noviceduck · 2 years
Title: The Strange Ones.
Synopsis: Enter the inky life of Teddy Handymin. A strange, weird and new lost one who seems to leave those who encounter him a confused mess; they love helping out around the studio (even though no one asked him to) and enjoying the life he's gotten. Demons, Angels, and those in between better prepare themselves for the ink creature with the most vibrant personality.
A.U: The dark toons.
At first, there was only darkness, only a black, dark abyss that seemed endless. Like a deep ocean of shadows. A sea where an echoing cascade of wallowing voices trying to outvoice the other, hoping to at least be unique, be heard, in this pit of despair. All the souls who were unfortunate enough to get here cried, screamed, or just laughed as they descent further into insanity. However, in this formless limbo, a soul stood out. It wasn’t scared, sad or even enraged; just…curious. Curious about the realm they reside in. It has just been so intriguing. It felt like it was swimming in the world it was in. It enjoyed the odd, flying sensation in the world of nothingness. Perhaps it couldn’t hear the overwhelming voices or chose to ignore them. Either way, it had to be the urge to swim downward to the bottom, so it did. They swam, and they swam, and they swam. They were experiencing something so alien to this inky reality: fun. It continued until it felt a thick substance that acted as the bottom. Was this sand? It thought happily, never seeing sand before. It made them happy; they wanted to touch it. It dug through the “sand” intensely, taking out chunks to which it unsurprisingly made an ever-going hole. It felt mushy but also dusty and solid, like both wet and dry dirt in the palm of its hands.
It kept on going until they found something interesting…a glowing light. Yellow, it believes. It glows like a blazing sun and, just like Icarus, they want to get closer. 
They reached towards the light, like a moth to a burning flame. Their vision was entirely and forcefully engulfed in yellow rays of light, like a thousand fireworks, after that. A strange feeling coursed through it like water into a balloon and felt it would burst at any moment. It soon felt dizzy and passed out of exhaustion.
Sometime after, it awoke. But they were in someplace different. It looks strange, like paper and yet not. Like origami with no obvious indication, it is one—a large enough room with objects and furniture decorated like somebody’s house. It was hard to describe, and it felt normal to look at the outlines that gave this place form and dimension to each and everything here, but at the same time, uncanny. Though confused, it didn’t even feel scared, just curious as it usually was. It stood up; its legs were wobbly and slightly sluggish. It took a moment to get its bearings. When they finally did, it searched around. Their steps made noticeable squishy noises that made it giggle. It felt like it was in a wonderland of knowledge. There laid a treasure trove of dozens of books, a projector and other do-dads that made its eyes nearly pop out. The place was indeed a living area for somebody once; however, the original owner had been gone for quite a while, leaving everything behind in a hurry untouched. If they didn’t want it, they would gladly accept it as any reasonable person would. Not long after, they found a few audio logs just lying on the table in what it assumes is the sitting room on their own; takes one at random with its black, gooey hand and pressed the button to activate it.
Is this (Buzz!) on?” says the fuzzy audio of what he believes a man sounds like, “It’s working; good. So I have a chance to record my handsome voice, hahaha…” he makes a forced laugh like he’s nervous.
“Okay, I doubt I have long. This place is already taken its toll on me. I’m already losing myself, falling deeper into the darkness of this accursed studio. I was just a handyman, someone who did odd jobs for others for a fair price. So, when I heard the “big” Joey Studio needed extra help with their workshop while they planned something big, I was happy to jump on board! Little did I know my need for a quick buck and my greed would blind me to the sinking ship I had trapped myself. I’d be better off selling off the streets if I knew what would happen,” he sighs. “But, you know what? You can’t change the past. My memory isn’t what it used to be, so when you find this, just remember my name is (Bzzz!) Teddy. The fun handyman who just loved to help out where he could. I’d like to, at least, get that out there if I don’t get a chance to make more of these. Well, anyway…until next time,” the recording ended with a sombre tone of the strange man’s voice. That was strange. It was perplexed by the old audio tape. But it was going to think about that later; it needed to focus on the importance of one word the older man had said.
“T..edd..y,” it said in a broken voice, like an animal trying to speak with its growls. Like a fractured echo, a few random chunks of audio and static. The name sounded nice to them, but they didn’t know why. It kept repeating the word until it stopped displaying such a horse and didn’t sound like a glitchy jumble of words. Even one might say intelligible.
“Teddy…I like that name. Hey, Teddy. TeDdy! Yes, teddy? Guess what? What? I have A name! And it’s called…Teddy!” He said in a ecstatic manner. A voice of his very own, it made him feel proud. He didn’t sound like the exciting man in the tape, but he loved his voice regardless. When Teddy finished, he explored his new home a bit more. Eager to learn as much as possible from the old resident of this room. Especially what a handyman actually is.
