nswcovid19-blog · 4 years
Hello, fellow Quarantees!
Today's blog is about a large topic, child care. How will that work with how the virus spreads and parents working within the healthcare teams?
Well, today when watching a live stream from ABC news the Prime minister Scott Morrison answered a few questions. So, for those who didn’t watch the livestream or missed here is one of the answers Mr. Morrison gave. 
"I don't want a parent to have to choose between feeding their kids and having their kids looked after, or having their education being provided," he said.
It has been decided that support will be given to 13’000 of Australia’s childcare centres. This is, according to Mr Morrison, to protect the income and living standards during these difficult times. 
As of this week Australia has reached a total of 1’000 covid-19 tests per 100’000 people, this is equivalent to about 1 percent of the whole population.
In NSW specifically we have now hit 2298 cases, that is an increase of 116 OVERNIGHT!
I think it’s easy to say that the numbers will continue to rise and that this pandemic will be here for a while longer, at least until september arrives. If not, then brace yourselves for a very probable second wave. Why? Because when the regulations eases off a bit people will think that it’s over and the virus will spread once more.
Anyways, stay safe and healthy! Take care! 
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nswcovid19-blog · 4 years
Lockdown Modus
Hellow dear blog reader!  I hope you are all doing well
It has been announced a few days ago the NSW will go inte complete lockdown, and quaranteen for 14 days. The area is now covered with a quiet cloud, and the usually crowded streets of sydney lay quiet. 
NSW was one of the areas heavily affected by the Australian wildfires earlier this year, where up to 500 homes were completely destroyed, and many more were damaged. It is therefore difficult for many to stay at home, when there is no real home to turn too. 
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The situation, however, seems to be under control, and with hospitality and quick renovations, there is noone left on the street. 
Hugs from your favourite blog
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nswcovid19-blog · 4 years
Aus economy during Covid-19
2020-03-29 Hello, fellow Quarantees!
For today’s entry, I will be writing about the economy and worries for the future regarding, said, economy.
There is 1 worry that I feel touches a lot of people, the fear of losing your job. Almost every adult works in order to make a decent living (some, maybe not) and without a job, where will the crucial money come from? The money to have a stable life (food, hobbies and family activities)?
Well, according to this article posted on VOA news (Covid19 crisis could cost Australia 1 million jobs) the government is taking action in order to prevent that.
The government has said that “multimillion-dollar measures” will be created to boost mental health and emergency food shortages for the covid19 pandemic. Great, right?
But one problem still stands, according to Destination NSW many travel-/ and tourist companies have needed to fire a lot of their employees. Over thousands have already been fired, not only in Australia but all over the world. The close monitoring and travel restrictions will cause the money “gathered” through tourism to decrease, severely. 
For a more detailed explanation check out Destination NSW 
Don’t lose your spirit just yet! Hopefully, NSW and all of Australia will pull through
That’s all for today’s blog, Hope you’re having a safe and secure quarantine, take care! 
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nswcovid19-blog · 4 years
Pets in the corona crisis
Greetings to all of our wonderful readers
I am here today to bring up a new, less central aspect of the coronavirus…
How does the virus affect our beautiful animals?
Studies have actually been made on this and as far as we know today, animals can not get ill from the virus, they can however, spread it. In countries close to Australia, for example New Zealand, there have been put restrictions on how to handle your pets in times like these. It is allowed to take your dog outside as long as it is only in contact with the direct family it lives with. Cats are not allowed outside at all.
In NSW, Australia, restrictions like the ones in New Zealand have not been made, yet. However, they are seriously considered which would mean that the lives for beloved pets in NSW would be slightly more restricted than before.
Hopefully the animals will stay happy and well walked through out the corona crisis.
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nswcovid19-blog · 4 years
Toilet Paper Crisis
Hello all! Hope you are doing well,
Over what we call the internet there is a severe spread of, not the coronavirus, but irrational panik originated from the coronavirus. A particularly rare reaction to the spread of the virus Covid-19, is the world wide panik consumption of toilet paper. There is no clear explanation for the evolvement of toilet paper shopping, except the desperate human attempt of controlling the chaos we are now finding ourselves in.
There are many images and videos circulating showing how crazy consumption of paper to wipe your rear end can get. An area responsible for a severe number of these images is actually New South Wales, Australia.
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Images like the ones above have popped out of NSW continiously, as well as peculiar stories and scenarios. One where a woman, Haidee Janetzki actually bought 12 years of toilet paper reserves. I personally do not know for how long the corona crisis will go on, but I definitely expect it to be over within the next decade, apparently she is not so sure of that…
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There have also been more violent attempts for assuring your toilet paper assets, captured on film in a grocery store in New South Wales. The police had to intercept and stop the fighting for getting out of hand. Maybe the store owners should consider permanent guards by the toiletries eile to prevent future events like these ones.
The Video from the store:
Lastly a news paper in NSW, australia realized that people were truly concerned, not necessarily by corona, but by the lack of paper. To decrease the stress, they therefore provided an issue of the newspaper with eight blank papers, ready for use…
Video of the newspaper: 
However, as a matter of fact, due to overconsumption there have actually been an increasing lack of toilet paper. This have led to people getting creative using old t-shirts etc, which messes up the sewer system. This can in worst case lead to floods in apartments, caused by water pouring out from your toilet. I am pretty sure that this is something we would all like to avoid. So please, try to share the toilet paper <3
We hope for you a wonderful day!
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nswcovid19-blog · 4 years
NSW Health during covid-19
Hello, fellow Quarantees!
