#Best Practices Technology
Top 10 Trends in Facility Management
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The pandemic has altered the way almost every business operates. From restaurants and retail to office buildings and factories, nearly every industry has undergone a drastic change in day-to-day operations with new safety mandates and public health protocols. These changes have forced organizations to prioritize facilities management solutions that meet consumer expectations and provide a seamless and engaging experience both on-site and off. As a result, today’s facilities managers must be proactive and knowledgeable of the latest trends in the industry if they want to take their operations to the next level. Here are the top 10 trends that are streamlining the facilities management workflow.
Top 10 Facilities Management Trends in 2022
1. Improved Communications
Communications between FMs and industry partners will continue to be a priority in the field. Cutting-edge software, like the project management systems we use at National Facilities Direct, will lead the way toward optimal efficiency and streamlined communication. Facility managers will play an integral role in laying the infrastructure that will improve the communication process between collaborators to better facilitate project workflow.
2. Increase in Smart Technology
As the Internet of Things (IoT) continues to grow, facility managers will have more access to advanced technology with sensors, processing abilities, and automation that create a more flexible and interactive experience for technicians, employees, and visitors. Smart technology can help facilities managers create a comfortable, energy-efficient environment and optimize building functions ranging from fire protection, security, and asset tracking systems, as well as lighting management, HVAC maintenance, and smart parking.
3. Using Artificial Intelligence to Enhance Collaboration
As facilities become more and more digitized, communication is critical for successful collaboration between teams. Artificial intelligence (AI) has the ability to simplify systems integration by streamlining communication between different departments and breaking down barriers preventing teams from working together.
4. Building Information Modeling
FMs will begin to see an increase in Building Information Modeling (BIM). BIM is software that maps the physical characteristics of a building over its lifetime. This system helps architects, builders, and FMs plan smarter buildings and take a more proactive approach to repairs using data from BIM software. This can help reduce costs, improve efficiency, reduce safety risks, and enhance facilities management.
5. Planned Preventative Maintenance
Similar to BIM, Planned Preventative Maintenance (PPM) is a way to use technology to formalize and anticipate maintenance needs. This predictive maintenance model helps you proactively plan for regularly scheduled maintenance as well as provides a system to quickly adapt to unexpected changes. This proactive approach helps save time and money in the future, rather than reacting to new needs as they arise, because it allows FMs to better understand the assets of each building so you and your partners can make plans for the unexpected.
6. Data-Driven Decision-Making
The changes we’ve all experienced over the last few years will undoubtedly create a hefty database of information, data, and statistics. As FMs plan for upcoming projects, they will rely more heavily on this data to better inform their decision-making process. Utilizing data can help reduce overhead, minimize downtime, increase efficiency and improve system calibration.
7. Greater Environmental Approach
Companies in nearly all industries are being proactive and placing greater priority on eco-friendly practices that limit or negate their carbon footprint. FMs should be directly involved in these conversations and can expect to see more emphasis on innovative energy management solutions and how eco-friendly factors will affect employees, customers, and the environment.
8. Flexible Workspaces
As more organizations begin to move back into the office, the landscape of the working environment will change. Whether moving fully back into the office or developing a hybrid model, FMs should anticipate how the changes in workflow will alter the building needs and operations. Technology will also play a role, as organizations may have used the pandemic to review their technological needs.
9. Personalized Work Environment
As more and more employees return to the office, they will expect a similar feeling of comfort and ease that they experienced at home. While human resource managers may focus on accommodating those shifts, FMs may be asked to deliver Soft FM functions that foster a good environment to improve employee retention as well as customer loyalty.
10. Simplicity with Self-Supported Integrated Facilities Management
Between the changes in workflow, personnel, and the general world around us, we could all use a little simplicity in our lives. From improved processes to enhanced technology, FMs can expect to consolidate, group, and maximize resources to minimize manpower. Self-supported integrated facilities management simplifies workflows and processes to create more time for planning and utilizing budgets on proactive technologies to drive success.
Utilizing Industry Trends
These cutting-edge trends pave the way toward better service and better performance. By taking a proactive approach to facilities management technology, communication, and processes, you can build trust and become a leader in your industry.
Developing Innovative Partnerships
When you need a trusted and forward-thinking facilities management partner, choose National Facilities Direct. No matter your facility management needs, we solve problems for both the long and short term that meet resolution-time needs and make your job easier.
Contact us today to learn how our self-performing, self-supported, and self-communicating integrated facilities management services can take your facilities management to the next level.
Visit Our Website - https://nationalfacilitiesdirect.com/
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Top 10 Trends in Facility Management
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The pandemic has altered the way almost every business operates. From restaurants and retail to office buildings and factories, nearly every industry has undergone a drastic change in day-to-day operations with new safety mandates and public health protocols. These changes have forced organizations to prioritize facilities management solutions that meet consumer expectations and provide a seamless and engaging experience both on-site and off. As a result, today’s facilities managers must be proactive and knowledgeable of the latest trends in the industry if they want to take their operations to the next level. Here are the top 10 trends that are streamlining the facilities management workflow.
