nervarts · 11 days
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This was meant to be a quick warm up, but it turned into a comic that I’ve wanted to draw for a while. This is something that is extremely important to me, and I appreciate it if you read it.
A while ago, I heard a story that broke my heart. A family went a cat shelter to adopt. The daughter fell in love with a 3-legged cat. The father straight up said “absolutely not”. Because he was missing a leg. That cat was that close to having a family that loved him, but the missing leg held him back. Why?!
Many people have the initial instinct of “nope” when they see an imperfect animal. I get it, but less-adoptable does NOT mean less loveable. 9 out of 10 people will choose a kitten over an adult cat. And those 10% that would get an adult cat often overlook “different” animals.
All I want people to do is be open to the idea of having a “different” pet in their lives. Choose the pet that you fall in love with, but at least give all of them a fair shot at winning your heart.
Don’t dismiss them, they deserve a loving home just as much as any other cat. They still purr, they still love a warm lap, they still play, they still love you. Trust me, next time you are in the market for a new kitty, just go over to that one cat that’s missing an eye and see what he’s all about!
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nervarts · 11 days
Catch || Pestilence II
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It's been a while since I've drawn Dahlia. This is a pose I've been wanting to do for a long time. I wanted to try out perspective and also the new shading style. That pose was a bit of a pain to do. 😆 I'm not very satisfied with the green shade, which is Pestilence (it makes things rot and people sick). But I'm going to include it anyways. Because I tried.
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I welcome feedback/critique for it. What things I need to improve on? Once again, I didn't know what to add as background so I left it white. 😅
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nervarts · 18 days
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nervarts · 19 days
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I drew Lilyana yet again, but as you can guess, this is the appearance she has in a D&D campaign I'm participating. In this version, she's a sorceress. I will say that she does have elements from her original story, where she was born and raised in a rich household. But mainly by her father. And she still is a singer too. However, there are differences to her personality and story.
Sadly, I'm not going to share her backstory because it's a secret (I don't know if my party's watching this). 🤫 But when it comes to her personality, she's a little more open (what we know), sheltered, naive (to a fault) and modest. She doubts her skills as a sorceress and rarely exercises it as a result (we are like... 8 players, not including the DM and Co-DM). There is another reason for it, but I can't say. She's also a little more excitable rather than this cold, calculated lady. But I love this version of Lilyana as well. It's imperfect, but adorable.
I had no idea what to draw as background, so I left it white. 😅 I was a little afraid it would take the focus away from her. This was made to do a little lighting/color study, and well as to try a new shading technique. I am liking it so far :o
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nervarts · 28 days
Lilyana (II)
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Hey everyone! I'm back and feeling better! 💖 I am here to share a second drawing of Lilyana, singing. I think it's about time I share her backstory. Beware, this is going to be a long read. 📖☕
Lilyana Aretha Napoles is a character I made for a Sci-fi RP with @Mamsey . She was born in the capital city of Khose, from a small planet called Accilles— which is located three worlds away from the primary globe. She was raised as an only child in a family that reached the noble status shortly before her birth. Her father worked as a politician and her mother was a socialite. At the age of four, they moved to Ziherilia, the main planet and the Emperor's domain. Lilyana was raised in luxury and privilege. However, her parents were strict and educated her in politesse. From a young age, her singing talent manifested. She was taught and praised by her teachers for her voice. She seldom knew of hardships or what occurred beyond high society. That was, until Frederika disappeared.
Frederika was Lilyana's childhood friend and the child of her mother's abigail. Despite their social differences, the two girls got along together and behaved like sisters. In their sixteen years, a conflict broke out in Yulea, her friend's home planet. Not long after, she and her mother vanished. When questioned about their whereabouts, the nobility had to take a vow of silence by order of the Bureau of Principal Legitimacy (which are more or less the equivalent of the Thought Police in 1984). No one could question, speak about the women, or the planet itself. Yet Lilyana became restless and tried to uncover the mystery of Frederika's disappearance. After furtive attempts and risky bypassing, the truth turned out to be much darker and disturbing than she could imagine.
