nico-lette-me-work · 6 years
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I’ve always wanted to do a mood tracker, but I don’t really connect with the idea behind “a ___ in pixels”. I feel that it is difficult for me to use colored pixels to visualize my mood over a period of time. But then I stumbled upon the idea of using a line graph!! As a very list-oriented math-y person I really clicked with the idea, and wanted to try it out!! So here’s my January mood tracker!
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nico-lette-me-work · 6 years
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Instead of New Year’s resolutions (which honestly I have never kept past January), I’ve decided this year to make mantras for each month. I think having it be monthly is a lot easier to stick to!! I’m excited to see how this works! My January mantra is “grow through what you go through” and it is meant to inspire me to step outside of my comfort zone and grow though moments of adversity.
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nico-lette-me-work · 6 years
wow definitely pluto, really feeling that
tag yourself: the solar system
mercury: the leader, athletic, friendly, summer vibes, always making plans for the group, organized, impatient, wine lover, reads in their free time
venus: the pretty friend, instagram famous, watches cartoons, very kind, loves skirts and dresses, smart, horrible at money management
earth: the young friend, wears flower crowns, fashionable, probably short as heck, clumsy, lovable, kind of sad inside, idolizes their friends
mars: the mysterious friend, reads comic books, prefers summer over winter, messy hair, lipstick stains on every cup, gardens
jupiter: the mom/dad friend, protective, always drinking but never hungover, loves the outdoors, very patient, has a bad temper if you cross them, collects something
saturn: the powerful friend, will be president someday probably, you want to raid their wardrobe, always has good advice, bad at cooking, loves movies
uranus: the quiet friend, kind of introverted, always laughing, tags you in memes all the time, lurks in the group chat but never responds, dog lover
neptune: the aesthetic friend, doesn’t care what people think, loves art, owns 395754 pairs of jeans, reckless driver, always want to go somewhere
pluto: the smol friend, always busy, loves their friends (will fight for their friends), boy/girl crazy, bottles up their feelings, can never make up their mind, huge smile
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nico-lette-me-work · 6 years
Honestly this song is such a vibe. I tend to listen to music for maybe a month, tops, but this has been consistently a studying favorite for so long! It’s just so so chill and it makes me feel like I’m in a coffee shop (which is like the ultimate happy-place).
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nico-lette-me-work · 6 years
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Hey! So it’s been a while! But I’m back at it with more math! This time it’s precalc honors. Oh! And I finally got glasses after needing them very badly for so long!!
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nico-lette-me-work · 7 years
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Cozy days just make up for everything that life throws at you. Why is it always math homework? I really don’t know. I swear I have other classes too!!
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nico-lette-me-work · 7 years
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This photo was taken like forever ago when I had just done my notebooks, I really need to do touch-ups on them! I love calligraphy, it just makes everything so much more fun!
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nico-lette-me-work · 7 years
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I’m leaving today for the Bahamas!! I’m super excited, but I’m not allowed to bring any electronics with me, so I’ll be 100% offline for the next week! Wish me luck!
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nico-lette-me-work · 7 years
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more math, we have a cumulative test coming up and I’m so scared!! On the bright side, we have next week off, and I’m going on a school trip with a bunch of my friends!
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nico-lette-me-work · 7 years
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I’m starting a studyblr! I don’t 100% understand how to use tumblr yet, so if anyone can give me the rundown, it would be much appreciated! xoxo, nico
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