Top 10 Facilities Management Trends in 2022
1. Improved Communications
Communications between FMs and industry partners will continue to be a priority in the field. Cutting-edge software, like the project management systems we use at national facilities direct, will lead the way toward optimal efficiency and streamlined communication. Facility managers will play an integral role in laying the infrastructure that will improve the communication process between collaborators to better facilitate project workflow.
2. Increase in Smart Technology
As the Internet of Things (IoT) continues to grow, facility managers will have more access to advanced technology with sensors, processing abilities, and automation that create a more flexible and interactive experience for technicians, employees, and visitors. Smart technology can help facilities managers create a comfortable, energy-efficient environment and optimize building functions ranging from fire protection, security, and asset tracking systems, as well as lighting management, HVAC maintenance, and smart parking.
3. Using Artificial Intelligence to Enhance Collaboration
As facilities become more and more digitized, communication is critical for successful collaboration between teams. Artificial intelligence (AI) has the ability to simplify systems integration by streamlining communication between different departments and breaking down barriers preventing teams from working together.
4. Building Information Modeling
FMs will begin to see an increase in Building Information Modeling (BIM). BIM is software that maps the physical characteristics of a building over its lifetime. This system helps architects, builders, and FMs plan smarter buildings and take a more proactive approach to repairs using data from BIM software. This can help reduce costs, improve efficiency, reduce safety risks, and enhance facilities management.
5. Planned Preventative Maintenance
Similar to BIM, Planned Preventative Maintenance (PPM) is a way to use technology to formalize and anticipate maintenance needs. This predictive maintenance model helps you proactively plan for regularly scheduled maintenance as well as provides a system to quickly adapt to unexpected changes. This proactive approach helps save time and money in the future, rather than reacting to new needs as they arise, because it allows FMs to better understand the assets of each building so you and your partners can make plans for the unexpected.
6. Data-Driven Decision-Making
The changes we’ve all experienced over the last few years will undoubtedly create a hefty database of information, data, and statistics. As FMs plan for upcoming projects, they will rely more heavily on this data to better inform their decision-making process. Utilizing data can help reduce overhead, minimize downtime, increase efficiency and improve system calibration.
7. Greater Environmental Approach
Companies in nearly all industries are being proactive and placing greater priority on eco-friendly practices that limit or negate their carbon footprint. FMs should be directly involved in these conversations and can expect to see more emphasis on innovative energy management solutions and how eco-friendly factors will affect employees, customers, and the environment.
8. Flexible Workspaces
As more organizations begin to move back into the office, the landscape of the working environment will change. Whether moving fully back into the office or developing a hybrid model, FMs should anticipate how the changes in workflow will alter the building needs and operations. Technology will also play a role, as organizations may have used the pandemic to review their technological needs.
9. Personalized Work Environment
As more and more employees return to the office, they will expect a similar feeling of comfort and ease that they experienced at home. While human resource managers may focus on accommodating those shifts, FMs may be asked to deliver Soft FM functions that foster a good environment to improve employee retention as well as customer loyalty.
10. Simplicity with Self-Supported Integrated Facilities Management
Between the changes in workflow, personnel, and the general world around us, we could all use a little simplicity in our lives. From improved processes to enhanced technology, FMs can expect to consolidate, group, and maximize resources to minimize manpower. Self-supported integrated facilities management simplifies workflows and processes to create more time for planning and utilizing budgets on proactive technologies to drive success.
Utilizing Industry Trends
These cutting-edge trends pave the way toward better service and better performance. By taking a proactive approach to facilities management technology, communication, and processes, you can build trust and become a leader in your industry.
Developing Innovative Partnerships
When you need a trusted and forward-thinking facilities management partner, choose national facilities . No matter your facility management needs, we solve problems for both the long and short term that meet resolution-time needs and make your job easier.
Contact us today to learn how our self-performing, self-supported, and self-communicating integrated facilities management services can take your facilities management to the next level.
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nfd05 · 1 year
Creating an Inclusive Workplace: Designing Facilities for Employees with Disabilities
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In today’s digital age, technology continues to shape various industries, and facilities management is no exception. The rise of smart buildings, powered by the Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI), is revolutionizing the way facilities are managed. These intelligent structures offer a wide range of benefits, including enhanced energy efficiency, predictive maintenance, and improved occupant comfort. In this blog, we explore the concept of smart buildings, dive into the benefits, and discuss the pivotal role of IoT and AI technologies in facilities management.
