naegiriweek · 6 months
Here's Day Seven of @naegiriweek 2023, taking place after "Hope's Peak Academy Reopens!"
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naegiriweek · 6 months
Here's Day Six of @naegiriweek 2023, taking place during "Kiki's Investigation!"
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naegiriweek · 6 months
Here's Day Five of @naegiriweek 2023, taking place after "Tying the Knot!"
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naegiriweek · 6 months
Okay, after a much needed hiatus, Day Four of @naegiriweek 2023 is now up!
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naegiriweek · 6 months
Day 7: Height
Kyoko enjoys a walk outside, stumbling upon Makoto as he traverses another unfortunate situation.
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naegiriweek · 6 months
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Day 7 - Height
(he's standing on his tip toes to reach her btw)
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naegiriweek · 6 months
Naegiri week 2023 Day 7: Height
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Naegi finally got his growth spurt, he's finally taller then Kirigiri. don't worry about the box, its just there.
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naegiriweek · 6 months
Here's Day Three of Naegiri Week, taking place between THH and Goodbye Despair. Likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated.
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naegiriweek · 6 months
Okay, after a much needed hiatus, Day Four of @naegiriweek 2023 is now up!
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naegiriweek · 6 months
I wanted to add in a few comments on my end regarding Naegiri Week.
I want to thank Eon for doing a lot of the legwork when I wasn't able to. For those unaware, I absent-mindedly scheduled an important exam the Friday of Naegiri Week, and I spent most the week cram studying, as well as getting adjusted to my new job. Be sure to reply to this and thank Eon, okay?
Second, I am in the process of looking at everyone's works, written or drawn! I'm happy that we had some regular participants, new participants, and even returning participants! You guys have been great, and I'm super excited to look at everything!
Thanks again for a great Naegiri Week, and don't forget to thank Eon!
Wrapping up 2023🍥🌱
Our week this year has been so fun!! We've seen a couple new participants joining us this year! The works you all put out have been such a delight to see. Plenty of adorable, and sometimes painful, fanfics that had me wishing for more, and so much gorgeous art that really made me awestruck with the thoughts behind them. So many of you went above and beyond, and it shows💖
Naegiri week would of course be nothing without the support from you all. Even if you don't participate, just reblogging submissions and sharing your thoughts means a lot for everyone, and it's so awesome how we can come together and bring hope like that💖 Excuse the corny pun
Just a couple reminders before you go, while the week is over, submissions are still accepted all through December. We know that exams and holiday season can make time schedules hectic, but we are always happy to see your creations! We will be browsing the tag less often than during the event, but feel free to tag us to ensure we see your post and we can properly share it.
And as for tagging, if we happened to miss your submission so far, please let us know in an ask or by tagging us in a reblog. We get lots of notifications and sometimes things get lost in the fray, so don't be afraid to reach out!
Again, you are all so lovely and it's a pleasure to host Naegiri Week for you all. We hope you enjoy your holidays and we are excited to see you again next year!🍥🌱
-Mod Eon
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naegiriweek · 6 months
Wrapping up 2023🍥🌱
Our week this year has been so fun!! We've seen a couple new participants joining us this year! The works you all put out have been such a delight to see. Plenty of adorable, and sometimes painful, fanfics that had me wishing for more, and so much gorgeous art that really made me awestruck with the thoughts behind them. So many of you went above and beyond, and it shows💖
Naegiri week would of course be nothing without the support from you all. Even if you don't participate, just reblogging submissions and sharing your thoughts means a lot for everyone, and it's so awesome how we can come together and bring hope like that💖 Excuse the corny pun
Just a couple reminders before you go, while the week is over, submissions are still accepted all through December. We know that exams and holiday season can make time schedules hectic, but we are always happy to see your creations! We will be browsing the tag less often than during the event, but feel free to tag us to ensure we see your post and we can properly share it.
And as for tagging, if we happened to miss your submission so far, please let us know in an ask or by tagging us in a reblog. We get lots of notifications and sometimes things get lost in the fray, so don't be afraid to reach out!
Again, you are all so lovely and it's a pleasure to host Naegiri Week for you all. We hope you enjoy your holidays and we are excited to see you again next year!🍥🌱
-Mod Eon
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naegiriweek · 6 months
Thanks for doing this every year
is appreciated
Thank YOU Anon, and everyone else here, for sharing your interest and support for us every year! It makes me so happy seeing people come together at the end of the year to share our mutual love of these two silly characters through such incredible pieces💖 I hope you had a fantastic week, anon, and hope to see you around next year too!
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naegiriweek · 6 months
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Naeegiri week day 6: Uncover
yes, this is one of my favorite naegiri moments, Naegi distracting monokuma while Kirigiri uncovers through the other floor, they made such a great team.
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naegiriweek · 6 months
Day 5: Traveling
i promise to do day 6 soon. here's naegiri having a travel in france
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naegiriweek · 6 months
Naegiri Week 2023
Day 7: Height
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They're up high on a ferris wheel. The tension of being so close finally gets to them. Will they completely close the distance?
Yes. Yes they will.
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naegiriweek · 6 months
✨DAY 7✨
A fun, straightforward prompt to close things off this year. How would they respond to it? We've reached the height of our event, and we hope you've enjoyed your week with us!💖
If you seek some ideas, Mod Rubix has posted some helpful thoughts here!
Please tag your work with #Naegiri2023, or tag our account so we can find your submissions!❤
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naegiriweek · 6 months
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A small contribution to naegiri week! Day 7 - height :)
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