nocoast-skate · 9 years
We hope Josh Larkin gets to feeling better soon. He took a pretty bad slam at the Machado Classic outlaw this past weekend. Got to watch those orange potholes! 
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nocoast-skate · 10 years
After a long hiatus we've brought back Boarder Crossings. We went on a trip to take photos for the magazine and ended up with a lot of follow runs. Check out the mashup from some of our favorite local riders. #NoCoastSkate www.facebook.com/nocoastskate
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nocoast-skate · 10 years
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The new Lite REYs are so money. They have tons of lean and now use the tall barrels road-side and standard barrel board-side.
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nocoast-skate · 10 years
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Behind the scenes with Single Malt during the Otang review.
Check out the edit: https://vimeo.com/100842661
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nocoast-skate · 10 years
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Kyle taking the local left.
MacG photo.
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nocoast-skate · 10 years
Thane Magazine has been a great source of skate media over the past few years. NoCoast Skate is stoked to bring another review, this time on the new centerset lineup from Otang. Huge thanks to Single Malt for filming/producing the edit. www.thanemagazine.com www.facebook.com/nocoastskate www.orangatangwheels.com
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nocoast-skate · 10 years
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Thane Magazine is such a great supporter of the scene. NoCoast Skate has had the opportunity to work on various projects in the past, thanks again to Otang for helping us with this review. Also a huge thank you to Single Malt for filming & producing the video content. #NoCoastSkate #Thane #Otang MacG photo.
The Review / Otang Centersets: http://www.thanemagazine.com/2014/07/otang-centreset-wheel-review/
www.facebook.com/nocoastskate www.thanemagazine.com http://singlemalt.us/
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nocoast-skate · 10 years
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Billy is another young Oklahoma skater that is all about that go fast slide life. Dumping.
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nocoast-skate · 10 years
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Stoked to have young Knute going on trips to mountain runs with us this summer. Dude kills it. Skating local hills. www.facebook.com/nocoastskate
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nocoast-skate · 10 years
Carnage on the Coast 2014
Sun hat is a must for lurking hard in the #bakedVan.
Traveling with friends to a skate event is always fun, so 30+ Texans all headed East to Carnage on the Coast with Greg Noble as the Captain. With so many skaters in Texas it has earned themselves the "Texas Takeover" anytime they go to a race. I was up in Oklahoma and headed down early Thursday to meet two DFW homies, David Petrie & Dylan Greenbaker to embark on our takeover.
Our very detailed route from TX to FL.
The TXBaked van ready for highway mobbing. #suspectAS
We left mid day and drove through the night, stopping at a skatepark on the way. How could you not go check out Stoner Avenue? It was a little plaza with a few stair sets, rails and benches. Enough fun for giving the legs a break from the 12hr drive.
Shaving is fun.
Petrie strectching his legs from the car ride at Stoner Ave skate plaze. Not sure what state this was in.
Dylan drives at warp speed.
This little dude kept us safe while Dylan drove really fast. We arrived in Florida to meet Ray & Brandon Adams around 4am. We looked up where to camp and we happen to be at one of the two places in Florida that allows camping on the beach. The only downside was a half mile walk in the beach to the camping area. You could only take what you could carry so a lot was left behind in hope that the essentials would get us by. At 4am after driving 12 hrs and a 30min hike through wet sand didn't sound that awesome, but waking up to the sound of waves in the morning and facing the Gulf of Mexico about 20 feet away made it all worth it.
Also the first morning there we woke up to two dolphins swimming along the coast. They came within feet of us in the water. It was majestic.
NoBull beach life.
We made it to beautiful Florida. TIme to Bake & Destroy.
The ocean is funny.
Most of the Texas homies wouldn't be getting in until late that night so we had all day to hang out on the beach. One of the greatest rewards of skateboarding, is being able to travel to the most beautiful places. To me, that is one the coolest parts about this sport, it comes from people that give back to the community like Greg Noble.
Team NoBull rolls deep.
Long exposure around 12am. That is the moon, not the sun.
That night was the bowl jam at a local skate shop. The comp was held in the back of the skate shop. So rad.
Waterboyz skate shop in Pensacola, FL.
Local ripper, made it to the finals getting third in the bowl comp.
David Petrie was the Texas favorite for sure. He has a style of attacking all the features and throwing a rad Miller-flip that always gets the crowd stoked. He made it to the finals with two other Florida locals. The organizers decided to vote by crowd noise. Regardless that we had 3/4 Texas fans there, David killed it and won the bowl jam. Also during practice a local ripper landed in the flat and broke both bones right above his ankle. I hadn't seen a leg go to 90º like that before, gnar.