It was a more miniature world than he was used to — a much smaller world. But he is ready to take life by the hand.
He felt excited. 
Little did he know that he would be in the middle of something so dangerous, something bizarre that no one could imagine.
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noviceduck · 2 years
Quack, quack, quack, quackity, quackery quack.
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noviceduck · 2 years
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Happy duck
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noviceduck · 2 years
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#cute #instagram #cringe #fun #art #anime #humor #life #dankmemes #edgymemes #instagood #comedy #memes #music
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noviceduck · 2 years
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noviceduck · 2 years
How many ducks in a mug?
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noviceduck · 2 years
“Type them in. Now.” Villain nudged the gun lazily against the back of Hero’s head
“Would you stop that?” Hero exclaimed, throwing their arms up and spinning the chair around to face the Villain. “I’m not the tech person in the Agency, ok!”
One side of Villain’s mouth twitched. They pressed the gun into Hero’s forehead. “Hm, what a shame. After all your life depends on it.”
Grumbling, Hero turned back around. It would have been a lot easier if Villain had just taken the codes Hero gave them earlier, but no. Villain had demanded that Hero type them into the computer system. ‘Just to test them out,’ they’d said.
Hero typed another string of numbers into the computer, and yet again the error tone sounded.
“I’m beginning to believe you don’t know the codes, love,” Villain drawled against their ear, ceaselessly bored.
The truth was, Hero had made those codes up. They did not remember any of the Agency’s manual codes, everything used fingerprints. They would never admit that though. They rather liked their hands with all their fingers.
“It’s not my fault! You have a weird keyboard,” Hero bit the inside of their cheek, typing in another series of numbers.
“A weird keyboard?” Villain sounded mildly amused. After almost an hour of bored threats, this amused them?
“Yes! It’s not standard. How can you boast such a high-tech facility when you have this keyboard.” Another strand of numbers.
“This is the highest tech facility you will find in this city. Of course it’s standard.” The gun slipped a centimeter down the Hero’s head.
“No, it’s not. It’s a foreign keyboard,” Hero continued. “But I understand, it can be cheaper to buy foreign tech.”
“Cheaper!” The Villain laughed and Hero knew they’d annoyed them. “Love, I assure you it was not cheap and it is standard!”
The Hero typed the last series of numbers into the computer and was rewarded with the sounds of alarms.
“See Villain,” Hero whirled around in the chair to see a shocked and angry Villain, “It’s clearly not standard!” The Hero kicked the chair forward, knocking the gun out of Villain’s hand. Then they ran.
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noviceduck · 2 years
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noviceduck · 2 years
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noviceduck · 2 years
When a protagonist deviates from their role, or two pals have a weird chat.
Friend finds the protagonist sitting in the classroom alone on the chair, and their chin leaned against their school desk with a melancholy look on their face. The slow rhythmic tapping of their shoes clapping against the floor echoed across the almost empty room like sad melody, a small sign something was in their mind. They have been looking for them throughout the day, having been asked by their group of friends. They thought that it was nothing to worry about; they just assumed they were just busy with delicate matters. And considering that even they're own sister was saying they needed space, it probably meant they should not get involved. However, they agreed because that's what friends do, sometimes do things that seem pointless at first glance, but it ends up helping your pal out. Besides, they knew the protagonist was weird, but never did they expected them to just be in the classroom in the darkness by themselves, and looking depressed at that.
Friend, upon noticing them, cleared their throat: “Hey, Protag, how’s it been? Me and the others have been looking for you the last few last few day’s but it’s like you been avoiding us. Is something wrong?”
The tapping stopped.
The protagonist: “It all makes sense now.”
Friend a little confused: “What does?”
The Protagonist raises their head and hand, pointing at the ceiling with a false triumphant voice: “Well, why everything in my life is so chaotic! Why it feels like the universe is personally (*D*)ucking with me.”
Friend a little concerned: “You ain’t making any sense—“
The Protagonist shouted with a crooked gusto before slightly sagging: “Exactly! You would think that, and I can’t blame you. I was no better before my discovery; acting indecisive, taking shit from all the love interests, somehow getting into impossibly scandalous and dangerous situations that should’ve killed me or land me jail and treated like I have no personality. I accepted this. I had no reason to think about the situation I was trapped in until I made the discovery.”
Friend raised a brow: “”Discovery”. What discovery?”
The Protagonist relaxed a little and explained: “You remember how you and some of the others mentioned that thing called Anime? Like you always made it fun of it and/or recommended it to me? Well, three weeks ago I got curious, and decided give it a chance. So i decided to watch a few, and they were decent.”
