Top 10 Trends in Facility Management
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The pandemic has altered the way almost every business operates. From restaurants and retail to office buildings and factories, nearly every industry has undergone a drastic change in day-to-day operations with new safety mandates and public health protocols. These changes have forced organizations to prioritize facilities management solutions that meet consumer expectations and provide a seamless and engaging experience both on-site and off. As a result, today’s facilities managers must be proactive and knowledgeable of the latest trends in the industry if they want to take their operations to the next level. Here are the top 10 trends that are streamlining the facilities management workflow.
Top 10 Facilities Management Trends in 2022
1. Improved Communications
Communications between FMs and industry partners will continue to be a priority in the field. Cutting-edge software, like the project management systems we use at national facilities direct, will lead the way toward optimal efficiency and streamlined communication. Facility managers will play an integral role in laying the infrastructure that will improve the communication process between collaborators to better facilitate project workflow.
2. Increase in Smart Technology
As the Internet of Things (IoT) continues to grow, facility managers will have more access to advanced technology with sensors, processing abilities, and automation that create a more flexible and interactive experience for technicians, employees, and visitors. Smart technology can help facilities managers create a comfortable, energy-efficient environment and optimize building functions ranging from fire protection, security, and asset tracking systems, as well as lighting management, HVAC maintenance, and smart parking.
3. Using Artificial Intelligence to Enhance Collaboration
As facilities become more and more digitized, communication is critical for successful collaboration between teams. Artificial intelligence (AI) has the ability to simplify systems integration by streamlining communication between different departments and breaking down barriers preventing teams from working together.
4. Building Information Modeling
FMs will begin to see an increase in Building Information Modeling (BIM). BIM is software that maps the physical characteristics of a building over its lifetime. This system helps architects, builders, and FMs plan smarter buildings and take a more proactive approach to repairs using data from BIM software. This can help reduce costs, improve efficiency, reduce safety risks, and enhance facilities management.
5. Planned Preventative Maintenance
Similar to BIM, Planned Preventative Maintenance (PPM) is a way to use technology to formalize and anticipate maintenance needs. This predictive maintenance model helps you proactively plan for regularly scheduled maintenance as well as provides a system to quickly adapt to unexpected changes. This proactive approach helps save time and money in the future, rather than reacting to new needs as they arise, because it allows FMs to better understand the assets of each building so you and your partners can make plans for the unexpected.
6. Data-Driven Decision-Making
The changes we’ve all experienced over the last few years will undoubtedly create a hefty database of information, data, and statistics. As FMs plan for upcoming projects, they will rely more heavily on this data to better inform their decision-making process. Utilizing data can help reduce overhead, minimize downtime, increase efficiency and improve system calibration.
7. Greater Environmental Approach
Companies in nearly all industries are being proactive and placing greater priority on eco-friendly practices that limit or negate their carbon footprint. FMs should be directly involved in these conversations and can expect to see more emphasis on innovative energy management solutions and how eco-friendly factors will affect employees, customers, and the environment.
8. Flexible Workspaces
As more organizations begin to move back into the office, the landscape of the working environment will change. Whether moving fully back into the office or developing a hybrid model, FMs should anticipate how the changes in workflow will alter the building needs and operations. Technology will also play a role, as organizations may have used the pandemic to review their technological needs.
9. Personalized Work Environment
As more and more employees return to the office, they will expect a similar feeling of comfort and ease that they experienced at home. While human resource managers may focus on accommodating those shifts, FMs may be asked to deliver Soft FM functions that foster a good environment to improve employee retention as well as customer loyalty.
10. Simplicity with Self-Supported Integrated Facilities Management
Between the changes in workflow, personnel, and the general world around us, we could all use a little simplicity in our lives. From improved processes to enhanced technology, FMs can expect to consolidate, group, and maximize resources to minimize manpower. Self-supported integrated facilities management simplifies workflows and processes to create more time for planning and utilizing budgets on proactive technologies to drive success.
Utilizing Industry Trends
These cutting-edge trends pave the way toward better service and better performance. By taking a proactive approach to facilities management technology, communication, and processes, you can build trust and become a leader in your industry.
Developing Innovative Partnerships
When you need a trusted and forward-thinking facilities management partner, choose national facilities . No matter your facility management needs, we solve problems for both the long and short term that meet resolution-time needs and make your job easier.
