nextraordinaire · 6 months
Baby Dragon vs Mail 😂
More Tim and Bash here 👇 https://linktr.ee/timandbash
Thanks to our amazing sound team, and wonderful Patrons! ❤
Composer: Markus Zierhofer Sound Design: Gabriel Gallardo-Alarcon Voice Acting: Tim Northcott
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nextraordinaire · 7 months
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nextraordinaire · 8 months
Saw another poll that asked what your natural hair color was with half the choices being shades of blonde and that just won't do. Let's go about this the professional way (this does not describe tone but tones are based off this level system). Some natural levels fall in between these, as human variation will do, but go with what you believe is closest.
Feel free to describe your tone in the tags!
*some level systems include levels 11 and 12 but these are strictly to describe shades lightened above a level 10 and are not considered on the naturally occurring spectrum for hair aside from going lighter with age
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nextraordinaire · 8 months
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nextraordinaire · 8 months
[footage of the inside of an ordinary Eastern-European home, taken with a handheld phone camera, the man filming is walking from the living room to the back door of the house]
man, narrating in russian: Every fucking year, this time of the year, the pond at my backyard gets infested. What do ponds get infested with? Frogs? Poisonous weeds? Geese? No. Not my pond.
[The man opens the back door, stepping out into a garden. Three or four nude, human-like figures dash from the borders of a pond back into the water.]
man: Rusalki! I don't know where they come from or how they get here, and I can't afford to hire an exterminator every year. I can't let my cat outside anymore. Last year a rusalka managed to drown a whole deer in my pond, the stench was unbearable.
[He walks as he speaks, approaching the pond. There are several eerily beautiful female beings peering at him from under the surface, their long hair floating in the murky water. Their eyes are gleaming in an unhuman way. The man holding the camera stops to film them.]
man, calm and deadpan: What the fuck are all of you staring at. Get jobs or something.
[One of the rusalki, smaller than the others and clearly not a fully matured adult, slowly reaches out of the water with her white, thin hand, grasping his ankle. He appears unconcerned.]
man: You can't drown me, you little idiot. You're too small. Shoo!
[A loud thud startles the rusalki, making them scatter. A second thud makes it clear these are the approaching footsteps of something massive. The man turns around and points the camera at what appears to be a house, walking past above the treeline with chicken-like legs]
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nextraordinaire · 9 months
everyone is always acting like there is some crisis of human interaction with one another because everyone is overly sensitive to how strangers approach them and like. no actually its because nobody has any fucking manners. social etiquette has legitimately vanished. it makes interacting with strangers miserable because people don’t know how to fucking behave in public.
like it is rude to stare. it is rude to point. it is rude to have a loud phone conversation in a quiet place. it’s rude to listen to music or videos or whatever on your device with no headphones on a loud volume, or at any volume in an enclosed or quiet space. these are rude things to do. like i’m sorry while some etiquette is silly, an acceptable level of decorum is necessary to make existing in public bearable for everybody…….it is LITERALLY common courtesy
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nextraordinaire · 9 months
Ok, so my mom is horrified that I don’t wash my face every morning, saying she washes her face in the morning even if she showered the night before and says that everyone washes their face in the morning so I wanna see what the general stance on this is
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nextraordinaire · 9 months
based on that infamous post, y’know the one
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nextraordinaire · 10 months
hi what did everyone have for dinner (or lunch or breakfast if ur in a different time zone. whatever ur last meal was)
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nextraordinaire · 10 months
why write a story if no one's going to read it?
Sometimes you don't want to share a story with others. Sometimes you do want to share it, but no one clicks on the title. So why bother writing it down if the only person you can guarantee will read it is you?
You need to get it out of your head. It just keeps replaying in your imagination on a loop and the only way to get it unstuck is to pin it down on paper.
You need to figure out what the story is. You have a lot of disjointed scenes or lines that you know are connected but you can't quite figure out how.
There's something in the story that's important to you, and you don't want to lose that thing by forgetting it. Future you might find that thing important too.
You want to be able to go back to the story again and again. Maybe to make adjustments over time. Maybe just to revisit a story that gives you the emotional release you need in that moment.
You want to be able to use text-to-speech to read the story aloud to you. Maybe it's a bedtime story. Maybe it's keeping you company while you do errands and chores.
You want to find out whether you can write a story (because not everyone can).
