#everything is about instant gratification now
champagnemoon · 8 months
I think office romances are so tempting to people because it’s an organic way to build that “will they or won’t they” tension
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horrorartsworld · 4 months
the gamble
warnings: 18+ nsfw content, clit play, fingering, thigh riding, daddy kink, degradation, a bit of agoraphilia, unhealthy relationship, possessiveness
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Sitting on Valentino’s lap you watched carefully as he played an intense game of cards.
Never understanding why Val brought you to these things when he had plentiful of desperate whores waiting for him at the studio, groveling for any bit of his attention, but yet here you are for gambling night.
One of his hands sneaked down underneath the table to squeeze at your thigh as his face became super concentrated and then he started squeezing it repeatedly like a stress ball as he thought carefully of his next move, making you let out little squeaks every now and then if he squeezed too hard.
His opponent sitting across from him was a typical loan shark (a literal shark demon too) and a few of his goons he brought a long who never stopped eyeing you the whole night on.
Making you shift in Val’s lap in hopes to somehow get out of their line of sight which was damn near impossible since you were front and center.
Valentino growls softly pinching your thigh causing you to yelp unexpectedly in front of all the men making you blush sheepishly. “Stop fucking moving..” He grumbles in your ear as he finally finishes up his move.
The loan shark looks over his cards as it was his turn next.
Holding your breath as you feel Valentino’s hand that was on your thigh now moving your skirt up to feel over your panties that were starting to get soaked by the second.
“You damn filthy whore…wanting daddy to play with you under the table durning his game huh~”
Shaking your head thoughtlessly as you weren’t wanting to do this here, especially not in front of these men knowing they’d probably enjoy ever bit of it, though Val had other plans…
Moving your panties aside he let one of his digits make contact with your entrance as he gathered up some of your slick messaging it into your clit in slow tantalizing circles.
You gasp softly then quickly biting your lip in attempts to quiet yourself. Valentino smacks your pussy at this sending a loud thwack to be heard throughout the room as the other men look at the two of you suspiciously.
“Just putting a slut into her place boys…you know how it is~” Val says all too charmingly as the men snicker as if saying they knew exactly what he was going on about.
It came to be his turn once more as he leans over to whisper, “Make another sound again and daddy’s gonna punish the fuck out of you when we leave…you understand me?”.
Nodding gingerly, Val throws a card down without thinking to let his turn go by faster as his only thought was how much he was enjoying this without showing it.
“Use your words princess~” He tries to butter you up with the pet name and whisper more softer but you could still hear the danger underlining his voice. Then you feel him going back to your clit massaging it with more pressure this time.
“i-i mphm understand…d-daddy~”
Breath shaky as you tried with everything in your power not to moan or make any noise of that matter.
As if Val was fucking with you now he then glided two digits up and down your slick folds and then slowly guided them both into your tight little hole.
Eyes widening suddenly as you grab a hold of his wrist out of shock as he starts to move his fingers.
“So…Val?” The loan shark speaks up making Valentino snap out of it for a moment looking over at the blubbery bloke but never once stopping his movements.
“What’s up my friend?” Instant gratification lacing his voice once he picked up speed under the table making your back arch into him and your legs thrash.
The loan shark raises a brow but still acts oblivious to the situation, “So where do you get pretty little things like this?” his nasty yellow eyes now hungrily on you.
As you roll your head back onto Valentino’s shoulder you couldn’t help but notice his mouth twitch at this man’s question. “Oh her? She works for me~” Nonchalantly he says this and attempts at changing the subject as he goes his turn once more.
A goon then curses under his breath as Val makes a good play.
“Works huh? Well how much do I pay?” He snickers elbowing a few of his goons as he waits for Valentino’s response.
“How about we talk about this later, yeah?”
Trying to keep his composure and not loose his shit as he seemed to be more possessive over you then usual. The loan shark backs off with his hands raised in defeat though a smirk still played on his lips.
Valentino focuses his attention back on you seeing you getting close as he felt your walls clenching around his digits.
“You gonna cum baby?~” purring in your ear as your thighs were shaking.
“Y-yes yes daddy, i’m gonna cum~” You whine softly, voice all worn out along with your body with the amount of restraint that you thought you still had. (you didn’t have any lol).
As if for some ungodly reason the world was crashing down he pulled his digits out of you, sucking your juices off letting the taste linger in his mouth and then putting his full attention back on the game.
You looked up at him pitifully knowing that he just denied your release making tears prickle at your eyes. He was always so heartless like this, but before you could go into a deep turmoil about it his thigh starts bouncing with you on it.
“Get yourself off for me.” He sounded serious as he was going to do everything in his power to win this game now that dickhead had pissed him off.
Cheeks burning as you know if you didn’t do he’d take whatever anger he had of this night and take it out on you and do god knows what. So you start rolling your hips against his bouncing knee causing the right amount of friction to get you close to your much needed high once more.
At this point your dignity didn’t matter anymore as you started whimpering. Feeling that familiar knot forming in your tummy as Val started to bounce his leg a bit more profusely with your thighs squeezing his much bigger one causing you to cum all over it and he finally throws down his cards showing a winning hand making all the goons groan with disappointment.
“Not bad…” The loan shark says somewhat impressed.
“That’s my naughty girl~” Val coos as he surprisingly kisses the top of your head, probably just because he was happy he finally won the game.
Grabbing all of his winnings from the middle of the table and shoving them in a duffel bag before throwing both you and it over his shoulder.
“Alrighty boys shows over…was fun playing with you guys but i gotta take this kitten home~”
Smacking your ass that was facing the men over his shoulder causing a small squeak from you and leaving without hearing anymore of what the loan shark had to say for Val.
Taking home both his money and a gambling addiction too. Oh and you of course to clean his now soaked pant leg.
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itsswritten · 27 days
Pairing: Azriel x fem reader, Nessian (platonic) x reader, fluff
Word Count: 3.5K
Warnings: Pregnancy reveal, mentions of infertility/struggles falling pregnant, symptoms of pregnancy.
Summary: After years of trying and learning to let go, you are finally gifted your beautiful baby miracle miracles.
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Wings Universe
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“Gods you really are looking radiant today, Flower!” Elodie beamed, nudging you gently with her shoulder. 
The sun was bright among the wild blossoms, sunlight filtering down to touch your skin with a feverish kiss. The season was slowly shifting from Spring to Summer. Plants were growing larger, petals spreading wider, the pollen in the air stronger. There was a buzz among the land of the Night Court, as nature geared itself for this transformation. You had felt the change in temperature, noticed how the rays licked your skin. Leaving yourself and your friends glowing, sunkissed, glimmering from working in the meadows all day. 
But radiant? That was not the word you would use.
Elodie’s compliment had your brows furrowing gently, bringing your dirt covered hand to wipe the bead of sweat that threatened to roll down your cheek. You weren’t sure how to take the compliment. It described the opposite of everything you were feeling.
Perhaps bloated, and sluggish was more accurate. Out of sorts? You couldn’t quite figure out why, there had been no changes to your routine. Yet everything about you felt, well, just different.
Even Azriel had noticed some subtle changes. Ever the Spymaster noticed everything, especially about his precious mate. Or so he thought. He had mentioned the other day that your scent was sweeter than usual. The typical tones of vanilla and honey were weaved in with a hint of something else he couldn’t quite decipher. Azriel had taken it upon himself to touch every inch of your skin to uncover what, only to come to no answer. 
That had been a long night. A night of caresses and grazes. Not that you were complaining.
Glancing down at your fingers spread within the cool damp soil of the meadows, they flexed under the sponginess of the dirt. You could feel the vitality pulse beneath your fingertips before pulling them out. Glancing upon the skin that hadn’t been touched by dirt yet. Radiant? Perhaps. You always had a glow to you, all fairies did. That unexplainable aura that lit up any room. But maybe just maybe, you had been shining a little brighter. 
Casting a fertilising charm within the ground had been today’s task. Along with your usual working group you had headed to the meadows and woodlands on the outskirts of the Night Court. This particular part of your job, the more physical aspect, was one you usually relished in. The ache of your muscles and bones at the end of a hard day of graft, usually, gave you some kind of instant gratification. But fatigue was plaguing you.
You had been sleeping more than usual. Being a Fairy meant you were always rose with that hot shining beacon in the sky, but there had been numerous mornings recently where Azriel had to coax you from your slumber. The sunshine no longer acting as your alarm. Azriel would rouse you with whispered compliments and gentle kisses. Sometimes, his shadows would stir you too, brushing your skin with their cooling touch.
There had even been times when Azriel had let you sleep in. Never a working day of course. Gods be damned, Azriel knew better than that. A day missed at the meadow was the end of the world. Or at least your world. Azriel learnt in the early years of friendship that you took your duty very seriously. So on the days where he knew you had nowhere to be– nowhere other than his arms. He let you sleep.
“Honestly y/n you have this glow about you…” Elodie continued, turning fully to you now her own hands pulling out of the soil. She gently brushed them down her honey coloured dress, her apron picking up the soil as she wiped them. The sun cast a gentle glow across her deep skin, golden eyes glinting with curiosity. A curiosity you wanted to question but before you could, the call for lunch was bellowed across the meadow. 
Food wrapped in little gingham cloths were passed round, a parcel finding its way to your lap. You were starving you realised, as your tummy made a small groaning noise. Hastily you unravelled the packed lunch, the sweet recognisable scent filling the air around you, a smile spreading on your plump lips at today’s choice.
