nuclearliquor Ā· 4 years
ā€œWhat, you drink duct tape?ā€ He grinned, poking fun to pass the time while he waited on her judgment. ā€œExplains a few things.ā€
It was all he could do not to fidget. He liked what heā€™d made, and it had passed the Aniya-test with flying colors, but neither of that meant anything compared to the expert opinion of someone who ran a successful bar and distillery.
He scooted his chair so the table was alongside him rather than in front of him. He leaned his elbows on his knees, hands linked and rubbing together. That was as close as he got to fidgeting, anyway. Pretty bad, for his doing, and it was clear she took great delight in prolonging his torment. Couldnā€™t really fault her for that, and he figured she wouldnā€™t tease him like this if she thought this whole thing was a bust, but it was a weight off his mind when her verdict finally came.
ā€œGood.ā€ He sat up and leaned back, relieved, hand landing flat on the table. ā€œGreat. We should pick a night to schedule a test run.ā€
ā€œAre you insinuating that Iā€™m tacky, Mr Barrow?ā€ Dakota countered with slightly raised eyebrows, challenging him. The grin on her face, however, left the challenge toothless and soon swept aside in favor of more beer.Ā 
She couldnā€™t help but wonder what his beer would taste like when it was ice cold on a hot summers day. Whiskey was many things, but good under the summer heat of the Mojave it was not. Beer, on the other hand - and cold beer at that - was like a gift from god.Ā 
ā€œSure,ā€ she nodded her head in reply. ā€œConsidering this bar ainā€™t going anywhere and neither am I, weā€™ll be here all week every week, Iā€™d say itā€™s up to you when we do it,ā€ Dakota added with a small tip of the bottle in his direction.
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nuclearliquor Ā· 4 years
It should come as no surprise that The Hanged Man is a place where those inclined to that particular kind of work can pick up some pretty lucrative bounties. Normally, the bounties posted are paid for by other people, like the Mayor in Diamond City, Goodneighbor and Quincy (before the town was sacked by the Gunners). In those instances, Dakota will include information on how to claim the money once the deed is done.
On occasion, Dakota herself might post bounties on the wall, and these will often pay significantly more than those posted by other people. Unlike settlers who struggle to get by, Dakota has enough cash to splurge on a good manhunt or two.
Present open bounties:
- Clear out Pickman Gallery and report to Mayor Hancock (Goodneighbor). 250 Caps
- Clear out Mass Pike Interchange due to raider activity and report to Geneva, the Diamond City Mayorā€™s secretary (Diamond City). 200 Caps
- Eliminate the ghoul presence at Jamaica Plains and report to Mayor Jackson (Quincy). 300 Caps.
Manhunts, paid by Dakota:
- ā€œBossā€. Wanted dead for multiple accounts of assault, attempted murder, robbery, and general douchbaggery. Bring me his fucking head. 1000 Caps, plus 200 Caps extra for each of his nasty friends.
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nuclearliquor Ā· 4 years
He leaned his hands on the back of one of the other chairs, looked her in the eye with a grave expression, and picked up the joke where she left off to raise her one more: ā€œIf I told you that, Iā€™d have to kill you.ā€
After a pause for effect, he pulled up the chair and sat himself down. ā€œBut, seeing as how Iā€™m alive and well after months of experimentation, you can rest assured it wonā€™t kill your customers. In fact, half of the stuff has medicinal use if herbology is to be believed, so who knows? It may be a miracle cure for more than just thirst and boredom.ā€
The grave expression on his face was met with her lower lip caught between her teeth and a playful glint in her eyes.Ā ā€œKinky. I like it,ā€ she murmured before her face split into a grin.Ā 
Once Rick had sat down as well, Dakota popped the cap off her bottle and inhaled deeply from the neck of it with heavy lidded eyes. ā€œWell, you know what they say. If alcohol canā€™t fix it, youā€™re not drinking enough. Actually, I think that might be duct tape, but the principles are the same,ā€ she said with a chuckle and a dismissive wave of her hand. Next she took an experimental sip of the beer, letting it sit in her mouth briefly before swallowing and breathing in the aromas. She seemed to ponder something, peering down at the bottle in her hand with an unreadable expression, taunting him. She glanced up at him but refused to say anything just yet, instead taking another sip of the beer.Ā 
When she decided he had suffered enough, she cracked a smile and nodded her head approvingly.Ā ā€œI really think youā€™re onto something here, Rick,ā€ she told him.Ā ā€œIā€™d gladly sell this in the bar.ā€
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nuclearliquor Ā· 4 years
6 Underground (2019)Ā Sentence Starters
Feel free to change pronouns or otherwise alter phrases as desired!
Never underestimate the power of a very nice suit.
You said you were covering the door.
I was covering the door. You were shot through a window!
What did you guys do in there? Why are you covered in blood?
