nakedandrawroger · 4 years
Guys! I’m thinking of writing a long Roger fic. Who would read it? It’s going to be really good and juicy ;)
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nakedandrawroger · 5 years
I’m All Yours (Roger Taylor x Reader)
Summary: You and Roger are childhood friends living together. While planning your vacation, Roger decides to express his true feelings.
Word Count: 1,274
Warnings: fluff, light smut
Author’s note: I was thinking about Area 51 while writing this because I’m going there soon so haha oops. Also I hope you enjoy the light smut because I usually write none or A LOT (go hard or go home am i right?) 
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You step out of the shower, your hair damp and darker from the wetness. You grab a towel from the nearby rack and wrap it around your body. You start humming a song that you and Roger have always loved, you forget what it’s called.
You and Roger have been childhood friends ever since you were ten years old. You used to be next door neighbors growing up and would always play through the fence or sometimes play in the front yard. You were never aloud to go over to each other’s houses though. That was a strict rule from your mother and Roger’s mother. But as the years went on, that rule soon was sneaked around. But now, at the age of 23, you and Roger were living together as friends. Of course, you’ve always had your secret thoughts about Roger in the back of your mind.
Knock knock knock
Your thoughts were broken by the sound of knocking at the bathroom door.
“Y/N, are you out of the shower?” It was Roger at the door.
“Yes, you can come in.” You yell to Roger outside of the door. The door opens and Roger sneaks in with a smile on his face.
“So I wanted to ask you about our vacation next month. So what’s the itinerary again?” Roger asks. You and Roger were traveling to The United States next month to visit the one of your favorite alien tourist spots. UFOS and aliens were always a passion of yours and you are so thankful that Roger actually is willing to go with you.
Roger watched Y/N as her face lit up when talking about the vacation. It wasn’t just the fact that you were so beautiful, it was the way that you talked about your favorite things that made Roger fall in love with you. Ever since you were little kids.
“So we’re gonna have to drive like two and a half hours from Las Vegas but it’s okay because we’ll have great music in the car and lots of food to eat.” You discuss the vacation while applying a face scrub to your face. “Then when we get to Crystal Springs we will have to take pictures next to the signs and then go into the Merchandise Shop.” You continue. Of course, Roger has heard this itinerary many times. The only reason he asked again was to see how excited you got.
As you go on about the long drive, Roger notices the things about you that you try to hide. He notices the stretch marks on your upper thighs and the multiple bruisings from you being clumsy and falling up the stairs. It’s these little things about you that Roger loves the most.
“So basically there’s two gates to the base which take like twenty minutes to get to and then there’s a cafe where we can eat, which is so cute! I can’t wait for you to see it.” you continue about the trip as you wash your face off in the sink. Roger can’t help but smile.
“You’ve always wanted to go here didn’t you? Ever since we were kids?” Roger asks you. You turn around to Roger, drying your face off on small towel.
“Yeah I’ve been studying it for years. Remember?” You start.
It was the summer of 1963 when the both of you were 13 years old. Your mom was out of town, so you snuck Roger into your house for the first time.
“Wow, I’ve never seen the inside of your home before this so cool.” Roger says looking around your living room. You grab his hand and drag him to through the hallway.
“Come see my room!” You say as you pull him along. You get to your room which has space decor everywhere. Glow in the dark stars on the ceiling, globes and planets on the desk and your bedcovers which had aliens on them.
“Wow, you weren’t lying about the space theme. I love it!” Roger says scoping out your room.
“Thank you! One day I’m going to be an astronaut and I’ll take you to space with me.” You tell Roger. “And one day we will visit my favorite Alien conspiracy spot!”
“But Y/N, isn’t that in America? We won’t have the money for that.” Roger says back.
“Don’t worry Roger we’ll figure it out one day.” you say making eye contact with Roger and grabbing ahold of his hand in comfort.
End of Flashback
Ever since that day, Roger has been eagar to make enough money to take you there. With the band being so successful, Roger finally made your wish come true.
“Hey Rog, why doesn’t Brian come along on the trip? Isn’t he into space and stuff?” You ask Roger while brushing your teeth. The truth is that Roger only wants you and himself on the trip because that’s where he is going to profess his love for you.