Cake and jam. Your favourite.
The little parcel was packed with nuts, berries, and veggies. But your sweet tooth had your fingers itching to pick up the sponge cake. Licking your lips gently, you brought the sweet slice, covered in a slab of strawberry jam to your lips. Taking a bite of your favourite sweet treat. 
Only it wasn’t sweet.
Instantly you gagged.
The chewed up cake quickly came rolling out of your mouth as you discreetly caught it in your hand.
“Is the food off?” Elodie hushed quietly, turning to you as she inspected your lunch. 
Your group always took turns bringing in food for the day. And you truly couldn’t knock your friends baking. Perhaps a little stereotypical, but fairies were very domestic. Not only great with plants and gardening, but also sewing, crafting, and of course baking. Gus in particular, whose cake you had just spat out was probably the best baker of all the Hollow. 
Shaking your head quickly, you secretly hid the chewed up cake underneath your berries. Your tongue swilling the metallic taste the cake had filled your mouth with. You couldn’t bear Gus finding out you’d spat out his food. The poor male would be heartbroken. 
“No, no it isn’t. It’s fine I promise. I don’t know what came over me,” you hurried out a whisper. “I’ve been feeling a little off recently. Maybe I’m under the weather.”
Placing her lunch to the side, your friend looked at you with her deep warm eyes, concerned etched into her brows as she gently pressed the back of her hand on your forehead.
Chewing your lip you let your friend examine you. “You don’t have a temperature…” she muttered, more to herself than to you as she began to fuss.
Leaning closer then, her hands clasped around your cheeks. Her grip was slightly firm as your lips were squished into a pout. She didn’t notice though, not as her eyes began to quickly flicker over every line and curve of your face. Her meticulous scrutiny not letting up. A glimmer of something winked across her face, catching her off guard if only for a second before her brows furrowed.
Then she began to sniff you.
“El, what are you doing?” You asked, tone annoyed and bashful, as you swatted her looming face away lightly. She was naturally quite a tactile fairy, but even this was a bit much for her. 
Elodie had sat back now, her eyes widening. It was as though you could see in her eyes the pieces falling into place, but for a puzzle you weren't aware of.
“Thank the Mother,” she whispered, her lips stretching to a smile, before she clasped your hand pulling you away from the group.
“El?” You were annoyed now. Your fingers were flexing at your sides, as she had pulled you into a field filled with tulips. The pink and orange hues swayed gently in the breeze, as an uneasiness began to roll over you. 
“It all makes sense now. How you were so emotional when you saw those baby hedgehogs the other day–”
Shaking your head, you lifted your hands in confusion. You didn’t understand.
“Your scent, your glow…your wings!”
There was an uncomfortable rising feeling under your skin at the signs your friend began to mention, the symptoms you knew all too well that were rolling off her tongue. You knew them so well because for a period of time you had analysed every part of yourself hoping to see these aspects, only to not ever see a glimmer.
It couldn’t be?
Quickly glancing over your shoulder, you squinted to take a hard look at your wings. Furling the iridescent membranes closer to you, as you examined the very appendages your friend was peering so intently at.
There was nothing really different…except maybe there was. You squinted harder.
The tips. 
They’d turned a darker pink.
Your heart was in your throat, an audible gasp leaving your lips as you turned to get a closer look. Spinning in a circle, round and round. Only to find the exact thing Elodie had noticed.
“Wait, Elodie. No, it can’t be?” your lip quivered as realisation began to sink in.
You and Azriel had decided two years ago that you wanted to expand your family. Especially seeing your loved ones with their own growing families. Feyre and Rhys had Nyx and Selene. And of course, Nesta and Cassian recently had their little Athena.
Over the years you had tried everything, taking tonics, eating certain foods, you had even scheduled a very meticulous conceiving plan. But nothing worked. There had been numerous appointments with Madja, and even the healers and midwives of the Hollow. But everything you did was futile. No matter how hard you tried, you couldn’t fall pregnant.
There was a period of time your mind tore you apart. Speculating and obsessively analysing the possibilities of why you couldn’t conceive. That perhaps it was you and Azriel that weren’t compatible. Biologically. That the Mother had made a mistake with you. That maybe things would have been different if you were Illyrian, not ‘lesser’ fae. That your own body was not strong enough to nurture his offspring. Defective somehow.
That duration of your life had been hard, and even harder to move on from. But with time, and endless love and support from your mate you eventually let go of that dream.
But now, that slither of hope was growing brighter than the summer sun beaming down on you.
Eloide, your longest friend. Had her hands clasped around yours. Her own eyes filled with a watery brim, mirroring your own.
She nodded with a smile.
You were pregnant.
Azriel stood darkly behind his High Lord who was seated casually at the head of the meeting. Azriel was positioned on the left, Cassian on the right. The perfect guards to the Night Court. The large obsidian table stretched across the room. High Lords littered down the long ornate slab, all wearing the colours of their respective court. A few of Rhys’ closest alliances had joined for this gathering, discussing borders and peace treaties.
The meeting had begun in the morning, and by the stacks of documents officials were passing round it didn’t seem to be letting up anytime soon.
Azriel was focused, stood clad in his Illyrian leathers, blue syphons gleaming as the muscles in his jaw flexed. Despite this being an era of peace, with so many High Lord’s and emissaires in the room he was on high alert. His shadows gently grazed along the floor of the room as Azriel stayed attuned to the room's conversation.
One of his shadows seemed restless though, vibrating slightly behind his wing before curling up to his ear. Revealing nothing but nervous energy. 
With a subtle jolt, Azriels wings unfurled slightly as he felt a small ripple down the bond. It was skittish and nervous, unease seeping from you down the thread.
Cassian gave Azriel a sideways glance, an unspoken question if everything was okay. But Azriel only stood straighter for his answer, reclaiming his composure as he sent a gentle vibration down the warm glowing bond.
Is everything okay, my love?
You were quite a passionate soul, an empath. Oftentimes, involuntarily, Azriel would feel all types of emotion spill down the bond. It was one of the reasons he loved you, a quality he found endearing. How open to love you were, how you felt the sorrow and joy of others wholeheartedly. But this uneasiness left him unsettled.
Azriel was only met with silence on your end. Spurring him to send another ripple. His shadows started to become more restless, spreading and striking behind his wings subtly, as if displaying the uneasiness of their master or perhaps they were twitching out of eagerness for something else– for someone else.
Azriel was usually quite a composed male, cool and collected was the blueprint of his facade. Yet, when it came to you and your welfare, any patience went quickly out the window.
He was about to send one of his shadowy tendrils to look for you, to check you were okay in the meadows. Also on the verge of sending another question down the bond. Only for the large oak doors to swing open with a force that flushed the room with a gust of wind.
It was you, his beautiful shining mate. 
A very beautiful dishevelled mate, however.
You were flushed, cheeks hot and rosy as you stumbled into the large meeting room. Your lovely pink dress was covered in soil, the lacy strap hanging off your shoulder. The flowers you’d braided into your hair that morning were hanging limp only by a few strands. Pink hues of light flickered across the room, as it became obvious to everyone your beautiful wings were unfurled behind you.
There had been no stopping you once you’d got your confirmation, you had flown urgently to River House. Storming through the hallways with a haste one wouldn’t usually associated with such a delicate fairy.
But you needed him. You needed your mate.
You needed Azriel, and no meeting, no court officials or High Lords were going to stop you.
Your eyes instantly found those hazel beacons, eyes locked in on your handsome shadow of a lover. If you weren’t so encaptured by him, you may have noticed the panicked scrape of Rhys’ chair as he stood in concern, or how Cassian left his post towards you. Hand twitching by his sword, ready to strike at any recognition of the danger that must have caused this display by you.
If you’d been listening you might have noticed how the room had fallen quickly into a silence, all heads snapping to you. Momentarily, eyes glazing over the iridescent lights that were now reflecting off your wings.
A very rare sight.
“What a beauty…” someone purred, although you didn’t hear them.
Azriel was beside you in mere seconds, his shadows consuming you protectively moving you slightly into the pocket realm. The tendrils coiled on the corners of your vision so you could only see Azriel, who tenderly had a hand pressed against your jaw, thumb gently grazing the dirt spread on your face. His other arm protectively wrapped around you pulling you close.
Something must have happened Azriel concluded. Fear seeped into his mind as he began to imagine the worst.
Your energy, the vulnerable look in your eyes and tousled appearance had Azriel reeling. Itching to figure out what had caused this. Had a danger broken into the court? Had his shadows missed something? Were you hurt?
“My love, what is it? What’s wrong?” there was an urgency in his tone.
You shook your head, tears rolling down your cheeks. Azriel was confused. You were in a state of disarray, but he could feel nothing of the sort through the bond. Instead there was an overwhelming feeling of joy and love rippling through.
“There is nothing wrong, love…finally everything is right,” you cried through your smile.
These were not Azriel’s choice of words, but later on when Cassian and Rhys relayed the scenario to the rest of the family they said you looked a little mad. Deranged even. Your tangled appearance and abrupt entrance was unlike anything they’d seen from you.
Azriel was quick to move you from here, his shadows engulfing you both as they transported you to a small lounge in the house. He wanted you away from prying eyes, and needed to check you were safe. That you weren’t hurt. His hands were still cupped around your face as he began to inspect you carefully. His eyes analysing your expression, shadows circling around your ankles to check for anything that might explain your distress– no it wasn’t distress, it wasn’t madness, it was joy.