Contact us today to learn how our self-performing, self-supported, and self-communicating integrated facilities management services can take your facilities management to the next level.
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How to Ensure the Longevity of Your Systems with a Facility Management Company
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Facilities management plays a significant role in the long-term success of an organization. Facility managers (FM) create a functional, safe, efficient, and secure environment that puts an organization in a position to reach its objectives.
While they take care of the day-to-day operations, facility managers are also responsible for maintenance and upkeep of critical systems–which is essential to the efficiency of the facility. Partnering with a facility management provider is a great way to not only increase the efficiency of your systems, but also prolong their life span. In this article, we look at how an FM company can help ensure the longevity of your systems.
Implement Innovative Strategies to Ensure the Longevity of Your Systems
To some FMs, the idea of tracking and maintaining the necessary details for long-term plans and strategies may seem overwhelming–especially if they have limited resources. However, with the right tools in place, this may be more achievable than one might think.
Partnering with a forward-thinking facilities management company can help you implement innovative strategies like Planned Preventative Maintenance (PPM). PPM is a way to use technology to formalize and anticipate maintenance needs. This predictive maintenance model helps you proactively plan for regularly scheduled maintenance as well as provides a system to quickly adapt to unexpected changes or circumstances that may arise. This approach helps you increase the longevity of your systems, saving you time and money in the future. Rather than reacting to new needs as they arise, a FM company can help you optimize your systems for the long run. PPM allows FMs to better understand the assets of each building so you and your partners can make plans for the unexpected.
Data-Driven Solutions For Better Decision-Making
Forward-thinking facilities management companies, like national facilities direct, collect, monitor, track, and analyze valuable data you can use to get a better understanding of your operations. For example, access to data from all of your assets helps you identify key performance indicators (KPI) that allow you to identify and address system vulnerabilities before they happen.
Using data-driven solutions for better decision-making results in actionable insights that improve asset maintenance, productivity, staffing needs, and future budgeting plans. With these insights, you can ensure the longevity of your systems with efficient, cost-saving solutions that can lead to sustainable systems.
Partner with a Forward-Thinking Facilities Management Company
The best FM partners are collaborative and communicative. They take time to understand your situations, perceptions, and expectations to better learn your facility and deliver a custom solution that meets your needs. They’re invested in protecting the longevity of your systems and presenting options for both the long and short term.
At National Facilities Direct, your problems are our problems, and we will work with you to provide a solution that meets your needs. Our customer-centric environment means we’ll stop at nothing to ensure you and your company have the tools necessary to succeed. If you’re ready to have a facilities management partner you can trust, contact National Facilities Direct today!
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5 Signs You May Need a Facility Management Partner
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It takes a lot to manage a facility. Whether it’s building operations like cleaning, security, maintenance, and grounds management or compliance and safety, facilities management touches just about every part of the workplace. As a result, even the best FMs can feel stretched thin from time to time. If it’s unclear why there is a rising backlog of uncompleted maintenance tasks, or it feels like there’s no time to focus on more strategic initiatives, it might be worth partnering with a facility management provider. Here are five signs you may need a facility management partner.
1. Rising Costs
Constantly paying for ad hoc repairs can get costly. If you notice that repairs and servicing costs always seem to be on the rise, then it might be time to consider an FM partner. They will work with you to understand your entire operation and develop a custom solution that extends the lifespan of your equipment or building’s infrastructure. In turn, this leads to fewer repair costs and increased operational efficiency.
2. Frequent Disruptions
Whether they’re maintenance repairs or critical systems failure, constantly spending valuable time reacting to one situation or the other can lead to wasteful productivity. Partnering with an FM company allows you to bring in additional support and specialists as needed. This flexibility increases productivity and helps you deliver on a range of your organizational objectives.
3. Difficulty Tracking and Managing Assets
Spending time looking for assets or procuring new ones wastes valuable resources and stalls the resolution of problems in your facility. Then it’s only a matter of time before occupants become frustrated and workplace satisfaction declines, which leads to a decrease in productivity. Through effective staff management and the implementation of best practices and innovative technologies, an FM partner can help you easily keep tabs on not just your assets but your entire operation.
4. Low or No Budget For Technology
If you are finding that many of the facility management challenges you face could be minimized or resolved with enhanced or upgraded technology, then it’s a sign to partner with an FM provider. Forward-thinking FM companies have innovative technologies that cut through the clutter, reduce downtime, and eliminate needless frustration. In addition, they can help regulate compliance, analyze insights of project details and performance, track time and resources, and ensure a consistent level of service and quality.