An insurrection took place in Yulea against the Ziherilia, which was quickly and violently put to an end. The planet became a slave labor camp with a high mortality rate. All Yuleans royalty were imprisoned and potentially executed. The Bureau of Principal Legitimacy had changed the entirety of its history, erased any traces of a revolt occurring, and wiped out important names from the Counsel. It had been done throughout the Emperor's rule. Whenever there was opposition, the Bureau was there to intervene. No one was safe from its scrutiny. Discovering and unveiling secrets was considered traitorous and carried a severe penance.
From then on, Lilyana had sworn to avenge Frederika. She joined the revolutionary group behind closed doors— whose locations varied from planet to planet and its members belonged in different social statuses. A decision that would forever change her life. In the meantime, as the years went on, she cultivated her talent in a regime where music was restricted. She became favorable not only to the ruling class, but also to the common folk. As she gained attention from the Emperor, she was allowed to perform for the people. She carefully introduced herself to politics in order to work in favor with the public— thus cementing her status as a lady.
Currently, she is working covertly as both the intermediary and agent for the Rebellion while establishing her influence among the court and the Counsel. At the same time, she is a prominent singer. She tasks in growing her reputation and the forces of the other side while avoiding the jaws of the Bureau. Particularly its leader (which is @Mamsey 's character).
Personality-wise: Refined and serene, Lilyana is described to be a cold jewel. Despite her congeniality, she maintains distance from people and avoids deeper relationships. As a result, there is an air of mystery around her persona. She would rather be addressed by her second name instead of her first. When it comes to diplomacy, she is silver-tongued and gracious. In truth, she holds passion for her beliefs and justice. She tries to resolve conflicts in her best judgment and help all those in need. However, because of her allegiance with the Rebellion, she is secretive and can be deceitful to anyone. Even those from her same class or higher. The young woman is aware of the consequences of her actions, yet she tries to remain as undaunted as possible.
If you made it this far, thank you so much for reading! 🥹 Lilyana is my new favorite child to draw (I have no preferences, though). I have a couple of WIPs of her that I plan to post soon.
Also, I haven't done this in a while, but if you like my art and wish to see more, consider supporting me on Ko-fi! 🙏🏼💖
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nervarts · 30 days
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Tying shoelaces, again.
Soooo... last time I posted was the first day of Feb. now it's nearly the end of August.
Burning heat of summer is weakening (still hot and soggy as hell, but the wind had become surely cooler than last week), covid is spreading again, and news is full of irrationality. Won't rant on last one however.
Started drawing again recently, and man it feels so good. Can't say the outcome is 'great', but still it makes me pleasant anyways.
Cruel and hateful events aside, I still think life is worth living. Hope it would stay that way.
In my opinion, drawing and writing is same as riding a bicycle. You became crappy once you get to do it again after couple amount of time doing none, but soon remember the mirth and joy of creating. albiet slowly.
So yeah, now in progress of... whatshouldisay... rehabilitation.
Current goal is posting a pic at least once in a week. Wish life won't kick me again while trying, lol.
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nervarts · 2 months
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a painting I started in 2020 and returned to finish this year Back then I was just starting to question why I had become the woman I was and why I was completely dissatisfied with being her.
Finishing it as a nonbinary person in 2024 has given me a little bit of closure. No matter where I am in my life I still find gender hard to talk about, it's like talking about god or death
I just call this the woman totem oil painting, 2024, a4 Sold
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nervarts · 2 months
Hey everybody! I know I haven't been posting here much, but I apologize for the radio silence. I've been taking a break from social media. I got burnt out trying to keep up with one site from another, trying to be as active as possible everywhere— and I haven't been doing much art as a result. I'm focusing on writing and drawing now. I don't know when I'll be back, but I just wanted to let you know at least that I'll be quiet until this feeling goes away. Take care! ❤️
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nervarts · 2 months
How to talk to children
This is based on decades of experience as an uncle and as an older brother.
