neithhrs · 3 years
📚 Witch Study Tips 📚
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🌪️ Start your study session by opening your windows wide open and getting fresh air on your face to clear out negative or distracting thoughts. 
🔮 State a clear intention for the session, for instance “I have no doubts in my ability to succeed in my studies and to understand everything clearly”. 
🕯️ Light a purple candle, which is associated with power, ambition, and focus, to get inspiration and energy from the flames. 
💎 Set clear quartz crystal around your study space to bring clarity of mind and a deep focus state. 
🍵 Drink matcha, peppermint, or green tea to increase focus and concentration while studying. 
🎧 Listen to lo-fi playlists with spooky themes, such as this one (for witches) or that one (for ghosts). 
✏️ Draw a productivity sigil on your notebook or add it digitally to your notes on your computer, if you don’t use actual paper. I like using this one.
🧘 Meditate at the end of your study session to absorb the knowledge and calm your thoughts before moving on to another topic.  
🛌 Take breaks! Don’t forget to step out of your study space, stretch your muscles, take a walk outside, make a nap. 
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neithhrs · 3 years
all i want is to have one of those ghibli moments where the protag is just lying in a breezy field with wildflowers and big puffy clouds overhead. that’s the goal here.
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neithhrs · 3 years
Mi primer poema publicado en wattpad! Subiré uno nuevo todos los sábados, espero que os guste :)
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neithhrs · 3 years
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I’m in a high vibrational mood right now and I love it ✨
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neithhrs · 3 years
i normally write in spanish but here i leave a “poem” that i uploaded in english
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neithhrs · 3 years
i really needed this, thank u!
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neithhrs · 3 years
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Lets talk: chakras!
in this post, we'll talk about chakras! what they are, why its important to keep them balanced and how they can aid/hinder our spiritual journey.
FAQs |
I. what even are chakras? Chakras points of energy throughout the body where the physical and higher selves meet.
II. what do they do? each chakra corresponds to massive nerve centers and major organs in the body. each of the 7 chakras also contains our spiritual states of being.
so what ARE the 7 chakras? glad you asked! let's break them down, one by one, because in order to begin to unblock or even open our chakras, we need to understand them throughly.
before we begin, let's do a little meditation lesson. lie down on a comfortable, flat surface. now, using your pendulum, hover over each of your chakra points — if the pendulum moves with the flow of the position of your body, the chakra is open. but if it does not move, it is blocked.
now, this comes with a grain of salt because while it can be a useful simple way to check the chakras, it cannot be the only way you check them.
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1. Root Chakra (Muladhara)
The root chakra represents our foundation. On the human body, it sits at the base of the spine and gives us the feeling of being grounded. When the root chakra is open, we feel confident in our ability to withstand challenges and stand on our own two feet. When it's blocked, we feel threatened, as if we're standing on unstable ground.
Location: Base of spine, in tailbone area
What it controls: Survival issues such as financial independence, money, and food
Mantra: "I can't grow from an unsteady foundation."
Color: Red
Element: Earth
Stone: Hematite
2. Sacral Chakra (Swadhisthana)
The sacral chakra helps inform how we relate to our emotions and the emotions of others. It also governs creativity and sexual energy. Those with a blocked sacral chakra could feel a lack of control in their lives.
Location: Lower abdomen, about 2 inches below the navel
What it controls: Your sense of abundance, well-being, pleasure, and sexuality
Mantra: "I always honor others but not before myself."
Color: Orange
Element: Water
Stone: Tiger's Eye
3. Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)
The third chakra, the solar plexus chakra, speaks to your ability to be confident and in control of your life. Think back to the last time you had butterflies or felt a pit in the stomach: That's the Manipura chakra at work. If your solar plexus chakra is blocked, you might feel overwhelming amounts of shame and self-doubt. Those with open sacral chakras are free to express their true selves.
Location: Upper abdomen in the stomach area
What it controls: Self-worth, self-confidence, and self-esteem
Mantra: "Self-love starts when I accept all parts of myself."
Color: Yellow
Element: Fire
Stone: Amber
4. Heart Chakra (Anahata)
The heart chakra is the bridge between the lower chakras (associated with materiality) and the upper chakras (associated with spirituality). As the name suggests, this chakra can influence our ability to give and receive love—from others and ourselves. Someone with a blocked heart chakra will have difficulty fully opening up to the people in their life. If someone's heart is open, they can experience deep compassion and empathy.
Location: Center of chest, just above the heart
What it controls: Love, joy, and inner peace
Mantra: "When I love myself, loving others comes easily."