“Breathe my little butterfly, what’s got you so worked up that you barged into a High Lord’s meeting?” Azriel cooed, his expression softening as he recognised the vulnerability in your eyes. Large scarred hands lightly brushed your unrurly hair, his fingers delicately bringing the dress strap back over your shoulder as he tried to soothe you with his touch.
“Everything is finally right Azriel,'' you whispered, repeating the words from earlier. For a moment Azriel couldn’t understand. The disarray, the vulnerability, the uneasiness. How could everything finally be right?
But then he felt it, the rippling down the bond. That unconditional love again, joy, delight…but also relief. Relief that something had finally happened. Something you had both been waiting, praying and dreaming of.
The Shadowsinger tilted his head, his hands dropping from your face, not daring to breathe the words himself as the emotions he felt began to paint a vivid picture.
“I’m pregnant.”
In that moment Azriel crashed down onto his knees, an overwhelming sensation consuming him as he digested the truth you spoke. It was as if at that moment, everything slowly slotted into place. The clues he hadn’t even known were clues sung to him. Your scent, your temperament and emotions, your wings. Everything he had acknowledged subconsciously, had been tucked away in his mind because he couldn’t phantom the possibility– the possibility of being wrong. Getting your hopes up.
His hands softly came to your hips, drawing you closer as he rested his forehead against your stomach.
“We’re having a baby?” Azriel’s voice broke, the words barely audible.
“Babies.” You whispered back.
Cassian had been pacing back and forth outside the lounge for well over an hour now. He’d desperately called down the bond to Nesta, who had arrived in a hurry with their little Athena in her arms. His reaction may have been slightly over dramatic. But Cassian assured her that if Nesta had seen the state you’d run into the meeting room earlier, she would be behaving the same way.
Nesta didn’t really believe him, her mate had a way of being quite theatrical in situations.
There had been no danger, Azriel had spoken into Rhys mind and it had been passed onto Cassian. So Cassian spent the time speculating on what could have brought such an uncharacteristically reaction from you. He’d seen you when things didn’t go the plan in the meadows and assumed something at work must have gone array.
Nesta sat lazily in a chair outside the lounge, book in hand. Every now and then, glancing up at her mate who was wearing a mark in the stone floor from his pacing. Cassian held his little baby while he patrolled outside the room, whispering theories on what possibly could have happened to Auntie y/n.
“I don’t know Thena…maybe the ladybirds lost their spots again?” He mused, recalling a previous drama you had shared with him once, that had sent you a little haywire last year.
“All spots are accounted for,” your voice sang. Cassian hadn’t even noticed you and Azriel had stepped out of the room.
“Sorry brother I didn’t know you were waiting for us” Azriel smiled softly, giving his brother’s shoulder a gentle squeeze.
Cassian’s expression softened, as Nesta came to his side. Her arm looping around his free side while she kissed her little babe on the head. “Is everything okay though?” Cassian asked, concern still lingering.
“More than okay,” you beamed, tears quickly filling your eyes again.
Cassian and Nesta glanced between you both. Their expressions desperately trying to figure out what was happening. The penny dropped for Nesta first. Her own lips pulled into a genuine smile.
“Thank the Mother” she grinned, stepping forward to embrace you tightly.
The tears were spilling then, as you hugged your friend back. Little sobs racking through your body. You thought you’d cried it all out in Azriel’s arms, that there were no more tears left to give. But now, in the embrace of your friends– your family. Reality sunk in much deeper.
It only took Cassian a few moments and a glance at Azriel’s overjoyed but emotional expression to understand what was happening.
“Truly brother?” He beamed. Azriel nodded, a small tear running down his face as Cassian bear-hugged his friend, making sure Athena wasn’t squished between the giant Illyrians. 
It didn’t take long for Cassian to start shouting it from the rooftops, bellowing down the halls of River house that two baby Shadowsingers were on their way. And of course, naturally, the day turned into a celebration, a gathering with your loved ones to toast your beautiful miracle babies. 
Later that night, after Rhys and Cassian had drowned themselves in whiskey with a competition of who would be the favourite uncle.
Azriel joined you in bed, you were propped up by plush pillows against the large headboard, night dress adorned as you gazed down at your tummy. Your hands resting lightly on your stomach.
“Finally” you whispered, as Azriel laid beside you, his own hand covering both of yours as he nuzzled into your neck. Inhaling your scent.
He breathed deeply against your throat, relief and joy rippling through every inch of his skin, “Finally.”
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a/n: Here is is!!! So sorry this took so long, I've been so busy with lots of interviews and prepping, which has eaten into a lot of my energy recently. But I hope this was worth the wait! I think the next scene that was voted for was the truth or dare/drinking games which would be set pre bond snapping/in the friendship era! So I'll try write that next unless there's something else first you'd like? Anyway I love writing about these two, their my little fluff couple <3 - Lottie x
Forever tags: @sleepylunarwolf @daily-dose-of-sass @amberlynn98 @marscardigan @illyrianbitch @lilah-asteria
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azure-cherie · 2 months
PAC : Who of the nine Greek muses do you embody ? A message from the muse
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➪Pile : 1-2-3 ☟︎︎︎ 4-5-6 ☟︎︎︎ 7-8-9
Hii loves how have you been , I'm back again with a reading, I hope you enjoy this please choose with your intuition and take what resonates , Reblogs, comments feedbacks everything is highly appreciated ❤️
If you liked this and would like to book or would want a bigger reading on the same topic :
Masterlist , paid readings , paid readings 2
Pile 1 :
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Muse of music and lyric poetry
Channelled messages: " let go of societal restraints " , " paint the canvas of your life , write a poem about a wall " , " often see yourself as an ancient women of honour " , " feed the doves "
She comes forth to tell you about your potential how you're a very meditative being , you are so good at chanelling and you should do it more often , ask her to be your guide and write down all that comes through to you flow in your thinking and the ideas that come forth
Lean more into the devotional aspect of your life , see everything with the vibration of love. The trees the humans the animals , devote more into self love and worship the gods you already do .
Learn the right way to connect to the moon , you're in your journey and this is one of the crucial times , you're almost at the end of a karmic cycle stay stiff and strong
Don't get into arguments , if you do have mishaps with someone , lean into releasing the anger through creating music or producing tunes .
Take practical approaches to life , if someone says no to you do the thing on your own , your guides are always taking care of you .
Pile 2 :
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Muse of dance and choral poetry .
Channelled messages : " learn about the folk music and dances where you stay " , " when in the blues play the beats " , " give more to the society in forms of art " , " start the YouTube channel"
Your devotion towards your deity or your guides is really admirable and that is something that's one of your best qualities people online or in person admire your liking towards a deity you inspire them .
The calmness of mind that can be attained through yoga is something she wants you to do , imagine a blue beam of light when you meditate , she tells you to connect to your primordial life form your soul .
Know about the necessary sacrifices one has to do in their life , your sacrifices now will bring you rewards later , don't fall for instant gratification
Abundance is soon to come in your life but work on cultivating a sense of detachment towards money , obsession ruins everything.
There might me a rock bottom moment in your life soon , she asks you to remain in your path as a human and as a soul take the lessons and move on soon you will alchemize your pain into passion and glory . You transform everything you're a becon of light .
Pile 3 :
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Muse of hymns and sacred poetry
Channelled messages : " Levitate " , " dream big " , " nice downtown tshirt " , " the life that one has is a sum and minus of that they do "
If you're interested in writing do it , there might be an opportunity approaching you soon in this sector , though there's a warning about a setback if you don't take the opportunity at the right time don't worry you'll do great believe in the power of wishes.
You might rekindle a childhood bond on the basis of liking of movies or songs .
Business sector might have new opportunities your fortune is about to change you're gonna have the power to do what you want in your life because you're the creator of it , your destiny is now on hold make the best use of free will.
Connect more to the oceans and moon , fireflies etc , be in nature more and stay grounded .
Honour your soul by serving the temple you're in your own body , take care of your body give it ample rest and food .
Pile 4 :
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Muse of tragedy
Channelled messages : " Dwelling on past has no rewards " , " crazy is as good as the sane" , " time flowes and glows and you grow "
Don't choose a hard life away from your desires because you're scared of disappointing people your path is enlightened more as you connect more to yourself .
Give into dark feminine energy and live in your truth , if you remain often confused or scared work on your root chakra .
Connect more to your guides through paintings and leave offerings of metal , feathers , corn etc
It's time to finally shine you're going from the hermit to an influencer you're gonna be famous it might start small but it will build up .
Keep away from external influences that stop your growth drop bad friends and family .
Pile 5 :
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Muse of love poetry
Channelled messages: eat healthy and enriching foods , read about the love you already behold , the depths of see are beautiful and so is your heart of depth.
Abundance in the sector of love is coming soon you're gonna make the haters jealous , might even win a pagent or competition.
You might have felt Beauty is your curse but life's gonna show you how it's not you're gonna be so hight so uplifted I see you shining like a star
One has to prepare for glory start by saying affirmations and working on your third eye and root chakra .
Read more about lovers from mythology like Persephone Hades , Aphrodite ares , Radha Krishna etc
The boons served by the goddess are yours to keep and no one can question that , you're being divinely blessed and you'll be happy and dancing soon .
