neuromethod · 7 years
How our brains are hacked on a daily basis using psychology. 
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neuromethod · 7 years
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EEG and fMRI May Detect Consciousness in Patients With Acute, Severe TBI http://buff.ly/2uo2fCe #brain #science #neuro #neuromethod
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neuromethod · 8 years
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Sleep research high-resolution images show how the brain resets during sleep. This picture shows 3-D reconstructions of electron microscope images of tree branch-like dendrites. At the end of the branches are cup-like structures called the spines, and in the tips of the spines are synapses. By studying thousands of images like these, the Wisconsin researchers showed that the synapses shrink after the mouse sleeps and grow again during the next wakeful period. Credit: Wisconsin Center for Sleep and Consciousness.⠀ #sleep #science #neuromethod #brain #stem ⠀ ⠀ Read more at: http://buff.ly/2jJTpYh
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neuromethod · 8 years
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Brain plasticity: How adult-born neurons get wired-in. "Over the last 10 years there has been evidence supporting a redistribution of synapses between old and new neurons, possibly by a competitive process that the new cells tend to 'win,'" Overstreet-Wadiche said. "Our findings are important because they directly demonstrate that, in order for new cells to win connections, the old cells lose connections. So, the process of adult neurogenesis not only adds new cells to the network, it promotes plasticity of the existing network."⠀ ⠀ Read more at: http://buff.ly/2jJvPv2
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neuromethod · 8 years
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What happens when your brain can't tell which way is up? Perceptual illusions persist even after gravity is restored. #nasa #stem #neuroscience #brain #space http://buff.ly/2kVWfvf
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neuromethod · 8 years
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Scientists show deep brain stimulation blocks heroin relapse in rats #neuromodulation #deepbrainstimulation #neuromethod #stem #drugs #health #brain #neuroscience http://buff.ly/2kUbeJk
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neuromethod · 8 years
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Astronauts' brains change shape during spaceflight. Grey matter reduces in areas likely affected by a lack of gravitationally pooled cerebrospinal fluid. #neuromethod #brain #space #astronauts #science http://buff.ly/2jzjfTB
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neuromethod · 8 years
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The laws of physics are like DNA. Consider the serenade of a violin. It is an expression of the DNA of the universe. The laws of physics which govern the cosmos determine a cascade of reactions which lead to gravity, to elementary particles, to matter, to stars, to galaxies, to planets, to earth, to DNA, to organisms, to sentient creatures, to humans, to consciousness, and finally to music. Music was programmed to exist by the laws of physics from the very beginning, but sat latent as a potential expression of this cosmic DNA for billions of years. Across the vast expanse of the cosmos, there are elementary particles that contain all potential expressions of this cosmic DNA. The universe expresses these potentialities in many ways. Some potentialities hidden in the cosmic DNA are expressed in wondrous ways, almost without warning like a bolt of lightning in the night, like consciousness, and yet many remain unexpressed. This is probably the most hopeful thing of all. All inventions are merely an expression of the genes of the universe. We are conduits to the expression of this cosmic DNA. We are a physical substrate through which the laws of physics can express the potentialities locked within. #dna #violin #invention #ideas #universe #neuroscience #motivation #stem #engineeringstudent #caffeine #nootropics #neuromethod #neuro #mind #inspirational
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neuromethod · 8 years
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Study finds brain connectivity aberrations in anabolic-androgenic steroid users http://buff.ly/2jkIa93
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neuromethod · 8 years
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The major currency of your reward system is dopamine. Dopamine is an important chemical neurotransmitter. There are many dopamine receptors in the brain, but they not evenly distributed. Certain areas contain dense clusters of receptors and these dopamine hotspots are a part of our reward system. Drugs like alcohol and nicotine send dopamine into overdrive leading some people to constantly seek them out. In other words, to be addicted. Sugar also causes dopamine to be released, though not as violently as drugs. Sugar is rare among foods in this way. Broccoli for example has no effect on dopamine, which probably explains why it's so hard to get kids to eat their veggies. #sugar #dopamine #carbs #macros #knowledge #brain #neurons #diet #aminoacids #micronutrients #creativity #happiness #nootropics #neuromethod #boostyourbrain #brainfood #neuroscience #psychology #think #mentalsoftware #biohacking #study #success #motivation