You want to be able to have almost the same story, but a little bit different, and you want to have it 15 times with slight variations. Then you can go through your own personal menu picking exactly the combination of beats that will satisfy you most on this reading.
You enjoy the process of finding just the right words or phrases or scenes to paint the pictures you want to shape the scene.
You want to find the exact rhythm and syllables and structure to make a sentence really sing.
You don't really have any particular reason, but you know you want to write that story down.
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nextraordinaire · 10 months
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nextraordinaire · 11 months
Literally, if people start feeding WIP fics into AI to get endings, I'm going to take every fic I have on AO3 down and revert to mailing lists.
Maybe in a distant utopia, AI could be a useful tool, but because we've got tools like Elon Musk in charge of things, you know this can only be headed towards making someone else money.
Yeah, it's free now because every time you feed it something, you're training it. For free. For them.
Once it can make a perfect forgery, they're going to a) slap a pay wall on it for users and b) use what it writes to produce crap for consumer consumption, also at a price.
And then, we won't just be paying to use a machine WE helped refine, we'll have helped whatever CEO controls the thing get richer than Midas while pushing Creatives out of a job.
It happened to professional translators.
It's already happening with cover artists and AI generated art.
Writers guild strikes? Who cares when they can be replaced with AI script writing.
The idea of contributing to that crap sickens me.
The thought that my own readers, any fic writer's own readers, would use our work to do that is, just, I can't express the gross betrayal.
Don't shove other people's hard work into the AI.
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nextraordinaire · 1 year
everything is kinda sorta falling apart, and it's also pride month. all those things are important. but, as people, we can't invest ourselves whole-heartedly in every global issue.
so, wanted to do a little thing today (june 2nd), regarding a topic very close to my heart.
i disappeared from this part of the internet for a bit. and very much of it can be attributed to the fact that i developed anorexia at age 22. i'm currently 25 (going on 26) and in recovery.
and since today is World Eating Disorders Action Day, i wanted to talk a bit about some myths surrounding restrictive eating disorders (that does not include BED, because i don't feel qualified enough to talk about it). because it seems like there's still a lot of things people don't know.
myth #1: only rich white girls develop eating disorders.
truth: anyone can develop an eating disorder. genes load the gun; environment pulls the trigger. or, being in a calorie deficit for any reason can activate a dormant eating disorder.
it might look a bit different from the media stereotype of an emaciated girl refusing to eat bread, but it's still an eating disorder. think about the ripped dude who only eats Clean™ and gets irrationally angry when he can't work out? what about your slightly chubby friend who brags about running every morning, has suddenly gone vegan but declines all invitations that involves food? your 'normal weighted' girlfriend who checks EVERY nutrition label, gets the shaky hands when she's about to eat potatoes, or disappears to the bathroom not 15 min after? or your older relative who's always on a diet? the middle-aged dad who fasts for days for non-religious reasons because it's "cleansing"?
all of these people may be suffering from eating disorders. the migration theory suggests that once upon a time on the savannah, when famines happened, you had two types of people: hibernators and migrants. hibernators stayed put and tried to conserve as much energy as possible. migrants, however, had a compulsion to move out of the environment where resources were scarce. and that's why people with eating disorders are afraid of food. because if you stopped to eat, you'd be wasting resources, or you'd be stuck in a famine-stricken environment, fall behind your tribe and ultimately die.
so your brain gave you incentive to keep moving towards better hunting grounds at all cost. and that incentive?
pure, unadulterated fear of weight gain.
there's also the coping mechanism theory. it poses that eating disorders, much like self-harm and substance abuse, is a coping skill. because starving/purging are self-destructive behaviors, and they let you focus on something besides the trauma/mental anguish/etc. that you're experiencing. it's just as valid as the migration theory, and experiencing trauma can inadvertently put you in a energy deficit, triggering the dormant genes.
so, instead of seeing eating disorders as a something people do to get thin, let's re-frame it as an addiction to not eating/the starving high.
myth #2: eating disorders are only dangerous if you starve.
truth: purging through vomiting is extremely hard on the body, and can cause irreparable damage and death. you're also at a much higher risk of committing suicide.
