naturegirltara · 1 month
Happy Heavenly Mother's Day!
I am in AWE is how I start any sentence that has to do with you Mom’s out there. I am in AWE of what you do. It all started while watching my MOM! Happy Heavenly Mother’s Day My Mom raised 4 kids on her own. She had 5 kids but her firstborn child died of Leukemia at the age of 2. Honestly, I don’t know how anyone moves forward after that but she did. I am the baby of the family. I didn’t see…
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naturegirltara · 1 month
Feeling Spring Fever
I’ve been feeling spring fever these days. There’s a quickening in the air. An awakening. These are some of the flowers along my way. I’m so grateful to be able to get outdoors and honor the beauty around me. How about you? Show me some of your photos? Cacti Lupine Giant Yellow Coreopsis Milk Thistle Wild Mountain Sage Snails have sacred geometry!
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naturegirltara · 1 month
This Day!
Would you look at this day! Backbone Trail/Calabasas NatureGirlTara.com I have been in a major gratitude mode lately and this is one of the reasons why. First thing in the morning (7am), I get to start my days with this hike in the Santa Monica mountains. There is not really a better way to start the day. I am so grateful and the more grateful I am, the more amazing bits of life seem to come…
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naturegirltara · 2 months
Over 60 And Strong!
Yes, it is possible to be Over 60 And Strong! While it is true that our bodies lose muscle mass as we age, that doesn’t mean we can’t build more! That’s the best news of our lives. To be sure though, if you stop moving your body and you no longer challenge your muscles to do more than they feel like doing, your body will atrophy and become frail and weak. Let us learn from those that came before…
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naturegirltara · 2 months
Point Dume Natural Preserve
If you are in the Los Angeles area in the next week, you should make the trip to the Point Dume Natural Preserve! The flowers wilt faster than I’d like, but they are so abundant and beautiful to be around. NatureGirlTara taking in the Sun! Point Dume is a pretty place all year long but Spring time is the ultimate! I am so blessed to have visited year after year and each new year it’s a thrill…
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naturegirltara · 4 months
NOTICE Nature's Beauty!
We are amazing machines. Imagine if all you have to do is Notice Nature’s Beauty and you’ll receive a flood of beneficial chemicals throughout your body? Once you imagine it, know that it is true! Neuroscience shows that the four hormones which promote and enhance wellbeing by simply Noticing Nature’s Beauty are endorphin, serotonin, dopamine, and oxytocin. Being Aware is such a huge key to…
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naturegirltara · 4 months
Living With Myself
I think I really just realized that I’m not alone as far as Living With Myself goes! There are many women who have lives that look similar to mine–we are on our own and have been for many years. I am at the place where I prefer being alone. It took a lot to untangle from being in relationships. I was most definitely addicted to being in them for most of my young adult life. If one was ending,…
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naturegirltara · 4 months
Take Time To Play--It Is The Secret To Perpetual Youth
Take Time To Play--It's The Secret To Perpetual Youth http://wp.me/pGRpJ-wz
Something about those words that just sit easily with me–Take Time To Play–It Is The Secret To Perpetual Youth–that is the truest statement I know. My life is always lusting for play. Play is ease and joy and fun and light. Not enough people take the time to do it though. Most people seem like they’re rushing from one chore to the next. I’m glad I know the feeling of play and ease! Sometimes,…
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naturegirltara · 4 months
Natural High Talk about a Natural High–This year marks 30 years since I started riding my mountain bike in the Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area.  No, I don’t ride as often as I once did but hey, at least I still ride! I’m not sure what I would do if I weren’t able to get out there. It feels freeing and I am so grateful for this gift of health. If you have mistreated your body in…
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naturegirltara · 6 months
Blissfully Alive
When I am out on the hiking trail, with a gorgeous backdrop and, bonus,, a person with me in addition to animals wow, I am in a blissful place. Being outside in nature, and moving our bodies with animals and with another person to talk to is a real gift. I cropped off my friends face because she is a bit of a celebrity and I don’t want to intrude upon her privacy. I’m just so grateful for her.…
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naturegirltara · 8 months
Out On A Limb--I Am In Awe!
I stared in awe– jaw wide open! I discovered a bird’s nest tucked under the big leaf of a Bird of Paradise Tree. Can you imagine being out in Nature protecting your home and your young from every element out there? This big leaf was swirling about in the wind! There were all kinds of other birds that discovered their home and had to come check it out. They were annoying and the parents seemed…
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naturegirltara · 11 months
A Visit From Heaven
Have you ever had a dream that feels Supernatural and relieves you from the grief you’ve been holding onto by the loss of a loved one? I just did and I need to share! One of my longest life friends passed away a few months ago. We’ve known each other for 50 years. She was only 63. She had years of health problems but was always in the process of healing. She helped so many others heal and saved…
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