Pile 6 :
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Muse of comedy and Idyllic poetry
Chanelled messages: Search for the small joys, poppies , these boots are meant for walking , spring equinox fairy
There's a confirmation in case you wanna go for the acting sector , this sector will require a lot of hardwork .
There's also a warning regarding someone in your job your boss or your guru they might take credit for some assignment you did beware and if possible say no because that thing might get your superior a promotion
You are to search bliss in satisfaction about what you already have the moon is to be admired by you the power to be soked it , are you ready for the full moon .
You're intelligent and people really admire you for that , gemini energy.
Move in your life in your true path of light don't be afraid or dim your light , your aura might have hints of white colour .
Pile 7:
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Muse of epic poetry
Chanelled messages: Blow the bubbles up , get into kitchen witchery, Artemis , cry me a river
Don't give people the benefit of the doubt if you don't like someone let them go .
Fame is eminent in your energy, life coaches might help you , your aunt is giving you good guidence follow her .
Do your school projects and specially eat tangerine and other fruits that make you feel happy
Serve the world and create peace each small step is a long one in the collective , small things create big impact do your part and be sure of the effects .
Moon water energy and full moon is great for you to invite luxuries in your life , ground your root chakra and connect to your third eye your ancestors will be sending you messages.
Pile 8 :
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Muse of astronomy
Chanelled messages: Fly me to the moon , peals and sandbox , honesty is the best policy , go go cheerleader
The first message for you is to balance all your chakras it's crazy my oracle deck pulled all chakra cards omg I feel like there soon will be a kundalini awakening for you
You're almost in your last stage of awakening get into the cosmic dance of life your life is about to change , abundance is coming
Hard message to get through but someone in your relationship might be cheating or there might be someone who has an eye on your partner and might try to frame them . Only for some people
Listen to your higher self write a letter to them
Your path from now on is of the hermit it might be lonely but it's worth it discoveries are on your way in fields of history, psychology, quantum mechanics etc.
Pile 9 :
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Muse of history
Chanelled messages: 13 missed calls , glow up is loading , search in the Egyptian archives , glow and peach coloured cheeks
The number six is significant, also specifically for someone there's this person who is delaying your glow up by doing some nasty as spell , might be a close friend
You are ignoring some signs from the universe , they're coming again and again and you're ignoring it look into it closely , you're elevating in your consciousness.
Your energy levels are high and you're matching ahead in your journey setbacks are never the end the sheer power of desire iss enough to keep going .
You're slowly climbing the stairs of life to become confident and assertive you might even call upon a partner soon who is very sure about themselves.
You should plant more trees and learn about them about their origination etc , i specifically get about Tulsi and the lore behind it . Some others would be eucalyptus, basil and marigold.
Thank you so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed this
Have a great day/ night ♥️🌹
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stuckinapril · 6 months
so once i was at a friendsgiving and one of my friends was complaining to her boyfriend about the fact that he has more self-control when it comes to food compared to her. and his response was just “food can wait. i know it’ll be there tomorrow, so i don’t feel pressed to have it right now.” this has literally rewired my brain ever since—not only w respect to food, but w literally anything and everything that we cannot say no to in the moment. anything that we struggle to deny due to our instant gratification. genuinely anything
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tag-that-oc · 2 months
Hate actually producing media with my OCs because now I can’t just spill every twist on tumblr dot com. What do you mean i can’t talk about the intricacies of how blorbo bleepus is actually secretly blorbo blingus in disguise and under years of dissociative amnesia and how I’m not actually sure which one is their “real” name so I just have to call them “blorbo bleepus/blingus”
the curse.... urge to talk about everything now for instant gratification vs urge to keep everything secret so its a big surprise when it happens
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tommykinard6 · 2 months
Buddie fans, my loves, come have a seat for a moment.
I want to have a chat, from a long time Buddie lover to you, whether you’re new or have been here a long time.
It’s okay.
I’ve been in the trenches with you. I’ve been pulling for Buck and Eddie to get together for years. I haven’t given up, even as I’ve seen other fans leave because they lost hope. I don’t blame them. The Buddie section of the fandom has been powerful and beautiful and all consuming. We’ve gone seven seasons and up until this point, not one of the two men in question was even confirmed to be queer.
But we all need to take a moment and breathe. That’s it. Stop doom scrolling for a moment and breathe in.
Good. Now hold for a moment.
And breathe out.
I’m going to get real here, alright? And you might not like everything I say and that’s ok.
We need to stop being a problem. Stay with me. I’m not saying we need to stop shipping Eddie and Buck. Far from it. I will love that ship forever. I’m not saying we need to stop our fanfics or fanart or our love for these two. Our feelings are valid. Many of us have been in love with these two for a long time. The Buckley-Diaz family is a strong unit.
Our feelings are valid and we feel what we feel. But our reactions are utterly and entirely our own responsibility.
We need to stop the bullying.
Let’s face it, many Buddie fans have also been long time bullies in the fandom. Particularly in regard to the actresses who have played the female love interests in the past. Don’t get me wrong, aside from maybe Ali, I have disliked every love interest introduced. But have we not yet learned to separate actress from character? If we are going to dislike an actress, let’s do it for a valid reason. Marisol’s actress for example is problematic. But many fans have rained hell down upon any woman introduced.
I’ve noticed this issue for a long time. But now we’re dealing with the issue being even more widespread because of Buck/Tommy. Now fans are bullying each other. The fandom is divided, even in what is probably one of the better seasons we’ve gotten (in my opinion). I need you guys to stay with me here.
Buck is bi.
Let’s say that again. Evan Buckley is bisexual. A major character on a major show on a major network, previously a womanizer and still a very masculine figure, is queer.
This is monumental. This is amazing.
But so many of you are letting your feelings about Buddie get in the way of appreciating the progress we’ve made. Especially with the reintroduction of Tommy Kinard, Buck’s love interest.
Let’s clear up a couple of things, shall we? Tommy Kinard is not Sal DeLuca. He is not Captain Gerrard. While he was part of the old 118 and definitely was in the old boys club, not only is he not the major problem, but in most cases that he’s an asshole, it can be traced back to his own secret. It’s not great, sure. But let’s look at the facts. Chimney is friends and still keeps in touch with him. Hen appears to hold no animosity and was clearly comfortable with him. In Bobby Begins, they all are friends. And clearly, Tommy has undergone a massive self-growth period. You cannot try to back up your point with inaccurate facts.
People can change. People can also be forgiven. It’s the prerogative of those involved. Enough said.
“But TK6,” you may say, “Buck should be with Eddie! Tommy is a plot device!”
Let’s set aside instant gratification culture really quick and talk about storytelling. You cannot get everything you want when you want it. You also cannot have your cake and eat it too. Buck and Eddie, if both queer, were never going to come out at the same time. Do we really want that?! Because identity is messy. Self discovery is messy. Eddie has Catholic guilt. Buck has self esteem/worth issues. Life isn’t a fanfiction. The real possibility of their relationship surviving such a transition isn’t all that high. IF Eddie is canonically queer, he’s going to have a rougher path than Buck has had.
Also, everyone is a plot device. Let’s get real. If a character doesn’t move a plot along, what’s the point? YES, Tommy is there for a storyline. That doesn’t in anyway invalidate his existence or his presence in Buck’s life.
If you want an instant Buddie storyline, visit ao3! There are amazing stories on there.
Now let’s talk about Buck/Tommy, or TEvan.
I am a long time Buddie lover. I also proudly ship TEvan. Yes, those can coexist. I don’t often multiship, but it’s a beautiful thing. I want Buddie to be endgame, sure! But I’m also okay if TEvan lasts. If they end up being endgame, will I be disappointed about Buddie? Of course. I will also be thrilled because Buck and Tommy are a sweet couple and I’m here for it.
As a queer woman, I’m happy that Buck is bi. Multisexual representation is still sorely lacking. Male sexuality that lets a man keep his masculinity while being queer? Even more so. Just take a look at the ao3 tag. Buck is emasculated in many fics. That’s why I stopped reading a lot.
We have a ship here that includes two very masculine men, who are emotionally vulnerable and exploring something new. I understand ship disappointment. But the negativity is wild. We need to stop the bullying. We need to stop the cheating storylines. We need to stop making Tommy into an ab*s*r only because we apparently can’t handle a love interest being a good person.
At the end of the day, these are fictional characters. It’s a fictional show. But these are real people. All of us are sitting here behind our screens with real feelings. We need to stop.
Buddie may one day happen. And maybe they won’t. TEvan might be endgame. They might not be. Tis the way of 9-1-1. It’s exciting, isn’t it? Waiting for something new and exciting. It was starting to get a little stagnant.
As a queer person, I’m not trying to gatekeep anyone. However, we cannot sit here and say “stop queerbaiting us!!!!” (They weren’t, we’ve always had queer representation on 9-1-1) “give us more representation” and then when they give it to us say, “NO! Not that way!”
If it was about the representation, it being Eddie or Tommy would matter a lot less.
So if you are someone using representation to shield yourself, kindly just be honest with yourself and everyone else.
In the words of our Lady and Savior Taylor Swift, “You need to calm down”.
Now, back off into the world of scrolling you go, my lovelies. Remember, keep an open mind and breathe. At the end of the day, it’s a show. But I for one will happily wait for every episode because I’m loving this.
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lordoftherazzles · 11 months
My takeaway from the past 24+ hours...
