novicesmileegao · 4 years
Important: Please Read!
It has been ten years since March 11th, 2011, when Japan went through a cataclysmic earthquake, followed by a massive tsunami that has destroyed much of Northeast Japan. Thousands of lives were lost, homes were destroyed, and the effects of the disaster are still very real, and can be felt today.
If you go to https://fukko.yahoo.co.jp/ and put "3.11" in the search bar today, Yahoo!Japan will donate 10 yen (approximately 9-10 cents) for each person that searches for tsunami relief.
Please take the time to do this. It will take about 2 seconds at no cost to you, and the money will be used for a good cause.
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Put 3.11 into that search bar, and click the blue button next to it.
If you did it successfully, you should get this screen below!
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As of writing this post, it has just become March 11th in Japan — and as far as I’m aware, this campaign extends to March 11th, 2021 of various different time zones — so it is available right now, and should be valid until March 11th ends for you. (Any searches done after March 11th will not work, so please do it today!)
It’s been 10 years since the disaster, and the impact is still felt keenly today. Every little bit helps, and in the chaotic cycle of news it is really easy to forget about major events like this. Thousands of lives were affected, and I would really appreciate it if you took the time to participate, and take a moment for all of the lives affected.
All it will take is a simple Yahoo search and you will be contributing to a good cause. It will literally cost you nothing, so please take two seconds out of your day to do this.
I have a very personal connection with this disaster, and it is really important to me that this gets as much awareness as possible. Feel free to ask me about it if you'd like.
Please reblog to boost awareness. Please tell your friends and family about this!
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novicesmileegao · 4 years
I have a theory. I called it Two Notebooks theory.
It was born, when my go-to writing app glitched and I've lost the last couple of lines. No big deal, but I remember that feeling of glass shattering — the mood was ruined.
I panicked and immediately purchased a new app, more fool-proof and secure, but based on the same principle — a root folder with .txt or .md files, that you can access via the app interface.
You can create as many folders inside the root folder, and as many sub-folders inside these folders, as you need. And if you have to copy your notes on another device, you just have to copy the root folder using file manager. Switching between two apps like that is even simpler — place old root folder inside a new one, or change its name.
Seamless and effortless. There was, however, a problem...
My notes were in a mess.
Mismatched, misplaced, out of folders, you get the idea.
I couldn't bring myself to simply copy/paste this mess into the new, clean, shiny app. So I decided to take that opportunity to make a fresh start.
First, I created a basic folder system in the new app.
Then, slowly moved the notes accordingly, regardless of their initial position. If there was a folder lacking, I created it. The only rule was "no notes outside of the main sub-folders".
Soon I ended up with a neat root folder, that contained several sub-folders, finally — a clear idea, where to find my writing, and pride in myself.
The catch? I've tried to do it before. For years. Many times. I always failed. Until I was facing an empty, clean interface of a new text editor. Blank page was all I needed.
And it wasn't "get rid of the old and start anew ASAP" kind of renovation. There was a long, relaxed period of time, when two apps coexisted. I was trying my best to not pressure myself to do it faster or better. Rather I was taking my time to ask, what I want my system to look like, what I need from it... And hear the answer.
It was a success. That's when I realised, what is working for me.
YouTube was the next. The end result? A new account, where I gathered subscriptions that make me happy, productive and relaxed, the recommendations I actually use etc. I rediscovered so many amazing channels, that I forgot about thanks to algorithm, but now watch daily!
Not to mention stress-less positive feed on my new account.
It's a "me"-account versus "everything I love and also nothing plus random junk" that is my old one. With that I will be able not only improve my mood and studies, but finally, try to make my own AMVs and other types of content, that YouTube is good for. Of course I'll keep the old account. Everyone needs their "random junk" days.