“Um, Brians not really into alien stuff he’s more into stars and astronomy.” Roger makes an excuse. As a teenager, Roger thought it was just lust for you. He then realized that he wanted to make you happy and be with you. He just didn’t know if you felt the same.
Just seeing you brush your teeth made Roger feel happy. This love confession couldn’t wait until the vacation, it needed to happen now. 
You finish brushing your teeth and walk into your room with the towel still around yourself. You try to shut the door to change, but Roger runs up stopping it.
“Roger what are you doing?” You ask, unable to close the door.
“Y/N, I need to tell you something.” Roger says with admiration beaming from his eyes. 
“And It can’t wait until I get dressed?” You ask, unaware of Roger’s lovestruck looks toward you. Roger pushes the door fully open and walks into your room.
“No, I must tell you now. Y/N... I am in love with you. I have been ever since we were kids. I know this sounds so stupid and I hope this doesn’t ruin our vacation if you don’t feel the same way about me. It’s just that I needed to tell you now because-” Roger goes on and on, tripping over his words like a school boy with a crush. You don’t care though. You have secretly been waiting for Roger to say those words because you felt the exact same. You let him ramble on for a few more seconds. 
“Roger, stop.” You say, stopping his flow of words. “Kiss me.” you whisper to Roger even though you are the only ones in the room. Roger doesn’t hesitate, he just smiles before touching his lips with yours softly. He doesn’t want to go too rough but you decide the opposite. You drag your hand to the buttons on Roger’s pants and push him lightly on the bed.
“So does this mean you love me too?” Roger asks looking at you in the eyes while licking his lips.
“Yes Roger, I love you.” you say. Immediately after those words leave your mouth, Roger smiles and kisses you again while caressing the curves of your body over the towel you’re wearing. The towel seems to be an inconvenience, so you remove it, showing Roger your whole self. Roger eyes you up and down.
“You’re beautiful Y/N, I’ve always wanted to tell me that.” Roger says. “I’m so glad you’re all mine.” You start to unzip Roger’s jeans, slowly. As you tease him, you lean down by Roger’s ear and whisper
“Im all yours.”
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nakedandrawroger · 5 years
Your Song (Roger Taylor x Female Reader)
Summary: Roger knows you’re a good singer, but he has never heard you sing before. What will happen once Roger hear’s your angelic voice for the first time?
Word Count: 1,159
Warnings: none, Just 1,159 words of fluff :)
Author’s note: This story was so cute and fun to write. Your Song by Elton John is such a cute song and I love it so much.
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“I’ll be back in a few hours babe.” I kiss Y/N on the forehead and grab my jacket. 
“What are you guys doing anyway. It’s not like you have rehearsal today.” Y/N says as she tries to pull me back down to stay.
“We have to discuss who we’re going to have sing the duet song with Freddie.” I say. Freddie wrote an amazing song recently and he wants someone to sing it with him. This will be the first Queen song to feature a duet. 
“I don’t understand why you or Brian can’t sing with him.” Y/N whines. She walks over to the fridge and pours some water in a glass. Y/N has always looked so cute doing normal things like drinking water. Everything about her is beautiful... if only I could hear everything beautiful she can do.
“I told you, Freddie wants a female singer. And you know who our first pick is.” I say indirectly to Y/N. Y/N rolls her eyes and puts her glass in the sink. 
“No Roger I told you, I can’t sing well.” Y/N argues. 
“I’m sure that’s not true. Brian says you’re good, John says he’s never heard anything more beautiful.” I argue back. All of Y/N’s friends and my friends have heard her sing. Everyone except me. I should be the one to hear her angelic voice out of everyone, I’m her boyfriend.
“They’re just saying that to be nice. Now go talk to the band about anyone else that could sing on the record. Anyone else except me.” Y/N says. I grad my bags and head out the door. 
Roger closes the door and you see him leave in his car. I wish I had the confidence to sing in front of Roger, but the truth is that I am no good. Everyone does tell me I sing well but I just don’t agree. I hate to make Roger sad and make him feel like I don't want to sing in front of him. I do, but singing is far too intimate to me. They say your voice is the most vulnerable instrument because it’s just you. It’s not like a guitar that you could tune to sound a certain way, it’s not like the drums which you could learn how to hit just right. The voice is only you and lets out words that other instruments cannot.
