nadialeiden · 4 years
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this graphic available as an iPhone wallpaper on Etsy
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nadialeiden · 4 years
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2 Corinthians 5:7
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nadialeiden · 4 years
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Perfect house for lockdown period, don’t you agree? Despite all the opinions about what’s the best behaviour to contain the spread of Corona Virus I would like to know your situation, please comment with your country/state and how things are going… let’s help each other ❤️ By @jordhammond . Use #lifeofadventure or #LF10K if you have less than 10K followers! . Chosen by @fabiooliveira Part of the family @portraitfolk (at Slovenia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-DeU8yp222/?igshid=e1ulz6cswmmn
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nadialeiden · 4 years
Pengumuman sebentar lagi!
  Hai temen-temen sebentar lagi kita bakal ada pengumuman SNMPTN, TS, dan PPKB (atau mungkin ada yang lainnya) dalam waktu dekat yaitu tanggal 8 April 2019. Berasa banget kan deg-degannya, belum lagi sekarang kita lagi ngadepin wabah Corona :(
  Buat temen-temen semua positive thinking aja, jangan putus-putusnya berdoa sesuai agama masing-masing! Semoga semuanya dimudahin, dilancarin, dan mendapatkan yang terbaik! 
  Yakin bahwa apa yang bakalan kalian terima adalah yang terbaik, siapin hati kalian, dan jangan takut. Dan buat yang tidak mendapatkan kesempatan ikut SNMPTN jangan pernah berkecil hati, itu bukan berarti kalian kurang kompeten dibanding yang dapat kursi jalur SNMPTN, tapi ada rancangan yang lebih baik menanti kalian! 
  Semangat belajarnya untuk UTBK dan jangan pernah   nyerah :) Hal-hal yang baik pasti menanti kalian di depan.
  Jangan pernah berhenti AMBIS ya. Have faith!
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nadialeiden · 4 years
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The garden bunny mug glazed and ready for her forever home
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nadialeiden · 4 years
Take care everyone. You are loved!
 If you have anything to say/ask, reach me <3
An important message for all my friends around the world.
Do not take COVID-19 lightly. This is what we have done in Italy.
It is not a seasonal flu. In Italy, on average, 460 people die each year from seasonal flu. COVID-19 has killed more than 600 people ,just in Italy, in the past 72h. Today the total count of the deceased passed the 1200 units.
It is not true that it affects only weak and elderly people, 30-40-50 years old people are dying too. Patient 1 was 39 years old and was totally healthy.
We have no more places in the hospitals. We no longer have the medical material to enable treatments and allow doctors to work safely. All healthcare workers have been working no stop since 2 weeks.
Don't panic but don't take it LIGHTLY.
Stay home. Put pressure on your government to close everything: bars, restaurants, clubs, shops, BORDERS and STAY HOME.
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nadialeiden · 4 years
✨💆🏾Fun & Positive things to do during ‘Rona Quarantine💆🏾✨
Happy April everyone! I know right now it’s hard to find the happiness in the midst of a pandemic but I hope along with the dozens of safety tips you’ve all heard a million times by now, I can share a some positivity with you guys.
I know majority of people are bored at home, and I totally understand because - so am I lol. I live in New York City, and it’s been a weird pill to swallow seeing the city that never sleeps on a 2 week long nap, with no signs of waking up. However, I’ve been making the best of my “staycation” (positive spin on “quarantine”) by doing some of the following activities that I’m going to share with you in this post.
Here’s some of fun things to do to keep your spirits up and keep you busy while the infamous “Rona” has us tucked away:
💛 Take A Meditative Walk.
Yes, take a walk. Of course, follow all social distancing rules - wear a mask and walk with gloves if you’d like. Staying inside all day is just going to make you stir-crazy so if the weather is good, and you feel comfortable going out - please do; Even if just for 20mins to get some air, clear your mind and see something other than the view outside your window.  I’ve been taking walks with my crystals, if you’re into that, for extra healing. AND TRUST ME, IT HELPS SO MUCH.
💛 Practice Tai Chi.
So this one is new for me, but so far it’s been such a big help with keeping me calm, cool, and collected. As well, as keeping me fit. It’s a really great exercise that incorporates your body, mind and spirit. There’s tons of videos on YouTube that are super easy to follow, you don’t need any equipment and you can do it right in your living room. 
💛 Learn a new language.
I know a lot of people are currently taking online classes for school already so studying might not seem like the most fun thing to do right now. However, there’s other ways to pick up a new language without having to sit at a desk all day such as through shows and music. It’s fun and beneficial especially if you’re like me, and can’t wait to visit some new places after this ordeal passes. P.S. I’m personally studying Korean on my own, so if anyone wants to be my study buddy, lmk ;)
💛 Explore new music genre/artist.