Smart Buildings: Redefining Facilities Management
Smart buildings refer to structures that incorporate advanced technologies to optimize their performance, efficiency, and comfort. By seamlessly integrating various systems and devices, such as lighting, heating, ventilation, security, and occupancy sensors, smart buildings enable automated control and management. This intelligent infrastructure brings significant advantages to facilities management, positively impacting energy consumption, maintenance operations, and occupant experiences.
Benefits of Smart Buildings
Smart buildings are revolutionizing the way we manage facilities and paving the way for a more sustainable and comfortable future. Let’s explore the following benefits:
Energy Efficiency: Sustainability and Cost Savings
One of the key benefits of smart buildings is their remarkable energy efficiency. IoT sensors and AI algorithms continuously monitor energy usage and environmental conditions, allowing real-time adjustments to optimize energy consumption. Smart lighting systems automatically adjust based on occupancy, reducing unnecessary energy usage. Advanced HVAC systems leverage AI to optimize temperature settings, resulting in energy savings without compromising occupant comfort. These energy-efficient practices not only reduce carbon footprints but also lead to substantial cost savings for facility owners and managers.
Predictive Maintenance: Enhancing Performance and Reducing Downtime
Traditional facilities management often relies on reactive maintenance practices, leading to unexpected equipment failures and costly downtime. However, smart buildings leverage IoT and AI technologies to implement predictive maintenance strategies. By collecting real-time data from various sensors and devices, AI algorithms can detect anomalies, identify potential issues, and predict maintenance requirements. This proactive approach enables facilities managers (FMs) to schedule maintenance activities in advance, preventing equipment breakdowns and optimizing performance. Predictive maintenance not only increases equipment reliability, but also extends the lifespan of assets, reducing maintenance costs and minimizing disruptions in facility operations.
Occupant Comfort: Personalized and Productive Environments
Smart buildings prioritize occupant comfort by creating personalized and productive environments. IoT-enabled sensors monitor factors like temperature, humidity, and air quality, ensuring optimal conditions for occupants. AI-powered systems analyze data to learn individual preferences and adjust settings accordingly, providing customized experiences. Automated shading systems adapt to natural lighting conditions, creating pleasant workspaces. Smart buildings also enable personalized access controls, enhancing security while ensuring convenient entry for authorized personnel. By focusing on occupant comfort and productivity, smart buildings promote employee well-being, leading to increased satisfaction, engagement, and productivity.
The Role of IoT and AI in Facilities Management
IoT and AI technologies play a pivotal role in driving the transformation of facilities management. IoT devices, such as sensors, actuators, and gateways, enable data collection and communication between various building systems. AI algorithms process and analyze this vast amount of data to provide actionable insights, predictive analytics, and automation capabilities. By harnessing the power of IoT and AI, FMs can make data-driven decisions, optimize operations, and improve resource allocation. This combination of technology empowers facilities management teams to achieve higher efficiency, lower costs, and enhanced sustainability.
Examples of Successful Smart Building Implementations
Numerous organizations have already embraced smart building technologies and reaped the benefits. For instance, the Edge building in Amsterdam utilizes IoT sensors to optimize energy usage, resulting in a 70% reduction in energy consumption. Additionally, the Bullitt Center in Seattle is a prime example of a smart building that incorporates sustainable features and advanced technologies. With IoT sensors, AI algorithms, and renewable energy systems, the building optimizes energy usage, maintains high indoor air quality, and utilizes rainwater harvesting for reduced water consumption. These successful implementations demonstrate the potential of smart buildings in transforming facilities management.
Future Trends in Smart Buildings
As technology continues to evolve, smart buildings will see further advancements in the future. Increased connectivity, interoperability, and the integration of emerging technologies such as 5G and edge computing will unlock new possibilities for smart buildings. The use of machine learning algorithms will enable buildings to learn and adapt to occupant behaviors and preferences more effectively. Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) applications will enhance facilities management operations, aiding in maintenance, training, and troubleshooting. Moreover, advancements in cybersecurity will ensure the protection of sensitive data, addressing concerns regarding privacy and security in smart buildings.
Paving the Way for a Better Future in Integrated Facility Management
The rise of smart buildings powered by IoT and AI technologies is transforming the landscape of facilities management. With enhanced energy efficiency, predictive maintenance, and improved occupant comfort, smart buildings offer numerous benefits. As we embrace the future of technology, smart buildings will continue to revolutionize facilities management, paving the way for sustainable, efficient, and intelligent buildings. Contact us to embrace the power of smart buildings and experience a new era of optimized facility operations.
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Top 10 Trends in Facility Management
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The pandemic has altered the way almost every business operates. From restaurants and retail to office buildings and factories, nearly every industry has undergone a drastic change in day-to-day operations with new safety mandates and public health protocols. These changes have forced organizations to prioritize facilities management solutions that meet consumer expectations and provide a seamless and engaging experience both on-site and off. As a result, today’s facilities managers must be proactive and knowledgeable of the latest trends in the industry if they want to take their operations to the next level. Here are the top 10 trends that are streamlining the facilities management workflow.