I decide to hop into the shower before Roger get’s back. I start the shower and check the temperature. Before I get in, I put on my Elton John record and let it spin. I always like to have music playing when I take a shower. 
The water is hot enough, so i get in. I grab the shampoo and apply it to my hair when Your Song comes on the record. This is a really meaningful song to me because it makes me think of Roger. I wish I could write a song this beautiful about him one day but I know i’m too embarrassed to sing in front of him. I start to sing along with Elton. 
I know it’s not much but it’s the best I can do
My gift is my song and this one’s for you
I realize while singing this song how much I really do love Roger. We’ve been dating for a couple years and he deserves to hear me sing. 
I park my car back home and take a look at myself in the rearview mirror. I went to the studio to have the meeting with the boys, but I saw a note that the meeting was cancelled because Freddie had a sore throat and couldn’t talk. So I stopped somewhere else on the way back for Y/N. This is one of the most important gifts I have ever gotten her, so I want to make sure I look my best. After fixing my hair a little, I get out of the car and walk into the house. 
I hear the shower running and the record player on, Y/N must be in the shower. I walk toward the bathroom door to tell Y/N I am home, but I hear something. It’s Y/N, she’s singing and it sounds beautiful. 
And you can tell everybody that this is your song. It may be quite simple but now that it’s done. 
Y/N’s voice is crisp and it sounds like heaven. I knew she had to sound good, but I wasn’t expecting this. 
I hope you don’t mind I hope you don’t mind that I put it down in words. How wonderful life is while you’re in the world.
Her voice almost brings me to tears, but I run away into the living room once I hear Y/N turn off the shower.
I get dressed and comb my hair before opening the bathroom door. As I walk out into the living room I am surprised to see Roger smiling at me. Oh my God did he hear me sing?
“Hey babe what are you doing home?” I ask embarrassed. Roger stands up.
“The meeting was cancelled so I came home. And I’m glad I did or I would have missed your beautiful voice.” Roger says, caressing my face. I blush at the idea of Roger hearing me sing and look down to the ground. 
“Oh it’s nothing I was just-” I start but get cut off by Roger.
“No baby It was beautiful. Don’t ever doubt your singing it’s the only thing I want to hear.” Roger starts. “In fact, I’d like to hear your voice for the rest of my life.” Roger gets down on one knee and pulls out a ring inside a box. My heartbeat is so heavy that I can hear it in my head. 
“Roger, are you asking me to marry you?” I ask with a hand over my mouth in surprise. 
“Of course. Y/N, will you make me the happiest man in the world and spend your whole life with me?” Roger asks with the biggest smile on his face. All I can do is nod my head in agreement as I reach down to kiss him. Roger slips the ring onto my finger and I admire the diamond. 
“It’s beautiful Roger.” I say.
“It is. But not as beautiful as you and your voice. Speaking of, does this mean you’ve changed your mind about singing on the new record?” Roger asks. I just smile up at him.
“Of course I’ll sing for it.” I kiss Roger again knowing that I’ve got your whole life to spend with this amazing man, drummer, and husband. Maybe I don’t need to write a song to tell Roger how much I love him. He knows how much I love him and I know how much he loves me. 
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nakedandrawroger · 5 years
Hey Guys! I would appreciate it if you sent me messages about things you would like me to write! I promise I will write them
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nakedandrawroger · 5 years
Sleeping Help (Roger Taylor x Female Reader)
Summary: You are unable to sleep one night and Roger knows what to do in order to help.
Word Count: 1,291
Warnings: SMUT (18+), language
Author’s note: I hope you enjoy this! Literally my second smut story. I would love it if you guys messaged me requests on what to write anonymously or not. Thank you and enjoy!
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You stumble quietly down the hallway trying not to wake anyone in the rooms surrounding you. You felt tired, but your brain was running a mile a minute. You couldn’t get your nerves to calm down about tomorrow’s concert, and it was preventing you from sleeping. The only thing you could think of was Roger. He was always good at comforting you when you were nervous and he is usually up late anyway.
