubyzd · 27 days
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franki3w · 3 months
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violet624 · 2 years
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michaelcautillo · 2 years
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⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ #alwayskeepfighting #basketball #f16fightingfalcon #fightingcock #fightingfit #fightingforfreedom #fightingforyou #fightinggamecommunity #fightingvideos #fighton #gogiants #keepfighting #keepfightingmichael #losangeles #megaplane #mentalhealthmatters #mindset #rehab #runningback #schoolfights #siamesefightingfish #sportsworld #streetfighting #swordfighting #trojanfootball #trojans #usc #uscfootball #usctrojans #wfla (at Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck2NvHqOQ5f/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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superlc529 · 3 months
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Had the distinct pleasure of meeting @mishacollins at a Biden-Harris rally in Michigan on June 24, 2024 advocating for Women's Rights. It was absolutely incredible to meet you, Misha. I have always and always will #VoteBlue! Beyond grateful to have had the chance to meet you, Misha. It was a life goal realized. 🙏 We will "always keep fighting" in more ways than one. 🥺💙 Can't wait for Supernatural Creation Novi next year for my mom and sister to get to meet you too. 💙 #MishaCollins #SPNFamilyForever #SPNFamily #AlwaysKeepFighting [My tweet] [My IG post]
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