night-market-if · 2 hours
The Night Market Now Available on Steam and Itch.io
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The Night Market is an interactive novel in which you awaken to a lantern filled world with no memory of how you got there. Desperate to get home, you must find the gate that leads back to your world, while navigating a foreign land, rife with political intrigue, arbitrary rules and secrets designed to keep you distracted. Nine barons rule the market , a place so vast that not even they can truly know its scope. But, one baron holds the key to your safe return home. Yet, no one has seen or heard from them in over a decade.
The Night Market is just over 1 million words and has four distinct romances throughout your play through.
Full release now available for purchase on both Steam and Itch.io.
***A note for all mac users, I would suggest buying on itch.io. Steam can no longer test mac builds and I do not have a mac computer so I am unsure of the state of that build.
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night-market-if · 5 hours
Is Malcolm's love for lamplight already romantic in nature?
That is a tough question to kind of answer because I have never viewed Malcolm's love for others as romantic. It's deeper than that? I know I should be able to put that into words but apparently my brain is not wording today.
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night-market-if · 5 hours
Milo being jealous of Lamplight to the point he fought with Malcolm multiple times then Milo himself falling in love with Lamplight just when the "ex" came back from the death. It's like a full circle of hell for Milo and I love you for it
This is going to be a conversation that will come up in the poly route because I think it will be delicious. The inadequacy he feels in the eyes of both MC and Malcolm is intense.
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night-market-if · 5 hours
my favourite part about malcolm is he… hmnnnbb… hhe…. him is so……….. i love himmmmm…….
If @mooreaux was not sitting right next to me, I would have thought they had sent this. LOL
Malcolm also makes them feral.
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night-market-if · 5 hours
Wait… Malcolm has been love with Lamplight/NighMarket even before they had human forms???
Lamplight was the first person that ever listened to him fully without judgement.
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night-market-if · 6 hours
i LOVE the decision that malcolm is always in love with lamplight,,, i think those kind of details in IF are so interesting and rich,,, the idea that the mc is mutable but some facets of the ROs are immutable,,, its even more interesting when those decisions directly influence MC,, the whole thing is delicious and i love your juicy brain for coming up with it
From the very first moment I got to write him at a significant length in chapter eleven (book 1) I got struck with the idea that this was a man who not only cared for the MC because they were so ingrained with the people in his life, but this was a man who was actually in love with the MC.
And Malcolm's love is a really mature kind of love which is refreshing after everyone else in this game. He loves MC to a point where he is far more concerned with their happiness than with this end goal of being with them. Malcolm loves and MC that is with any of the other RO's just as much but he respects and honors the MC's decision to love someone else. Because that's just kind of how life goes sometimes. It will change nothing in the way he treats the MC though. He will always have a spot for his Lamplight.
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night-market-if · 6 hours
Since we are talking so much about Malcolm today.....
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I’m …really normal about Malcolm Albright ……….. … . . . ……
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night-market-if · 7 hours
Just read the Bella beach episode and was wondering how she would react if the MC put together a very immersive illusion for her so that she could experience not only being in sunlight without the fear of dying, because it’s an illusion and not real, but the illusion also worked on all her other senses so she could experience exactly how being under the bright sun used to feel?
First off, she would be so confused as to why the MC is wasting their time and power on her for such a silly thing.
Second, she would let MC know how time could be better spent.
and the Third. She would demand that since MC has already gone through all the effort, they might as well enjoy it to their hearts content.
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night-market-if · 8 hours
How will the time be split up, like what balance will there be between everyone in the Milo Mal poly if you choose to be with just one?
I really want to be able to give you some sort of answer but the fact is, I don't know. These are really specific questions and the reason I don't answer incredibly specific questions while things are in development, is because someone will take it as the word of god and be mad if it changes. LOL
For most romance situations, my response is going to have to be, wait and see. If you like the characters, it isn't a waste of time to just follow it through.
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night-market-if · 8 hours
Ooooh. Ngl i had no clue Malcolmloved lamplight, like i figured the poly was a special case, but i guess i am bad at romantic cues lmfaooo
Malcolm loved Lamplight so much that it several times became a fight between him and Milo. Granted, Milo at the time had no idea who or what Lamplight was. He just thought Malcolm had someone on the side that he was desperately in love with and Milo, despite all the assurance, was jealous.
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night-market-if · 1 day
Completely forgot about the Night Market in the sea of books and IFs I'm reading, so I played Book One (amazing btw) and I must say book 2s wip is fantastic! Pen never call me a Monkey again or else I must kiss you <#
Pen has been such a wonderful addition. I am itching to get past the hump of the next chapter and maybe chapter seven because Pen will come back in then and I am so looking forward to writing them.
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night-market-if · 1 day
Hi! Can I play your game on mobile? I have already bought it on steam
I don't think you can play it on mobile through steam. I know some people can from their purchase on itch.io but I have not come out with a mobile app yet. Honestly, I will eventually pay someone to recode it for me and put it out there but I need to find that person first. LOL
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night-market-if · 1 day
I'm just rereading the Milo route in book 1. And I find it kinda funny that Malcolm says: "This is not a competition. And if it was im out" about the me, Milo and you part. And then in book 2 so far he is like "PFFF!! You don't stand a chance between me and Lamplight Milo!" Instant competition with him. But not with us. Kinda funny 🤣
Those two do not bring out the best in each other. LOL! MC, however, does bring out the best of them. Malcolm has such good intentions to let his Lamplight call the shots. Make the decisions. But behind MC's back he is taunting Milo and basically looking at him with the 'come at me bro' attitude.
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night-market-if · 2 days
Why do I, a 6’2, super muscular, manly man (just take my word for it) giggle and kick my feet like a little girl every time we get more Bella content? From her design to her personality to her backstory, she’s literally perfect imo. Easily my favorite romance option of all time (and there’s a lot of them out there lol). I swear you’re either a phenomenal writer, or some kind of witch (maybe both? Probably both).
Anyways, thank you for making this incredible character, but also hate you for Book 2 (/j)
There is just something about Bella that I have come to adore so much. I am so in love with her backstory. This girl that used to live on the farm. Was a pastors daughter. Forsaking it all when the land was dying and running to the arms of the Night Market. Still having hope. Having that all be dashed. Ug! I just adore the tragic romance of it and instead of becoming bitter, she rose above it all and became one of the most influential individuals in the market.
Thank you for the compliment! I, too, go on Belladonna gushes.
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night-market-if · 2 days
Beach Day - Milo/Mal/MC
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Little extra this month. Had a bug to write Milo and Mal fighting over MC with a game of volleyball. And then the tables being turned on Milo. :)
Join at the Velvet Guard tier to read and enjoy six other stories that I have written this month for our Beach Day theme.
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night-market-if · 2 days
Beach Day - Belladonna Malady
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Join Belladonna in the sun (kind of) for a few soft moments together where she lets her guard down.
Available on the Velvet Guard tier
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night-market-if · 2 days
Beach Day - Milo/Mal/MC
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Little extra this month. Had a bug to write Milo and Mal fighting over MC with a game of volleyball. And then the tables being turned on Milo. :)
Join at the Velvet Guard tier to read and enjoy six other stories that I have written this month for our Beach Day theme.
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