nanowrimon-blog-blog · 10 years
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Biker Samus by AgentScarlet
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nanowrimon-blog-blog · 13 years
Uh oh...
Yeah so this whole fanfic thing isn't working out too well.
It's looking more and more like I should start over.
I mean I only got about 3.3k words in anyway...so I think I will. Yikes, it's 8 days in...I'm setting myself a deadline. I have to have 20k words by the 10th. Or at LEAST 17k. That will put me ahead, and if I can come up with a good enough idea that will inspire me and move me forward, I'll be all set :)
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nanowrimon-blog-blog · 13 years
I have a lovely friend who is doing NaNo (who also happens to be an excellent writer) and I'm sure he could use some support/a few followers. Would you be willing to point people in the direction of his blog? URL is thefinalblogattempt.
Sure THING!Hey guys, check out this guy's blog!! :)
DO ITTTT you know you want to! Give a fellow NaNoer some support!
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nanowrimon-blog-blog · 13 years
I'm behind...
but I have a 4 hour drive home tomorrow to catch up! I figure, I'm about 5 thousand words behind right now, I can make that up EASY in 4 hours! I still have time tonight to get caught up, too!
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nanowrimon-blog-blog · 13 years
How many words do you guys have left for today?
I have all 1700...I'll get to it once I'm home tonight :) I don't have any homework to do~
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nanowrimon-blog-blog · 13 years
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nanowrimon-blog-blog · 13 years
An article on the woes of NaNoWriMo by an incredibly witty (and cynical) writer. For example: “The way you survive NaNoWriMo is the same way any novelist survives: by spot-welding one’s ass to the office chair every day and putting the words to screen and paper no matter what. Got a headache? Better write. Kid won’t stop crying? Better write. Life is hard and weepy-pissy-sadfaced-panda-noises? Fuck you and write. Covered in killer bees? Maybe today’s not the best day to write. You might want to call somebody. Just don’t pee in fear. Bees can smell fear-urine. Pee is to bees as catnip is to cats.”
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nanowrimon-blog-blog · 13 years
I’m already behind. (:
 No you're not! It's just the first day :)
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nanowrimon-blog-blog · 13 years
My daily word goal of 1700 has been met!
Tonight what I get home, I shall do homework. Then, if I have free time, I'll do a few things for myself, and then perhaps type 300 more words...:D
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nanowrimon-blog-blog · 13 years
Hi! Sorry, but is there a specific website or something that you would rather us use? Like, LiveJournal, etc. Or would you rather recommend Microsoft Word or something close to that? Thank you!
I'm not too sure what you mean, but if you mean a program that you can use for writing then word is cool. You can also download writing software (I have a post about it right Here: http://nanowrimon.tumblr.com/post/10644753606/software-for-writers-and-its-all-free ) and that's pretty helpful! Just find a program that's right for you :) But basically any kind of writing software/strategy you use that makes you work well is best. Try a few things to figure out what that is!
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nanowrimon-blog-blog · 13 years
My first day of writing begins nowwww!
How's everyone doing??
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nanowrimon-blog-blog · 13 years
Hi you ten new epic people who decided to randomly follow me .__.
That is all. I need to return to my homework now :) LOVE Y'ALL!
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nanowrimon-blog-blog · 13 years
THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR FOLLOWING. I love you all. You're wonderful. Your novels will be wonderful. EVERYTHING WILL BE WONDERFUL.
Good luck ALL OF YOU with nano this month! 3 hours and 27 minutes to go, and I think I'm SUPER PUMPED. I'm going to get a good night's sleep and then type away on the bus ride to school tomorrow morning! It's about 40 mintues, so I should be able to get at LEAST 1000 words in, if I really focus and type type type!
Send me a message with your day one wordcount! I'll be keeping you all updated too! :)
In case you haven't feel free to add me on NaNo! I'll add you all too. I'm sunsetdemon!
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nanowrimon-blog-blog · 13 years
Totally a submission because ask has a stupid character limit.
Submitted by apathyandcynicism:
WELL. You said to tell you how my plotting's going: It's going pretty kick-ass, sort of. Characters, check. Backgrounds, semi-check. I know what they look like! Stories, semi-check (but pfft that's better off winging it). Research, UHHHH.. lol missing the important bits, but I haven't had time for that with work-school-work-sleep-work-school-sleep-work-school. I've been doing all the other stuff on hour-long train rides to and from school. Which I think is where a lot of NaNo-ing is going to happen, despite that I'm a typer not a writer. Blahblahblah uh my story doesn't even have a plot, but it's got a lot of characters with character. One who is based on my psychiatrist (and I won't tell him about that because I made him an alcoholic who beats his wife and that's not very nice, I'm sure he isn't/doesn't). But I should really read up on psychological issues and drugs and things. Not so much the drugs, though, I did enough of that last November.
Sounds super!! Who cares about important bits, you can just wing it ;) Let the characters take control--it's gonna happen at some point anyway! GOOD LUCK TONIGHT!! Get a good head start :D
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nanowrimon-blog-blog · 13 years
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Is everyone ready? :D
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nanowrimon-blog-blog · 13 years
Hypothetical situation.
Let’s say that this year I’m going to be a little busy with schoolwork and life in general… would you all judge me if I wrote a fanfiction instead of an original fic?
I do have an original fiction idea that I could write… but my clone troopers have been bothering me lately with plot ideas, and I really want to write them. Problem is, I know after November I won’t feel like writing again for a while… so really, it’s almost now or never with that fic. Then again, WriMos generally don’t look too favourably on fanfictions.
Opinions? Could I write the fic? Or would I be cast out of the writing community like a leper?
I'm writing a fic, dude. Any writing during NaNo is allowed :D I was going to go with an original plot originally, but then I got super into this fanfic idea, and BAM, it stuck with me. Whatever you think will get you 50,000 words this month, or basically whatever you think you'll enjoy most is what you should go for! :)
NaNoWriMo question
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nanowrimon-blog-blog · 13 years
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I’m so excited that it’s almost time for NaNoWriMo!
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