Color: Green
Element: Air
Stone: Rose Quartz
5. Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)
The throat chakra gives voice to the heart chakra and controls our ability to communicate our personal power. When it's functioning at full capacity, it allows us to express ourselves truly and clearly. Someone with a blocked throat chakra will feel like they have trouble finding the words to say how they truly feel.
Location: Throat
What it controls: Communication, self-expression, and truth
Mantra: "I speak my truth, always."
Color: Light Blue/Turquoise
Element: Sound/Music
Stone: Aquamarine
6. Third-Eye Chakra (Ajna)
As we move up the body, we're getting closer to communion with the divine. The third-eye chakra controls our ability to see the big picture and connect to intuition. Think of it as the eye of the soul: It registers information beyond the surface level. Visions and intuitive hits are not uncommon for someone with an open third-eye chakra.
Location: Forehead between the eyes (also called the Brow Chakra)
What it controls: Intuition, imagination, and wisdom
Mantra: "I am open to exploring what cannot be seen."
Color: Dark Blue/Purple
Element: Light
Stone: Amethyst
7. Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)
The crown chakra, the highest chakra, sits at the crown of the head and represents our ability to be fully connected spiritually. When you fully open your crown chakra—something very few people ever do!—you're able to access a higher consciousness.
Location: The very top of the head
What it controls: Inner and outer beauty, spiritual connection
Lesson: "I am a vessel for love and light."
Color: Violet/White
Element: Divine Consciousness
Stone: Clear quartz
now that we have a better understanding of the chakras, what they do and more important where they are, we can talk about the reasons we might have blocks, and the things we can do to reopen those blocks and therefore progress in our spiritual journies.
i read a book about charkas a while ago, and then i feel it explains the reasons better than i could, here is an excerpt from that book.
"A blocked chakra means energy is stuck or hindered. You might think of it as a blocked artery. In order for energy and information to flow, the channels through which they flow must be open. You will have difficulty getting to work on time if the roads are blocked by traffic. In the same way, the chakras cannot work at optimal levels when the pathways have blockages. These blockages can be physical, emotional or psychological, spiritual, karmic, or energetic.
The blocks can be physical, in the literal sense, such as fatty deposits in the arteries, a tumor, a cyst, or excess waste. We can create blockages in the physical body through poor dietary choices, lack of exercise, overexertion, and lifestyle choices such as overwork, drug use, or lack of sleep.
Blocks in the chakras can also be emotional or psychological, such as stored emotions from the past or mental illness such as anxiety, depression, or addiction. We accumulate emotional toxins and residue from not properly processing and digesting emotions and experiences. These toxins result in blocking the energy flow of the chakras.
Blocks can be spiritual in nature. They can come from outside spiritual forces or from within. If we refuse to honor the spiritual side of who we are, we block the higher chakras. Being spiritually rigid and strict can also restrict the flow of energy. Remember, whether the forces are external or internal, without your conscious awareness they can create harm.
Blockages can also come from our karma. The word karma in Sanskrit literally means “action.” In life we perform actions that are good or nourishing, bad or harmful, or neutral. An example of a good action might be giving money to charity. A bad action might be intentionally lying or deceiving. A neutral action might be making the bed (which, if you dig deeper, can also be considered a good action, depending on the circumstances). In the East, certain religions and philosophies adhere to the principle that we accumulate karma throughout lifetimes, and we carry it forth into our current life. The definition of karma, in this sense, assumes a belief in reincarnation and asserts that karma is not simply the action performed but also the consequences of that action. Good karma carried forward can give us favor in our current lifetime. Bad karma is a debt we must repay in this or future lifetimes.
Finally, the blocks can be energetic. I explained a little about energetic blockages when I spoke about my astrological chart. We are a part of this earth, our solar system, and the universe. The influence of the earth’s energy and elements, as well as of the energy of the sun, moon, and planets in our solar system, is strong and undeniable. Ayurveda, the five-thousand-year-old medical system from India, recognizes these energetic forces and acknowledges them as a means of healing. You can learn more about Ayurveda by reading my book The Wheel of Healing with Ayurveda: An Easy Guide to a Healthy Lifestyle. Ayurveda works on the principles of the five elements — space, air, fire, water, and earth — which work together to create the three doshas, or mind-body types, of Vata (space and air), Pitta (fire and water), and Kapha (water and earth). These elements and mind-body types are relevant in recognizing energetic blocks within your body and the chakras. This awareness will give you more tools toward your healing of the chakras and provide a superspeed highway to creating energy flow." — CHAKRA HEALING FOR VIBRANT ENERGY by Michelle S. Fondin.
so how do we unblock them then? well, its more complicated than can be explained in a single tumblr post, but i will tell you how to get the energies moving whilst you work through the blocks and figure them out.
we need to understand, that we are all different, and our spiritual journies will all be different. the same goes for things like chakras.