There are so many of us that rely on ao3, whether you're a reader or writer. It brings us joy, it gives us an escape from the real world, and it lets us come together as a community to share stories and scenarios about our favorite fandoms and characters. The amount of posts I have seen on multiple platforms lamenting over the DDoS attacks is overwhelming - but with most of them comes a delightful cheer to the volunteers working to resolve this issue.
I've seen so many statements of praise for those volunteers, which is exactly what they deserve, and more. Can you imagine working for over 24 hours straight, on a volunteer basis, against something like this? They're the real MVPs, and I think our appreciation for them gets lost until moments like this rise.
With that said, here is my first real takeaway...
Don't bitch when ao3 does a donation drive. They work hard to keep the archive up and running, and with that costs money. Every server, every new addition or feature you want to see added to help make the site better, it costs money. The legal team that is defending fanfic authors??? MONEY. SO! DON'T! COMPLAIN!
I'm not saying you have to go out and donate your paycheck to ao3 - but I will say that, especially with this situation, if you can donate even a little bit to show your support, it means more than you probably realize, and even if you can't donate (which is totally okay), be kind to those who work on the archive. Send them kind words of encouragement, rather than flaming the archive because it's under attack - because yeah, I've seen people bitching AT ao3 for not working fast enough, or for it still being down. STOP IT.
My second takeaway...
Don't believe everything you see on the internet. Ao3 themselves have advised that the group claiming to take credit for this attack is to be treated with skepticism. And not only that, let's NOT automatically make assumptions about who is responsible just because of an organization's name. It's just a NAME, it doesn't identify a person's origin, background, etc. But I'm not here to dive into that much further. Point: I better not see any Sudanese hatred on my dash, or I will bite you.
My third takeaway...
Treat your fanfic writers with respect. We all now see first hand how much we depend on these stories. As I said above, for some it's an escape, a creative release, and a way to communicate with other people through similar interests. It's a beautiful creation, neither above nor below any other kind of literature.
Consider commenting, reblogging, kudos, anything you can to let the authors know you enjoyed and appreciate their works. Everyone is free to communicate in the way that suits them best, but every little bit is appreciated - as a fanfic writer myself, I can tell you that even a little heart emoji has made my day. It's like receiving a second kudos, and tells me that someone appreciated my efforts enough to give me a double thumbs up.
Any form of communication with the authors is appreciated. It lets them know that people are genuinely interested. We live in a world where INSTANT GRATIFICATION is taking over, but creations such as this take time. Talk with the authors, ask them about their wips, tell them they're doing a great job. Do NOT pester about "when are you updating next?" or the dreaded AI option - again, I will BITE PEOPLE if I see you doing this. Just...have some respect, show your appreciation, it's more than JUST FANFIC.
At the end of the day I guess this post is about being kind. Not pointing fingers or slandering people due to a name. It's about appreciating the things we do have, and not taking them for granted. Whether it's the brave cyber warriors currently fighting these DDoS attacks on the frontline, or the authors writing for not only their enjoyment, but for others too. Let's all respect one another, and show our support when and where we can.
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wannabeanotter · 2 months
I am always working lately it seems. Running from one job to another. I’m so envious of those men who seem to just be able to let themselves go. To not do what’s expected of them. Think you can help me relax a bit and get rid of some of my responsibility?
You wanna let loose? Sure bro!! First off, have a drink! It's on me.
Now, I've got some bad news. You're never going to set yourself free when you have a corporate structure to answer for, yknow? So I've taken the liberty and had you fired.
Aww, don't look at me like that. Here, have another drink
The second thing is your brain. You're too, well, how do I put it... motivated. You keep on thinking about things like "goals" and "consequences". Loser shit, not enough instant gratification. So, don't worry bro, I just turned all of that off. You want a beer? just drink one, no more fears about hangovers and "obligations" tomorrow. That pizza looks good, right? Eat another slice. Eat 5 more slices. Who gives a shit if you've already had enough food for 2 men today.
Wait, what's that? You feel weird? Like your body? Well yeah, duh, actions have consequences.
Oh right, I forgot I blasted that part of your brain. I guess you'll just have to live with whatever happens
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Yeah yeah, I know, shit sucks. But I guess all those calories started to add up. I said I'll help you loosen up, not your waistband.
The hair? I don't know what your talking about bro. Have you ever seen a fucker like you who wasn't hairy? Didn't think so. This is all natural. This is all right.
Well, nearly.
There's one last problem bro, even lazy dudes get their shit together; even pigs like you can stop eating, can get a job again, maybe even start working out. In my mind it just aint permanent enough.
So, I think I'm gonna give you something else. Something that can sap up any little sliver of focus you manage to squeeze out. Something that's going to eat up every minute of your life from now on.
Oop, there is goes. Do you feel that? Your mind is going somewhere else and it won't be coming back anytime soon
Tell me when you work it out ;)
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From now on, you'll be spending every waking moment thinking about your cock, playing with it non-stop. You wanna fuck anything and everything you see, don't you?
Good luck getting your job back now bro ;)
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incorrectbatfam · 1 year
Do you have any angsty headcannons of Damian Wayne
Sometimes I wonder if he has any insecurities about being the youngest and the fact that he's fifth (sixth? seventh?) in a long line of batkids who have already done pretty much anything he can think of. Blowing up the League of Assassins? Tim did that. Starting a superhero team? Sure, Damian's done that, but it's kinda derivative of his siblings'. Dying? That's literally Jason's whole schtick. With older siblings, he's gonna invariably end up with some hand-me-downs and it's a lot harder to carve his own unique identity.
He's over the whole "blood son" thing, but he can't help but feel a little jealous when Bruce talks so fondly about the others' Robin days, meanwhile Damian is still referred to as "having potential" and needing to work on this or that. It's like when your siblings have a bunch of trophies and you know you're just as capable, but you haven't been given the chance.
As Robin, everything he did was measured up against his siblings. Dick stuck the landing better. Tim was more careful with evidence. Steph decoded the riddle faster. Jason could take on twice as many goons. Though Damian tries to do things his own way, Robin never feels like something that's fully his.
Even though the Waynes can buy ten of everything, he still ends up with some of his siblings' stuff—Dick's sweatshirt, Jason's books, Tim's old camera. Damian can try and pretend they belong to him, but then he comes across a scribble in the margins or an old picture of Young Justice and it's a reminder that he's still tethered to the people who came before him.
And maybe that's why he still picks fights and gives people a hard time. At his age, he'll do anything it takes to stand out so someone notices him, and being difficult accomplishes that. As an immediate result, he gains individuality by being known as the Demon Brat. And because he gets that instant gratification, he keeps doing it over and over.
It's no secret that he and Tim aren't always on good terms. I think part of it has to do with Tim being the next closest predecessor and Damian has an easier time picking him apart compared to facing off against Dick or Jason. Because of that, though, I think Tim would be the first to pick up on why Damian is this way.
Do they communicate about it? Mmm not yet. This is the most emotionally stunted family we're talking about, so instead of indulging Damian's behavior, Tim flat-out ignores it and it's one of those instances where ignoring works because Damian stops, at least with him.
But then he moves on to Steph, but her tolerance is way lower than Tim's and she lets Damian know that. She straight-up tells him, "Hey, quit being obnoxious. It works now because people are going easy on you, but one day someone's gonna screw you up and you won't have a Batman to run to."
He doesn't really believe her because 1) he was never one to care what strangers think about him and 2) getting the job done was more important than being liked to him.
Cut to school being back in session. Damian mainly keeps to himself—partly to lay low, partly because he never got along with other kids before and didn't see the point in trying again. His grades are stellar and for the first month or so, teachers praise him all around for being a model student.
But that eventually slows down as his straight-A's and thesis-sounding papers become routine—it's his norm, and teachers stop pointing it out as something remarkable.
And just like before: when being Robin stops working, be the Demon Brat.
He keeps his grades up, but the teachers start sending emails home about things like chewing gum and using his phone in class. Every time, Bruce just reminds him to behave.
One time Bruce offhandedly mentions how Jason was a well-behaved student and Damian can't help but think, "That's the point. I'm not Jason."
The emails pile up, now with new problems like extended bathroom breaks, breaking the dress code, and even one incident where he forged himself a note to get out of class early.
But the thing that lands him in detention is a snide comment to the wrong kid that spirals into a schoolyard brawl. And even though Damian pulls his punches, it still ends in bruises and a bloody nose, and it takes two teachers and the football coach to break it up.
And just his luck, Dick's in Bludhaven, Alfred has a doctor's appointment, Tim and Bruce are at a business meeting, and Jason wants to stay out of this, so guess who's there to pick him up at the end of the afternoon.
Steph doesn't beat around the bush. Her first response is, "What did I tell you?" And it pisses him off because she's right.
That evening, they go on a long drive where she eventually gets an explanation out of him. And she gets him, 100%. She tells him how she had big shoes to fill as Batgirl and how she always compared herself to Cass and Babs.
Then she says: "Robin isn't a personality you grow into or break out of. It's just a costume. Who you are underneath is who Robin becomes."
For good measure though, she goes to Bruce later like, "Hey, do you need a laxative? 'Cause you're so emotionally constipated that you forgot your son is his own person, not a work in progress or extension of someone else." Then she swipes his credit card and takes Damian to the arcade to make him feel better since he still has a week's worth of detention plus Alfred giving him double the chores.
After that, people will still occasionally slip up, but when Dick ruffles his hair and says they'll ace a mission "the Damian way," it's reason enough to believe that things are looking up.
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OK, after my finals, I'll start writing these, but I've been on a classics binge. I can't get these out of my head.
