nikaglazr · 4 months
The After Party- Nika Muhl
Synopsis: Nika and Y/N had been rivals since Freshman season. Nika being the defensive presence of UConn, while Y/N was the same for Virginia Tech. Now, in their junior seasons, both face off in the final four. But the night before the game, the two teams find themselves in the same club.
“You always come to the parties, on your knees.”
PART 2 !!
The morning after the club was bad for everyone on the team. We spent most of the day getting over our hangovers. But hey, it gave us time to watch UConn clip.
The game was at 8:30 pm but we had to be at the facility at 6:00. We had a couple hours to get our heads together since it was currently 10:00 am.
After watching a few games of clip we end up turning off the tv before all going back to our rooms. I head to the bathroom and begin getting undressed to get in the shower. The hot water hits my back as I sigh in relief. Today my only goal was to stop the guards, everyone else could hold their own.
Every time we played UConn it was a struggle, not because we were bad, just with Georgia being only 5’6 and Paige being 5’11 she got kinda bullied. I decided to trust the team with offense so I could save my energy on providing energy from the defense.
After a few minutes I turn the water off and step out the rather small shower. I dry my hair off before wrapping the towel around my body and walking out the room to my suitcase.
Georgia just looks up her phone as I nod to her, telling her the shower is open and she just nods. Me and Georgia never felt uncomfortable around each other, she was the only person on the team I could tell absolutely everything to.
I ended up putting on my dark red team joggers on with a tight black compression shirt. I slip on some white Nike socks along with black slides. I lay on my bed before deciding to look at social media while I wait.
I open Instagram and begin scrolling, seeing my friends post and other celebrities. As I keep scrolling I come across an ESPN post.
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: The rivals are back against each other!! Who y’all got??
Nikafanpage10: Nika finna cook that bum
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Hokies_house: GO HOKIESSS !!
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I mean I know she’s good but she’s not even THAT good. And why is she being compared to me? We’re nothing alike. Whatever, I have things to do. I decide to just keep scrolling to pass the time.
It’s now 2:00 pm and me and Georgia decided to do a coffee run. We both walk out to the rental car and head to the shop. The shop is about 10 minutes away so me and Georgia fall into light conversation as the music plays quietly in the background. Once we get there Georgia goes up to the counter to order pur drinks as I take time to look at the view out the window.
Cleveland never really stood out to me, but as I take a longer look, it’s actually beautiful. After Georgia comes back with the coffee we get back in the car and ride around town for a bit.
After about 2 hours of yapping with Georgia and riding around, it was 1:00. So we decided to head back to the hotel to prepare for the game.
When we get back i pack my game bag. Putting my speaker, deodorant, perfume, AirPods, and a team jacket in before zipping it up. My uniform and my accessories are at the stadium already so I don’t have to worry about any of that.
Me and Georgia decide to get a few extra games of clip in before we have to leave at 5:30.
When the clock hits 5:00 I hit up the team group chat to see if everyone is ready to leave, which they are.
Coach decided to head to the stadium early in a uber so we could take the car. We all head outside and, once again, cram in the car. Samyha once again getting the aux.
We pulled up to the stadium and went in through the back. We all make our way into our locker room to both go over tape, and the game plan. We have an hour before we go out at 8:00 for warmups and interactions.
After we all getting changing into our uniforms and respected accessories we all sit down for coach to start talking.
Once Coach K stands in-front of the group she pulls out a whiteboard and clears her throat.
“As we all know, this is a hard game. I would go as far as to saying this game is gonna be harder than the championship. All of you have been doing amazing this season and I couldn’t ask for more… other than what im about to.” She says and she looks to the whiteboard.
“Play. Defense. Yes, some of you are doing good holding your own, but we need all of you to be. There is no room for mistakes tonight. We need to come in aggressive and end it aggressive. That doesn’t mean get so many fouls until you have to sit, I mean play like this is the last game you will ever play.” She pauses before sighing and looking more towards me than anyone.
“And Y/N, I know you like taunting, but keep that to a minimum tonight. We need you, you understand?”
I nod my head slowly, a small frown going to my face as I look down, trying to get ready for the game.
Coach looks at the clock on the wall before resuming.
“We have 10 minutes. I want you guys to spend this time getting locked in, alright. There’s no such thing as half way play for the Hokies.” Coach says, earning whoops and whistles from some of the girls, a few even clapping.