Top 10 Facilities Management Trends in 2022
1. Improved Communications
Communications between FMs and industry partners will continue to be a priority in the field. Cutting-edge software, like the project management systems we use at national facilities direct, will lead the way toward optimal efficiency and streamlined communication. Facility managers will play an integral role in laying the infrastructure that will improve the communication process between collaborators to better facilitate project workflow.
2. Increase in Smart Technology
As the Internet of Things (IoT) continues to grow, facility managers will have more access to advanced technology with sensors, processing abilities, and automation that create a more flexible and interactive experience for technicians, employees, and visitors. Smart technology can help facilities managers create a comfortable, energy-efficient environment and optimize building functions ranging from fire protection, security, and asset tracking systems, as well as lighting management, HVAC maintenance, and smart parking.
3. Using Artificial Intelligence to Enhance Collaboration
As facilities become more and more digitized, communication is critical for successful collaboration between teams. Artificial intelligence (AI) has the ability to simplify systems integration by streamlining communication between different departments and breaking down barriers preventing teams from working together.
4. Building Information Modeling
FMs will begin to see an increase in Building Information Modeling (BIM). BIM is software that maps the physical characteristics of a building over its lifetime. This system helps architects, builders, and FMs plan smarter buildings and take a more proactive approach to repairs using data from BIM software. This can help reduce costs, improve efficiency, reduce safety risks, and enhance facilities management.
5. Planned Preventative Maintenance
Similar to BIM, Planned Preventative Maintenance (PPM) is a way to use technology to formalize and anticipate maintenance needs. This predictive maintenance model helps you proactively plan for regularly scheduled maintenance as well as provides a system to quickly adapt to unexpected changes. This proactive approach helps save time and money in the future, rather than reacting to new needs as they arise, because it allows FMs to better understand the assets of each building so you and your partners can make plans for the unexpected.
6. Data-Driven Decision-Making
The changes we’ve all experienced over the last few years will undoubtedly create a hefty database of information, data, and statistics. As FMs plan for upcoming projects, they will rely more heavily on this data to better inform their decision-making process. Utilizing data can help reduce overhead, minimize downtime, increase efficiency and improve system calibration.
7. Greater Environmental Approach
Companies in nearly all industries are being proactive and placing greater priority on eco-friendly practices that limit or negate their carbon footprint. FMs should be directly involved in these conversations and can expect to see more emphasis on innovative energy management solutions and how eco-friendly factors will affect employees, customers, and the environment.
8. Flexible Workspaces
As more organizations begin to move back into the office, the landscape of the working environment will change. Whether moving fully back into the office or developing a hybrid model, FMs should anticipate how the changes in workflow will alter the building needs and operations. Technology will also play a role, as organizations may have used the pandemic to review their technological needs.
9. Personalized Work Environment
As more and more employees return to the office, they will expect a similar feeling of comfort and ease that they experienced at home. While human resource managers may focus on accommodating those shifts, FMs may be asked to deliver Soft FM functions that foster a good environment to improve employee retention as well as customer loyalty.
10. Simplicity with Self-Supported Integrated Facilities Management
Between the changes in workflow, personnel, and the general world around us, we could all use a little simplicity in our lives. From improved processes to enhanced technology, FMs can expect to consolidate, group, and maximize resources to minimize manpower. Self-supported integrated facilities management simplifies workflows and processes to create more time for planning and utilizing budgets on proactive technologies to drive success.
Utilizing Industry Trends
These cutting-edge trends pave the way toward better service and better performance. By taking a proactive approach to facilities management technology, communication, and processes, you can build trust and become a leader in your industry.
Developing Innovative Partnerships
When you need a trusted and forward-thinking facilities management partner, choose national facilities direct. No matter your facility management needs, we solve problems for both the long and short term that meet resolution-time needs and make your job easier.
Contact us today to learn how our self-performing, self-supported, and self-communicating integrated facilities management services can take your facilities management to the next level.
