nehama-w · 6 years
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Editing is everything. I recently found the original for one of my favourite photos I have ever done... and had forgotten how much I had edited to get it to what I had imagined. The original is a light image with good composition but not much impact. With a little editing the photo became a high impact partial black and white which draws on many different emotions. This is the new focus of my photography... how can I draw out emotions using photographs.
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nehama-w · 10 years
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This photographs shows an image of a unique style of boating, Punting. This specific river is in cambridge. The different shading on the trees add some depth to the image. The sun is shining in different areas therefore creating natural lighting to different areas of the photograph.
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nehama-w · 10 years
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Nature is an interesting thing. However what is more interesting in photographs is when man made and nature comes together. In this photograph you have mostly nature however the sign and the fence adds some extra interest. A nature photograph can be beautiful... however add some man made or human things to it and it is taken to a new level. It tells a story, when was it placed, why, etc. In this case it also adds a question of what happened to make it need the sign. This photograph is full of rich tones and small texture.
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nehama-w · 10 years
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Stationary Building It has now been over a year since I started my photography page and so to honor this I would like to re-post the photograph that started it all... This photograph was created for my exam final image. The title of the exam was ‘Inside, Outside and In between.’ Normally we use things like pencils and pens etc for the outside to create an image. I wanted to use it within my photograph to show the hidden beauty within the tools we use. I also wanted to show that they hide behind the artwork. When looking from afar you wouldn't be able to see the items hidden within.  Looking back on it now I think the photograph shows that the things we use to create the finished product are often never thought of whether it is a simple thing like the tools for art or the tools we use in life. 
This photograph has been a major tool in my development and took me over 13 hours to create. 
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nehama-w · 10 years
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This photo shows the different ways the stalactites grow. Although they grown from the ceiling they also form underneath to create these interesting structures. None of the stalactites are the same size which creates this appearance of there being more than there is. Due to the lighting the shadows are formed. these help bring out the stalactites and also enhance their colours. 
About the stalactite cave series… 
The caves are fill of stunning natural stalactites that hang from the top of the cave and create stunning compositions and shapes. The textures of the stalactites are also incredibly interesting making the caves the most exquisite things to not only see but also an amazing place full of wonderful photograph opportunists. Due to the delicateness of the stalactites flash photography is forbidden within the caves meaning photographs taken in the dark area have to be on manual setting. Therefore it becomes difficult to get a good photograph however if you achieve one, the image is magnificent.
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nehama-w · 10 years
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This photograph is showing the magnificent shapes and the different forms the stalactites take. this shape looks like a sea of rock jelly fish. The different colours are created by the special lights that shine in the caves. these lights not only help to show and point out specific parts in the cave but also help to show the unique texture that is created. This photograph shows a bubbling texture on the 'fish' and shows the intricacy the uniqueness that is within every stalactite. . 
About the stalactite cave series… 
The caves are fill of stunning natural stalactites that hang from the top of the cave and create stunning compositions and shapes. The textures of the stalactites are also incredibly interesting making the caves the most exquisite things to not only see but also an amazing place full of wonderful photograph opportunists. Due to the delicateness of the stalactites flash photography is forbidden within the caves meaning photographs taken in the dark area have to be on manual setting. Therefore it becomes difficult to get a good photograph however if you achieve one, the image is magnificent.
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nehama-w · 10 years
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In this photograph shows some of the texture and colour created by the amazing science of these exquisite caves. It is hidden at the bottom of one of the stalactites and can almost be missed if your not looking carefully. the texture itself is almost an image of a cloud or the bubbles of the sea. it could even be seen as the moon. whatever it looks like at 1st glance it can be sure that the rainbow colouring really brings out the texture as well as creating added interest and depth to the image. 
This is the 1st in a series of photographs taken at the stalactite caves... About the stalactite cave series... 
The caves are fill of stunning natural stalactites that hang from the top of the cave and create stunning compositions and shapes. The textures of the stalactites are also incredibly interesting making the caves the most exquisite things to not only see but also an amazing place full of wonderful photograph opportunists. Due to the delicateness of the stalactites flash photography is forbidden within the caves meaning photographs taken in the dark area have to be on manual setting. Therefore it becomes difficult to get a good photograph however if you achieve one, the image is magnificent. 
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nehama-w · 11 years
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One of the greatest ways of creating nature photographs is to add a depth of field/focus to the photograph.In this photograph I decided to make the flowers a focus point with the natural green and sky as a background.
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nehama-w · 11 years
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Flowers create stunning and unique images. No mater how many flowers you see they are always different. The beauty they hold is endless. I wanted to try to capture this in the photograph by showing two flowers connected to each other with the contrasting green background against their white petals and pink colouring.
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nehama-w · 11 years
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This photograph is an image of nature at its best. Its a simple image of light through the forest of trees. The light shining through helps to add contrast to the image as well as depth and meaning. There are so many different layers to the image created by the different size of trees. Some are taller, others seem to be small. However it would seem in this image that it is the distance that makes the trees seem smaller or taller. Life is a little like this image. Growth cant happen when you stay in one place, growth appears when you travel the distance and become closer to your goal. Although trees cant move I think the image can be used as a metaphor for this lesson.
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nehama-w · 11 years
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A night scene is not always easy to capture. However they can also be the most spectacular and rewarding. In this image the sky compliments the night scene by adding extra atmosphere to the dramatic image. The lights in the background show a faint setting of a distant town. The dark mountains are layered together to form a large silhouette therefore emphasizing both the sky and the glowing houses. The different shapes, tones and shadows are created within the different houses with the street part of the scene.
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nehama-w · 11 years
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This photograph shows the beauty of nature in full. The depth of field has helped to bring the cracked pomegranate into focus. It has also made many different layers within the photograph. the fullness of the leaves has meant that the red/orange fruits have become clearer and in the focus of the eye. The pomegranate in the foreground has cracked in the sunlight where as behind is a new bud ready to grow. This is a beautiful image of growth in nature.
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nehama-w · 11 years
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In this photograph I wanted to show the beauty of nature and man kind combined. This man made bridge brings a pass through the nature allowing us to view more of the magnificent world around us. The photograph holds a strong depth of field as well as a perspective shoot. The people walking through helps to break up the image and emphasizes the comparison created. 
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nehama-w · 11 years
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Animals create interesting images and are a great subject for photography. However they are not the easiest of subjects, firstly because you have to find them, but also because they can be unpredictable. While on a hike someone pointed out to me this little lizard fully camouflaged. It was incredibly fast but stayed still in place for long enough for me to photograph it. The image is unique with all its shades and shadows. The depth of field helps to add distance to the image and gives the illusion of the lizard looking into the distance.  
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nehama-w · 11 years
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There are so many opportunities to take photographs with interesting composition. When I saw these stairs with the old dusty spider webs I couldn't resist. The slight out of focus look allows the image to tell a story and adds character to the photograph.  I might not have had the best equipment however sometimes even a simple camera phone can do the job.
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nehama-w · 11 years
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Landscapes are a great way to capture beautiful images. They often show different tones and layerings within the image. In this image the photograph is a subtle composition with the fading background and the simple tree in the foreground. 
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nehama-w · 11 years
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Stationery Building.  This photograph was created for my exam final image. The title of the exam was 'Inside, Outside and In between.' I wanted to try to create something that could show of my skills and hold a deeper understanding of the title.  The image took me over 13 hours to create, the exam went for 3 days.   This photograph is the reason I started my tumblr page. 
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