I think for angst/power couple shit, Aventurine with a character who's got a Count of Monte Cristo story arc would be so good.
Like, you're at the height of your life, and a bunch of people frame you for something you didn't do. They're jealous and want to steal your shit or you see them commit a crime or something. Then, you escape from prison, change your name, get a huge fortune, and get your revenge.
Each drabble that I've written, you and Aventurine plot and scheme together. I feel like Aventurine would be down for helping you get your revenge, depending on what your revenge is.
For Ratio, and this is kind of fluffy (like post-angst?? Recovering reader?), I think Reader coming from a place that's like 1984 or Fahrenheit 451 where things like books are banned and there's all this hyper-surveillance and public punishment. Then, suddenly you find yourself staying with Ratio (Or maybe the IPC takes over the planet and repeals these laws idk), and now everything is quiet, private, and you're allowed to learn.
And it doesn't even have to be that dramatic. Like, Ratio's s/o coming from a place where they don't have the opportunity to formally learn or are constantly surveilled, only to stay at Ratio's where you're free to do what you want, experience all of this new stuff, and hear these ideas you've never heard of before.
And with Sunday, I could really see something with the reader I mentioned for Ratio, but they go the complete opposite direction. Like, they go in a Captain Beatty character arc of "I’ve read all of these books and ideas but they just cause pain and confusion. Instant gratification is so much easier and better." It's heavily implied that on Penacony, you're not supposed to talk about bad things, so this reader could be an antagonist to Ratio/Aventurine/Trailblazer.
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misseviehyde · 1 month
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"I'm sorry dude. It was always our bully Brad's idea to get you hooked on Elixir then cut you off and give it to me instead. I just couldn't stop him turning me into his new bitchy girlfriend and giving me all the clothes and makeup he bought for you. I mean - it's not like I tried very hard, after all you know how good this feels... but honestly this wasn't MY idea.
Sure... okay... I may have suggested it to him a few months ago when I discovered how to create the Elixir, but only so he'd stop bullying ME. You understand right?
I honestly thought he'd change his mind after he found out what a good bitch you made, but now it's clear he enjoys the thought of the long game more than instant gratification. The plan was always to make you get addicted to the power of being a popular girl, then pull the rug away from under your feet to totally destroy you.
I'm just the final humiliation - the former best-friend who now has everything you ever wanted. I... I mean Brad... loves the idea of a power-transfer. It makes him hard to imagine your jealousy and impotent rage as you watch me become everything you wanted to be.
I gotta admit - it's not like I'm fighting very hard to resist. These tits, this ass... mmmmh this pussy - it all feels really good. I'm a fucking Grade-A bitch now and it's fun how quickly everyone has switched their allegiance to me.
Awwww does it make your little dicklet seethe with impotence knowing you'll never get to feel this good again? Your withdrawal to the Elixir is gonna hurt so bad. You'll beg me for more, you'll do anything to get some... but you will never touch another drop.
You'll have to watch me - flawless and sexy - taking what I want and living this deliciously toxic feminine lifestyle. Just look at me simp... I'm fucking perfect, I'm all you ever wanted to be and never can be again.
Awwwww hahaha are you getting hard? Does the humiliation turn you on as much as it does me? How about I friend zone you then? I'll tell you all the deliciously naughty things I'm doing as a girl so you can be super jealous.
Perhaps you think if you hang around me you'll find where I've hidden the Elixir, or I'll relent and give you some.
No chance loser.
You're all nicely strung out and the plan has worked perfectly. Now watch as Brad takes me out for dinner... and later, when we get back you can watch him fuck me like the good little cuck you are, almost like I was the one who planned all this from the start..."
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sadhours · 1 year
This thought of a fic just popped into my head and I thought you might enjoy it:
Billy being brash and a little cold about something, maybe even scolding you about something.
Whatever it is, It pisses you off.
You end up getting in a fight with him. It escalates loudly and you're just over it.
You slap him and walk away but he grabs your hand after it connects with his cheek.. furious.. but he liked it?.. a little too much
OOh!!! I love it! I hope you like this...
warnings: arguing, slapping, billy kind of being a dick, smut
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Billy’s in the kitchen making himself some coffee. He impatiently leans on the counter, the craving for nicotine heightening his sensitivities. It bothered him severely that when you two had moved into this tiny house, you very firmly told him he could not smoke in it. You see, Billy isn’t the best at patience. He wants the instant gratification. He wants a goddamn cigarette as soon as he wakes up. He wants to smoke half of it while he waits for the coffee and enjoy the other half with it. Now he has to fucking wait.
The coffee is dripping into the pot too slowly, the news you turned on is too loud and when you walk into the kitchen to place your glass of wine from the night before into the sink that’s already accumulated too many dirty dishes and toss a chocolate wrapper in the overflowing trash and then turn to walk back into the living room, he can’t help but lash out and relieve a bit of his irritation.
“Jesus,” he scoffs, “Are you that lazy?”
You freeze at his tone, matching his irritability as you turn around, “Excuse me?”
“You go to a put a dish in the sink, you see it’s full, do the dishes,” he bites, “You see the trash is full, take it out. It's so fucking simple."
Your blood boils, you’re literally cleaning up the living room while you wait for the coffee. He’s standing in the kitchen just staring at it dripping into the pot and he’s got the nerve to call you lazy.
“If it fucking bugs you so bad, why don’t you do it?” you challenge, crossing your arms as you glare at him.
“I need a cigarette before I do anything,” he retorts with a breezy tone like it’s the most obvious thing in the world.
You scoff, “Give me a fucking break.” With a roll of your eyes you turn to make your way back to the living room to continue cleaning up.
Billy calls out after you, “Just fucking do it. Stop being lazy.”
“Lazy?” you stomp back in the kitchen and poke his chest, “I do practically all of the cleaning around here. In fact, I don’t think you’ve ever cleaned a bathroom in your goddamn life and you have the fucking nerve to call me lazy?”
Billy squints his eyes at you, “I clean.”
You laugh and it makes Billy’s cheeks heat up, whenever you two fought and you laughed it would just make him angrier. Like you were doing it to make him feel stupid when in reality he just said stupid things sometimes. You did too.
“Whatever,” he scoffs again, “You’re being a fucking brat.”
“A brat?” you place a hand on your hip and look at him dumbfounded.
“Just take the fucking constructive criticism, you don’t have to turn everything into a fucking argument,” he rebuts, “You’re acting like a real bitch.”
Smack! Your palm connects with Billy’s cheek, not nearly as hard as you wanted but enough to get your point across. You turn to walk away but Billy’s hand is grabbing your wrist and holding your hand where you’d just slapped him.
“Did you just fucking slap me?” he heaves, a slight twinge of anger still there but there's also something else...
You look at him and the whole demeanor of his face has changed, he doesn’t seem too concerned about the messy kitchen or the need for a cigarette anymore. He downright looked aroused, you recognized the dark, glassy eyes and the particular one sided tug on the corner of his lips. You glance down to see the bulge in his pajama pants growing and you look back to his eyes with your own intrigued, wide ones.
“Do it again,” he orders.
Your thighs begin to tingle, heat rising through your body and once Billy’s hand drops from yours, you wind up and smack him across the face again, this time harder. He grunts at the contact, eyes fluttering shut with a big, satisfied smile spreading across his face. You giggle as you grab onto his wrist and drag him to the bedroom, coffee can wait.
You push him down onto the mattress, standing at the end of it as you pull off your flimsy satin pajama set. His eyes rake across you, propping himself up on his elbows and you see the redness still stinging his cheek, just as aroused by it as he is. You eagerly grab onto the bottoms of his pajama pants, tugging them down his legs and he lifts his hips to help. His cock springs free, the tip angry and red on display for you as it leaks more than you’ve ever witnessed. You groan hungrily, climbing on top of him and grabbing his length. You hover over him, lining him up with your dripping center and lowering yourself down on him in a swift, determined motion. He pokes at your g-spot upon impact and you gasp out, eyes narrowing in on him while you prepare to give him everything he didn’t know he wanted.
Billy bites his lip, watching you in earnest as he anticipates what your next move is. There’s no time for languid strokes, you’re already more than half way there and you’re feeling zealous. You bounce up and down on him hastily, your face contorting in concentration as you observe his reactions. When you decide he deserves it again, you deliver another slap to his cheek. The impact stings your palm, smiling deviously as Billy groans loudly. When you pull your hand away, his cheek is unbelievably flushed and the way he looks at you is something you’ve never seen before. Covetous like he can’t get enough and he’s willing to beg you for more.
Billy is distraught but painfully turned on at the same time. The stinging in his cheek and the force of the blows courtesy of you are making him feel something he’s never experienced before. He’s worked up like never before so he is desperate for more, for you to dominate him in this moment. And Billy always wants control, he’s the one who dictates when you cum but here he is, an absolute mess at the role reversal. If you slap him one more time he’s sure he’ll bust. He likes the bossy look on your face, likes knowing that you’re also getting off on this.
You’re hips falter and you furrow your brows, telling Billy that you’re as close as he is.
He holds his breath in anticipation when he sees you raise your hand again, absolutely giddy at the prospect of earning another strike. This one is loud, the sharp sound filling the room as Billy unloads inside of you with a cry. You grab onto his face and force him to look up at you as you ride him harder, funneling in on your own orgasm. You feel tears tickling your fingers holding onto Billy’s cheeks as you squish them together and you grunt out while waves of ecstasy crash over you.