Friend: “How is this relevant?”
The Protagonist: “I’m getting to that. After a few days of watching some of the good ones, I decided to browse around online to watch them for free—“
Friend in utter shock by their usual goodie-two-shoes protagonist doing something illegal: “What?!”
The Protagonist continued: “—To which I discovered a certain genre: Harems. Do you know what that word means?”
Friend: “A bunch of women likes you?”
The Protagonist: “Correct. And apparently, there’s a lot of demand for it by audiences. Not sure why, but I guess people have their own taste. Anyway, in my eyes it was just a way to kill time, but as I watched, things started to feel uncanny. A lot of things that seemed familiar that made me start to ask questions. I didn’t pay them any mind at first, but when I got further into the rabbit hole of harem anime, and I began my tests; it began to become clearer and clearer that I couldn’t ignore the obvious clues anymore.”
Friend: “…Such as?”
The protagonist: “Our world is an anime.”
Friend: “Eh…what? No, what the fuck?! You’ve been avoiding us for the past few days because you watched some shitty cartoons and became a dweeb and came up with a silly theory. Are you fucking stupid or insane!?”
The protagonist, with an understanding gaze, said: “I know you’re mad. And i know it sounds unbelievable, trust me I wish it was just me and my delusions. But if you give me time to explain, it will all make sense.”
Friend a little pissed, spoke: “Explain yourself, then.”
The protagonist: “First off, everyone we know are at least somewhat crazy. For example our teachers and headmistress doesn’t seem all that bothered when their students do something morally terrible or break a school rule as long they ain’t their to witness it or if they don’t have an ulterior motive to benefit from it.”
Friend, not convinced, scoffed: “We go to a shitty school, big deal.”
The protagonist: “Sure, but have you noticed just HOW bad some of us are? I’ve been kidnapped by at least 75% of people here, and If not me, then you or our friends BY our friends. And it’s only that if they’re nice. We have been through hostage situations, conspiracies, attempted violence and murder, and mild sexual harassment/assaults. To name a few. And that’s not even counting the incompetent or corrupt law enforcement!”
Friend a little conflicted: “Okay, I’ll admit we been spanked with the short end of the stick time and time again. I’m not disagreeing with you there. But just because we’ve been doing that, doesn’t mean we’re some harem anime. A slapstick comedy, more like.” that they could understand in this whole crazy conversation.
The protagonist: “That would be the case, and one I would be more then happy to accept, however we’re forgetting something important.”
Friend: “what?”
The protagonist: “Our friends, and I guess some of our rivals and foes too, have a WEIRD interest in me. Almost everyone wants something to do with me, if not a dreamy romantically life with me, then a steamy sexualised relationship instead. And they have went above and beyond to try to make that a reality.”
They supposed it to be true. It wasn't unheard of for someone to harbour feelings for the guy. It was a little weird how some of them acted, but they were all a little quirky like that. And a lot of them were undeniably attractive.
Friend: “You make it sound like it’s a bad thing.”
The protagonist: “It is. Besides the fact, I don’t have much interest in that stuff at all, that probably has to do with my desensitisation, though, they don’t take any hints or even the most straightforward, blatant rejection I give seriously. Every attempt I have tried to get into a relationship with anyone who I found interest in romantically always leads to some stupid hijinks misadventure that either makes them not interested in me, me finding out their crazy, or they can’t be with me over some bullshit reason or all of the above because that makes sense. But that would be fine if they just were willing to go all the way and make a official word and try to make it real.
But our friends have all shown time and time again that they’re currently incapable of doing that. They give the most biggest red flags that they like me but always rejects any of my advancements. They have snuck up on me in my home to get in my bed or something else that seems sexual or “loving”. They show they’re affection for me in more ways that I can explain without breaking their trust; they have even tried to kiss me on more than one occasion. Then they brutally slap or kick me when they notice I noticed how cute they are or just end up with shitty luck and find them naked in some unlikely situation — even though I almost always knock and they have done the same with me a lot of times before. And I understand why they would be upset but it’s kinda gets annoying and unfair and gives me mix signals with what they want from me. Do I friendzone them? Do I copy them? Do I distance myself from them or be ballsy and try to be in a relationship with one of them? I don’t know! I ain’t no bloody mind reader. But how am I supposed to get away from all this madness if it is futile and will cost me my friends? I don’t wanna lose you guys, but besides you, who has just shown that your just a massive troll, I don’t know where I stand with them.”
