punofolk · 11 months
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Traje típico de Apurimac, Perú 🇵🇪.
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niveditaabaidya · 1 year
Peru's Southern Copper Starts Legal Action To Evict Illegal Miners #per...
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psicologosenlima · 2 years
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manessha545 · 6 months
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Queshuachaca Rope Bridge, Peru: Queshuachaca, is the last remaining Inca rope bridge, consisting of grass ropes that span the Apurimac River near Huinchiri, in Quehue District, Canas Province, Peru. Wikipedia
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zvaigzdelasas · 2 years
In addition to Boluarte’s removal, the protesters also are demanding the closure of Congress — which has a high disapproval rate — along with changes to the Constitution and Castillo’s release from prison.[...] While the demonstrations died down over the holiday period, representatives of civil groups and unions from 10 historically left-wing regions in southern Peru announced their resumption on Wednesday.[...]
But in the mountainous Apurimac region, protest leader Milan Knezvich said the struggle will continue. “No one will want to talk to her. As long as Mrs Dina Boluarte does not resign, this will continue,” he told Exitosa radio.
On Tuesday, thousands of people marched in Lima and elsewhere demanding “peace and tranquillity”. The country’s human rights ombudsman has said 22 people were killed in protest-related clashes and more than 600 were injured so far.
4 Jan 23
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huariqueje · 2 years
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Liubomir Fernández,Elizabeth Prado   [email protected]
THOUSANDS OF AIMARAS ARRIVE IN LIMA...They had a massive farewell in various parts of the lakeside city. The Andahuaylas delegation is already in Lima. Between tears and recommendations to take care of themselves, hundreds of Puneños fired nearly 7,000 Aymara who left for Lima to demand the resignation of Dina Boluarte. Those who will represent Puno in the capital left aboard buses, vans, cars and trucks. As they passed through various towns they received all kinds of support. They gave them products such as cookies, water, bread, fruit, soda, tuna, coke, and even money so that they can resist as long as necessary until they achieve their political purpose. “We are grateful for all the love that they have just shown us in each town. We are not going to let them down. We are not going back until Dina Boluarte resigns. He has ignored us. He has humiliated us. Now he is going to know the strength of the aimaras. The strength of the people who work the land,” said José Colque Mamani, leader of the Ilave mountain range.
The convoy, made up of around 120 vehicles, left from the Desaguadero district. Subsequently, the caravan concentrated in Ilave and then they all headed towards the city of Puno. There thousands of people stationed themselves on the side of the road where the procession passed to give them their support in money and all kinds of food. The Aymara communities reported that as long as their countrymen are in the capital, the indefinite strike with roadblocks will continue. The following days they will send new representatives to the capital. Each unit has a human team that will be in charge of caring for the wounded if there is police repression. University students joined the March of their 4 Earlier, from Parque de la Madre, dozens of students from the Puno Altiplano National University (UNA) left for Lima. They will join their colleagues from other universities in the capital and, at the same time, they will wait for the Quechuas and Aymaras so that the Puno bloc is united.
“We are offended because of what Dina Boluarte said. We are not drug traffickers or terrorists. Now they are going to meet us. We will continue in the fight until the final. They are not going to make fun of us. Not that. Impossible,” said Manuel Flores, a social work student. 