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hinamie · 3 months
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crying @ my first vs most recent megu these r not the same person heLP
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kingbob2-0 · 10 months
finally updated my fic, “on little cat feet”, after five million years of trying to write, and I figured I’d link it here
if anyone would like a story about Desmond miles getting turned into a cat and ending up in Seattle during the events of infamous:second son, check it out here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/40643007/chapters/101831541
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moontaeddybear · 2 years
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The Link Concert
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Intelligent Automated Risk Management (IARM): Enhancing Risk Identification and Decision-Making
Unlock the future of risk management with Intelligent Automation: smarter, faster, and more proactive. #RiskManagement #AI #MachineLearning #Automation #BigData #Fintech #Healthcare #CyberSecurity
Introduction In an era where businesses face a myriad of risks—from financial uncertainties to cyber threats—traditional risk management approaches often struggle to keep up with the pace and complexity of emerging risks. Intelligent Automated Risk Management (IARM) offers a transformative approach by integrating cutting-edge technologies to enhance risk identification, assessment, and…
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champstorymedia · 11 days
Innovations in Hospital Care: A Look at the Cutting-Edge Technologies Shaping the Industry
Introduction In today’s rapidly advancing healthcare landscape, hospitals are continuously seeking ways to improve patient care, increase efficiency, and enhance outcomes through the integration of cutting-edge technologies. From telemedicine solutions to artificial intelligence, the innovations in hospital care are revolutionizing the way healthcare is delivered. Let’s delve into some of the…
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lionheartlr · 5 months
Discovering Namibia: A Traveler's Guide to the Jewel of the Desert
Are you ready to embark on an unforgettable journey through the heart of southern Africa? Namibia, a land of vast deserts, rugged coastlines, and diverse wildlife, beckons travelers with its untamed beauty and rich cultural heritage. In this comprehensive travel guide, we’ll delve into Namibia’s fascinating history, highlight its top attractions, and provide essential tips for planning your…
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Top 5 Benefits of Choosing a Self-Performing Facility Management Company
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In the world of facilities management, “self-performing” is a term that is commonly misused. Let’s take a minute to talk about what self-performing is and the major differences between it and aggregated services.
What does “self-performing” mean?
Self-performing facility management companies complete the work themselves with their own staff and technicians. Under a self-performing model, the scheduling, work, and follow-up are all completed by the same organization. This is true for all FM projects from Hard FM like HVAC, electrical, and plumbing to Soft FM like janitorial services as well as construction and energy projects.
Aggregators, on the other hand, are companies who hire service providers or subcontractors for different trades and services across multiple regions in order to perform FM services. Unlike self-performing companies, aggregators contract networks of providers on a case-by-case basis and the aggregator simply marks up the cost of the service provider and passes it through to the customer. This model is more expensive and less efficient than someone who is truly self-performing.
At National Facilities Direct, we believe that self-performing means even more than performing the work ourselves. It means approaching projects with a partnership mindset to assure we are looking out for a client’s long-term needs as well as driving short-term problem-solving. With a self-performing facility management company, you won’t get different or unvetted technicians each time you need service. You will have a relationship with National Facilities Direct and its technicians who know your facility and equipment inside and out.
To partner with a truly self-performing facilities management company means that your organization benefits from the ongoing presence of highly skilled professionals in a wide range of trades and services including, but not limited to:
Hard FM Services
Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning/HVAC-R
Fire Safety Systems
Building Maintenance
Generator Maintenance
Soft FM Services
Landscaping & Snow Removal
Cleaning & Janitorial
Waste Management & Trash
Energy Management
Biohazard Waste Disposal
Parking Lot Maintenance
Power washing
Pest Control
Self-performing and integrated facility management companies offer a highly competitive edge because they cut out the middle-man which reduces costs and time while streamlining communication.
While there are dozens of benefits, we want to highlight the 5 that have the most impact on service.
Top 5 Benefits of Self-Performing Facility Management Companies
1. Reliable and Continuous Service
Because self-performers utilize their own technicians, you can expect the same standard and quality of work whenever and wherever you need it, from coast to coast or trade to trade. The standards of performance are set by the FM company so you benefit from a formalized level of consistency. That level of service allows you to easily navigate complex projects with confidence knowing you have trusted communication and results.
2. Save Money
When working with a self-performing company, facility managers can rely on a standardized rate without the cost of the middle-man. No middle-man in the field and no middle-man filtering through service calls means there are no gaps in communication or service. Technicians within a self-performing system work for the FM company so there isn’t a markup on the price as there would be when aggregators hire from their network of contractors. In other words, the technician rate is the company rate.
3. Access to Skilled and Vetted Technicians Nationwide
When you have a facility need, self-performing agencies scan their roster to find the perfect technician for the job every time. Whether Soft FM like landscaping and cleaning services or Hard FM like HVAC, plumbing or electrical, self-performing companies have access to several skilled technicians that can get the job done.
4. Efficiency
We’ve all heard the age-old phrase “time is money.” Self-Performing FM providers manage projects with reduced response and resolution time so you can continue serving your organization’s facility needs. With technicians on standby, you have added peace of mind knowing they can quickly address your projects with optimal efficiency.
5. Safety
Because self-performing facilities management companies work with their facility partners on a consistent and ongoing basis, they provide a level of safety and security in their projects that you might not find with aggregators. Because the technicians work directly for the FM company, they are more properly vetted and trained than contractors in an aggregator model, who may not have any previous work or performance history. This more formal approach to safety and security leads to a more advanced project workflow.
Drive Success with Self-Performing
National Facilities Direct is an integrated self-performing facility management company comprised of highly skilled technicians nationwide. Our forward-thinking approach to facilities management reduces resolution time during critical moments with a fully staffed centralized command center and industry-leading technicians. Put yourself first, with a self-performing facility management company.