Our campsite for 4 days.
Hella sunsets from the campsite on the beach.
There was a slide jam that had a ramp or two. It was so humid I mostly lurked in the shade taking a well deserved nap.
Dave the Hippy Oil man himself getting rad with a boneless gap to sidewalk.
The next day was the side walk race took place at the University of West Florida. Pack runs were the most fun, seeing how many people could fit on the narrow course. We ran two man heats eventually narrowing it down to Ray Adams from Texas and a local that attended school there. The local won, but we were mostly stoked for the dh race also taking place on campus the next day.
Eric wears short shorts. He won 1st in grom. Fastest shorts all day.
This guy likes to pull a lot.
Our Captain Greg of ship NoBull.
Ray Adams goes hard in the sidewalk finals. He got second.
Every morning I would wake up around 6am to the water crashing and cool breeze coming through my tent. Race day was a different story. I saw a storm rolling in, got everyone up and by the time we started taking down our gear the rain came down. Everything was soaked, a lot of things were left behind that were just too much to carry for the half a mile walk in the rain. We made it to a gazebo where we could dry off and repack our gear. Wondering if it'd let up for the race or how the track would be.
The perfect storm.
Carve hard in the rain.
The sun finally comes out and with the Florida heat, it quickly dries up for a perfect race atmosphere. This event draws a lot of locals from the campus and surrounding towns to see what a sanctioned race is all about.  The course is pretty fun, starting in a parking lot with two quick corners then out onto the main road of campus being the fastest part of the track. The course  then goes to a sharp 90º right with an off-camber exit,  making a lot of guys eat hay. Then ends with a left and right into another parking lot. There aren't too many places to pass so it was mostly a push race.
Holding down our spot.
Jargh skates fast.
James has cool glasses.
Skater skating. I raced Open & Masters classes, making for a long day of walking up the hill. We really could have used a U-Haul, the humidity was a killer! There was a decent amount of injuries, some broken collar bones and chunks of skin taken out, they definitely like to make sure there is some carnage! This is  mostly due to a wide range of skilled riders that enter.
Carnage Quarters with NFL Players from NoCoast Skate on Vimeo.
I made it to the quarter finals in open which saw a lot of pulling and grabbing by other riders. The finals was stacked with three Texas riders and one local. The final was close, but Ray Adams snagged first, with the local in second, Brandon Adams in third and James in fourth. The masters final was fun until I got taken out while crossing the finish line. I got second so still stoked on that.
Eric won again. He was stoked.
Ian was way more stoked. Yeah buddy.
Kristen fought through injuries to kill it.
I only got second for my sunhat. Maybe next year.
Ray Adams stoked on First in Open.
Our flag is bigger than your flag.
It was a great event that ran relatively smooth. Thanks to all the guys that put the time in on making that happen. Most especially to Greg for getting us all out there and helping make sure everyone had a great time.
Florida killed it. Much sunset.
Carnage on the Coast 2014 from NoCoast Skate on Vimeo.
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nocoast-skate · 10 years
Cody Womack with an almost raw run from Judy. He is crushing it on Rojas trucks.
http://www.nocoast-skate.com, http://www.facebook.com/nocoastskate
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nocoast-skate · 10 years
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We always love local outlaw races, the simplicity of just showing up and throwing an event in a couple of hours is very appealing. We encourage locals to get involved with their scene and find spots that work well for outlaws. Thanks to Austin Welch for coming out and snapping some pics.
Podium: 1 Andrew Pletan 2 Knute Neby 3 Kyle Ramsey 4 Blake Pesetsky
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nocoast-skate · 10 years
Summer Heater was the first local outlaw of the summer. It turned out to be a fun course and a rad finals heat with the homies. Check out a raw run of the finals.
http://wwww.facebook.com/nocoastskate / http://www.nocoast-skate.com
1 Andrew Pletan 2 Knute Neby 3 Kyle Ramsey 4 Blake Pesetsky
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nocoast-skate · 10 years
Go Skate Day was just another excuse to get some friends together for a rad meetup. We chose a classic run that we hadn't been to in a while. The pavement is chunderous with fast rights and mellow lefts. Even with all the trees you have tons of visibility to cut inside on banked corners. Always skate within your limits. #nocoastskate #syndrome
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nocoast-skate · 10 years
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Stoked to have this young dude going on skate trips to the big mountains. He's only 15 and was ripping the hairpins. Big things coming from Carson Viviani. 
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nocoast-skate · 10 years
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This year for Go Skate Day we had a small meetup at a classic NoCoast run. 
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nocoast-skate · 10 years
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NoCoast homies are stepping up their lid game. — New Olders
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