You get to Roger’s hotel room door and take a deep breath before knocking. Knock knock knock.
“You can come in!” you heard Roger’s soft voice say from inside. You slowly push the door open and see Roger, shirtless reading a book in bed.
“I hope I didn’t wake you, I just couldn’t sleep.” you say to Roger at the doorway. Roger puts down his book and sits on the side of the bed.
 “Not at all. Are you nervous about tomorrow’s show?” Roger asks. You nod your head and sit down next to him on the bed.
“It’s just that this is the first out of town show. And I’m nervous that these people won’t like us. We don’t have the kind of support we have back home.” you confess. Roger rubs your back and holds your hand.
“It’s ok Y/N. If I’m being honest, I’m actually quite nervous too.” Roger says. You look up at him surprisingly. Roger always seems so confident. There’s no way he could be nervous. As you look him in the eyes, you could see the nervousness in them. It was actually kind of cute, you always had a crush on Roger ever since you joined the band. His dirty blonde hair, his large hands, his- you had to stop thinking about him right now before it shows in your face.
“Y/N, is there anything I could do to help you sleep?” Roger asks, pulling you closer. You could feel his breath on your neck and you couldn’t take it anymore.
 “I don’t know Roger, what were you thinking?” you ask in a flirty tone. You want nothing more than for Roger to give you the most intense orgasm to make you fall asleep. But were you gonna tell Roger that?
“Hmm I have a tactic to falling asleep that works every time.” Roger says, putting a hand on your knee.
“And what’s that?” you ask, knowing what he’s talking about already. Before you know it, Roger kisses you without warning and puts his hands in your hair. You kiss back with the same amount of force. This is all you’ve wanted, his lips are soft but his hands rough.
Roger leans against the bedpost, you crawl on top of him, making sure to gently graze your hand across his torso. Roger gives a smile full of lust back as you do so.
You put your hand over Roger’s noticeable bulge and palm him, slowly moving your hand back and forth. Roger let’s out a moan of pleasure as you start to stroke faster.
“Mmm... more Y/N” Roger moans out to you. You give in to his commands and slowly unbutton and unzip his jeans. Making sure to take your time, you slide off Roger’s pants and then his underwear. Roger’s solid cock springs free. The size of Roger is larger than you expected. You can feel the sudden wetness cover your own underwear.
“Fuck Roger, you’re huge.” You mention to Roger, unable to keep your comments to yourself.
“I bet it’s making you so wet, Y/N” Roger says back. You take Roger’s cock into your hand and start stroking him up and down his shaft. You keep doing this until you look at Roger and notice that he’s closing his eyes in pleasure. You move your hand to his top and start rubbing your thumb in circles. Roger immediately responds to this with moans.
“Fuck you’ve gotta stop or I’m gonna-“ Roger let’s out while sitting up. You let go of his cock and meet his eyes. “You love this dont you, getting me all rialed up.” Roger says while his reaches to touch your top. He puts a hand over your breast which sends shivers through your body. “No bra?” Roger asks.
“Not when I knew I was gonna share a room with you.” You reply back, smirking. Roger takes your grin as a sign to remove your shirt, revealing your breasts to him. Roger then brings his hands down to your skirt and removes it from the back. As he pulls it down, he also see that you’re soaked.
“I was right, wasn’t I?” Roger grabs your breasts and starts to play with your nipples. The sheer feeling was erotic enough to somehow make you even more wet.
“Please Roger, just touch me.” You beg. Roger just laughs.
“Not yet baby, I wanna watch you struggle for me.” Roger says back. He’s really gonna tease you like this, isn’t he? The pressure you’re feeling in you’re core right now is too intense to be left alone. You decide your only form of relief is to grind against Roger’s thigh. You feel the friction on your clit and give out a moan. “Fuck baby that’s so hot. You’re making this hard on me.” Roger says. You look down and notice Roger’s cock twitching in need.
“Look who turned the situation around.” You say. Your grinding is leaving a wet spot on Roger’s leg, but neither of you care. The feeling is intense, so you stop yourself before you can finish. “Roger please let me...” You day as you notion toward his cock.