You collapse next to him, heaving for a beat before you think, Oh, shit. Aftercare. and turn to cuddle up to your boyfriend. He’s never made you go without.
But he’s pushing you off and standing up, grabbing his pants and jumping into them. You look up at him curiously and then you roll your eyes as he places a Marlboro between his lips and opens the door.
“Now, go do those fucking dishes,” he says playfully with a wink.
Damn, him.
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seireitonin · 3 months
Two sides of the same coin: Toby and Nina
(Wrote this to show there is overlap and similarities and differences as well, between BPD and ASPD and while they are disorders it doesn’t mean that people in the cluster B personality type can’t love and improve as people to be in healthy relationships. We’re not evil. We are flawed. Based Nina off my own BPD experience and Toby I did a lot of research on ASPD and tried to write it as accurately and respectfully as possible. If I did something wrong please lmk)
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Toby and Nina an are the same, yet different. Toby has ASPD. Nina has BPD. Their overlap and differences make each other feel understood, but at times isolated. Toby is impulsive and so is Nina. Toby is impulsive in the sense that he doesn’t care about his own safety and does what he wants when he wants if he sees fit. Nina’s impulses come from wanting instant gratification and pleasure in the moment. The two of them overlap with each other often. Both participate in impulsive, self destructive drug use on occasion, one not caring about his wellbeing and the other not caring about the consequences. Just the current moment of joy that she knows will pass because she’s always empty. Both experience emotional irregularities. More overlap presenting itself in different ways. Toby presents his emotions as if he’s better than Nina sometimes. Sometimes he says stuff that’s hurtful, especially when he’s intensely upset. Nina’s emotions can result in random outbursts of anger especially if she thinks Toby is trying to abandon her. Sometimes she says stuff she doesn’t mean too. They don’t mean to hurt each other, but unfortunately sometimes they do. Toby has become Nina’s everything. Her favorite person. The thought of Toby abandoning her or not loving her like she loves him sometimes makes her spiral. Toby sometimes comes across like he doesn’t care or is indifferent to her. But that’s not true. He loves her and has put in the work and effort to love her. He just has trouble expressing it sometimes. Nina feels intense emotions and sometimes can’t express them properly either, sometimes she comes off as clingy and obsessive, but she’s hurting and scared of being abandoned or not valued. Not only because she gets so overwhelmed, but sees the world in black and white and can’t describe everything she’s feeling. They had a screaming match once and only once. When they flow they flow. When they clash, they clash. Toby was so frustrated that Nina thinks he doesn’t love her. Like she’s invalidating his efforts. Nina was frustrated that he wasn’t taking him being her favorite person seriously. Like he saw her as a burden. “Why can’t you see I’m trying,Nina?! I’m doing my best and you just don’t care!” “No you don’t care! You see me as a burden don’t you?! You don’t really love me! You’re using me like Jeff!” “Don’t you ever compare me to him! I love you! You’re just too fucking stupid to see it!” Her eyes widened and tears streamed down her face. Toby didn’t understand at first. Why was she upset by that? She was being stupid. He loves her. “You….think…I’m…stupid?” Nina just ran away and locked herself in the bedroom, spiraling and splitting. “He hates me. He never loved me. I’m worthless. No one will ever love me.” That’s all that played through her head. Toby picks the lock and sits on the bed facing away from her. “I didn’t mean it like that. Okay? You’re not a burden to me.” He didn’t mean to hurt her but he did. Nina hated him right now. He went from angel to monster. “Don’t give up on me okay? I’ll never give up on you, Nina. I’m….sorry” It took him a while to understand how and why what he said hurt her. But he took accountability for what he said. A long way from the person he was before. “Don’t leave me Toby. I need you” Nina whimpered out. “I dont want to, moody girl” He holds out his hand so she could play with his fingers for comfort. She does just that. They’re not perfect. They both come from pasts of hurt and heartbreak. But the last thing they’ll do is take it out on each other. They will always try to be better for each other and themselves.
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mysticheathenn · 4 months
What's Missing in Your Life?
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Hi, Hexlings!
Remember to take what resonates and leave what does not. This reading does not supplement your need to seek professional help.
Take your time when choosing your pile. Ask yourself the question and choose the picture that you can’t stop looking at. Listen to your intuition.
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Patreon Extended Reading Includes: (ALL Tiers)
What's missing from your life?
How to change the situation?
Extra Messages
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Pile l:
What is your current situation? (Tarot: (All Reversed) Ace of Pentacles, 8 of Pentacles, Quen of Cups, (upright) The Fool, King of Pentacles, 2 of Pentacles)
Right now in your current situation, you lack the discipline that it requires to bring in the things that you want in your life pile 1. For most of you, this is about finances as you have 4 out of 6 pentacle cards. There's something that you keep starting and putting off or not working on altogether some of you may be working on a book, a blog, maybe content creation, freelancing, or even just applying to new jobs but you are only daydreaming about it, and not actually working on those things while others are only doing this sporadically because of lack of balance, discipline, and making nothing but excuses for yourself as to why you either shouldn't do it, don't have the time, or just not having the vision of seeing how instant gratification maybe okay for right now putting in the work to reap the rewards later on is what is going to give you financial stability that you are looking for.
Patreon Extended Reading
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Pile ll:
What is your current situation? (Tarot: The Emporer, The World / The Fool (reversed), The Magician, 10 of Wands)
Burnout. You are burned out pile ll. You feel that you have done all that you can...*pauses*...two songs are trying to play in my head at the same time and I see that you are overdoing it. The songs trying to play are "We Fall Down by Donnie McClurkin (Gospel) and Get Up 10 by Cardi B where she discusses how she falls down 9 times but gets up 10. You are trying to work hard on your goals, especially this year. Some of you may have let the past few years go by without putting in the work and now you are on overtime giving me Nanomi from JJK vibes, haha. Some of you may just have it ingrained that you have to work hard to get anything in life "having to work hard to get half of what 'they' have" Maybe even over the past few years people have counted you out and told you that you couldn't do something so you are out to prove everyone who doubted you wrong. It's as if you have reversed FOMO fear of missing out on success. I hate this energy because it reminds me of my days working as a hotel manager making me feel like that scene from Hidden Figures with Taraji where she says "And I work like a dog day and night, living on coffee from a pot none of you want to touch!"
Patreon Extended Reading
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Pile lll:
What is your current situation? (Tarot: Ace of Cups, Ace of Swords (reversed), 7 of Swords, King of Wands, 4 of Pentacles.
Indecision, trust, and self-doubt. For whatever reason pile lll your spirit guides are not elaborating on this. It's as if you know what has been causing your emotions to go haywire and what causes you to stay up late at night plagued by insomnia. The things that plague your mind that cause you to self-doubt and be indecisive about what it is in your life and they have had enough of trying to get through or keep reminding you that everything will work out for the best. You know what it is and they don't want to elaborate because a wall is placed as I continue to look at your cards and I'm trying to get something anything from it and nothing just those two words and If you know, you know.
Patreon Extended Reading That's all I have for everyone. I hope you enjoyed this reading. Until next time, stay safe and blessed.
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degenerussy · 5 months
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Charlie Walker x Reader
tw. fem reader, delulu, perv, toxic, somno, c*m eating (male receiving), and a scent k**k on the side.
Charlie Walker was all about patience. At least that's what he told himself. In his mind, he believed that good things in life weren't born from instant gratification. Especially relationships. I mean, if he wanted some non-committal friends with benefits situation, he could get that in a heartbeat. He totally could, he's just been choosing not to. He was a romantic, after all.
No no, true soul connections could only come from patience, which he was an expert in. You see, Charlie was a planner. He wasn't big on jumping into things spontaneously, he preferred to learn every single thing about the situation before even thinking about making a move.
And that's precisely the approach he chose with you.
Now, to be fair, he wasn't the nicest to you when you first met. He didn't mean to be rude, it's just that Charlie was still suspicious of flirty behavior. The disappointment he had been through in the past left him jaded and spiteful, so he was almost put off by your playful antics steeped in desire. He thought he was a good judge of women in the past, especially the one he spent all of his time observing and banking info on, but that assumption left him hurt and confused.
He was almost agitated, the previous rage he had shoved down for the sake of keeping his friend group together came back with a vengeance and turned his gaze sharp and scrutinizing. The look in your eyes when you met his gaze, the way you came up with sweet nicknames just for him, and how you always found a reason to touch him. It always made him nervous as he tried - and failed - to look comfortable under your gaze. To seem like he didn't care. Unfortunately, as much as he tried to ignore it, no touch you offered him ever failed to make his cock jump.
He was falling for you.
It wasn't that you were giving him attention whenever it suited you, nor were you just trying to humiliate him. You actually sought him out. Sporting a genuine smile when you locked eyes across the room, subtly resting your legs onto his lap during group movie nights, or whispering in his ear when you wished to speak to him and him only. He always struggled to hold back a whimper each time your breath touched his skin.
You wanted him, and he knew that.
But again, he was patient.
Thankfully, that was a value that you didn't share, so he got to sport a cocky smile around town while holding your hand after only a few months of knowing you. He was yours, and you were his, and Charlie couldn't stop staring at you as if you would disappear the second he blinked. His friend group almost immediately got sick of him boasting about his "future wife" and flaunting you around, but they were secretly happy to see him so stoked.
