nerdingouthard · 11 years
Doctor Who 50th trailer
I was half asleep, just browsing tumblr and for some reason I thought I was going to see another fan made trailer. BUT OH MY GOD! IT IS THE REAL THING!! And from that moment on, I just can't think of anything else. I can NOT wait for the episode. I am soooooooooo EXCITED!!! Rose is finally back, and probably as the Bad Wolf... I love it, I love it, I love it... I don't know how I will be able to sleep tonight from the excitement!!! On the downside, we are still 2 week away...
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nerdingouthard · 11 years
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The Day of the Doctor (x)
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nerdingouthard · 11 years
I really can not stop rebloging things from the new trailer. I just can't... OMG... It's still 2 weeks away... And the Fez is Back...
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Glasses are cool!
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nerdingouthard · 11 years
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12K notes · View notes
nerdingouthard · 11 years
Ok, I am glad that somebody else thought that she could be the Bad Wolf in the trailer. I am soooooooooo excited!!! I feel worse than not watching the trailer.... I need this... NOW!!!
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I am the Bad Wolf. I create myself. I take the words; I scatter them in time and space, a message to lead myself here.
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nerdingouthard · 11 years
I thought it was a fan made. But it is actually the REAL DEAL! 
Guys guys guys guy! It’s the official trailer!!!!!!!!!!  It’s finally here!
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nerdingouthard · 11 years
The big day is coming...
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nerdingouthard · 11 years
Is it sad that this basically sums up my entire life?
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nerdingouthard · 11 years
Denial and Acceptance
There are times that I am thinking nooooo... I am not gay... it's just a confusion and it will go away, and then I see a photo, a video or sth and I am like, I am sooooooooo gay... I just have to figure out how to go from denial to complete acceptance. I guess it takes time...
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nerdingouthard · 11 years
Remember, remember the 5th of November. The gunpowder, treason, and plot. I know of no reason why the gunpowder, treason should ever be forgot.
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nerdingouthard · 11 years
This... Just this... Also, I feel I should help her with that melted ice-cream and you know, lick it off her... 
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Waiting for Lost Girl Season 4, graphic description XD
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nerdingouthard · 11 years
I really have no words... It's just so..........
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nerdingouthard · 11 years
My messy life
I am just going to "mumble" a little bit here, so I am going to apologize for anyone who might read it. (I doubt anybody will, so I'm fine) Anyway, the reason I am writing this thing down, is mainly to get it out of my chest, and maybe it'll make things better. I don't even know where to start, and probably it won't make any sense but anyhow. The thing is, that for the past month I should have been studying for a semester project but all I did was to procrastinate. Like a lot. Like, I didn't read a single sentence. That's probably cause I don't really like what I am doing. I am thinking that I made a big mistake choosing to do this Master, or probably it was a mistake of the specialization that I choose. Things would probably have been better if I had chosen sth more interesting or at least more appealing for me, than sth that would be easier to find a job. Cause if you don't get the fucking degree, there was no point at all. After a long process of thoughts, I came to the realization that if I want to get my Master, I would have to change specialization and waste another semester. Oh, yeah. last semester wasn't good either. I basically failed it. The hole semester. It quite possible had to do with a very bad phase that I was going through, but nonetheless I failed. Something that I still haven't told my parents. And I am not afraid to tell them that I failed, rather than that I wasn't good. You see, I am their only child, who decided to go abroad and study and they are really proud and happy for me. How can I tell them that I hate it here. Well, technically I don't really hate the country (well, just a little bit) but that I didn't like what I am doing. And I return to my long process of thoughts, that I have to change specialization. Which means, that I will have to spend a whole more year if I want to finish, and unfortunately my parents will have to support me in order to do that. I hate the fact that I came to this age, and I still need them to give me money. At least when I was back home and doing my bachelor I was able to work, and didn't need money. But here it's so difficult to keep up with anything. My main problem, and the main reason I am writing down all this, is that next week, I am supposed to give a presentation for a course. If it would be only for me, I would say fuck it. I am just not going to do it. But unfortunately, I am in a team with another guy and we were supposed to do it together. What have I done regarding this? NOTHING! Absolutely nothing. And I hate myself about it. I've been meaning to call him or send him a message, but I don't know how to start. He is probably crazy mad at me by now, and I wouldn't blame him. For the past 3 days all I am thinking is that I have to tell him, and help him. But as everyday goes by, it get's harder and harder. I am not even living the house, cause I am afraid I might bump into somebody from uni and they might starting asking me where I've been. And what am I supposed to tell them? Hidden in the house not knowing what the hell I am doing with my life? I can't do that. I thing by now, I've come to some decisions regarding what I am going to do. I think I am either going to change my specialization or drop out. And I don't want to drop out. I don't like to be a quitter. I hate it. But in order to do this, I will have to write to that guy, and ask him if he needs any help with the presentation, now that I still have time to help. I HAVE TO DO IT. And it still feels so hard. I feel so bad.  Oh, and at some point it might be a good idea to open my university mail. I think I haven't checked out of fear for the past 2-3 weeks. I am afraid so hard that somebody is going to be sth like: Ok, we haven't seen you in a month here. You are out. Which won't happen, but everyone would probably be really mad about it. And I am so embarrassed about all this. And everyday that goes by things get worse and worse. And I don't know what to do anymore. I used to talk all these things with my best friend. But since I moved here and she also left we aren't able to talk as we used to. I haven't been able to see her in person for over a year now. And the worst thing is I don't know when I will. The last time we had a serious conversation alone, of course it was over skype but still, it was like 10 months ago when I told her that I think I might be gay. She was cool with it. But when you are trying to figure out yourself you need your friends more than anything. And I thing being alone in a foreign country with people that you barely know and can't talk doesn't help. I'll probably stop writing now. Cause my very stupid mind goes from one thought to the other like crazy and I don't make sense. But it doesn't matter. Does it? PS: If anybody actually got through this. Congrats, you are hero. And you just got a glimpse of my "not making a lot of sense" mind. 
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nerdingouthard · 11 years
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Prize Choice Links:
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nerdingouthard · 11 years
An amazing Spanish song consisted of Greek Words with a wonderful meaning!
Sin racismos ni extremismos, sin tabues etnicos...
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nerdingouthard · 11 years
Thank you for that! I was seriously screaming alone, this is NOT what is happening. I do hate my government, but these facts are just wrong. And the rumors of a holocaust? I was like, are you people even real? Please, please, please... Everyone just get your facts right before starting assuming all these awful things.
I’m going to make something VERY clear with everyone.
Apparently all this started with this article which became famous on tumblr. It has a...
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nerdingouthard · 11 years
There is no place like Greece!
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Super Moon Rises over Thessaloniki
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