And now... Tumblr time is nearing. I love this blog, but at the same time I feel deeply unsatisfied with it. It's my first try at blogging, with lots of mistakes (and typos). Navigating among my bookmarks or favourite blogs gets increasingly harder, to the point it defeat purpose of me having Tumblr account. So yes, I have a new main blog!
I'm totally keeping this one and I'm definitely going to use it for something (not sure, what exactly yet, but I just know). Some of my data will stay here, some will be moved, without any loss.
It's just a heads up to any of you I've ever interacted with before. If some wierdo follows you and starts interacting with you, like they know you for years... Yep, that's probably me. Be ready.
I'm not sure, what the process is going to be this time — each platform, app, thing needs a bit different approach, but I'm full of hopes. I'm ready for new Tumblr adventures!
Two notebooks theory:
If you have an old messy notebook you love and need, but using it doesn't bring you much joy anymore, try to bring in a new, clean and better one. And use them both, transferring bit by bit. It makes organising much more easy, especially, if everything else failed.
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novicesmileegao · 4 years
For the character ask - Jae Ha, from AkaYona 😊 Any headcanons?
Oh, my I've actually had a question all this time!.. Unbelievable. I hope, you are still interested in my answer.
I do, indeed have some, though, it's nothing major or interesting.
1) Jae-Ha, of course, has visible scars, but it's "oh, someone totally punched him before"/ "he must have been in a fight at one point..." type of scars, not the "OMG, big bro, what happened to you?!?!" type. And that's because Garou subconsciously avoided giving him any permanent bruises, despite all verbal taunting. (Garou took much beating as a child himself and he didn't reapeat mistake of his own predecessor).
"I feel your pain right there" thing actually works both ways, so... Only permanent scars Jae-Ha has are from shackles and his pirate life.
2) Thanks to his spiritual abilities, Jae-Ha can communicate with spirits in his sleep, but doesn't remember anything after. He bonded with many people this way and still has no idea.
3) Sometimes he wears his hair tie a tiny bit loose, and uses a ribbon, that slides easily, ever so slightly. This way Jae-Ha has an excuse to ask someone sweet to play with his hair. HHB eventually noticed the pattern. When they had enough of his mischief, Hak, Kija and Zeno started to take turns to mess his hair further, whenever that happens. Jae-Ha is still willing to risk it.
4) I often imagine him singing lullabies to the rest of the gang, Gigan, pirates, random girls, random children, or even Garou.
I, probably, have some more, but they are equally small.
Hope, you are safe and doing well. Thank you for the ask. I'm awfully late, but I'm still extremely grateful ♥️
P.S.: if anyone wants, I can share headcanons on other AkaYona characters in the future, just let me know
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novicesmileegao · 4 years
Last reblog made me facepalm so hard... First part I can understand for the sake of reading and scrolling convenience, but the second one...
AO3 isn't universal writing-sharing site and it never was. It's for fan-works and fan-works only. And writing is not limited to fanfiction, obviously.
tumblr is apparently rolling out a beta for a new post editor that essentially makes it so there are no longer post “types” (text post, audio post, photo post, etc.), and instead all types of content are better integrated into a single post. pretty neat, right?
…until you read the fine print.
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The maximum number of total content blocks allowed in a single post is 250.
i emailed support and asked whether each paragraph counts as a content block. i received this reply:
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SO. each paragraph counts as a content block, and i’m only allowed 250 content blocks in one post. the solution provided was to reformat my fics by using shift+enter after every paragraph instead of simply enter. which is already unnecessarily annoying in of itself, but then you come to the second hurdle: 
The maximum character length of a single text block is 4096 characters.
so–what?? besides spending my time writing thousands upon thousands of words, i’m expected to copy-paste it and then reformat everything, counting every single one of those words to make sure they fit within the restrictions? or i’m supposed to chop my fics up into multiple parts, even when i don’t want to? how exactly are writers supposed to write on this platform?? as you all know, my style tends to run pretty dialogue-heavy, so i start new paragraphs (and, thus, content blocks!!!) pretty damn often. i did a quick check, and let it snow, at almost 19k, is 550 paragraphs. with this new system, i would be forced to upload it in three (3!!!!!) posts! even my shortest chapter of ego, at 8.8k, is 350 paragraphs, and i’d have to split it in two.