5. Communication Gaps
When projects have tight deadlines and strict requirements, effective and efficient communication between managers and strategic partners is critical. If you’re finding communication gaps, an integrated, self-performing facilities management partner could be the perfect collaborator to help set you up for success. They can assist by developing smoother systems of communication between the technician, command center, and facilities managers to ensure a process that streamlines service, integrates teams, centralizes goals, and lays the framework for efficient and quality relationships.
Choosing the Right Partner
Partnering with a facility management provider ensures your organization is running at full optimization without day-to-day facility maintenance interruptions. From the reduction of costs to optimizing your facility management programs for increased efficiency, the right partner can provide the support you need to take your operations to the next level.
National Facilities Direct offers top-quality facility services derived from real-time communication, state-of-the-art analytics, data-driven decisions, and proprietary technologies. We develop customized all-inclusive maintenance programs, best-in-class connectivity, and an extensive in-house network of diverse professional licensed technicians that help us meet your complex, ever-changing needs. Contact us today to see how we can help take your organization to the next level.
Visit Website - https://nationalfacilitiesdirect.com
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The Ultimate Winter Facility Management Checklist
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The winter season poses a whole new set of challenges when it comes to facility management. Freezing temperatures, along with snow and ice, have the potential to disrupt operations and affect the safety of occupants. Taking a proactive approach with some preventative maintenance and proper planning can help you mitigate these risks, avoid emergency repairs, and ensure a safe and comfortable environment for visitors during the colder months. From HVAC maintenance to snow and ice removal, here’s a checklist of helpful reminders to help you plan and prepare your facilities for winter.
Maintain HVAC Systems
Preventative HVAC maintenance ensures your heating systems work when you need them most. While you most likely have a preventative maintenance plan in place, these basic preparations can improve system efficiency and help get your system ready for winter.
Check and replace any air filters
Clean ductwork
Check for leaks
Calibrate thermostats
Check heat pumps
Inspect electrical connections
Clean out drain lines and pans to present freezing
Test humidity and temperature controls and monitors
Inspect Plumbing
Freezing temperatures can occasionally cause facility water system leaks and even flooding. Therefore, it’s important to be proactive and prepare plumbing and irrigation before winter.
Check for leaks at all fixtures and piping
Ensure pipes are insulated and sealed to prevent freezing, bursting, or flooding
Check operation of valves and shutoffs
Prepare for Power Outages
Strong storms, ice build-up on power lines, and other winter weather-related problems can lead to inconvenient power outages. Taking the necessary precautions to ensure the functionality of a secondary power source, like a backup generator, can help you avoid costly downtime.
Perform regular and preventative maintenance on power generators, like fluid changes and electrical connection checks
Test generators for operation and switchover before the incident
Ensure proper fuel supply for generators
Check for exposed wiring and remediate – especially in areas exposed to freezing temperatures and melting ice or snow
Make sure emergency lighting systems work properly and check all lightbulbs
Examine the Exterior of Your Buildings
Avoid emergency repairs in the middle of winter and give buildings and surrounding areas a thorough inspection to spot any potential trouble spots before winter sets in.
Inspect roofing for holes or damage that could cause leaks during snowmelt
Check for loose shingles and repair damage to existing seals and flashing
Clean debris from roofs and gutters to ensure proper drainage
Make sure all windows and doors have proper insulation
Regularly check the parking lot and sidewalks for cracks and potholes
Inspect siding
Keep an eye on possible landscaping threats like hanging tree limbs
Have a snow removal plan in place that includes walkways and parking lots
Keep entryways clean and safe with a deicer solution
Designate a spot to pile snow or have it professionally hauled away
Ensure lighting is operational or installed in these spaces to improve visibility
One Partner for All of Your Facility Management Needs
Facilities management is a year-round responsibility that involves careful planning and preparation. However, winter poses a new set of challenges that can strain even the most well-maintained facilities. Harsh winds, chilly conditions, heavy snowfall, ice, and lack of daylight can add extra stress to an already busy workload. 
Partnering with an FM provider can help alleviate some of the stress that comes with the wintertime. From reduction of costs to optimizing your facility management programs for increased efficiency, the right partner can provide the support you need to take your operations to the next level this winter. 