when younger people pass away from heart-attacks, for seemingly no reason, i always get a red flag that there might be an underlying eating disorder in the works. throwing up and abusing laxatives disrupts the electrolyte (i.e. sodium, potassium etc.) balance in the body, which can cause your heart to stop even at a normal or higher weight. the stomach acid with the added pressure from heaving can cause your esophagus or stomach to rupture, and you bleed to death. that's not even mentioning eroding teeth, osteoporosis, fucked up intestines or rosecea (caused by electrolyte imbalance).
the reason anorexia is statistically the deadliest psychiatric illness is not because all patients starve to death. it's because you're 6-9 times more likely to die from suicide compared to age-sex matched peers. the mental anguish of thinking about food 24/7 - something you need to survive, but you're deathly afraid of - coupled with the co-morbidity of depression, anxiety and OCD, causes a lot of sufferers to see no other solution than to end their life.
and i can attest to that; i was actively suicidal for a large part of my illness.
myth #3: once you've gained weight, you're out of the woods
truth: eating disorders are anxiety disorders with serious physical consequences, not the other way around.
please never assume that just because your eating disordered friend/partner/relative has gained weight, that they're cured. they might not be in physical danger anymore, but the self-loathing and depression is most likely at an all-time high. you're never more uncomfortable or hate yourself more than when you've gained weight but still hold the beliefs that life is only worth living if you're as thin as can be and/or you don't have to eat.
instead of well-meaning assurances (i know it seems like a good idea, no blame here) about looking healthy, do focus on stuff like like disposition and cognitive function; all things that come back when you're not depriving yourself of food anymore.
myth #4: people with eating disorders never eat
truth: instincts will eventually take over. if you've been starving for long enough, at some point, you will binge.
restrictive type anorexia only lasts for so long. at a certain point, you can't keep it up anymore, and so, it turns into binge-purge subtype. it might look like not eating all day, only to eat your whole RDI in one sitting at night, sobbing. it might look like eating only after you've worked out. maybe you only eat when you're alone. however, if food is around, your instincts will eventually override your disorder/fear and just, take the reins.
many people (including myself) describe it as being possessed. you're just shoveling anything edible in vicinity into you. one memorable occasion had me eating four bowls of raspberry honey oatmeal in less than 15 minutes before i could stop myself. and then you hate yourself. it's almost indescribable, the loathing and disgust you feel. so you purge, exercise until you throw up or pass out, or starve for a week. until your survival instinct takes the reins and
you binge. and so, the cycle begins again.
myth #5: eating disorders are incurable
truth: 1 out of 3 fully recovers, 1 out of 3 manage their symptoms, 1 out of 3 develop chronic eating disorders.
recovery is possible. with the right support, an iron-will to expose yourself to your worst fears (i.e. weight gain) 3-6 times a day and the right circumstances for success, recovery is possible. and no matter what -- no matter how long/short time you've been ill, your current weight, your circumstances -- you're worthy of support and treatment.
you do not have to be sick enough. i know, the voice tells you that like a stuck record, but it is a dirty, dirty lie. do not let the beast get you. you're not your size, and your body is just trying to keep you alive. please let it. develop healthy habits, including resting and eating chocolate once in a while. be curious about what's to come. because even if it seems too hopeless and torturous to keep living/breathing/fucking eating, who is going to adopt that rescue pet if you're not here to do so?
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nextraordinaire · 1 year
The Fellowship at your local Fitness Club
(I'm at the bench press with Gimli, ogling Boromir probably)
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nextraordinaire · 1 year
Things i learned as a child that probably no one intended to teach me
To grown-ups, being bad at stuff is a sin. Forgetting stuff is the worst sin of all, and also doesn’t exist - it is widely believed (and your behaviour will be interpreted thusly) that in some Freudian sense, it is impossible to forget things if you care about them or their consequences or the people who care about those things.
Your being happy and enjoying what you do doesn’t matter. All that matters is whether you are Fulfilling Your Potential.
Human beings do not require rest outside of sleep. Thinking that you do is called ‘being lazy’.
Who you show physical affection to is a matter of politeness and social protocol, and has nothing to do with your own desires
It is rude to inform people of your preferences, even if they seem to care about catering to them and therefore might find this useful information.
Etiquette centres around doing things in especially awkward, skilful and time-consuming ways in order to demonstrate superiority over people who aren’t able to keep up.
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nextraordinaire · 1 year
i've experienced popping and cracking in all of the above so i wanna know how normal this is
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nextraordinaire · 1 year
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