In the next 10 minutes I have my Airpods in, i’m listening to my pregame playlist, which is mostly Travis Scott.
When the time runs out and we have to head out for warmups I sigh audibly, shaking any remaining nerves put of my body. UConn doesn’t scare me. Nika doesn’t scare me.
I walk out with the team with my head down. I follow the others as we line up for announcements. Suddenly the lights go out and blue and red spotlights come down, signaling both teams colors.
“Welcome everyone to the 2023-2024 women’s Final Four!” The announcer yells in the mic as the crowd erupts. After the cheers die down, the man continues.
“Tonight we have a tough matchup against the newfound rival teams. UConn vs. Virginia Tech! Huskies vs. Hokies!” The crowd erupts again.
“Now introducing your Huskies starting five.. at Point Guard, standing at a tall 5’10, the secretary of defense… NIKAAA MUHLL.” The man yells.
I roll my eyes at the name, deciding to tune out the rest of the names.
After a few minutes the announcer gets to my team.
“And nowww.. the starting line up for you Hokies! First, at Point Guard, standing at 5’6.. GEORGIA AMOOREEE. Next, at Shooting Guard, standing at 5’10, newly deemed as ‘The Lock’… Y/N L/NNN.” He yells.
I smirk at the crowd and tilt my head up to the Jumbotron. Cheers erupt from the stands as my face is plastered on the screen for a moment. After the crowd quiets down, the man announces Carys, Rose, and Clara.
After the announcements are over and the lights turn back on, we all head to the basketball racks and warming up. I shoot around for a couple minutes before sitting on the bench and staring at the other team. They seem good. Locked in. This is gonna be hard. But they don’t know what’s coming. She doesn’t know what’s coming.
When warm ups end we get in our positions for tip-off. Me and Nika get beside each other, me already giving her a barely noticeable push with my shoulder. She just looks at me with that Nika signature.
The ball tips off and Clara wins, I run up the court as she passes me the ball. I think for a second before crossing over and driving, Nika staying with me. Once I get far enough my eyes twitch to find an open teammate. I see Georgia cut and lose Paige and I send a quick drop pass to her as she gets an easy layup. I clap and bump her shoulder as I head back up the court. This is gonna be fun.
It’s now the beginning of the third quarter. The score is 67-69 UConn. I had 29 points and Georgia wasn’t very far at 25. I had done everything I could to take over when the starters weren’t playing. Now, the only starters on the court for us was me and Georgia, while the Huskies had Paige and Nika. Nika. She has 15 but only 6 of those points were when I was in the game.
It’s UConn’s ball, meaning Nika is carrying the ball down the court. I decide to play a little more aggressive now, to liven up the game. When she gets to half court I push my body up against hers, blocking all possible paths. I can hear her huff as her eyes flash to her teammates. Once she sees that no one is open she dribbles back a bit. Her eyes meet mine momentarily, She’s so readable. She’s angry. Frustrated. Fired up. My look contrasts that heavily. I’m calm, a taunting grin pulling at my lips.
She dribbles for a few more seconds before I feel a tall presence right beside me. Suddenly, Nika drives and thanks to, who I believe to be the Alfy girl, I can’t catch up. Fuck. How could I fall for a screen.
As soon as I get the ball I feel the brunette on me. Now it’s my turn to huff, I dribble the ball before driving to the three point line, I notice she doesn’t seem like she plans to stop running. Got her. I stop and go right into a cross-step back. Her momentum stop her from closing out ad I shoot a rather long three. Bang.
The crowd erupts in cheers as the entire Hokies bench shoots up from their seat, celebrating. I laugh at her as she glares at me. I jog back down the court, beating my chest towards the crowd.
A few more minutes go by and now it’s the fourth quarter. Coach decided to sit me for most of it. It wasn’t that eventful honestly, the score was 87-73 us.
We now had 1:21 left in the fourth, the score 93-95 them. Our team had giving up points after points and fouls after fouls while the starters were out. Now, all of our starters were okay, along with all of UConn’s.
UConn is running dow the clock, waiting until the last second to make a play. Suddenly, Aaliyah goes up for the midrange, misses. Clarys gets the rebound. 56 seconds left.
Once we get down the court she passes to Clara who goes for the quick layup, blocked by Nika. The crowd erupts. 30 seconds. They slowly bring the ball up the court. All I can think about is the time. 29, 28, 27, 26.
Paige runs around, winding the clock down. 20, 19, 18, 17.