At National Facilities Direct, your problems are our problems, and we will work with you to provide a solution that meets your needs. Our customer-centric environment means we’ll stop at nothing to ensure you and your organization have the tools necessary to succeed. If you’re ready to cross items off your list with a facilities management partner you can trust, contact National Facilities Direct today!
Visit Website - https://nationalfacilitiesdirect.com
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How to Enhance Communication in Facilities Management
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According to Apollo Technical, 86% of employees blame a “lack of effective collaboration and communication” as the leading cause of workplace failures. In the case of facilities management, communication is critical to keeping systems running smoothly. Smooth communication impacts not only facilities managers but also employees, customers, and ultimately revenue.
When facilities management projects have tight deadlines and strict requirements, it’s important to have effective and efficient communication between managers and strategic partners. But keeping everyone on track and in order comes with its own unique challenges.
Let’s take a look at some proven communication techniques to turn your next project into a streamlined triumph!
1. Start with the basics – documentation
While it may sound simple, listening, taking notes, and documenting as much information as you can will help you prepare to lead your project, your team and your selected partners when they seek guidance. Documentation will also allow you to share the information in written format, empowering others to answer their own questions. The more you know, the faster you’ll be able to fill in any gaps and reduce resolution time. Some facility management companies even offer technology that can assist in capturing and documenting this valuable information, saving you valuable time.
Plus, it goes without saying that building positive rapport and an open line of communication establishes trust, fosters collaboration, and produces an overall commitment to a job well done–and on time! This is made even further evident when considering the fact that over 60% of employees believe their views and opinions are ignored in the workplace, according to AON. This is an unfortunate statistic that could be completely avoidable with effective communication.
2. Utilize innovative technology
Working in facility management, we’ve all experienced a chaotic workday. Sorting through emails and work orders, jumping from meeting to meeting trying to coordinate multiple time-sensitive projects all at once. And while we love the energy of this fast-paced day-to-day, we also know it can take its toll and that gaps in communication can create a significant fallout.
New advancements in facilities management technologies and streamlined communication tools can be an easy solution to help cut through the clutter, reduce downtime, and eliminate needless frustration. In fact, many can be easily integrated into the systems you already use.
We value communication that is efficient, timely, direct, and clear. Here are a few of the applications that are frontrunners in efficient and intelligent communication for integrated facility management. Each of these are also compatible with national facilities direct proprietary technology solution that supports our value for communication.
ServiceChannel: A leading facility management software and contractor sourcing, ServiceChannel lets you manage all maintenance activity from a single platform.
Tango: The Next-Gen Real Estate & Facilities Platform that unites analytics, transactions, lease administration & accounting, space management, desk booking, and more.
Corrigo: Access to powerful, easy-to-use software and mobile apps that help you manage your facilities with less overhead.
Asana: A project management software that tracks, manages, and connects your projects across any team.
Verisae: Cloud-based maintenance management platform that provides service, asset, and procurement management solutions for facility managers.
Fexa: Innovative and intuitive software making it easier for Facilities and Operations Teams to get quality work done.
We streamline communication by speaking directly with our facility manager customers so they have the constant, real-time, project tracking and information they may need at any given moment.
3. Enlist a strategic partner
When it comes to choosing a facilities management partner, there are various options available. From local to regional vendors, and from aggregators with pools of untested contractors to self-performing agencies like national facilities direct, it can be difficult to find the right partner. It’s vital to find the right fit for your organization based on your needs and values. We believe the right partner is the one who takes a customer-centric approach, a team that takes the time to understand your situations, perceptions, and expectations to better learn your facility and processes. We strive to always be flexible and meet those varying needs while also suggesting viable solutions.
If you’re finding communication gaps with your vendors, an integrated self-performing facilities management partner could be the perfect collaborator to help set you up for success. They can assist by developing smoother systems of communication between the technician, command center, and facilities managers to ensure a process that streamlines service, integrates teams, centralizes goals, and lays the framework for efficient and quality relationships.
Regardless of the industry, service, or staff the impact communication has on company performance is undeniable. According to a 2021 study by Project.co, over 26% of people feel that the way businesses communicated–both internally and externally–has deteriorated over the past year. This is a trend that needs to be reversed for the health of the facility management nationwide.
The need for dependable communication in FM is clear and so vital to a strong organizational structure and fully efficient facility. So vital in fact that a McKinsey report has shown that when collaborative communications are effective, they may increase productivity by as much as 25%. That can make a big difference to the bottom line as well as have a positive impact on company culture and workplace happiness.