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neuromethod · 8 years
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The human brain makes up about 2% of our bodyweight and uses up to 20% of our calories. Most of this energy comes from carbohydrates that our body digests into glucose (blood sugar). The frontal lobes are so sensitive to drops in glucose that a change in mental function is one of the primary signals of nutrient deficiency. Assuming that we are getting glucose regularly how does the specific type of carbohydrates we eat affect our brains? Carbs come in three forms, starch, sugar, and fiber. On most nutrition labels they're all lumped into one total carb count. However the ratio of the sugar and fiber subgroups to the whole amount affect how the body and brain respond. A high glycemic food like white bread (eaten alone) causes a spike of blood glucose and then a dip. Blood sugar shoots down and with it our attention span. On the other hand, grains and legumes have slower glucose release enabling a steadier level of attentiveness. #fiber #carbs #macros #knowledge #brain #neurons #diet #aminoacids #micronutrients #creativity #happiness #nootropics #neuromethod #boostyourbrain #brainfood #neuroscience #psychology #think #mentalsoftware #biohacking #study #success #motivation
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neuromethod · 8 years
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Amino acids are the precursors to neurotransmitters, which are the chemical messengers that carry signals between neurons. They affect things like sleep attentiveness and weight. They're one of the reasons we my feel calm after eating a large plate of pasta, or more alert after a protein rich meal. The complex combinations of compounds in food and stimulate brain cells to release mood altering norepinephrine, dopamine, and serotonin. This is why it is so important to eat a balanced diet high in micronutrients. #brain #neurons #diet #aminoacids #creativity #happiness #nootropics #neuromethod #boostyourbrain #brainfood #neuroscience #psychology #think #mentalsoftware #biohacking #study #success #motivation
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neuromethod · 8 years
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A diet with a range of foods helps maintain a balanced combination of brain messengers and keeps your mood from getting skewed in one direction or the other. Like the other organs in our bodies, our brains also benefit from a steady supply of micronutrients. Antioxidants in fruits and vegetables strengthen the brain to fight off free radicals that destroy brain cells. This enables your brain to work well for a longer period of time. #knowledge #brain #neurons #diet #aminoacids #micronutrients #creativity #happiness #nootropics #neuromethod #boostyourbrain #brainfood #neuroscience #psychology #think #mentalsoftware #biohacking #study #success #motivation
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neuromethod · 8 years
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In This Brain Scan Study, Researchers Identified Who Participants Were Thinking About. Scientists used a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) machine to conduct the study. Nathan Spreng is the cognitive neuroscientist who led this research. He and his team wanted to know if they could use brain scanning technology to see who a subject was picturing in their head. Spreng told Scientific American, “We are trying to understand the physical mechanisms that allow us to have an inner world, and a part of that is how we represent other people in our mind.” #boostyourbrain #brainfood #neuroscience #psychology #think #mentalsoftware #biohacking #study #success #motivation http://ow.ly/RBqd508hh2N
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neuromethod · 8 years
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Exercise, even in small amounts, benefits both physical and psychological well-being. The largest-ever smartphone-based study examining the relationship between physical activity and happiness has found that even minimal levels of activity can have a positive effect on happiness. #exercise #happiness #knowledge #brain #neurons #creativity #nootropics #neuromethod #boostyourbrain #brainfood #neuroscience #psychology #think #mentalsoftware #biohacking #success #motivation http://ow.ly/fKXL508hbjz
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neuromethod · 8 years
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Study finds Mediterranean diet may have lasting positive effects on brain health. A new study shows that older people who followed a Mediterranean diet retained more brain volume over a three-year period than those who did not follow it. #knowledge #brain #neurons #diet #aminoacids #micronutrients #creativity #happiness #nootropics #neuromethod #boostyourbrain #brainfood #neuroscience #psychology #think #mentalsoftware #biohacking #study #success #motivation
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neuromethod · 8 years
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Traffic exposure may increase risk of dementia, study finds http://ow.ly/pd5g508h0an
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