I can’t loose to them. I can’t loose to her.
16, 15, 14, 13, 12.
Paige goes uo for a three, misses, but Aaliyah gets the rebound, passing it back to Paige.
9, 8, 7, 6, 5
Paige decides to pass to Nika, and suddenly my body jolts involuntarily to the ball, getting it before she does. I sprint down the court and as I see the 2 appear on the screen, I realize I have no other choice.
I shoot maybe a foot behind half court. The whole stadium goes silent. Everyone’s eyes are following the ball, and after being launched towards the goal, it goes in.
The crowd screams. Some in shock and excitement, others in anger and distaste.
The Hokies bench floods the court and swarms around me. My senses are filled with yelling, head taps, chest bumps, shoulder bumps, but I can barely notice that. I just made that. We just won the game.
I decide that shock is not the way to act, so instead I hop on the announcers table and yell as I beat my chest to the crowd. After a few moments of that I see and feel red and yellow confetti sprinkle all over me.
I get down from the table, still basking in our win. Before we celebrate, we have to shake hands with the other team. I get towards the back of the line as I quietly give the UConn team light high fives. Paige daps me up, and even though you can see the tears in her eyes, she tells me things like “good game” and “you’re a dog”. When I get to Nika I put my hands behind my back and she just scoffs. I meet her eyes and I can tell that she wants to cry.
At that moment I feel a wave of pity wash over me. It was so close, we could’ve lost. And even if I don’t want to admit it, she played great. After we got through the rest of the their team I decided to try to talk to Nika before celebrating with the rest of mine.
I walk into the tunnel before stopping outside the locker room. Their meeting should be done in a few minutes so I’ll just wait.
After a few minutes I hear the door open. My head turns to the group of deflated girls walking out of the room. After few girls exit before I see the one I want to talk to.
“Muhl- uh Nika” I say, quietly enough to were only she can hear me.
The Croatian turns around at the call before rolling her eyes.
“What do you want L/N?” She sighs, “here to bask in your glory?”
Now it’s my turn to roll my eyes.
“No. Nika, you… you and the team played amazing tonight.” I say with a genuine look in my eyes.
She looks at me for a second before something in her face changes. She doesn’t seem as resentful?
“Thanks, I guess.” She says, not fully believing my words.
“I-I mean really. We wouldn’t have won without luck. We didn’t deserve it as much as you guys did.”
She sighs, “that’s… that’s sweet, but you gues just outplayed us. You just outplayed me.”
There it is. I could tell she was upset about something more than loss. Her eyes are red, she quiet, she’s not scowling at me. If she was mad at losing then she would be yelling at me. I can’t just let her blame herself for her team losing. Me? Helping Nika Muhl? This is crazy work, but that doesn’t matter right now.
I put a hand on her shoulder, “this wasn’t your fault, Nika. You played amazing, and that’s coming from me. You’re an amazing player, okay?”
She just look at me, her eyes tearing up.
“It is though. I let you score 30. I let you hit that last shot.” She barely gets out.
I sigh, “And you got 2 steals and 3 blocks on me. Also, only 13 of those points were scored on you. So really, you only let me drop 13. That’s amazing.”
She stares at me before trying to respond. When she opens her mouth all that comes out is a choked sob. I immediately pull her into a hug, wrapping my arms around her waist. Her arms go around my neck before she begins to fully cry.
I can’t do anything but rub her back and whisper sweet nothings into her ear. I wonder if the girls even realize she’s gone.
After a moment of thinking about what I should do, a thought comes to me and I almost physically huff.
Take her to our hotel.
That doesn’t seem like a good idea, but it’s the only one I can think of. I pull away, rubbing her back.
“Hey, I can take you to our hotel. Just for the night.” I offer as the brunette lets out small and shaky breaths.
“O-okay. Tell Paige, she needs to know where I am.” She whispers, her breathing slowly getting clearer.
I nod before taking out my phone and going to Instagram. I pull if Paige’s account before sending her a message.
Y/N.offical: Hey nikas w me. I can take her back to our hotel for the night n drive her back tmr?
Paigebueckers: omg thats where she was
Paigebueckers: and ya that would be ok if she agrees
Y/N.official: alr i will
Y/N.official: see u tmr
Y/N.official: and good game
Paigebueckers: ty u too
I out my phone back in my pocket before look back at the girl.
“You ready?” I ask.