About National Facilities Direct
At national facilities direct, we know how important clear, timely, and consistent communication is and we firmly believe in the positive benefits that come along with it. In fact, we’re so passionate about communication that we’ve developed our own proprietary software to streamline communication and promote efficiency.
We are the future of facility management. We’ve cut out the middle man, consolidated communication, simplified service requests, and reduced our response and resolution time. We provide all the necessary connectivity and custom technology to aid in any project. Contact us today for an immediate facility need or to set up a consultation for future needs or routine maintenance.
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The Power of Relationships in Facilities Management
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Building relationships is essential for professional growth. Whether it be with co-workers, partners, or customers, establishing quality relationships makes our jobs easier while improving our organizational culture. But with more and more companies making the switch to hybrid work, fostering those relationships is now more important than ever. Below, we discuss the power of relationships in facilities management and illustrate how clear, concise communication paired with the use of technology can help organizations prepare for the unexpected.
Relationships Build Trust
No matter the size of the organization, a facilities manager is responsible for coordinating the many unique needs of the facility, the stakeholders, and often multiple vendors and partners. Each interaction creates opportunities to network and develop reliable connections. For organizations to function effectively and efficiently, facility managers need to foster relationships built on trust.
Communication is critical in building trust in an organization. When communication is clear and concise, systems run smoothly. This communication impacts not only facilities managers but also employees, customers, and ultimately revenue.
Trusted relationships also help you prepare for the unexpected. Teaming up with a quality partner means that no matter what happens or how your needs change, you’ll have added peace of mind knowing you’re covered.
Use Technology to Your Advantage
It’s no secret that the world looks different than it did a few years ago and those changes are evident in facilities management. From restaurants and retail to office buildings and factories, nearly every industry has undergone a drastic change in day-to-day operations with new safety mandates and public health protocols.
Traditional standards have been altered and require significantly more preparation for many organizations, causing interruptions in daily operations that are still felt today. The good news? Organizations are getting back on track with the use of enhanced technology.
With new technology solutions for facilities management, facility managers can more easily communicate with their teams, vendors, and partners–often within a single app. Improved technology provides efficiency and clarity through streamlined communication with your team and partners, allowing greater insight into the work, and quality in your projects.
Facilities management technologies like these can be an easy solution to help cut through the clutter, reduce downtime, and eliminate needless frustration. It helps easily regulate compliance, analyze insights of project details and performance, track time and resources, and ensure a consistent level of service and quality. All of which ultimately save time and money.
Choosing the Right Partner
At National Facilities Direct, relationships are key. We value relationships not only with our customers but also Communication, Relationship building with our technicians and command center teams.
Our customer-centric environment means we’ll stop at nothing to ensure you and your company have the tools necessary to succeed. If you’re ready to have a facilities management partner you can trust, contact us today!
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Improving the Day-to-Day: What Makes a Good Facility Management Partner
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Facilities management plays an important role in the success of an organization. The facility manager (FM) is responsible for coordinating the many unique needs of the facility, the stakeholders, and often multiple vendors and partners. They ensure the functionality, comfort, safety, sustainability, and efficiency of an organization’s physical locations. From the HVAC systems to the parking lot, the FM makes sure the facility’s structure and the supporting systems are operating properly.
Because facilities management touches just about every aspect of the workplace, it requires a lot of oversight. The amount of tasks required to keep an entire facility or facilities operational is often too big of an ask for any one person. As a way to simplify and avoid costly downtime, many organizations turn to a facilities management provider to assist the FM. In this article, we discuss the benefits of partnering with a facility management company and the qualities to look for when hiring the best FM provider for your organization.
Benefits of a Facility Management Partner
To partner with a facilities management company means that your organization benefits from the ongoing presence of highly skilled professionals in a wide range of trades and services who know your facility and equipment inside and out. While there are dozens of benefits, these three have the greatest impact on your organization:
Increased Efficiency: Having a partner that can streamline operations to take care of the day-to-day, while ensuring you have maximum control over the big picture is a major benefit. FM providers manage projects with reduced response and resolution time so you can continue serving your organization’s facility needs. With technicians on standby, you have added peace of mind knowing they can quickly address your projects with optimal efficiency.
Nationwide Access to Skilled and Vetted Technicians: Choosing to partner with an FM provider means you have access to their catalog of trusted technicians who are experts in their field. This access ensures you have the perfect technician for the job whenever, wherever.