1st Chakra (Root)
Element: The root chakra is associated with earth, so walking barefoot in the sand, grass, or dirt can be beneficial. Any time spent in nature is helpful for this chakra.
Nutrition: Eat healthy red foods like tomatoes, beets, berries, and apples.
Wear and Decorate: Use accents of red and wear red jewelry, clothing, or shoes.
Sound: lam
2nd Chakra (Sacral)
Element: The sacral chakra is associated with water, which means swimming or spending time by bodies of water like lakes and oceans is beneficial.
Nutrition: Eat orange foods like carrots, oranges, melons, or mangoes.
Wear and Decorate: Surround yourself with orange accessories or tones.
Sound: vam
3rd Chakra (Solar Plexus)
Element: The solar plexus chakra is associated with the element of fire, so enjoy sitting around a bonfire or soak up bright sunlight.
Nutrition: Eat yellow foods like bananas, ginger, turmeric, pineapple, and corn.
Wear and Decorate: Wearing yellow clothing, jewelry, and accessories would be beneficial.
Sound: ram
4th Chakra (Heart)
Elements: The heart chakra is associated with air, so breathing deeply will help to clear the energy at this level. Drive with the windows open, fly a kite, or take a boat ride.
Nutrition: Eat green foods including broccoli, avocado, and leafy greens like kale or spinach.
Wear and Decorate: Accent your life with all shades of green.
Sound: yum
5th Chakra (Throat)
Element: The throat chakra is associated with ether (similar to spirit), so sitting in an open space under a clear sky is a fabulous way to get this energy flowing appropriately.
Nutrition: Eat blue foods like blueberries, currants, dragon fruit, and kelp.
Wear and Decorate: Use all blue tones.
Sound: ham
6th Chakra (Third Eye)
Element: The third eye chakra is associated with light. To balance and open this chakra, sit in stillness in the sunlight or relax in a window as the sun pours in.
Nutrition: Eat indigo foods including purple kale, grapes, and blackberries.
Wear and Decorate: Wearing indigo clothing or jewelry and decorating with accents of this color will be useful.
Sound: sham
7th Chakra (Crown)
Element: The crown chakra is affiliated with all the elements, so connecting with your wholeness rather than a single element is the recommended practice. Spend time in meditation, chanting, or prayer.
Nutrition: At this level, the nutrition is no longer for the physical body. This chakra is not nourished with food, but with spiritual practices. Practice self-reflection and curiosity.
Wear and Decorate: Wearing violet clothing or jewelry and decorating with accents of this color will be useful.
Sound: om
hopefully you all understand chakras a bit better now! but, if any questions are to come up that you can't seem to find an answer to, my ask box is always open! (like my chakras).
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neithhrs · 3 years
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a little work in progress
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neithhrs · 3 years
✨ Trucos de Bruja  ✨
by @wiccangrimoire99 , all praises be to them. Yo solo traduzco. 
Amanecer : 🌄
Al amanecer trabaja con hechizos proyectados al estudio, el trabajo, los negocios, la salud y los viajes. 
También es un buen momento para rituales de purificación y buscar ayuda para nuevos comienzos.
Mediodía : 🌆
Al mediodía aprovecha la máxima energía del Sol para hacer conjuros de fuerza, coraje, protección, éxito, oportunidades y asuntillos de dineros.
Atardecer : 🌅
Aprovecha el atardecer para potenciar hechizos de catársis, para dejar ir la enfermedad, el mal de corazones y los fallos. Destierra la miseria y el dolor. Haz rituales para romper con adicciones, malos hábitos y la negatividad recurrente.
Noche : 🌃
La noche es el momento para los embrujos de mejora personal y crecimiento. Potencia los sueños psíquicos, la consciencia, la adivinación,la espiritualidad, el amor, la paz, el cerrar viejas heridas y liberar los espiritus encerrados. 