(The Republic, January 18, 2023)
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willytravel-blog · 11 months
TREKS IN CUSCO por cusco destination Por Flickr:  CHOQUEQUIRAO TREK You can visit the architectural complex Choquequirao is situated in Vilcabamba at 3100 meters, considered the last Inka refuge and place of resistance from the invaders, when doing this trek you will enjoy beautiful scenery, you'll see the impressive Apurimac Canyon, flora and wildlife along the path. This route offers a strenuous but formidable journey due to the various existing ecosystems. Useful Information - Starting Altitude - 2900m / 9515ft. - Highest Altitude - 3050m / 10,005ft- Walking Distance - 64 km / 40 miles- Longest Day - Day 1, approximately 25 km/15.5 miles- Overall Difficulty - Difficult INCA JUNGLE TO MACHU PICCHU Our Inca Jungle Trail classic To Machu Picchu combines adventure sports such as mountain biking, rafting, zip line, hot spring and trekking for 4 days until you reach Machu Picchu and one of the additional mountains "Machu Picchu Mountain" or "Huaynapicchu". The Inca Jungle route is the favorite tour for young people from all over the world who come to Cusco in search of deferent adventures and extreme sports. As a Tourism Agency located in Cusco we offer a differentiated service; with an exclusive route, trained guides (real command of English, local history and adventure sports), bicycles equipped for downhill, the safest rafting and zipline services. We recommend our passengers book in advance to have everything insured and avoid unnecessary risks such as loss of equipment, lack of access to Machu Picchu, Machu Picchu Mountain, Huayna Picchu or even worse, being stranded in Aguas Calientes (no return train). This tour is one of the classic routes full of adrenaline to the Inca citadel of Machu Picchu.Useful Information - Starting Altitude: 4400m / 14435ft. - Highest Altitude: 4350 meters / 14271 ft. - Minimum Altitude: 1430 meters / 4691 ft - Biking distance: 65km / 40 mile - Biking time: 3.5 to 4 hour approximately. - Hiking distance: 19 Kilometers / 12.3 mile - Overall Difficulty: Moderate INCA QAURRY TREK TO MACHU PICCHU The quarry of Cachicata was the place of extraction of the stones that were used for the construction of Ollantaytambo and many surrounding areas. This place is 9 kilometers from the Inca town of Ollantaytambo and has three groups of quarries: Molle Pucro, Sirkusirkuyoc (it was the largest), shows evidence of having been in full operation when the Spaniards entered this area. And finally Kantirayoq or Cacchicata, where another type of extraction of minerals and precious stones was practiced.Useful Information - Starting Altitude - 3350 meters / 10990 feet . - Highest Altitude - 4500m / 14,764ft- Walking Distance - 25 km / 15.5 miles- Meals - 2 breakfast, 2 lunch, 2 dinner, 2 tea times, 2 wake up tea- Overall Difficulty - Moderate- STARTING POINT: - Cusco at your hotel
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karlaap23 · 1 year
Película "El destino de los pobres"
Año:19 de enero del 2015
Sol de Lucero Calderón H"Sarita"
Jeferson Sotomayor "Julián"
Fiorela Llaclla"Sra.Juana"
Una producción de:Jaime Huaman Berrocal
De que trata?
Una historia Peruana basada en hechos reales que se vivió en los 80 donde las autoridades (soldados)hicieron grandes estragos en las regiones de Ayacucho,Apurimac entre otras,todas las familias se vieron afectadas y tuvieron que emigrar a otros lugares pa poder enfrentar las necesidades que tenían como la miseria y las enfermedades.
Todo comienza en un pequeño pueblo llamado Ayacucho,la historia se enfoca en una pequeña familia de tres la madre juana,la hija Sarita y el hijo Julián,que perdieron a su padre a causa del terrorismo,incluso no fue el único ya que en ese tiempo los soldados hacían lo que querían con el pueblo,la señora juana prometió darles una vida mejor,ella les dijo que los llevaría a la ciudad así que Sarita y Julián esperaban con ansias ese viaje,tristemente la madre a través de una lectura de cartas se enteró que estaba enferma y que si no se atendía lo antes posible ella moriría,en una noche lluviosa Julián escucha a su mamá decirle a una amiga que estaba enferma y Julián se encuentra muy preocupado y triste,al día siguiente por la mañana Julián le dice que sabe de su enfermedad y que por su salud debe viajar a la ciudad,la señora juana se niega a dejarlos sólos,mucho menos a Sarita que es la más pequeña y no lo entendería Julián prometo hacerle entender a su hermana y que viaje lo más pronto,al poco tiempo Julián y Sarita se despiden de su madre y ahí es donde comienza todo...los niños se quedan a cargo de su tío hermano de su madre,pero lo que la señora juana no sabía es que su hermano era un alcohólico y trataba muy mal a los niños,a Sarita la regañaba por no saber cosinar y a Julián lo hacía trabajar de una manera excesiva,al parecer su madre envió una carta donde le decía a su hermano que luego de haber llegado a la ciudad y ser hospitalizada al poco tiempo de salir encontró un trabajo y mandó dinero a sus hijos el cual obviamente tomaría el dinero,los niños cansados de los malos tratos de su tío deciden viajar a la ciudad por su propia cuenta.