Today’s entry is about the current status in NSW’s healthcare. They have a specific website made for the coronavirus covid19 which you can reach on this link NSW health - Covid-19
An article posted by ABC News covers the topic of how some doctors are confused and frustrated with how and when to test people for the virus. Dr Danielle McCullen states in the article that “increasingly challenging and frustrating”. The doctors and other medical staff constantly hear conflicting reports and news coverage as of what do to regarding the virus, who to test and when the best time for testing is. 
There are a lot of people who think they have the virus even though they don’t show any symptoms, or, only showing “simple” flu symptoms. They are panic buying medicine, food and necessities only because of the fear of the virus. Not knowing much about it, nor which precautions to take. We all know about the lack of toilet paper, but, out of all the people who have hoarded them how many do you think actually have tested positive for covid-19?
Probably not that many, or, at least not all of them.
There is a simple message in this entry:
Imagine if everyone would hoard, it simply won’t work. It has caused problems for the elderly and big families even now with only certain people hoarding. So simply follow the guidelines given by nearby hospitals or the  NSW health government in order for the country to go in a rather “stable” path.
That’s all for today’s blog, Hope you’re having a safe and secure quarantine, take care! 
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nswcovid19-blog · 4 years
How to stay busy
We have all been in quarantine or at least homeschooled for over a week now, and I think we are all noticing how the lack of a life outside affects us. To stay creative and challenge yourself I have made a personal list of 5 things you can do in quarantine without spreading the coronavirus.
Meditation is a very simple activity, this is because you need nothing, hence everyone can do it. Sit down anywhere in a comfortable straight position and relax. Try to not think and let the world and reality around you just be. This is a good way to handle stress and grow comfortable with your own company.
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Pick up the guitar,
Many of us have a dream to become that guitar genius who can just pick up the guitar and play any song, well now you have the time to fulfill this dream. If this previously has not been an interest of yours you might discover a new hobby. The only problem that can stand in your way is the possible lack of a guitar.
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We all have thoughts right, and now when you have time, and limited possibilities to share these thoughts with friends, why not write them down. Start a diary, maybe write some poems. Not necessarily to share with anyone, but it is fun to look back on.
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Paint your nails,
This might seem boring, but to take time and make your hands a little bit pretty while watching a movie or listening to great music feels great. I highly recommend this, the activity provides a break from everything serious going on in the world.
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Paint your soul out. It does not have to be good or pretty, just paint what you feel, it becomes therapy. You will notice an improvement in your skills, and it is a good way to get outside your comfort zone.
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I hope you enjoyed my tips, and see you in the next post!
Stay safe and happy<3
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nswcovid19-blog · 5 years
Current Covid19 status
Hello again!
Today’s entry is about the current confirmed cases in Australia as a whole. 
As of today, 2’806 cases have tested positive for the virus and there are a total of 13 deaths.
Recently the New South Wales health department (NSW HD) has decided to improve the security and slowing of the virus at Sydney airport. The NSW HD took a decision to put more biosecurity and health staff at the airport to conduct temperature checks on all the patients coming to Australia.
NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian has now stated that she is prepared to put all of New South Wales under lockdown in order to control and slow down the virus spreading. 
The total cases in NSW have increased by a total of 190 affected, now a total of 1219 cases have been confirmed. The Guardian states that out of the 1219 cases 16 patients are in intensive care and out of those 16 10 requires artificial breathing. 
NSW Premier Gladys also states that they are taking the matter very seriously and are looking closely on the pub’s and clubs that have been closed down, and if needed will take further action.
That’s all for today’s blog, Hope you’re having a safe and secure quarantine, take care! 
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nswcovid19-blog · 5 years
Schools in NSW
Hello again!
Today’s blog is not about a tip or trick when in quarantine, but rather an update regarding the schools in NSW, an update as to how they are handling the covid19 situation.
The article from The Guardian (schools) written by Conor Duffy (updated this Monday) stated that “NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian announced schools would remain open and are safe”.
Are the schools really safe? Well, the schools are doing the best they can, and send teachers, staff and students home if they show symptoms/test positive. 
Premier Gladys did, however, say that the parents should keep their kids home if possible to try and avoid the spreading of the virus. Knowing completely that some students will still go. 
This is to try and avoid the situation where parents working in the health system are  “pulled out” of work to take care fo their kids leading to a complication in the fight against the spreading of the virus and caretaking of patients.
That’s all for today’s blog, Hope you’re having a safe and secure quarantine, take care! 
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nswcovid19-blog · 5 years
Exercise during quarantine
Hello fellow Quarantees!
Today’s tip regards the health and fitness of your own body. Many countries and states have begun their lockdown which hinders people from going outside.
Then what about daily exercise and fresh air?
Well, that’s simple, start exercising daily at home! It was stated in an article from The guardian (covid-19 shutdown) that gyms have now closed, and generally people should stay at home as much as they can to avoid getting the virus and spreading it to other people and risk groups.
So… What can be done at home?
Here’s a list:
* Just use your body! Doing simple things such as push-ups, squats and the plank will improve strength quite evenly through your body. 
* Running up and down the stairs regularly (if you have stairs) improves both leg strength and stamina! It’s a good and more pleasing way to improve stamina than just running around on the floors in your house (I know because I tried).
Those are the exercises that I would recommend during your stay in quarantine. Of course, there are plenty of things you can do except for these, but the exercises are simple enough for most people to do at home and they don’t require a lot of space.
That’s all for today’s blog, Hope you’re having a safe and secure quarantine!
Take care! 
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nswcovid19-blog · 5 years
To Survive a Happy Human During These Corona- Times
Hi dear readers!
We are Sirin and Ebba and would like to wish you all welcome. We will be posting useful information and lifehacks to survive these difficult times, with the coronavirus and all. 
Forthcoming will be tips and tricks to survive a happy human during these coming months, and general information and news about the coronavirus. 
We are looking forward to future posts, see you in the blog!<3
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