The head, neck, and face are very, very vascular. So itā€™s a lot of blood.
Nice call on the DayGlo green.
What, you donā€™t like this color?
Who knew the optic nerve was so long? Iā€™m surprised his asshole didnā€™t come with it.
Did you just like scoop it out, orā€¦
Iā€™m getting light-headed.
Youā€™re not the one holding it.
Now you said whatever I need to do, right? So, Iā€™m just going to do it.
You want to get out and compare, or should we maybe think about going?
You can live for days with a gunshot wound in the stomach. Sheā€™ll be fine.
Letā€™s just grab the head.
Do you mind? I can feel the tip.
Heā€™s no longer inside me. Weā€™re safe. What is your name?
Big guyā€™s still staring at me, isnā€™t he?
I donā€™t think thatā€™s how the expression goes. Donā€™t handle your shit, flush it down the toilet like a grown-ass man.
Be subtle. Blend in. Disappear.
I hate this town. I really do.
A coup. A coup dā€™Ć©tat. Itā€™s French, Napoleon. French history stuff. Okay. You canā€™t tear a place down until you have someone to build it back up.
You and your Bruce Wayne shit!
But what makes you think that I want to see you again?Ā You werenā€™t that memorable.
So sheā€™ll never know you stopped coming.Ā 
See, youā€™re lucky that I donā€™t paint the inside of this car with chunks of your fucking skull.
Jesus, who raised you, the mob?
Thatā€™s none of your fucking business, [NAME]
Oh, darling, you could be on fire, and you would have the same creepy blank expression on your face. No offense.
Uh, I can hear you. And if youā€™re going to shit your pants, thereā€™s a bathroom in the back.
Eagleā€™s landed. I love that movie line.
How you doing over there? You having fun yet?
Mate, youā€™re really ruining my flow right now, you know that?
What do you mean you have a bad idea? No, youā€™re supposed to have good ideas.
Itā€™s fucked up right now, so watch me work. Iā€™m improvising.
Oh, shit! Was that a bad guy?
Why is it always me that has to do this kind of shit, man?
Hey, Chatty Cathy. Do you know what over and out means?Ā 
Iā€™m just saying, Iā€™m a little afraid. What do you want me to say?
Conversationā€™s over. Capisce?
This is where you ask me if Iā€™m afraid. Right now, Iā€™m shit scared.
They have some fancy food up there, huh?
Really? Tell me more about that. Donā€™t hold back.
Iā€™m fucking kidding. Focus.
Itā€™s so delicious, man. They put this little cheese on it.
Does it have to be on the walkie-talkie? And weā€™re all standing right here. Yeah?
I feel like a Jedi.
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nuclearliquor Ā· 5 years
Keep readingĀ 
Feeling his hand venture down the plane of her stomach made Dakota lift her hips slightly to help in the removal of her underwear. Just as obediently, she spread her knees apart to accomodate for him as he slowly scooted downwards. The tantalizingly slow approach was enough to make her prop herself up on her elbows and she watched him work his way up her thigh unabashedly.
Dakota combed her fingers through his hair, letting her blunted nails gently scrape along his scalp until her hand settled on the back of his head. The motion was more coercing than it was ushering, but judging by the way she had captured her lower lip between her teeth there was an undeniable sense of need that fueled it.
She felt his hot breath on her slick folds first, and it was a true challenge to keep from bucking her hips up to meet his face. The anticipation was almost getting the better of her, but then she felt more of his tongue on her lips and she settled for letting her head fall back with a heady moan.
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nuclearliquor Ā· 5 years
The chuckle that left him turned into a relenting sigh, and he shook his head.
ā€œAll right. Tell you whatā€“ā€ He pushed his paintbrushā€™ grip into her palm and closed her fingers around it. ā€œNew revolutionary idea: You help me paint that fucking wall instead of my back, Iā€™ll make you dinner instead. Howā€™s that?ā€
Her grip on the brush was still loose while she seemed to contemplate this for a couple of seconds. She quirked her lips slightly, and looked at nothing in particular for a moment before her hand closed fully around the handle. ā€œOkay, fine. I guess I can live with that,ā€ she said, and between her tone and the smirk that spread across her face it was quite clear it was an outcome she would readily embrace.
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nuclearliquor Ā· 5 years
Thatā€”ā€¦ That would be a big help. Thatā€™d be fucking fantastic, even. Jesus, he didnā€™t know what surprised him more; just how goddamn lucky he was to stumble into an offer like that, or that it had never occurred to him to ask her for help in the first place. Of course sheā€™d be able to help him. Mustā€™ve been too easy, too obvious for him to consider.
He snickered, shaking his head, still unable to belief his fucking luck. In fact, if sheā€™d been anyone else, heā€™d have been suspicious and wondered what the catch was.