Reliable and Continuous Service: Partnering with an FM provider means you can expect the same standard and quality of work whenever and wherever you need it. This level of consistency ensures your needs are consistently addressed every time.
Qualities of a Good Facility Management Partner
Not all FM providers offer the same level of service. The process of choosing an FM provider will vary depending on the needs of your organization. However, there are some common traits to look for when searching for the right FM partner. If your organization has made the decision to partner with an FM provider, these are the qualities that make up the best facility management companies.
Reliability is a key quality to look for when choosing an FM provider. Reliable FM providers hire thoroughly vetted technicians that are proven experts in their field. They have a diverse selection of well-rounded services and experienced teams to carry them out. This level of reliability helps you maintain a high level of service at all times, ensuring consistency in services that can evolve as your needs do.
Communication is critical to keeping systems running smoothly. Smooth communication impacts not only facilities managers but also employees, customers, and ultimately revenue. Good FM providers value clear and direct communication. They understand the impact communication has on company performance and ensure you and your team can reach them whenever necessary.
Good FM partners are collaborative and communicative. They take time to understand your situations, perceptions, and expectations to better learn your facility and deliver a custom solution that meets your needs. The best FM providers are invested in protecting the longevity of your systems and presenting options for both the long and short term.
The nature of facilities and property management is dynamic and ever-changing. Top FM providers are ones that can easily adapt their services to fit the unique needs of your facilities. The best partners will have improved flexibility to adapt to changes both within the overall industry and inside your organization.
The best FM providers are resourceful and creative. They know when to use technology to maximize efficiency and are up-to-date on the latest trends in all of their service areas. This helps them provide the highest quality of service which improves your bottom line and reflects well on your ability to manage the facility.
Discover the Power of an Integrated Self-Performing Facilities Management Partner
A facilities management partner could be the perfect collaborator to help set you up for success. They can assist by developing smoother systems of communication between the technician, command center, and facilities managers to ensure a process that streamlines service, integrates teams, centralizes goals, and lays the framework for efficient and quality relationships.
At National Facilities Direct, we solve problems for both the long and short term that meet resolution-time needs and make your job easier. If you’re ready to partner with an FM provider that is truly invested in the success of your organization, let’s set up a meeting to discuss how we can help take your operations to the next level.
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3 Simple Ways Facilities Management Providers Can Improve Your Organization
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As a facilities manager (FM), you know that every day brings a new set of challenges, all which demand a variety of innovative solutions. Whether it’s keeping assets maintained, balancing budgets and expectations, coordinating teams, or managing time, FMs have a lot on their plates. However, when working with a facilities management provider, you have the opportunity to streamline operations and communications with efficient, cost-cutting solutions that make your job easier. Here are three ways a facilities management provider can improve your organization.
Reduce Operational Burdens and Increase Efficiency
FM providers are flexible and have the resources to adapt their services to an organization’s specific needs. With experienced technicians on standby, FM providers can easily scale their services to manage projects with reduced response and resolution time. For example, an FM provider can help organizations standardize processes for how repair orders are placed, how issues are prioritized, and how invoices are managed. Not only does this increase efficiency, it helps alleviate some of the operational burden on the FM, allowing them to focus on strategic initiatives that benefit the organization in the long run.
Increase the Quality of Work with Access to Highly-Skilled Technicians
FM providers have a vast selection of vetted technicians who are experts in their fields. Working with an FM partner means you also have access to highly skilled technicians.
Whether you need Soft FM like cleaning, landscaping, and waste management services or Hard FM like HVAC, plumbing or electrical services, on-demand access to a FM provider with a vast roster of skilled technicians ensures you have the perfect solution for the job every time. With access to highly-skilled technicians, FM providers are able to leverage their technicians to find the perfect fit and guarantee the quality of work. That level of service allows you to easily navigate complex projects with confidence knowing you have trusted communication, expertise, and results.
Optimize Costs
Consolidating operations and processes can help your organization lower your facilities management costs. Working with an FM provider that has experience in your industry means your needs are taken care of efficiently and to your satisfaction. This saves you time and money looking for the right solution.
You can also find additional savings with a self-performing FM provider because they cut out the middle-man. Technicians within a self-performing system work for the FM company so there isn’t a markup on the price as there would be when aggregators hire from their network of contractors.