If you’re ready to experience the difference a self-performing facility management company can make, contact us today to set up a consultation for your organization.
Visit Our Website - https://nationalfacilitiesdirect.com/
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How to Ensure the Longevity of Your Systems with a Facility Management Company
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Facilities management plays a significant role in the long-term success of an organization. Facility managers (FM) create a functional, safe, efficient, and secure environment that puts an organization in a position to reach its objectives.
While they take care of the day-to-day operations, facility managers are also responsible for maintenance and upkeep of critical systems–which is essential to the efficiency of the facility. Partnering with a facility management provider is a great way to not only increase the efficiency of your systems, but also prolong their life span. In this article, we look at how an FM company can help ensure the longevity of your systems.
Implement Innovative Strategies to Ensure the Longevity of Your Systems
To some FMs, the idea of tracking and maintaining the necessary details for long-term plans and strategies may seem overwhelming–especially if they have limited resources. However, with the right tools in place, this may be more achievable than one might think.
Partnering with a forward-thinking facilities management company can help you implement innovative strategies like Planned Preventative Maintenance (PPM). PPM is a way to use technology to formalize and anticipate maintenance needs. This predictive maintenance model helps you proactively plan for regularly scheduled maintenance as well as provides a system to quickly adapt to unexpected changes or circumstances that may arise. This approach helps you increase the longevity of your systems, saving you time and money in the future. Rather than reacting to new needs as they arise, a FM company can help you optimize your systems for the long run. PPM allows FMs to better understand the assets of each building so you and your partners can make plans for the unexpected.
Data-Driven Solutions For Better Decision-Making
Forward-thinking facilities management companies, like national facilities direct, collect, monitor, track, and analyze valuable data you can use to get a better understanding of your operations. For example, access to data from all of your assets helps you identify key performance indicators (KPI) that allow you to identify and address system vulnerabilities before they happen.
Using data-driven solutions for better decision-making results in actionable insights that improve asset maintenance, productivity, staffing needs, and future budgeting plans. With these insights, you can ensure the longevity of your systems with efficient, cost-saving solutions that can lead to sustainable systems.
Partner with a Forward-Thinking Facilities Management Company
The best FM partners are collaborative and communicative. They take time to understand your situations, perceptions, and expectations to better learn your facility and deliver a custom solution that meets your needs. They’re invested in protecting the longevity of your systems and presenting options for both the long and short term.
At National Facilities Direct, your problems are our problems, and we will work with you to provide a solution that meets your needs. Our customer-centric environment means we’ll stop at nothing to ensure you and your company have the tools necessary to succeed. If you’re ready to have a facilities management partner you can trust, contact National Facilities Direct today!
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nfd05 · 1 year
When Was Indoor Plumbing Invented? Revolutionizing Sanitation and Comfort
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 Indoor plumbing has become an integral part of modern life, providing us with clean water for drinking, bathing, and sanitation. However, this convenience was not always a reality. The invention of indoor plumbing was a groundbreaking development that revolutionized hygiene and transformed the way we live. In this article, we will explore the history of indoor plumbing, from its ancient origins to its evolution into the sophisticated systems we rely on today.
Ancient Origins of Plumbing
 The origins of plumbing can be traced back thousands of years to ancient civilizations. The ancient Egyptians, for example, were among the first to develop complex water systems. They constructed aqueducts and irrigation canals to transport water for drinking and agricultural purposes. In ancient Rome, elaborate systems of aqueducts and sewers were built, providing running water to public baths, fountains, and wealthy households.
Middle Ages and Renaissance 
 With the fall of the Roman Empire, plumbing advancements stagnated in Europe during the Middle Ages. Most people relied on wells and communal water sources, and sanitation practices were rudimentary at best. However, during the Renaissance period, there was a resurgence of interest in plumbing and sanitation. Inventors and engineers began to experiment with new ideas and designs.
The Modern Plumbing Era 
 The true revolution in indoor plumbing began in the 19th century. In 1829, the Tremont Hotel in Boston became the first building in the United States to feature indoor plumbing. This system utilized a gravity-fed water tank to supply water to individual rooms. However, it was not until the mid-1800s that indoor plumbing started to gain widespread popularity.
One of the key figures in the advancement of plumbing technology was Thomas Crapper, an English plumber and entrepreneur. While Crapper did not invent the flush toilet, he made significant contributions to its design and popularization. He introduced improvements such as the U-bend trap and the floating ballcock, which helped prevent foul odors and made toilets more efficient.
Another crucial development was the invention of modern water supply systems. In the late 19th century, cities began implementing centralized water distribution networks. Water was drawn from reservoirs or rivers, filtered, and then pumped through pipes to individual buildings. This allowed for a constant supply of clean water and eliminated the need for individual wells or cisterns.