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neithhrs · 4 years
a beginners guide to the biggest sabbat of the year
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northern hemisphere: 31st October - 1st November
souther hemisphere : May 1st
Samhain is a witches new year (magically or literally it’s up to you). It’s the biggest sabbat of the year and it honours the dead. It reflects how the winter is finally upon us and the days are going to be getting short and shorter which teaches us thag like day and night, you can’t have life without death. It’s a pagans day of the dead and we use it to show our respect and honour the passed. It’s also the last harvest.
black tourmine, jet, brass and clear quartz crystals work well i’ve found
fake or real bones and feathers to show death
pumpkins and autumn leaves
rosemary, mint and apple leaf are good herbs to use in spells
for insence i use mryh, mint, nutmeg , apple and rosemary
white, black and other warm colours work well for candles
dress in black and other earth colours as a way to show respect
divination is powerful at this time of the year - scrying is extremely powerful as well as ouija boards
perform powerful spells such as protection, love, banish negative energy and sex spells
bonfire and other fire rituals are powerful to perform
it’s the best day of the year to contact spirits and loved ones
carve pumpkins to scare away any evil spirits
leave offerings to the dead on graves or on your alter and windows
eat foods such as seeds, ginger, alcohol, apples, corn, meat
harvest any of the herbs or food you haven’t already and dry it for winter
I’m going to use this to worship Hecate and Hades. Hecate is the goddess of witchcraft and so for me it makes sense to worship her. Hades is the God of the dead (not death) and so i will be praying to him to make sure any wandering spirits find somewhere warm and safe for the night along with getting to all their families who welcome them in and whoever doesn’t have a place to take one in my home. I’ll also be praying to him to protect my loved ones as not all the spirits and dead will be friendly.
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neithhrs · 4 years
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✨My pages on casting runes in my book of shadows/grimoire✨
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neithhrs · 4 years
Beginner Witchcraft - UPDATE
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A common post request.
How to begin:
Begin by reading everything you possibly can about witchcraft, plants, other religions, etc.
Take notes on everything you can.
Be creative and use your imagination, look for symbols in your day-to-day lives.  
Re-read your notes and important information,
Do your research.
Make sure you research all paths and philosophies.
Start a consistent meditation and visualization regime.
Find a path you love.
Learn about yourself and your path and beliefs.
Work with your energy and practice harnessing it.
Start practicing your spells after enough research.
Write your own spells and start a grimoire.
Continue reading and learning.                                                                                                                                                                                      
Topics to research:    
Different witchcraft paths
Witchcraft history and its origins.
Different deities in different cultures
Folklore, superstitions,  and wives tales
Mythology from different cultures
The elements Air, Earth, Water, Fire
Basic tools and supplies for the craft
Sabbats and esabats
Witchcraft misconceptions
Nature cycles and lunar phases
Working with spirits and angels
Runes                                                                                                       Magickal theory
Curses - the dangers and how to cast them properly
Ways to stay safe when practising
Types of Witches
Cheap witchcraft supplies
Dangers of witchcraft
Solitary v.s Coven witchcraft
Ritual structure
How to set up an altar
Study Nature
Negative energy and how to rid of it.
Candle magick
Psychic Practises
Protection against harm
Things to practice:
Grounding and centering
Casting and closing a circle
Raising, releasing, and visualizing energy.
Record any magick practices, visions, or dreams you receive.   
Spend as much time as possible in nature.        
Listen and observe.               
Practice invoking Gods, Goddesses, and elements.  
Keep your grimoire up-to-date
Find a mentor - Someone to help you find your path
Practise staying concentrated
All paths are good paths, do not insult anyone’s path.
You do not need any fancy equipment to practise
You don’t need to practise everyday
Follow your path don’t  let others tell you what to do or force their beliefs on you.
Believe in yourself!
Take care of yourself
Be respectful of others paths and beliefs
Never stop learning
Ask questions
Make lots of friends in the community
Stay safe
Make sure you do not steal from closed religions!
Have fun!
May the moon light your path!
==Moonlight Academy==
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neithhrs · 4 years
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As requested-
I was so happy about this ask because I’ve loved the Ancient Egyptian deities and culture since I was a little girl. Here are ways you can connect with Kemetism.