ā€œWhereā€™ve you been all my life?ā€
ā€œRight here, waiting on you,ā€ she replied with a smirk and made a point to lean on the counter with both elbows. ā€œGotta say, you sure took your sweet time,ā€ she snickered as the smirk grew into a grin.
She straightened up slightly and poured herself a helping of Painkiller before offering to do the same for him. ā€œWe could go downstairs and have a look now if you want. Ainā€™t nobody else here anyway,ā€ she told him with a small shrug, holding the shot just in front of her lips as she spoke, then downed it swiftly.
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nuclearliquor Ā· 5 years
ā€œIt is.ā€ He squashed the urge to smile a self-satisfied smile while he handed the crate with his brew off to her. ā€œBottled this morning. I dearly want to know what you think of it, so I suggest we start with those.ā€
He headed on over to the nearest table and put his bottle of whiskey down before he turned back to her, ā€œAnd no, given the severity of the situation, Iā€™m certain this wonā€™t be enough, butā€“ā€œ and here he gestured around the bar with a grin that was just a touch cheeky, ā€œconsidering weā€™re sitting on top of a distillery, I thought it might have something to contribute to the cause.ā€
Dakota took the offered crate and set it on the table. The cheeky grin was met with one of equal brilliance once sheā€™d briefly wetted her lips. ā€œYou thought so, did you?ā€ Dakota asked as she plopped down in one of the chairs by the table, ā€œcanā€™t say I blame you, and youā€™re not wrong.ā€
Now seated, she reached out and plucked one of the bottles from the crate and held it up towards the dim light overhead, inspecting the color of the beer briefly. ā€œWhat kind of blend are you using?ā€ She asked, and within the next second a lazy smirk streched across her face as she leveled him a glance, ā€œor is that the sort of information Iā€™d have to pay an arm and a leg for?ā€
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nuclearliquor Ā· 5 years
Tumblr media
Full name: Helen Oā€™Hare Nickname(s): Helen Date of birth: February 1th, 2224 (currently 63) Place of birth: Ranch outside Goodsprings, Mojave Wasteland. Nationality: American. Occupation: Rancher
Faceclaim: Paige Turco Height/Weight: 5ā€²5ā€³ (165 cm), about 110 lb (50 kg). Hair: Dark blonde with some gray at the temples. Eyes: Dark, warm brown. Distinguishing characteristics: Expressive eyes, smirks for days, sultry and kind of raspy voice.
Last residence: Ranch outside Goodsprings, Mojave Wasteland. She inherited the place after her parents. Education: Home schooled Father: Robert Oā€™Hare Mother: Evelyn Oā€™Hare Siblings: Peter Oā€™Hare, older brother. Joseph Oā€™Hare Spouse(s): Curtis Rose. Despite getting married they kept their names. Children: Dakota Oā€™Hare, oldest daughter. Grace Oā€™Hare, youngest daughter.
tagged by: Stolen from myself.
tagging: Anybody
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nuclearliquor Ā· 5 years
Tumblr media
Full name: Curtis Rose Nickname(s): Curt Date of birth: October 15th, 2223 (currently 64) Place of birth: El Paso, Texas. Nationality: American. Occupation: Former NCR Ranger
Faceclaim: Kevin Costner Height/Weight: 6ā€²1ā€³ (185 cm), about 172 lb (78 kg). Hair: Dark blonde with some gray at the temples. Eyes: Dark blue. Distinguishing characteristics: Deep gravely voice; steely eyes
Last residence: Ranch outside Goodsprings, Mojave Wasteland Education: Home schooled and further combat training when enlisted. Father: Marshall Rose Mother: Olivia Rose Siblings: John Rose, older brother; Emily Rose, younger sister. Spouse(s): Helen Oā€™Hare. Despite getting married they kept their names. Children: Dakota Oā€™Hare, oldest daughter. Grace Oā€™Hare, youngest daughter.
tagged by: Stolen from myself.
tagging: Anybody
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nuclearliquor Ā· 5 years
He couldnā€™t tell, at this point, if her struggle was all still theater in the spirit of the game, or actual need to get away. What would be so goddamn awful about getting a lick of paint on her cheek, he couldnā€™t fathom, but you never knew. Could be he was missing something. On the other hand, she was a grown-ass woman perfectly capable of telling him no if she needed to.
His grip eased some, but until further notice the brush stayed exactly where it was for now. "If you wanna make me a better offer, Iā€™m listening.ā€œ
Now that the brush had stopped its merciless approach towards her face, Dakota relaxed slightly. She contemplated her options for a moment before she inclined her head a fraction as if wordlessly saying she didnā€™t know. ā€œHow about dinner?ā€ she suggested with a shrug.
ā€œYouā€™re basically holding everything else I have to offer already,ā€ she added, and the corners of her lips twitched slightly with amusement while she looked him in the eye. She gently tugged on her restraints and peered demonstratively down her own body for emphasis.
