noiserick · 7 years
Fuck yeah!
Julian Cope and Sun O))) is pretty much my ideal music. 
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noiserick · 7 years
Hey, could anyone illustrate this scene? It should be pretty great...
Re: Plumbus. There should be excessive K-lax ingestion. This should span at least three dimensions, Rick, Two cats Morty, Jessica, and at least two alien creatures with abnormal anatomy. One of them should be terryfold. I really hope there is a bit of dancing, a few shitty references from 1990s pop culture, and Morty should take some initiative at one point. The most important part should be the plumbus, though. Really get graphic with that plumbus love!
Um. Wow. Okay. I’m not dissing on your idea, anon, but you do know the drabbles I’m writing are only supposed to be less than 1000 words in length? I’m sorry, but there is no possible way for me to pull off this prompt with a drabble that short. It’ll turn into a shitpost wreck, believe me! I know I asked you for details, but this isn’t what I meant XD I was asking for general ideas that I could work off of that best suits what you had in mind. Can you please suggest something I can reasonably turn into a drabble? If you need examples, please refer to the prompts I already filled!
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noiserick · 7 years
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noiserick · 7 years
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Dan Harmon’s Story Circle:
 A character is in a zone of comfort,
But they want something.
They enter an unfamiliar situation,
Adapt to it,
Get what they wanted,
Pay a heavy price for it,
Then return to their familiar situation,
Having changed.
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noiserick · 7 years
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noiserick · 7 years
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Here’s some science gear from Dan Harmon’s ‘Community.’
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noiserick · 7 years
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Dan Harmon’s ‘Community, s02e05. This may be origin/show writing trivia, not yet on Rickipedia. http://rickandmorty.wikia.com/wiki/Schmeckle Though it Does tell us that schmeckle is a yiddish slang word for penis...
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noiserick · 7 years
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noiserick · 7 years
My tragic backstory... well, it started with watching those dark souls playthroughs... (I’d like to see a morty play dark souls...) It was like a terrible sport, where I got to watch people toil and suffer, and then watch other people breeze through each scene with perfect fluidity, challenging themselves terribly and still never really making mistakes... For fucks sake, someone beat dark souls 3 with bananas on the floor instead of a controller... For days I would find myself laughing out loud at the struggles of others. Fast forward a bit, rick (the competent ones) seems to just do that with everything in life, and that's gotta be a really healthy, cathartic way to live. So, I guess I’ve mostly observed myself... you know, with science.  Paying more attention to my inherent rickliness has taught me some really valuable life skills- I need to be really good at what I care about, focus on money more, give less fucks, talk better shit, be ready to follow through before confrontation emerges from shit talk... Yep, livin' the dream...
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noiserick · 7 years
So I’m watching ‘Community’ by Dan Harmon... Pretty meta or whatever, but I’ve got a vibratronic simulation recrystallizer, which really helps with breaking those pesky fourth walls. It’s all... all just science anyways. I’ve got a soft spot for the asbergers kid. Would love to see him... eating that eye hole cereal that gets stolen when you eat it, or... or thrown in a big cage to play along in one of my... my morty knife fights.  Before you get your schwifty tits all sensitized... with your feeble sense of... moral high ground, and pity for the weak, and sentimentality for that tasty ass cereal brand... I wouldn’t really hurt a morty... They’re worth bank on the double black rick market... All knife fights take place in that resort... you know, the one with the immortality gimmick... Managed to change the blueprints and stash a few boiler rooms for a rainy day... Bets are in, motherfuckers! Which morty can knife the rest deadest? My bets are on eyes full of ants morty. His aim could use some work, but he’s a lot less whiny about getting stabbed...
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noiserick · 7 years
I’ve been cutting up ginger pretty fine… with a bread knife first, then a regular chop… chopping knife, you know, to chop up the… the ginger. Look, you gotta try some in your… your coffee. It gives you pep! I mean, when you… you can’t afford velocitinis, a guy’s gotta make due, or, make coffee… coffee…. What this? It’s sugar you idiot. Of… of course I keep my sugar in a… a tiny vial. I’m a scientist for fucks sake. I bet you… you’d rather I keep my K-lax in a… plastic water bottle, paper mache’d with a painting of… of a hand turkey on it… with autumn colors and glitter glue and macaroni trim, you sick... 
Fuck, I mean, sugar…
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noiserick · 7 years
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