✨burn sweet smelling incense in your Space
✨ have snacks of fruits, dried fruits and warm steaming bread
✨ study and learn to write in hieroglyphics when you need some calm and focus
✨ spend time with cats, whether it’s your own or a neighbor’s
✨ work on your winged eyeliner and put products in your hair to make it smell sweet
✨create an altar to your favorite God or Goddess
✨ create beaded necklaces or bracelets to adorn yourself with
✨ wade in a river
✨ meditate on the ankh, or your personal ideas of the source of life
✨ read and study the Book of the Dead or the Book of Gates
✨ practice some Heka magic
✨ for Thoth- create hieroglyphic sigils
✨ for Isis - meditate on the sacred feminine
✨ for Hathor - dance to music you love
✨ for Horus - practice some air element magic
✨ for Anubis - let go of detrimental things in your life and start a new cycle
✨ for Ra - feel the sun on your face
✨ for Seth - do something out of your comfort zone
✨ for Osiris - get your hands in the earth and work with plants
✨ put highlighter on your cheeks and collarbones so you glow
✨ practice or learn a musical instrument
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neithhrs · 4 years
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🥀 treat everyone with grace and affection
🥀 wear perfume often
🥀 never ever harm cats, spend time around them
🥀 learn all her Epithets
🥀 have fun with your sexuality
🥀 draw energy from the sun
🥀 know first aid and healing principles
🥀 be both nurturing and strong and unmovable at once
🥀 defend people wrongly accused and bullied
🥀 grow catnip in your garden
🥀 help abused people
🥀 enjoy dancing and drinking if you’re of legal age
🥀 call upon her fighting spirit when you need strength
🥀 call upon her lover’s spirit when you need passion
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neithhrs · 4 years
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G O D D E S S GUIDE : Nephtys
🔆 work with the element air
🔆 collect bird feathers
🔆 accept and embrace the cycles of life and death in your life
🔆 offerings of red wine
🔆 see your home as your temple
🔆 wear an ankh necklace
🔆 practice death witchcraft
🔆 use graveyard dirt and rainwater in your craft
🔆 erect a shrine to loved ones who have passed away
🔆 work your magic in the dead of night
🔆 press and dry flowers and herbs
🔆 offer guidance and comfort to grieving friends
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neithhrs · 4 years
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👑 G O D D E S S GUIDE : Áine 👑
🔅 work with both the sun and moon
🔅 incorporate faerie magick into your craft
🔅 keep your space glowing and well lit
🔅 write songs and poetry
🔅 always be ready to stand up for yourself
🔅 work with the elements of air and fire
🔅 dress in colors of red, gold, green and blue
🔅 do spellwork at dawn or dusk
🔅 be hopeful even in dark times
🔅 light candles or straw
🔅offerings of grain or wheat
🔅 do offerings on Midsummer or Lammas
🔅 focus on the abundance around you
🔅 use herbs like blackberry, garlic, nettle, mugwort and flax
🔅 teach your circle about love
🔅 tend to a garden or grow your own crops
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neithhrs · 4 years
Aura colors and their meanings
Reds; hearts and blood circulation
Dark red: Usually indicates someone who is centered and grounded, with a strong sense of self-preservation.
Muddy red: Indicates anger.
Bright red: Passionate, competitive, sensual, and energetic.
Pink: Artistic and loving. If this is not the person’s usual aural color, it may have turned pink because they have recently fallen in love or are feeling love more profoundly at that moment. It may also indicate that the person possesses psychic abilities.
Muddy pink: Indicates deceit and emotional immaturity—which is frequently the cause of deceit.
Oranges; healthy and full of vitality - reproductive system
Red orange: Indicates confidence.
Yellow orange: This person is creative, intelligent, and a perfectionist.
Muddy Orange: This person is feeling laziness or a lack of ambition. They may also be emotionally clogged and unable move forward.
Yellow; optimistic and full of life. Or liver/spleen malfunction. Either or. 
Pastel yellow: Optimism and spiritual awareness. 
Bright yellow: Struggle for personal power. 
Muddy yellow: Indicative of fatigue, from trying to do too much all at once.
Green; health of the heart/lungs. Someone with a green aura wants to help the world however they can. Think teachers and healers.
Yellow green: Excellent communicator.
Bright green: Natural healer. 
Muddy green: Jealousy, insecurity. This person has trouble taking responsibility for their actions.
Blue; state of the thyroid. Someone who is calm, compassionate, sensitive, and intuitive.
Turquoise: Powerful healer, particularly in the realm of emotional and mental health. 
Light blue: Truthful and peaceful. 
Bright blue: A spiritual intuitive. May be able to read other’s thoughts or futures. 
Muddy blue: Deceitful, though not out of malice, but instead out of fear.
Purple; something may be wrong with the nervous system. Often people who are deeply spiritual and posses extraordinary gifts.
Indigo: A daydreamer, but in the best possible way. This person can make the world the way they wish it to be.
Violet: Psychically powerful and wise.
Lavender: Imaginative and creative.
Muddy violet: This person’s psychic gifts are being blocked by some internal force.
Misc Colors
Silver: Abundance, either spiritually or monetarily. 
Grey: Filled with fear to the point of physical suffering.
Gold: Someone in direct communication with the Divine. 
Black: This individual is pulling all energy towards themselves, sort of like a black hole. They are psychically or physically wounded, and attempting to (inefficiently) heal themselves in some way. 
White: Newness and purity. Children, celestial beings, and the enlightened. 
Keep reading
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