She just nods as I lead her out of the stadium and decide to get an uber instead of riding with the girls. After a few minutes, the uber pulls up and we both get in. A couple minutes into the ride I feel her head slump against my shoulder, a fluttery feeling emerging in my stomach. Could I like her? Nika? Me like Nika? No way. I’m just being nice.. right? I decide to lean my head on hers as I wait for this drive to go by, and shake these thoughts out of my head.
When the car stops I open my door and look over at the still sleeping girl. Do I really have to carry her in? The girls are gonna give me shit. But I can’t just wake her up, she looks so peaceful, she looks.. adorable? Wait- no- I hate her. Right?
I end up getting out the car and walking to the other side to get the other girl. I open the door before gently picking her up and closing the door, trying my best not to wake her up. I open the door with my foot before walking inside to go straight to the elevator. I click the up button before getting inside. The girls are probably already here. God what is Georgia gonna sayyy. Ugh whatever get a grip pussy.
Once the elevator opens I walk at and gently knock on the door to my room. After a moment the door opens to reveal a confused Georgia. Her face quickly changes when she sees the Croatian girl in my arms.
“Shut up. She’s sleeping Geo.” I whispered yell, walking into the room and to my bed. She just looks at me giggling before getting back in her bed.
I roll my eyes before kicking off my shoes and changing into my pajamas before reluctantly getting in the bed, staying as far away as I possibly could. Just as I was about to fall asleep, I feel a body cuddle into mine. Oh my godd. What is she doing to me? I hate her. But why do I feel this way?
I decide to be nice and kiss her forehead lightly before closing my eyes and letting the events from the past couple hours hit me. We won the game. We’re in the finals. My rival cried in my arms and bow she’s lying in them. Lying in them. Seriously? Wait- My rival? I don’t know what she is anymore. I don’t know how I feel anymore…
R being confused about their feelings??
Might be a part 3?? 😭😭
16 notes · View notes
nikaglazr · 5 months
😈 - Smut
😇 - Fluff
🤧 - Angst
Nika Muhl
The Party- Nika Muhl x fem reader
The After Party (pt. 2) - Nika Muhl x fem reader
14 notes · View notes
nikaglazr · 5 months
The Party - Nika Muhl
Synopsis: Nika and Y/N had been rivals since Freshman season. Nika being the defensive presence of UConn, while Y/N was the same for Virginia Tech. Now, in their junior seasons, both face off in the final four. But the night before the game, the two teams find themselves in the same club.
“You always come to the parties, to pluck the feathers off all the birds.”
PART 1 !!
Part 2: https://www.tumblr.com/nikaglazr/750590525468491776/the-after-party-nika-muhl
The flight to Cleveland was uneventful. Most of the team slept and the ones who didn’t just sat in silence. Not me and Georgia though
“You pumped for this game, eh?” The shorter Australian girl says as she pushes my shoulder lightly.
“Super. Feeling even better now that we’re going up against UConn.” I respond, smirking a bit.
“Speak for yourself, I have to guard Paige! She’s like 6 foot!”
I laugh at the girls comment before checking the time. 5:30 pm. I look back up at the girl before saying,
“We should go out tonight, like you, me, and whatever girls decide to tag along.” I tell her. I shift in my seat to adjust my seatbelt before turning back to her.
She laughs before responding. “That’s actually a great idea. I’m sure Eliza and Gabby would say yes.” She smiles.
I nod at that as we both go back to our previous activities, talking momentarily every now and then.
*Time Skip: At hotel*
When we get to the hotel, me and Georgia immediately decide to room together. After getting out the elevator, and Georgia struggling to unlock the door, we finally get in our room. I instantly drop my bags on one of the beds, my body going with it.
“Want me to text the gc to see if they want to go?” I ask pulling out my phone.
“Yeah, we should go to that Bird of Paradise place, they have hella cool lights” Georgia voice echos from the bathroom.
I pull up the gc and type out a quick messege.
Hokie Hoochies 🐱🖤
Y/N: Yall wanna hit up birds of paradise at like 9 w me and Geo❓❓
Kit Kat: oohhhh yes 👍👍
Tilda: I got a assignment i cant 😔
Lanna: OUU YUHH 🗣️
Sam Suff: Trust I WILL be there 🙏🙏
Gabber: Yessss I need it
Carys: Can’t im T’s partner on the assignment
Mack: I cant im so so jetlagged
Y/N: Alr alr bet we loadin in this rental coach bought be ready by 8:30
I turn my phone off and yell at Georgia about what the girls said.