Who doesn’t love music, right? Good news, THERE’S SO MUCH MUSIC OUT THERE. I’ve listened to so many playlists these last couple weeks while reading, playing video games, and on my walks. I’ve even listened to the radio a lot. It’s been really good to hear something other than news updates fill my ears. In short, music is therapeutic. Go listen to something good.
💛 Watch FUNNY shows/movies.
This is prime binge-watching time. However, be mindful of what you tune into. I love a good drama but let’s face it, there’s ENOUGH DRAMA IN THE WORLD RIGHT NOW. I’ve personally been limiting how much heavy topic shows I watch, including the news. It’s been better for my mind and emotions to watch light hearted shows that make me laugh and take my mind off of how crazy things are right now. I suggest lots and lots of cartoons.
💛 Karaoke with the fam.
I can’t sing well, however that does not stop from me singing anyway. I’m sure my neighbor is tired of hearing me play “Blue Ain’t Your Color” by Keith Urban but I have too much fun singing along to care what anyone thinks. YouTube is my best friend right now. In addition to all the vlogs, shows, music videos - there’s also a WIDEEE selection of karaoke songs. I recommend having a karaoke party in your living room. You’ll have a lot of fun and be surprised how fast time flies when you’re singing off key lol.
💛 Pray and Worship.
Lastly, I recommend praying and worshipping to whomever is your spiritual guide. We all have different religions, beliefs, and spiritualities - all which I respect and welcome here on this blog. I personally find a lot of peace and joy when I pray to God. And peace and joy is two things I feel we all could use right now. It may not be everyone’s idea of fun, however, the benefits to your heart and mind during these difficult times makes it totally worth it.
Thank you for reading and I hope that you all give a few, or even all seven, a try! And that it helps brighten your day in the midst of this storm!
Stay safe, optimistic and blessed! <3
Much Love, 
Crystal, @maverickmariposa
IG: Maverickmariposa  // Shopmaverickmariposa
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nadialeiden · 4 years
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We must stay home for our health and safety.
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nadialeiden · 4 years
A little positive message for everyone during this hard time
Hello everyone all around the world, I hope you guys are okay!
First, I want to express my deepest gratitude for everyone (especially the medics) all around the world who have sacrificed their life to treat Covid-positive patients, you are never forgotten :( Rest in peace, my deepest condolences for the family they had left . 
For everyone, government, volunteers, medics ets who has worked hard for this pandemic, I wish you all the best, keep doing the good things, stay safe and our prayers be with you! <3
Now, for us common people (indo: kaum rebahan), regardless of your ethnicity, country and religion let’s unite!  Please just stay home to help reduce viral transmission. We can do this! 
All we have to do is to keep everything clean, wash your hand, physical distancing, spread positive messages, spread awareness and if possible donate! Don’t forget to be aware of fearmongering false information,please be smart and believe only if it’s from a legitimate source <3
I hope all of you are safe, and healthy, God bless all of you!
Coronavirus is not a joke. 
Love from Indonesia for everyone, no matter who you are, and where you are xoxo.
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nadialeiden · 4 years
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Thank You
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nadialeiden · 4 years
I truly want to travel right now and meet new people from around the world! Sadly, things went worse because of Covid-19 outbreak. Guys, let’s spread positive things, and believe that we’re going to get through all of this together.
Let’s prioritize solidarity and put aside all of our egos; let’s beat this virus together. Regardless of your race, ethnicity, religion, culture etc. as long as you do positive things for Covid-19, I wish you the best things, and God bless you!
May this pandemic end soon! Love to you guys, and stay home to support our government + medics!
+If you are not capable of donating, or if you don’t have financial independence, all you have to do is stay home, spread positive vibes, and take care of yourself!
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Netherlands (by Servierduese)
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nadialeiden · 8 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nAuv1R34BHA)
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nadialeiden · 9 years
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this is so sad. and appalling.
support #FreeKesha by reblogging!! 
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nadialeiden · 9 years
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Finn Harries in New York, photographed by Emma Bates (2015)
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nadialeiden · 9 years
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This is my own edits using Photoshop CS3 i’m sorry if it isn’t very good, because truthfully, i’m still an amateur, i still need to learn in order to gain more knowledge  to be better. Btw, there’s one photo left, i cannot upload it here, because the file size was too big, you can check it here : https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1076632455721022&set=a.310844072299868.88953.100001228332033&type=3&theater. Thanks for your attention.
*NOTE* I got the original photos from google, and then i edited it myself by  using photoshop  cs3. So , it’s clear that the original photos aren’t mine.
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nadialeiden · 9 years
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Edited with Adobe Photoshop 7.0
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nadialeiden · 9 years
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