In addition, FM providers have significant experience with all types of systems and processes. They can perform an audit to identify risks and provide preventative maintenance that avoids costly fixes and replacements. FM providers have experience with all types of organizations. They examine your organization through operational audits and conditions assessments to provide you with a custom solution that identifies cost-saving opportunities in your systems and processes.
Experience an even bigger Difference with a Self-Performing Facilities Management Provider
Partnering with a FM provider can deliver significant benefits for your organization. From reduction of costs to optimizing your facility management programs for increased efficiency, the right partner can provide the support you need to take your operations to the next level.
When you need a trusted and forward-thinking facilities management partner, choose national facilities direct. No matter your facility management needs, we solve problems for both the long and short term that meet resolution-time needs and make your job easier.
Contact us today to learn how our self-performing, self-supported, and self-communicating integrated facilities management services can take your facilities management to the next level.
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Understanding the Real Difference Between Hard and Soft Facilities Management
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The nature of facilities and property management is dynamic and ever-changing. Between meeting safety regulations and ensuring systems are functioning at an optimum level, managing a facility is no easy feat. Not to mention that every building, room, and worksite has its own character, quarks, and unique needs.
Whether you’re new to facilities management or a seasoned pro, you probably know that most maintenance functions can be broken down into two categories: Hard and Soft facilities management.
Let’s review the differences between the two and why balancing both is essential to your organization’s operations.
What is Hard Facilities Management (FM)?
Hard FM services are the “core services” in regards to the physical assets connected to a facility. Typically, these are the functions and services that are “non-negotiable” as they can have a significant impact on a property’s structural integrity, its largest investments, and the safety and welfare of employees and visitors.
Some examples include:
Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning/Cooling (HVAC)
Utility Equipment Maintenance
Fire Safety Systems
Building Maintenance
Generator Maintenance
What is Soft Facilities Management (FM)?
Soft FM, on the other hand, is considered to be more for general well-being and comfort, rather than structural integrity. These are the services that improve a building’s security and the comfortability of employees, guests, and customers.
As such, these services can be deemed as “non-essential”. But let’s be honest–in today’s environment, these “non-essential” services are actually quite vital because of the experience they create for employees and customers. This is important because the experience of a facility can impact employees, visitors, shoppers and their willingness to advocate for a company or store. When Soft FM functions are cared for, a facility fosters a good environment which improves employee retention as well as customer loyalty.
Some examples include:
Landscaping & Snow Removal
Cleaning & Janitorial
Waste Management & Trash
Parking Lot & Road Maintenance (Street Sweeping)
Power Washing
Pest Control
Porter Services
Restaurant Equipment Cleaning
Duct Cleaning
Window Cleaning
COVID Cleaning
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Top 5 Benefits of Choosing a Self-Performing Facility Management Company
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1. Reliable and Continuous Service
Because self-performers utilize their own technicians, you can expect the same standard and quality of work whenever and wherever you need it, from coast to coast or trade to trade. The standards of performance are set by the FM company so you benefit from a formalized level of consistency. That level of service allows you to easily navigate complex projects with confidence knowing you have trusted communication and results.
2. Save Money
When working with a self-performing company, facility managers can rely on a standardized rate without the cost of the middle-man. No middle-man in the field and no middle-man filtering through service calls means there are no gaps in communication or service. Technicians within a self-performing system work for the FM company so there isn’t a markup on the price as there would be when aggregators hire from their network of contractors. In other words, the technician rate is the company rate.
3. Access to Skilled and Vetted Technicians Nationwide
When you have a facility need, self-performing agencies scan their roster to find the perfect technician for the job every time. Whether Soft FM like landscaping and cleaning services or Hard FM like HVAC, plumbing or electrical, self-performing companies have access to several skilled technicians that can get the job done.
4. Efficiency
We’ve all heard the age-old phrase “time is money.” Self-Performing FM providers manage projects with reduced response and resolution time so you can continue serving your organization’s facility needs. With technicians on standby, you have added peace of mind knowing they can quickly address your projects with optimal efficiency.
5. Safety
Because self-performing facilities management companies work with their facility partners on a consistent and ongoing basis, they provide a level of safety and security in their projects that you might not find with aggregators. Because the technicians work directly for the FM company, they are more properly vetted and trained than contractors in an aggregator model, who may not have any previous work or performance history. This more formal approach to safety and security leads to a more advanced project workflow.
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