*Time Skip: 8:00 pm*
Me and Georgia decide to start getting ready since we have to go pick up the car. I decide to put on i black fitting leather long sleeve with dark green cargos, finishing off with black chunky sneakers and light makeup (or wtv you want).
After Georgia finishes getting ready we head out to the rental car in the hotel parking lot. In a few minutes all the other girls arrive and we all pack into the car, Georgia driving.
“I got aux!” Samyha yells, earning laughs from the other girls.
The ride there was hype. We were all getting ourselves ready for tonight. It was probably for the best that Sam got control of the music, she has really good taste. As we pull up we all hop out the car and head to the door.
“Slim thick, caramel skin, 5 5 this bitch a ten!” Alanna sings as we get in.
“Hair done bills paid catch me slidin inna benz!” Samyha finishes as we make our way to the bar.
We all order various drinks before I decide to get a private bench.
We all sit down and talk for a bit as we take in the environment. After a few minutes some of the girls like Gabby and Elizabeth were out on the floor. The remaining five of us were just chilling and laughing until I hear a familiar voice. Nika fucking Muhl.
Suddenly a group girls come around the corner, my head turns to look at them. Identifying them as Paige Bueckers, Aubrey Griffin, Azzi Fudd, Ines Bettencourt, Ice Brady, and Nika Muhl. I sigh heavily before getting Georgia’s attention.
“Geo, guys, look who decided to show up.” I point the group of girls across the rather crowded club.
“You got to be fucking kidding me” Georgia says, her accent standing out over the loud music.
The girls grunt as we decide to let it go, hoping they didn’t wander over here.
Everything was fine until we heard Elizabeth and Gabby call out to us as she was over with the very set of girl we didn’t want to see.
Some of the girls put on believable smiles while I just sit monotone as they close in on the table.
“Look who I found!” Elizabeth says happy, you can tell she’s at least a bit tipsy.
“We decided that we would be nice and they could share the booth with us.” Gabby finishes the slightly intoxicated girls thoughts.
“If that’s okay with you guys, we can totally get one if it’s not.” Paige buts in.
My distaste must have been obvious as my least favorite person to see points it out.
“Well it’s obviously not, Right Y/LN?” She says with a attitude, her Croatian accent showing boldly throughout each word.
She’s already pissing me of but I keep my composure and mask my hatred, “no no, it’s perfectly fine. Go ahead” I say dismissively.
A few of the girls went to hang out on the floor with Eliza and Gabby, leaving only me, Georgia, Nika, Paige, and Samyha at the booth.
Nika has been giving me looks all night and if there wasn’t so many people around than I would confront her about it, but for the time being I just stay silent and look down at my drink.
Georgia clears her throat before speaking.
“So are you two hyped for tomorrow?” She asks, looking between Paige and Nika.
“Definitely, it’ll be fun.” Paige says comfortably as Nika just nods.
“Where are ya’ll staying?” Sam asks, looking at Paige since she is the more responsive out of the two.
“The- uhhh- Ritz Carlton I think? Yeah that one.” The blonde answers.
As my eyes travel up to find Paige, they meet a glaring Nika. I roll my eyes at her before getting up and heading back to the bar. After I get my drink I turn around only to see Nika coming up beside me.
She orders a drink before looking at me.
“I know you don’t want us there.” She says, taking a big drink of her cocktail.
“Is it that obvious princess?” I say with faux shock.
She just gives me the same glare from earlier.
“We’re gonna win you know?” She says bluntly.
That comment makes my blood boil as I meet her eyes.
“Yeah we’ll see. I might get coach to put Georgia on you so I can get Paige, since- you know- you don’t do to much offensively.”
“Whatever. We’ll let all this talk settle after tomorrow.” She says sighing angrily.
“Aw, sorry princess, didn’t know not being a good scorer got to you so much.” I pout teasingly at her.
The Croatian looks mad but she plays it off alright. After a few minutes of silence and drinking, you can tell she’s a bit intoxicated.
I suddenly feel a tug on my hand, I look and it’s Nika leading me out to the middle of the club. I give the girl a confused look but I end up following her anyway.
Once we get far enough she turns around and looks at me, but it’s not an angry look, it’s a lot more welcoming than that.
“We should dance.” She slurred slightly, her Croatian accent hanging off every word.