“Please Y/N” Roger says as you move up on Roger’s body and lift yourself over his cock. You tease him around your entrance, making him go through what he put you through. Finally, you ease onto Roger and let out a moan. “Oh Fuck yes.” Roger says smiling as you’re on top of him. You lift yourself up and down, over and over. Roger looks up at you and admires your body on top of him. “Look at you, taking my cock so well.” Roger says.
That comment from Roger almost sends you over the edge. You lean down and give Roger a messy kiss on the lips.  As much as he’s enjoying himself, he hasn’t forgotten about you either. Roger takes his thumb and starts rubbing your clit in circles as you ride him. The feeling of Roger inside you and his thumb on your clit almost sends you over the edge.
“Fuck Roger I’m gonna come.” You warm Roger as your movement gets messier.
“Do it Y/N. Come for me.” Roger encourages you as he continues to rub your clit. You finally give in to your needs and let go. You repeat Roger’s name over and over again as you ride out your orgasm.
The sound of hearing his own name causes Roger to come himself. Roger releases himself into you as you are still finishing.
Out of breath, you get off of Roger and lay next to him on the bed. Roger grabs some tissues to wipe himself and you off.
“So, Do you wanna sleep here tonight?” Roger asks you out of breath. You pull yourself under the covers.
“I don’t think my legs will give me a choice.” You say laying down. Roger lays down under the covers next to you and you grab onto him and lay your head onto his torso.
“You know, I’ve always wanted to do that. Ever since you joined the band I knew you were someone special and-” Roger looks over to you and finds you fallen asleep on him. Roger laughs to himself. “ I told you you’d be fast asleep.”
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nakedandrawroger · 5 years
Did You Forget My Name? (Roger Taylor/Female Reader)
Summary: Reader starts to notice how attractive Roger Taylor is and things get hot backstage when he finds out.
Word Count: 1,265
Warnings: SMUT (18+), language
Author’s note: I’m so nervous about posting this because it’s the first smut I’ve ever written. But I hope it’s at least bearable. I hope you enjoy and comment if you do!
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You were beginning to realize how much you were attracted to Roger Taylor. For years, you have always brushed him off as that one guy who annoys you while you’re trying to get work done. But now, at this concert, you’re starting to notice Roger’s enticing traits. The way his lips curl when he’s drumming, the sweat that runs down his abdomen and down to his waist, and you also notice how his hands grip his drumsticks so tightly, eager to wow the audience with his skills. You get lost in thought looking at all the features of Roger that you forget you were in the middle of a Queen concert. As you’re observing Roger’s lips, his bright, blue eyes meet yours. The piercing stare makes your heart jump for a second as he gently smiles at you before looking back at his drums.  This slight stare has an immediate effect on your body. You’ve never felt this way about Roger. 
After a few songs, the concert finally ends. Freddie thanks the audience and the rest of the band waves and bows before walking off stage. You’ve been friends with the band for years since you are best friends with Freddie Mercury. You’ve developed a close relationship with all of the members, except for Roger who was always getting on your nerves. You decide to go backstage to talk to the boys.
“How was the show, Y/N?” Freddie asks you as you get backstage. 
“It was wonderful Freddie! As always!” You pull Freddie into a hug and make eye contact with Roger from behind Freddie. 
“Oh Y/N, we’re all going to get something to eat if you want to come with us.” Freddie asks, pointing to the rest of the band. 
“I’m sorry guys I have to work early tomorrow.” You reply too Freddie. Freddie nods in agreement and pats you on the shoulder.
“Actually guys I have some business to take care of. I’ll meet you at the restaurant later, If that's okay with you guys.” Roger suddenly says. This was strange of Roger since he always wanted to be the life of the party.
“Yeah, okay Roger we’ll see you there.” Brian says before he leaves with Freddie and John. You take this as your cue to leave too, since the walk home will be quite far. But as you try to walk out the door, an arm blocks you.
“And where do you think you’re going?” Roger asks, his muscular arm preventing you from leaving. 
“I’m just about to leave if that’s okay with you.” You tell Roger as you try to push back his arm. Roger chuckles to himself.