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nuclearliquor Ā· 5 years
ā€œI donā€™t know what the fuck any of those are, but you know meā€¦ā€ He followed along with her, grinning. ā€œIā€™m the adventurous type.ā€
He put his hands on the bar on either side of her, and leaned on them, lowering his face close to hers. For a moment, it may have looked as if heā€™d kiss her what with the way his gaze flicked down to her mouth, but he didnā€™t.
ā€œā€¦ Can I help at all?ā€
Dakota leaned her back against the bar, and upon feeling his arms on either side of her she let her hands settle on his hips where she stroked slow circles with the pads of her thumbs underneath his shirt. As he moved closer, her gaze drifted repeatedly towards his lips, but instead of kissing him like she wanted to, she replied to his question.
ā€œSure. If you want,ā€ she murmured and glanced up at him with a smile. ā€œTheyā€™re Mexican foods. Pretty common in the Mojave and along the border. Both are made with chicken and an assortment of spices and chilies. Enchiladas are ovenbaked cornflourĀ ā€˜pancakesā€™ - tortillas - with the veggies and salad on the side, while fajitas have everything wrapped inside the tortilla. Fajitas has a stronger cumin taste and enchilada tastes more of chili,ā€ she explained, hoping it would give him at least some notion as to which one he would like to try, if he wanted to try either.
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nuclearliquor Ā· 5 years
But that's the thing- you literally don't write *anything* explicit. There's nothing descriptive or immersive. Pretty sure your following isn't that large or that sensitive. I just find it funny to click on the read more link and see nothing there :3
That youā€™re clicking on a read more and expecting detailed descriptions of porn says more about you than me, but Iā€™m glad I was able to amuse you
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nuclearliquor Ā· 5 years
I notice, on all your blogs, you don't actually ever write anything explicit but you always put it under a cut. I don't really get it, you and your rp partners don't actually write nsfw or detailed smut. So what's the point :) -a critic
Because people have very different opinions on what nsfw is, so in order to cater to as many people as possible I chuck in read mores left and right. In these cases Iā€™ve learned that itā€™s better to be safe than sorry, -shrugs-
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nuclearliquor Ā· 5 years
Keep reading
Dakota exhaled loudly and angled her head upwards to expose more of her neck to his loving assault. ā€œRick,ā€ she breathed, and judging by the tone in her voice it was said to get his attention rather than just to express her own eagerness. She turned her head back towards him, and lt her cheek rest against his for a brief moment. ā€œI want you to do something,ā€ she purred into his ear with a growing smirk on her face, and she gave him enough time to register what she said before she continued.
Her hands moved up to his shoulders and gave him a slight downward push, indicating which direction she wanted him to move. That, combined with the look she was giving him, and the way she hiked each knee slightly furhter a part should send a very clear message.
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nuclearliquor Ā· 5 years
ā€œā€¦ Hm.ā€ His brow furrowed. He looked away and up, drawing his lip between his teeth, squinting ā€“ as if he needed any time at all to think it over.
ā€œI wouldnā€™t say no to that,ā€ was his eventual conclusion, after drawing it out well beyond the half a second heā€™d needed to decide. A new smirk formed, and he didnā€™t bother to rein it in, this time. He came a little closer, still, and didnā€™t stop, intending to back her up against the bar. "What are we having?ā€œ
Dakota stood her ground and simply lifted her gaze higher to accomodate for his sudden closeness. She let out a thoughtful hum and pursed her lips as she shrugged. ā€œHow do you feel about spicy food? Could make enchiladas or fajitas, but theyā€™re kinda spicy,ā€ she replied calmly. She glanced down briefly and reached out to grasp the front of his shirt gently. With a glint in her eyes she backed up against the bar, effectively pulling him along with her, and looked him dead in the eye.
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nuclearliquor Ā· 5 years
Goddamn her, with that mouth, and that face, and those eyes, but that mouth in particular. And with the way she angled her hips, standing his ground became an arduous task.
ā€œSo thatā€™s a definite no on ā€˜bothā€™ then, huh?ā€ He smacked his lips, briefly averting his gaze to a distant point somewhere to the side; the thousand-yard stare of a man about to make a very difficult decision. ā€œShame.ā€
And just like that, his grip tightened, his body pressed hers against the wall, and the brush was coming for her with every intent to squash against her cheek.
At first Dakota didnā€™t think he would do it, that it was just part of the game. That changed when his grip tightened and the brush came bearing down on her. She strained against his grip, more intent on actually breaking free this time, but with every millimeter the brush got closer the more focus it demanded.
Eventually she was even forced to crane her neck and moved her head just to stave off the inevitable, and when she ran out of space to move a pitiful squeak escaped her as she scrunched her face slightly. ā€œIs it too late to change my mind?ā€ she mumbled, and looked at him from the corners of her eyes.
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