“I thought you hated me princess?” I ask playfully.
To be honest, Nika was never the ugliest person. Dare I say she was easy on the eyes. The only reason we didn’t get along was because during our freshman year, when we first played each other, she assumed I didn’t know Croatian. Which led to her saying some things she thought I couldn’t understand. Ever since the trash talk had reached an all-time high.
As I snap back to the scene in front of me, I see Nika taking off her coat.
“You’re a lot cuter off the court.” The girl replies simply, grabbing my hands and swaying gently.
Deciding to entertain the girls actions, I slowly sway with her. I decide to keep at least a little distance just to be respectful.
After a moment she steps closer and before I can react she just hugs me, hands going around my waist.
My breath hitches momentarily as the girl continues to sway back and forth to the music. I decide that her behavior will wear off as I slowly sway with her. I’ll take her to the rest of her team later.
After minutes and a few more songs, I decide that it’s time to head back to the booth. My hand goes to her lower back as I lead her through the buzzing crowd.
When we near the table I make eye contact with Paige. She seems to alert the other girls of our upcoming presence as they all look our way.
“I was wondering where you guys were.” Paige chuckles a bit as I help Nika sit down.
“She’s a little drunk so I brought her back.” I respond looking at the brunette beside me.
I look around the room to see a few UConn girls still dancing. They don’t look like their ready to leave, but Nika needs to get home.
“Hey Paige, if you guys wanna stay here I can run Nika to yalls hotel.” I offer, voice straining over the music.
“That would be great, i’ll give you the key. You know where it’s at right?” She asks while trying to pull, what I assume to be the key, out of her pocket.
I just nod before looking towards Georgia.
“I’ll be back with the rental, love ya.” I say quickly before grabbing the key off the table and helping the drunk girl up.
As we get out to the car I start to hear slurred mumbles from behind me. I smile a little, realizing what happened tonight. That was the first non-hostile encounter i’ve ever had with Nika.
When we get to the car I open to door for her and she stumbles into the car silently. I walk around to the drivers side before getting in and starting the car. I turn on my gps to their hotel and start driving.
After a few minutes of driving, Nika starts talking- well more like mumbling to me.
“Thank you baby.” She says looking at me.
I know shes drunk but god is she hot right now. I look over to her quickly before looking back at the road.
“Course.” I respond simply, a light pink hue coating my cheeks.
Unfortunately, she seems to notice as she shamelessly points it out.
“Don’t be nervous baby, it’s just us.” The Croatian slurs, touching my unoccupied arm.
“Nika sto-“ I barely get out.
“We all know you want me. You want my body don’t you?” She teases. “I bet when you heard me cuss you in Croatian that one time you only got mad because you were turned on, right baby?”
At this point my brain is foggy, whether it’s from the alcohol or the girls bold teases. Probably both.
“You’re drunk and delusional.” I respond surely.
Nika giggles quietly before turning back to the window.
“You so were.” She giggles again.
I decide to ignore her as we pull up to her hotel. I get out first, walking to the other side to help her out.
Once we get in the hotel she immediately runs toward the elevator, pushing the up button multiple times.
The ride in the elevator was boring, thank god. As the door opens, Nika leads me straight to her room. I open the door and she goes straight to her bed.
“This is me.” She giggles, kicking her shoes off.
I laugh quietly before walking up to the now laying down Nika.
“Bye pretty girl.” I whisper as I kiss her forehead softly and quickly.
She only hums in response. I make my way over to the door, but not without taking one last glance to the, now, half asleep girl.
After getting back to the club I see all the girls waiting by the other team’s car. When they see me they all seem to run in at once. As everyone I came here with gets in I see Paige walking up to me.
“Thank for taking Nika back. You’re not as bad as you are on the court, y’know.” She says standing outside my car window.
“No problem. And you’re pretty cool too Paige.” I respond before driving off.
After getting to the hotel, we all part into our respected rooms.
Georgia, around as sober as me, helps a few of the girls into their rooms before coming back to ours.
We both make eye contact as we get ready for bed.
“Good game tomorrow Geo.” I say getting settled in.
“Good game Y/NN.” She mumbles back as she gets in her bed.
I think about the events of tonight. I can’t let Nika’s comments distract me tomorrow. Im sure she won’t even remember it by then. After a few minutes of thinking in the dark, I feel sleep overcome my senses.
I yapped a bit but I hope yall like 😝😝
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