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Esta película es de mi agrado ya que esta basada en hechos reales,es muy interesante,te hace reflexionar sobre la vida y la importancia de valorar las cosas.
¡Muy buena película te la recomiendo!
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life-music-db · 7 days
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yuyaritravel · 23 days
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insomniac-morpheus · 2 months
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ey-tu-chupalohh · 2 months
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uraharafiles · 3 months
file : interesting creatures #2 : endangered birds (list)
abbot's booby abbot's starling aberdare cistocola abyssinian longclaw aceh pheasant african white-backed vulture african black oystercatcher african gray parrot african green broadbill african penguin african skimmer agulhas long-billed lark akekee akepa akiapola'au akikiki ala shan redstart alagoas antwren alagoas curassow alagoas foliage-gleaner alagoas tyrannulet alatroa grebe albert's lyrebird albertine owlet aldabra brush warbler aldabra drongo algerian nuthatch allpahuayo antbird altamira yellowthroat amami jay amani sunbird amazonian parrotlet amber mountain rock thrush ambon yellow white-eye amsterdam albatross anambra waxbill ancient antwren andaman crake andaman cuckoo-dove andaman drongo andaman hawk-owl andaman scops-owl andaman serpent eagle andaman treepie andaman wood pigeon andaman woodpecker andean condor andean flamingo angolan cave-chat anianiau anjouan island sparrowhawk anjoan scops-owl ankober serin annobon white-eye antioquia bristle-tyrant antipodean albatross antipodes green parakeet apo myna apo sunbird apolinar's marsh wren appert's tetraka apurimac spinetail aquatic warbler arabian grosbeak arabian woodpecker araripe manakin araucaria tit-spinetail archbold's bowerbird archer's lark ascension frigatebird ash's lark ash-breasted tit-tyrant ash-throated antwren ashy antwren ashy storm-petrel ashy thrush ashy-breasted flycatcher ashy-headed laughingthrush asian dowitcher asian golden weaver (why does it sound like a spider) asian green broadbill atitlan grebe atiu swiftlet atlantic petrel atlantic royal flycatcher atlantic yellow-nosed albatross atoll fruit-dove atoll starling auckland islands rail auckland islands shag auckland islands teal auduoin's gull austen's brown hornbill austral rail australasian bittern australian bustard azores bullfinch azores wood pigeon azure jay azure-breasted pitta azure-rumped tanager azure-shouldered tanager
sources earthsendangered.com [link]
send an ask if you want more info, or if you've got more to share! please use this post as a source if you post or use information you found on it!
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crazyprinceruins-blog · 3 months
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inkatrailexpeditions · 4 months
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Choquequirao Trek in 4 Days
And it’s no surprise as it´s surrounded by fantastic natural landscapes with valleys, snow-capped mountains and an amazing variety of plants, birds and animals.  It is situated in the mountain range of the Salkantay, at over 3030 meters above sea level, surrounded by the Apus (mountain gods) of Yamana, Ampay, Chokecarpu, Pumasiyo and Panta, on the left bank of the Apurimac River. During the time of the Incas, everything was connected and in communication with Machu Picchu through a complex network of trails.
More info: [email protected] +51 908 862 838 https://wa.me/51908862838
#Choquequirao #ChoquequiraoTrek #inkatrail2024 #trekking #lifeadventurestravel #travel #traveling #hikkingperu #Cusco #MachuPicchu #trekkingperu #trekadventures
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dioshablahoy · 4 months
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