this is honestly a formatting nightmare as a writer, and this is a decision that is liable to drive content creators away from the site and change fandom culture as a whole. 
please. if you enjoy reading content on this site and want to continue enjoying content on this site, please don’t let tumblr make things harder for writers! since the tumblr team is supposedly eager to hear what everyone thinks, it would really help if you could message support and share your concern about the issue–maybe we can stop this disaster before it starts.
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novicesmileegao · 4 years
So my twitter feed did a thing
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I am suddenly invested in squirrel romance thank you akayona
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novicesmileegao · 4 years
Imagine, if there will be some baby squirrels by the end of the manga...💞💞💞
I am suddenly invested in squirrel romance thank you akayona
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novicesmileegao · 4 years
Happy New Year! I may not be the most active person on this platform in 2020, but I can't stress enough, how much people and posts I've encountered here since the day one, mean for me. Thanks to you all, I get better and better every single day. Please, don't give up!
Have an amazing New Year, guys!🎀
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novicesmileegao · 4 years
REBLOG if you have amazing, talented WRITER friends.
Because I certainly do, and I love every single one of them and their work.
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novicesmileegao · 4 years
That's a strange feeling... I feel like I'm, somehow ended up on some other site instead of Tumblr and desperately trying to make sense of all changes that happened during my absence. That's a bit scary, but exciting at the same time.
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novicesmileegao · 4 years
Yes! I'm pretty much alive...
Though it doesn't look this convincing atm
on a sincere note though, you guys do know that 22 is not old and 30 is not ancient, right? like yeah by 30 you will hopefully have matured but hearing some of you talk like life ends at 30 is a little worrying. one day, not as far away as it may seem, you will be 30 and you will still be a person with value, you will probably still have a lot of the same interests, you will still use the internet, and you will still be you. you have your whole life ahead of you
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novicesmileegao · 4 years
Probably by them not being able to interact for so long. That's what forces them to do both at once.
hHHH I can’t believe Hakyona talking to each other inbetween kisses is a canon thing now. HOW diD we get heRe.
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novicesmileegao · 4 years
I feel his confusion in my bones X"D
Buri! That Kai royalty that was just murdered had a real funny conversation with Yona before he died. Imagining he went to heaven, do you think the someone/the dragons would explain things for him? (I'm sorry, I just want to see more of your wonderfully funny work. XD)
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novicesmileegao · 4 years
Look, who tries to resurface...
If you need me for whatever, please, message.
It doesn't sound convincing, but looks like I'm actually here.
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novicesmileegao · 4 years
And yet again I vanished in the thin air, dispite promising: never again...
Sometimes I hate myself. But that's not an option. Instead I started to do my best to recover from my emotional outbursts, that caused me to shut down from nearly about every site I enjoy to be at. But I'll never give up! Hope all of you guys are allright!!!
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novicesmileegao · 4 years
I still haven't read latest chapters (i'm hopeless), but for a long time I lowkey headcanon nobility AkaYona moms having some kind of secret society, so according this theory it could be both, at once.
did Yonhi & Kashi liked each other or was each other competition?
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novicesmileegao · 4 years
💞 lf you like cute things, check out this blog, guys, you won't regret it, I promise!
Yay!! I was off for a long time, and I happy to see you got tons of amazing new stuff. You are my favourite amigurumi Tumblr ever!
Omg thank you so much!! That means a lot TvT I have much more amis but I keep forgetting to post them here. Thank you for giving me the motivation to! 💕
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novicesmileegao · 4 years
"Get a girl, who can do both" kind of post⬆️
From this:
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To this:
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Pffftt hahah!! *splish*  lol
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