As plumbing technology advanced, so did the understanding of sanitation and public health. The link between poor sanitation and the spread of diseases became evident, leading to the implementation of sewer systems. The first large-scale sewer system was built in London by Joseph Bazalgette in the mid-19th century. This system effectively carried waste away from populated areas, significantly improving public health and sanitation.
 Indoor plumbing has come a long way since its ancient origins, transforming from simple aqueducts and rudimentary toilets to the sophisticated systems we enjoy today. The inventions and innovations of the past have paved the way for improved hygiene, public health, and overall quality of life. Modern plumbing systems ensure access to clean water, promote sanitation, and prevent the spread of diseases.
While the exact timeline of indoor plumbing's invention is difficult to pinpoint, its evolution has been a testament to human ingenuity and the desire for a better, more comfortable way of life. As we continue to innovate and adapt, it is essential to recognize the significance of indoor plumbing and the remarkable impact it has had on society.
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Top 5 Benefits of Choosing a Self-Performing Facility Management Company
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In the world of facilities management, “self-performing” is a term that is commonly misused. Let’s take a minute to talk about what self-performing is and the major differences between it and aggregated services.
What does “self-performing” mean?
Self-performing facility management companies complete the work themselves with their own staff and technicians. Under a self-performing model, the scheduling, work, and follow-up are all completed by the same organization. This is true for all FM projects from Hard FM like HVAC, electrical, and plumbing to Soft FM like janitorial services as well as construction and energy projects.
Aggregators, on the other hand, are companies who hire service providers or subcontractors for different trades and services across multiple regions in order to perform FM services. Unlike self-performing companies, aggregators contract networks of providers on a case-by-case basis and the aggregator simply marks up the cost of the service provider and passes it through to the customer. This model is more expensive and less efficient than someone who is truly self-performing.
At National Facilities Direct , we believe that self-performing means even more than performing the work ourselves. It means approaching projects with a partnership mindset to assure we are looking out for a client’s long-term needs as well as driving short-term problem-solving. With a self-performing facility management company, you won’t get different or unvetted technicians each time you need service. You will have a relationship with National Facilities Direct and its technicians who know your facility and equipment inside and out.
To partner with a truly self-performing facilities management company means that your organization benefits from the ongoing presence of highly skilled professionals in a wide range of trades and services including, but not limited to:
Hard FM Services
Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning/HVAC-R
Fire Safety Systems
Building Maintenance
Generator Maintenance
Soft FM Services
Landscaping & Snow Removal
Cleaning & Janitorial
Waste Management & Trash
Energy Management
Biohazard Waste Disposal
Parking Lot Maintenance
Power washing
Pest Control
Self-performing and integrated facility management companies offer a highly competitive edge because they cut out the middle-man which reduces costs and time while streamlining communication.
While there are dozens of benefits, we want to highlight the 5 that have the most impact on service.
Top 5 Benefits of Self-Performing Facility Management Companies
1. Reliable and Continuous Service
Because self-performers utilize their own technicians, you can expect the same standard and quality of work whenever and wherever you need it, from coast to coast or trade to trade. The standards of performance are set by the FM company so you benefit from a formalized level of consistency. That level of service allows you to easily navigate complex projects with confidence knowing you have trusted communication and results.
2. Save Money
When working with a self-performing company, facility managers can rely on a standardized rate without the cost of the middle-man. No middle-man in the field and no middle-man filtering through service calls means there are no gaps in communication or service. Technicians within a self-performing system work for the FM company so there isn’t a markup on the price as there would be when aggregators hire from their network of contractors. In other words, the technician rate is the company rate.
3. Access to Skilled and Vetted Technicians Nationwide
When you have a facility need, self-performing agencies scan their roster to find the perfect technician for the job every time. Whether Soft FM like landscaping and cleaning services or Hard FM like HVAC, plumbing or electrical, self-performing companies have access to several skilled technicians that can get the job done.
4. Efficiency
We’ve all heard the age-old phrase “time is money.” Self-Performing FM providers manage projects with reduced response and resolution time so you can continue serving your organization’s facility needs. With technicians on standby, you have added peace of mind knowing they can quickly address your projects with optimal efficiency.
5. Safety
Because self-performing facilities management companies work with their facility partners on a consistent and ongoing basis, they provide a level of safety and security in their projects that you might not find with aggregators. Because the technicians work directly for the FM company, they are more properly vetted and trained than contractors in an aggregator model, who may not have any previous work or performance history. This more formal approach to safety and security leads to a more advanced project workflow.
Drive Success with Self-Performing
National Facilities Direct is an integrated self-performing facility management company comprised of highly skilled technicians nationwide. Our forward-thinking approach to facilities management reduces resolution time during critical moments with a fully staffed centralized command center and industry-leading technicians. Put yourself first, with a self-performing facility management company.
If you’re ready to experience the difference a self-performing facility management company can make, contact us today to set up a consultation for your organization.
