noarhtistic-7 Ā· 5 days
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ā€œIf a shepherd has a hundred sheep, and one of them has gone astray, does he not leave the ninety-nine on the mountains and go in search of the one that went astray? And if he finds it, truly I tell you, he rejoices over it more than over the ninety-nine that never went astray.ā€ -Matthew 18: 12-13
For the Son of Man came to seek and to save which was lostā€ -Luke 19:10
"For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord"
ā€œFor God did not send His Son to come into the world to condemn the world, but through Him the world be savedā€ -John 3:17
Hell is realā€¦.Ā  Not the most pleasant thing to start a discussion over, but it is a truth, a reality that needs to be brought up and not avoided. Hell was created for Lucifer and the fallen third of the angels as punishment for their rebellion against God. Why the choice to reject God results in ending up there is because we choose our own pride, Adam handing ownership of everything over to Lucifer, ā€œSatanā€ including our eternal destinies. It is through Jesusā€™ sacrifice paying our ransom with His blood, His Life that we can freely receive His Gift of redemption and Eternal Life with The Lord. The thing is, it is a choice, a free choice, He wonā€™t force it upon us. Still, it would be incredibly bonkers to choose damnation over salvation; our own way and desires over Godā€™s Way and His Purposes, His Love for us. Sadly, many souls have been lost and will burn in darkness forever. This is a serious matter that should wake up peopleā€¦ it actually should wake up Christians. Not for their own sake, but the for the sake of their loved ones- family, friends, neighbors, even enemies- over their eternal destiny. Your brother who isnā€™t saved, the woman you earn to be with who may not even be on the path to paradise, your boss or co-workers, a police officer who looked out for you, classmates, old friends, new friendsā€¦ they are people you love and are important to your life. Yet, you worry or should worry over the possibility of never seeing them again forever and everā€¦ actually, you should be more concerned about them suffering forever and ever. Same again, for those who you are not even on good terms with, in fact are hostile toward each otherā€¦Ā  Jesus came to save them as well. He gave Judas chances to repent, even after being turned in; He died for his sins and even the sins of serial killers and ruthless dictators. If you love somebody, even if you actually dislike somebody, pray for them.. pray for Jesus to reach their hearts and that they will receive His Grace and Salvation, that their names will be written in The Book of Life.
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noarhtistic-7 Ā· 7 days
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Rust and the Boulder
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noarhtistic-7 Ā· 7 days
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After hearing about James Earl Jones' passing, I thought I'd pay tribute to him by talking about what I think is his greatest scene.
The way James delivers this line absolutely destroys me. When Luke is trying to convince Vader to turn against the Emperor, he doesn't respond with the malice and arrogance of a Sith Lord but with the sadness and regret of a father who's forever lost any hope of salvation and desperately wants his son to give up trying to give him it because he thinks he can never reach it even though he knows he wants it.
It's a heart-shattering performance given by a legendary actor, and it's one of many reasons he will be dearly missed.
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noarhtistic-7 Ā· 9 days
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my old friend
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noarhtistic-7 Ā· 11 days
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ā€œTo console those who mourn in Zion, to give them beauty from ashes, the oil of joy for morningā€. -Isaiah 61:3
California (where I am) has been experiencing a rapid series of fires; hills burning up in ugly infernos and many people (friends even) have been evacuated or been given evacuation warnings due to the danger. Aside from fire and ash being hazardous, these things are also incredibly ugly and sickening. However, as someone who isnā€™t even in the mountains and hills and not experiencing this, the sky has looked really cool- actually, gorgeous. Really, looking up into space, the air above looks like some abstract paining; say a more welcoming vibrant interpretation of outer space. Something is so artistic and majestic about how it looksā€¦ yet, it was caused by matters so horrific. And the truth really is that life can be like that. Really. Despite a lot of horrible things that harm and hurt us and everyone- rather it be the evil around or our own stupidity and shortcomings, good has, is and will come from it. Again the sky, despite the burnings causing it to be that way, paints a pretty picture. All this awful stuff is actually making something beautiful.
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noarhtistic-7 Ā· 12 days
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May the Force be with You as you dwell with the Kings of Old... Aint No Stopping Ya Now!
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noarhtistic-7 Ā· 15 days
This would have been such a fun episode
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I think Wade's aware of what kind of impression he's giving to the kids, so he'd make sure they don't take after him when fighting
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noarhtistic-7 Ā· 17 days
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noarhtistic-7 Ā· 17 days
(Ā”First post!)
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They would help me a lot by sharing my posts. ^^ āš”ļø
A small vignette inspired by the trailer <3. So much waiting was completely worth it!!! šŸ’™šŸ’™šŸ’™ āœØ
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noarhtistic-7 Ā· 19 days
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Four Years - (2024)
Itā€™s now been 4 years since we lost Chadwick Boseman. šŸ˜”
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noarhtistic-7 Ā· 20 days
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Literally their dynamic
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noarhtistic-7 Ā· 20 days
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Passing by the Windmill
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noarhtistic-7 Ā· 23 days
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Luxor Spawndroth Appreciation Post
Likely one of the most obscure childhood villains out there. Brian Lemmons has been doing more acting work recently and man, he deserved to really go places after he played this role. He understood and nailed the assignment of bombastic villainous camp perfectly.
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noarhtistic-7 Ā· 23 days
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The Kelpie PondāœØļø Jaimie Whitbread
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noarhtistic-7 Ā· 23 days
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Deadpool & Wolverine
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noarhtistic-7 Ā· 26 days
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I stand with Israel
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noarhtistic-7 Ā· 27 days
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