Friend, who has been listening to their friend, the protagonist, give a personal rant about themselves that was so unlike them that they said: “I, I didn’t know you felt that way. I’m sure they didn’t mean to make you feel like this, and I know they would understand if you just told them what’s getting you so down.”
The protagonist sighed and reassured them: “No, it’s alright. They’re harmless. That’s not what’s mainly getting me down, anyway.”
Friend was shocked: “Wait, it’s not? Then what’s eating you?”
The protagonist mumbles. Seemingly reluctant to talk about it.
Friend: “What’s that? I can’t hear a word you said.”
The protagonist with clenched teeth and a long-suffering sigh, spoke up: “It’s my sister. She’s…in love with me…”
They both looked at each with blank stares, their silence only leaving their breathing being carried heard.
Friend after some time: “You can’t be serious. Please tell me your joking?” That sounded more like a plead then a question, even to them.
The protagonist: “Unfortunately, NO. She confessed pretty recently when I was going through a massive mental breakdown with this newfound knowledge, as you do. And as it turns out, she always had a little crush on me since we were little that steadily grew into what she believes is true love. It only took me talking about what I learned and her to misunderstand it as a confession “of my love” for her to come clean. Needlessly to say, it was an awkward night when we both realised what the other was talking about.”
Friend cringed in sympathy: “That’s rough, dude. I assumed she didn’t take it well?”
The protagonist barked a laugh: “That would be an understatement of the (*d*)ucking century. She was clearly heart broken and devastated, and you know how I hate seeing those I care about being upset, especially when it involves me causing it. But what could I do? We may be step siblings but I thought it didn’t matter, that she saw me as family, but I guess I was wrong. Well, in the ways i was hoping, at least. We been avoiding each other since then, and I’ve been living somewhere else.”
Friend: “What, why?”
The protagonist releases a bitter laugh: “Well, “our” oh so good loving parents knew of this little issue for a while now and actually encouraged it. Believing love has no boundaries, like they would know, with the whole being over seas thing and only coming over to see us when it’s most convenient. But I digress. Long story short, I found out, the three of us argued, it got heated, they said something that involved with them saying that i wasn’t even truly theirs and I should be grateful. I got mad and said things that also couldn’t be unsaid, and made sure they knew I didn’t want anything to do with them. I mean it, too. It wasn’t her fault she ended up like this, when her own parents were subtly encouraging it and giving no explanation why it would be wrong on so many levels,”
The protagonist then leans in deeper into the desk. The protagonist: “And that’s my explanation as to why this all happened. Your good ‘ol friend just discovered that their life is a complete joke and just like the first man and woman who foolishly ate the forbidden fruit in the Garden Of Eden, suffered the consequences for it.”
The friend looked at them in silence; what can you say to someone in a situation like this? It wasn’t something they were used to. They remained their in silence, just allowing the information to sink in. Soon though, they asked:
“Why are you telling me this? Why not someone else that would believe you faster?”
The protagonist sighed: “Because, unlike the rest, I feel like even if you don’t believe me, you ain’t going to start doing something crazy and make this somehow worse or about you. You won't make a huge deal with this personal spill. I…trust you.”
Friends thoughts: ‘They trust me?’
It was odd hearing that. Even though they had heard it countless times before. They felt a odd, strange feeling of duty when they left the lips of the usually quiet protagonist.
Heading towards them, they said in a joking way: “Well, I can’t promise I won’t use this info later to mess with others heads — I have a reputation to protect after all. But I suppose it does seem beneath me to use too much; it might make me seem geeky.”
The protagonist chuckled: “Well, I suppose we can’t have that, now, can we?”
Friend with a overdramatise voice: “Why of course not! One’s reputation is all one really has. And I also need to play my role as the lovable troublemaker, ey?”
In a much better mood, The protagonist nodded their head in amused agreement before letting out a laugh: “True, true. Hey it’s getting boring in here, let’s go out somewhere.”
They said as they left their seat. Before friend could say anything witty, The protagonist ended the distance between them and to their surprise, gave them a warm, rare hug, drowning their body with relief:
The protagonist: “Thanks. I know this was more then a little weird, but I’m grateful that you took the time to listen. Even though I sound totally crazy. So…thanks.”
Friend, recovering from their shock, replied: “Oh, we’re making so much progress, don’t get mushy on me now and ruin it.”
Protagonist, smirks: “(*F*)ick.”
Friend with a sly grin: “You know you love it.”
The protagonist: “Maybe. Now. Let’s go somewhere else that’s actually fun. Possibly prank the mall people. They are in need of a punishment.”
Friend's grin matched theirs: “Sounds deadly. I’m in.”
The end.
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noviceduck · 2 years
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noviceduck · 2 years
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