“I saw you checking me out tonight on stage. Did you like what you saw?” Roger asks bitting his lip and staring at you like he did earlier on stage. Oh, you liked what you saw alright. His outfit didn’t make it any better. He was wearing black jeans and a tie with no shirt. You didn’t have to answer Roger’s question for him to know the answer. “Wow you really can’t take your eyes off me, can you?” Roger asks again.
“I’m sorry, you just look...” You try to finish your sentence but are cut off by Roger’s lips on yours. You can taste the sweat from his vigorous playing earlier, but you don’t care. Roger backs you up until you run into the makeup counter. You run your hands through Roger’s blonde hair as he pushes you up onto the counter. His hands wonder around the hem of your shirt as you lift your arms up for his to take it off. Roger stares at your breasts in lust before going back in to your makeup session. 
You can feel Roger’s cock buck into you so you decide to move your hands from his hair and trace your fingers down his torso. You get to the buttons of his jeans and look at Roger for permission.
“Please... Y/N.” Roger whispers in a demanding voice. You take that as permission and unbutton his jeans quickly. It isn’t hard to notice Roger’s hard length begging to be let free. You remove Roger’s boxers and grab his throbbing cock with your hands. You stroke his shaft slowly and you can feel yourself getting wetter and wetter.
“Fuck...” Roger says, eyes closed. The whole situation is so hot that you squeeze your own legs together in order to get some release. Roger takes a notice to your sudden movements.
“Y/N let me help you.” Roger says as he reaches to help remove your high waisted shorts and underwear. He spreads your legs apart and bites his lip in hunger. 
“Fuck Y/N you’re soaked.” Roger says as he places his finger in your folds and collects some wetness. 
“Please Roger, I want you inside me.” You beg. Roger takes instant action to your command and places his cock at your entrance. He gently teases you. “Roger please just fuck me.” You plead once more. Roger pushes himself inside you and he let’s out a long awaited moan. The way Roger fits inside you makes you feel complete and full. Roger moves out and back inside you at a moderate speed. He starts to penetrate faster and you can see he is getting close. 
“Fuck I’m gonna come.” Roger says as he pulls himself out of you. You feel sad at the emptiness without him, but then grab his cock to finish him off. You stoke gently, causing him to let out a string of curses as he finishes off on your hand. Out of breath, Roger looks you in the eyes as you lick his cum off of your fingers. 
“That was so hot.” Roger says after. He suddenly remembers your wetness and places his long fingers back to your clit. “Fuck you’re still wet.” Roger says.
“Yeah and guess who made me that wet?” You ask Roger. 
“I don’t know why don’t you tell me.” Roger rubs his thumb over your clit and you let out a moan. “Tell me Y/N.” Roger demanded again.
“You did.” You respond to Roger, hoping he’ll stop teasing you and give you some release. Roger chuckles to himself. 
“Am I gonna have to remind you what my name is?” Roger asks. You don’t respond as the pleasure Roger is giving you blocks out any words. “I’ll take that as a yes.” Roger says.
Roger gets down on his knees, face in front of your core. He suddenly goes in with his tongue and uses it to lick your clit. It feels amazing and you could almost let go right there. Roger Starts to lap around your core and spell letters with his tongue.
R. You moan at the feeling and grab onto Roger’s hair.
O. Roger puts a finger inside of you as he eats you out, causing you more pleasure.
G. Your mind starts spiraling and you call out Roger’s name.
E. You’re close to your orgasm and you’re definitely letting Roger know.
R. Roger’s tongue finishes you off as you explode into ecstasy. 
“Fuck fuck fuck Roger!” You scream as Roger licks you up. 
As you come down from your high, Roger starts to put his clothes back on.
“Well, that was something.” You say to Roger, putting your own clothes back on.
“That was. Maybe we’ll do it again sometime.” Roger winks at you before leaving the room. You’re not sure if you can stop hating Roger, but you defiantly know that you’re up for this again one day.
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nakedandrawroger · 5 years
Welcome to my blog!
Hey guys! I want to introduce myself since I will be posting things here. I love Roger Taylor and Ben Hardy and i will be posting 18+ stories here. So just for the underaged to understand. I hope you enjoy them once they are posted!
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