Never forget that children are just as much people as adults are.
Kids 10 years or younger (and sometimes older than that) don’t get sarcasm or irony, so don’t use them.
If a child has difficulty pronouncing a word, don’t copy their misprounciation when speaking to them. They can hear the word just fine. It could sound to them like you’re making fun of them.
(Yes, this means no babytalk)
Don’t be dismissive.
Listen to what they’re saying.
To get on the same eye-level, don’t bend over or squat: it seems condescending. Kneeling or sitting are better.
It should go without saying that you should respect children’s body autonomy. Don’t force affection on them.
Respect children’s emotional autonomy as well. Let them be angry. Let them be sad. Don’t force them to be happy.
Let children like things. Don’t run down the things they like just because you find them cringy.
Don’t think that you know better.
To children, adults are giants. Be a big friendly giant.
Don’t stifle children’s curiosity.
Don’t stifle children’s enthusiasm.
To quote Sondheim, “Be careful the words you say, children will listen.”
Don’t look down on children.
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nervarts · 3 months
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It's been a while since I've drawn Selene, hasn't it? I wanted to play with her hair and draw her with a big smile. 'tis a simple thing. 🤗✨
Combined Crayola with Prismacolors pencils again. I think I am getting the hang of it!
I'm including the sketch version to better appreciate her hair.
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nervarts · 3 months
Reblog to hug prev poster (they need a hug)
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nervarts · 3 months
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I apologize for the silence. Ever since I started posting on Cara, I've been too distracted looking at art that I forget to post mine. 😅
This is Sayuri, the female protagonist of my graphic novel, both in her current version (male attire) and her past version (princess attire) looking at each other. I've done this for a class. It's kind of a remake of an older work that has a similar premise.
The symbolism behind the sakura tree is that back as a princess, it may like Sayuri may had a privileged life, but she had been abused, exploited, among other unpleasant things. There was never a chance for her to grow, and if a flower bloomed, it was quickly cut off. She looked forward, only to find her future self. A runaway dressed as a man. It was a scary image, she had never been outside the halls that composed her home. Yet, this figure had flowers everywhere at her. This life of uncertainty may seem risky and dangerous, but for once, she felt free. She could be at her fullest potential. Still, Sayuri looked back at who she was before. Being a princess held its benefits. But, her tree bloomed. She knew she could never go back into that life. For she would rather let her petals fall as nature dictated rather than to have hands rip them off over and over again.
This was made with watercolors and the paper size is 14x17. I've never painted with watercolors at this magnitude. It was quite a challenge to do, so much trial-and-error. But at least it is finished.
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nervarts · 4 months
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rosie, 2024. acrylic gouache
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nervarts · 4 months
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nervarts · 4 months
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It's been a while since I've drawn Anneliese, hasn't it? I wanted to draw her in action. The woman next to her is a patient that is recovering from a severe breakdown. Among the nurses, she's really good at mitigating situations.
One would say 𝘵𝘰𝘰 good.
I ought to practice adding blush properly. This was done with Prismacolors and Crayola (not a great combo, but I tried 😅)
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nervarts · 4 months
Bye Sweet Carole is a hand-animated horror game inspired by classic Disney movies.
Wishlist Bye Sweet Carole on Steam
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nervarts · 4 months
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Oh my, now that is very interesting 🤔 I haven't seen it around, but I like it~
@donutinsideofashark @quirkneyart @welcometothevoidmychild @rohariel @thatwierdquietkidthatdraws @pandacattries @bubby-draws-stuffe @burntpankaces @brose1229 @junkkey @dranihally @catman2023 @wolfoftonight And anyone else who wants to give it a try!
Again making a quiz chain <3
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@maxcatz @carrotsinnovember @secondbutonenothird @obsessedwith15deadwizards @this-is-me-lolol @book-girl4eva @marylily-my-beloved @good-oldfashioned-lover-girl @discoveredreality @thedvilsinthedetails @veo-laldez @ghost-of-a-poet @lonlylook
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