On the surface, Charlie was a picture-perfect boyfriend, and not just because of his looks. In his eyes, you were his soulmate, the only one for him. He had to do everything in his power to make you happy and impressed. He had to keep you. Charlie tried to become a classic type of gentleman, even though his performance was a bit awkward a lot of times.
Like running up ahead of you to hold open the door, huffing up air while giving you a dopey smile as you stepped inside, or fumbling with your shoelaces when they come undone in public. Though that one could be blamed on his habit of looking up into your eyes - or beneath your shirt - while he was doing it. He'd even practically beg to carry any and everything for you, no matter how small and ridiculous the item was. You couldn't possibly bear the burden of that hair tie, he'd have to wear it on his wrist until you needed it. He insists.
This desperate need of his to take care of you also manifested in uglier ways. As much as Charlie loved to express himself and voice his strong opinions when he was in his element, most of the time he was a listener. Like most people who can relate to that, the quiet observation eventually turns into silent judging and seething.
Sometimes he couldn't believe how oblivious the people around him were. How they couldn't pick up on things that were so obvious. And as much as he saw you as his own personal deity, gracing him of all people with your presence every day, his judgment sometimes turned its focus to you.
Don't get me wrong, Charlie respected you deeply, but the ongoing fear of you getting yourself into trouble was taking a toll on him. Couldn't you tell that your lab partner totally had a thing for you? Or that your "handsome" neighbor only got that new dog as an attempt to get your attention? The attention only Charlie had the right to… You were so careless, putting his girl in harm's way near constantly. It made him wish he could keep an eye on you all the time.
Unfortunately for him, he couldn't. He didn't want to make the same mistakes he had in the past, he couldn't treat you like his previous crushes. Though, when he used to peek unblinkingly into the windows of clueless classmates at night or perfectly time his steps so the person ahead of him wouldn't notice they had a pursuer, he was being delusional. He could fully admit that. Those girls were never going to be interested in him, he was only trying to get a taste of what he knew he'd never be able to have. That was the thing, though,
He already had you…
There was nothing creepy about him looking out for you, even when you didn't necessarily want him to. So when you firmly tell him that you can hang out at your friend's place by yourself, he can't just listen to you. Especially considering that the useless scum you call your "girls" often let you walk home alone at night. It was up to Charlie to make sure that you weren't ever truly alone, at least as much as he could swing that.
It was devastating when he realized he wasn't going to be able to convince you to join the cinema club. At least not in a non-abrasive way. Charlie couldn't help but huff and stare at you with a look akin to venom as you explained to him how important it was for couples to have different interests. The cold look in your boyfriend's eyes, which were usually snarky and playful, sent chills down your spine for more reasons than one. His pink lips parted a bit before they closed into a scowl. He could only offer a curt nod, as if he were afraid of what would spew from his mouth if he opened it again.
He didn't give up the pursuit, though. Charlie liked having you right where he could see you, and the cinema club was the perfect place for that. Spending time in your own club or out in the world while he was stuck away from you left a sour taste in his mouth, so he reluctantly moved on to more unsavory tactics. Nothing gruesome, of course, just some basic manipulation. He knew how to look extra pathetic when he needed to.
He'd cuddle with you at night, lying right on top of you with his face buried in the junction of your neck. You'd have to be heartless to disregard his sleepy whimpering about how much he'd been missing you and how little time the two of you had been spending together. He'd ask you if your little hobby was worth more than the connection you two were trying to build up. Being the president of the cinema club, he couldn't exactly be the one to make the compromise here. It was you who'd eventually have to fold for him.
And fold you did.
You joined his club and practically became the star member, partially because Charlie saved all the easier questions for you and avoided making you feel out of place. You were having fun being in his club, he knew that for a fact. He knew a lot of things, like the fact that you loved it whenever he gave his speeches and showed his confident side. It was impossible not to notice.
Although the two of you hadn't gone any farther than making out by this point, the way you rubbed your legs together while he spoke wasn't lost on him. Of course, whenever he bragged to his friends, they'd try to shoot down his "theories". They'd bring up insignificant things, like the temperature of the room, or simply say that Charlie was seeing things. Their misguided opinions only made him chuckle.
No one knew you like he did.
But, of course, he was willing to bite his tongue and wait for you to come to him. For you to take the lead. His willingness to wait had gained a new meaning now. He didn't want to rush you into being intimate with him, no matter how badly he needed you. But as time passed, his resolve started to falter a bit. Especially when he was so close to you, cuddling together at night with his chest pressed flush against your back. Even your soft breaths started turning him on.
Despite his past of completely misreading those he was interested in, Charlie did have reason to believe that you were itching for more, aching to go further with him. All the sweet little pecks you two shared had become more eager and drawn out, with you always leaning in for more or sitting yourself right in his lap. You'd mindlessly roll your hips in a way that you thought he wasn't noticing while sucking purple marks into his neck. Marks he would never dream of covering up.
If he couldn't rush things along with you, Charlie knew he'd have to find another solution to satisfy his growing lust. As always, he came up with a brilliant idea. So brilliant that his mouth was practically watering that evening while the two of you studied at your place. Charlie was on your couch while you sat facing away from him on the floor between his legs.
You flipped a page as you leaned your head on one of his man-spread thighs as you read. It was almost cute how you had yet to realize how distracted he was, his book completely neglected as his dark gaze locked onto your oblivious form. This is exactly how it'll be later, he thought. You'd be blissfully unaware while he let off some steam.
It's not what you think, though. Charlie wasn't a creep, nonono. He was just being considerate. If he waited until you were ready and let his desire build up he might ruin you once the time finally came. That's precisely why he packed his bag with lube and a pack of tissues along with his school supplies that morning. You were already his masturbation material at home, why couldn't he admire your pretty body in person? In your room and in that bed that smelled so much like you.
What was the harm?
That's the mantra he kept repeating in his mind while he pumped his cock to your sleeping form. There was no harm, no harm in what he was doing. How could there be when it felt so good? Sitting up and looking down at you as he choked back needy whimpers, he tightened his grip, wanting to cum for you as soon as possible for you. Yes, all for you. He couldn't even hear the wet noises echoing throughout the room due to his ringing ears.
So hot, so fucking hot, so perfect for me, he thought. He couldn't explain the throbbing the subtle rise and fall of your chest caused him.
The need to pull your tits from your tiny sleep shirt was near insatiable, and he wasn't doing much better on his desire to simply lower himself down to your clothed pussy and take a sharp whiff. The thought of climaxing while drowning in your scent was ruining him, a high-pitched whine slipping from his lips without his knowledge. Charlie brushed his hair from his damp forehead, refusing to let it block his view as his other hand moved even faster. So close, so close for you. The mantra in his mind quickly turned to disheveled gratitude as he reached his high.
"Thank you, thank you, th- oh fuck!"
Charlie cried out as he shot his load all over the sheets, seeing images of your precious form even as his eyes clamped shut. The corners of his pink lips tugged into a dopey smile as his toe-curling orgasm faded into a dewy afterglow. His eyes were still a bit misty as he opened them, causing him to blink away any stray tears he hadn't noticed before. Charlie cried for you, and he knew you'd be proud.
"You having fun there?"
Your voice broke through Charlie's moment of peace, his eyes opening in horror. His hand was still wrapped loosely around himself as he was met with the moonlit image of your raised brow. Your lips curled into a little smirk as you stared him down, looking almost impressed by your boyfriend's nerve. Charlie seemed to be buffering for a moment, before he finally snapped back to reality, frantically trying to find his discarded boxers. You only giggled at the panicked display.
"What is it, pretty boy, are we shy now? You were so bold just a second ago!"
Charlie let out a low whine as his face burned into a shade of deep pink. "I, sorry, I know you've never seen me like… this."
He muttered distractedly, motioning to his bare form while he scanned the sea of sheets for his clothes.
"Mm, no, but I've certainly thought about it. You look even tastier than I imagined!"
That comment had his lips twitching up for a split second, blinking in shock, before he found the courage to meet your gaze with wide eyes.
"Oh…" He let out stupidly, causing you to giggle once more.
"Anyway, I don't know why you're focusing on anything else right now when you still have such a huge mess to clean up…" You spoke, your voice so sweet yet biting at the same time.
He was about to ask you what you meant before you motioned for him to come closer, grabbing his hair and pushing his head down once it was stationed right above the evidence of his orgasm. Charlie looked up at you with bright blue eyes as you pushed his face down into the damp sheets. He never knew you were so dirty, but he knew he'd have to show you he could match your energy, or even surpass it.
The unabashed sucking noises sent bolts of desire straight to your core. Charlie's smile twitched on his face while he drooled onto the sheets in the process of "cleaning" them. He couldn't help it, not while imagining it was your mess he was lapping up. Besides, it wasn't like Charlie hadn't given into his curiosity about his own taste before.
You still had your hand on the back of his head and took the opportunity to push him down even harder, pressing his face into the sheets. Your condescending praise echoed through the room, causing his cock to rise once again. Charlie sucked up every last bit of his seed that he could find, giving a couple kitten licks to the sheets for good measure, before staring up at you expectantly.
The smug grin on your face made his heart race as a small, shaky smile formed on his face. You let him rise up slowly, admiring his pretty, glistening appearance.
"You did so good, Char, so good for me!" You cooed, bringing him into your arms and lying back down.
"All for you…" He muttered with a grin, content to fall asleep with his hard cock pressed against you. At least he doesn't have to hide his boners anymore.
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