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cazort · 1 year
I don't mind Tumblr changing things, and in fact I like a lot of the small changes they've made recently.
One thing I hate though is that the site as a whole seems slower and less responsive. In spite of me having a much faster, more reliable internet connection and a much faster computer than when I started using Tumblr years ago, the responsiveness of the site has become much slower when I do basic actions like liking or reblogging a post.
There are sometimes long delays when I click the like button on a post, sometimes more than 1 or even 2 seconds. This is strange. When I go to reblog a post, often the post takes many seconds before it comes up.
I also notice delays when looking at people's blogs. Like sometimes when I scroll down, the whole site just starts being sluggish, and often it cranks my CPU. I hate this. It not only is annoying to me, it's running my CPU, using up my battery life or my electricity that I pay for in my home. It feels disrespectful to me as a user, like one of those spammy websites that has all the horrible ads that crank the CPU and make my fan turn on.
I really hope this doesn't get worse, and I would really, really like it to get better. It's so frustrating to see the technology, including the CPU's, memory, and internet bandwidth, and cloud hosting technology, get dramatically better and cheaper over the years, and yet have the quality-of-service, speed, and CPU utilization get worse during the same period. The only possible explanation is bloat and incompetence.
I don't program my own websites this way. They have gotten faster over the years, as the technology has improved. If you're not doing it this way, you're doing it wrong.
Yes I'm talking to you @staff
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techswings · 1 year
OBS Studio Best Practices: Elevating Your Content Creation
As the world of content creation continues to evolve, OBS Studio (Open Broadcaster Software) has emerged as a powerful and versatile tool for live streaming and recording.
To achieve professional and engaging content, it is essential to adopt best practices when using OBS Studio.
In this comprehensive guide, we will explore a wide range of tips and recommendations to help you make the most of OBS Studio and elevate your live streams and recordings to the next level.
Tumblr media
1. Plan Your Content
Before going live or recording, plan your content carefully. Consider the following:
Theme and Focus: Determine the theme and focus of your content. Whether you're streaming games, tutorials, or creative activities, a clear theme helps build a dedicated audience.
Storyboarding: Create a storyboard or outline to organize your scenes and sources, ensuring smooth transitions and a structured presentation.
Engaging Introductions: Start your streams with captivating intros that hook your audience and set the tone for the rest of the content.
2. Optimize Your Settings
Efficient OBS Studio settings are crucial for a seamless content creation experience. Consider the following optimizations:
Output Settings: Adjust output resolution, bitrate, and framerate based on your internet connection and desired video quality.
Hardware Acceleration: Enable hardware acceleration if your system supports it to offload some processing tasks from the CPU.
Use Scenes and Sources Wisely: Organize your scenes and sources to minimize clutter and confusion during your streams or recordings.
3. Audio Quality Matters
Audio is a critical aspect of content creation. Pay attention to the following audio best practices:
Microphone Quality: Invest in a good-quality microphone to deliver clear and crisp audio to your viewers.
Noise Suppression: Use OBS Studio's noise suppression filters to minimize background noise and enhance audio clarity.
Audio Balance: Ensure a proper balance between game audio, voice commentary, and background music.
4. Visual Appeal with Overlays
Engage your audience visually by using appealing overlays:
Custom Overlays: Create custom overlays that reflect your brand and add a professional touch to your streams.
Alerts and Widgets: Integrate alerts for followers, subscribers, and donations to acknowledge and appreciate your audience's support.
5. Master Transitions
Smooth scene transitions create a polished presentation:
Fades and Cuts: Use subtle fades or quick cuts between scenes for smooth transitions.
Stinger Transitions: Implement stinger transitions with dynamic video effects for a professional touch.
6. Engage with Your Audience
Building a connection with your audience is vital for content creators:
Interactive Elements: Add chat integration and interact with your viewers to create a sense of community.
Respond to Chat: Engage with your viewers by responding to their messages and questions during your streams.
7. Monitor Performance
Keep an eye on your OBS Studio performance to ensure a seamless streaming experience:
Performance Stats: Use OBS Studio's performance statistics to monitor CPU usage, dropped frames, and streaming bitrate.
Test Runs: Conduct test runs before going live to check the audio, video quality, and transitions.
8. Consistency is Key
Establishing a consistent schedule builds trust with your audience:
Regular Streams: Stick to a consistent streaming schedule to let your audience know when to expect your content.
Content Variety: Offer a mix of content to keep your viewers engaged and interested.
OBS Studio's best practices are fundamental to creating professional, engaging, and polished content.
By planning your content, optimizing settings, focusing on audio quality, using captivating visuals, mastering transitions, engaging with your audience, monitoring performance, and maintaining consistency, you can elevate your content creation game with OBS Studio.
Embrace these best practices and unlock the full potential of OBS Studio to connect with your viewers and build a dedicated community around your content. Happy streaming and recording!
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