nymphadoradear · 3 years
lol sooooo i wrote a prequel for it :))
remus and sirius fic during their years at hogwarts!!
you understand now why they lost their minds and fought the wars - howisbucky
hey so!! remember those imagines i wrote about remus and sirius raising harry ...
i wrote a whole fic lol
check it out if you want! it includes most of the headcanons mentioned in the post.
can you tell me a story? - howisbucky
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nymphadoradear · 4 years
hey so!! remember those imagines i wrote about remus and sirius raising harry ...
i wrote a whole fic lol
check it out if you want! it includes most of the headcanons mentioned in the post.
can you tell me a story? - howisbucky
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nymphadoradear · 4 years
bitches saying "always" better be referring to peeta and katniss "stay with me" "always" and not that gross greasy dude who was so obsessed with a girl he couldn't move on decades later
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nymphadoradear · 4 years
harry was raised by sirius and remus part two.
the three of them live in a small cottage that belonged to remus’ parents
sirius lets harry ride around on padfoot’s back until he become too old
harry stays at the burrow on the full moon (he and ron become friends way before they go to hogwarts)
sirius and remus fight side by side in the department of mysteries and when bellatrix aims a stunning spell at sirius, remus is there to cast a protego and pull him out of harms way
hermione and ron visit over the summer after their fifth year and remus makes them dinner that they eat outside after a game of quidditch (while hermione reads)
harry fights back when he sees snape’s memory in sixth year (“i know how the story really ended!”)
okay also harry definitely knows that snape had a thing for lily and knowing how this kid lacks impulse control he probably uses it against snape it an argument at one point
sirius fought with dumbledore constantly about how he was treating harry (y’all it was manipulative idc)
harry shows them the locket and sirius knows right away who R.A.B is (it’s nice to know his little brother did something good)
when harry goes on the horcrux hunt, remus is so against it but sirius talks him down (“c’mon moons, you know we wouldve done the same”)
remus and sirius live in a constant state of anxiety until they get the message to go to hogwarts for the battle
this time, they fight back to back and sirius just happens to trip over a stone that sends him and remus to the ground, avoiding the curses that would have killed them both
(okay also you know what? sirius is there to cast a stupefy before fred weasley dies.)
harry sees only his parents with the resurrection stone (“they’ve done an amazing job, haven’t they lils?”)
remus has to hold sirius back from charging at voldemort when they see harry’s dead body in hagrid’s arms
“never scare me like that again, prongslet!” (sirius and remus do not let go for a long time) (i really like the “prongslet”)
harry does NOT name his kid “albus severus” because that’s the stupidest name ever and snape was not the bravest man he knew. if we’re talking about brave slytherins y’all better start with regulus black.
idk what the second son is named but his middle name is remus. (let ginny pick the first name for once damn)
sirius and remus maybe adopt another child (not named teddy bc it’s only teddy for tonks’ father)
they all live out natural lives
bro shut up with this whole “sirius and remus died” nonsense bc it did NOT happen
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nymphadoradear · 7 years
drinking water and hating snape keeps my skin clear
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nymphadoradear · 7 years
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“but she hated him!”
“nah. she didn’t.”
1/15 favourite ships: jily (aka james potter and lily evans) 
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nymphadoradear · 7 years
harry was raised by sirius and remus
sirius never went to azkaban, and harry was told the truth about how his parents died and who really betrayed them that night
he grew up listening to the tales of the marauders (remus loved telling the story of how his best friends became animagi to help him on the full moon.)
harry never calls either of them ‘dad.’ when he is six, he asks if he should, and both adults immediately say no. they tell him he can call them whatever he wants, but that they don’t want to disrespect james.
he goes with ‘uncle sirius’ and ‘uncle remus’ until they become ‘padfoot’ and ‘moony.’
sirius spoils the crap out of him. he gets a toy broom, and they play mini quidditch until harry’s old enough for the real thing. 
sirius always lets harry play with his wand, regardless of how many times remus tries to take it away.
remus reads to him before bed, and is always asked to tell the story of the intelligent and kind redhead who fell in love with the goofy, messy-haired boy.
when they first hear of snape’s bullying, remus is the one to send him a howler. (’how could you? this is her child.’)
hagrid babysits on full moons, while padfoot and moony are busy underneath the moonlight.
remus still becomes a teacher third year. ron and hermione call him ‘professor’ in the classroom, but when they visit on holidays it’s just ‘remus.’ (he also uses his position to an advantage to see snape in a dress. sirius wouldn’t stop laughing.)
sirius applies for the astronomy position, and minnie won’t admit how happy she was to see him again.
but he quits after a year with remus, refusing to work in the same castle as snivellus any longer.
sirius doesn’t die in the department of mysteries and is there to stupefy the deah eater that aims a killing spell at remus.
and what do you mean harry was raised by the dursleys because no he wasnt sirius black would never allow that are you kidding me.
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nymphadoradear · 7 years
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YA LIT MEME: [1/9] QUOTES » harry potter and the order of the phoenix
“I DON’T CARE!” Harry yelled at them, snatching up a lunascope and throwing it into the fireplace. “I’VE HAD ENOUGH, I’VE SEEN ENOUGH, I WANT OUT, I WANT IT TO END, I DON’T CARE ANYMORE!
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nymphadoradear · 7 years
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People are not rain or snow or autumn leaves
They are not beautiful when they fall
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nymphadoradear · 7 years
i've been seeing headcanons about remus and harry as a child
it breaks my heart?? like, remus being there for harry’s first words, buying him his first sweater, etc. and then i also saw one that said remus ‘never thought he’d be a stranger to james’ son.’
and it made me think more about what it would be like if james and lily had lived. and when remus was a professor in harry’s third year. harry calling him 'remus’ instead of 'professor’ or 'lupin.’ harry hanging out in remus’ office during free periods, practicing spells or reminiscing about the marauders or talking about their plans for christmas. the two of them going floo-ing or apparating home on breaks. remus and harry sharing inside jokes during class, and no one minding because it gives them an extra few minutes to talk. ron and hermione blushing at being addressed by their professor during class on whether or not they wanted to spend break with the potters, because lily kept sending him letters to ask them. james and sirius visiting on weekends. draco never making comments about harry during DADA bc of that one time james potter himself marched into the classroom and transfigured him into a teapot ('thanks for that, minnie.’). remus helping raise harry?? harry having two loving, supportive uncles growing up?? remus lupin being anything but a stranger to harry potter??
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nymphadoradear · 8 years
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u n t i l   t h e   v e r y   e n d happy birthday james potter
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nymphadoradear · 8 years
pretty rude and upsetting that sirius black had the nerve to die
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nymphadoradear · 8 years
an incomplete list of the batshit insane things hermione’s done
-prioritized her education over her life
-instantly became ride or die with harry after the troll incedent
-set snape on fire
-brewed an illegal potion for two months in the girls’ bathroom
-turned into a furry
-immediate thought upon encountering a giant murdersnake was ‘better make sure the others find this page on my helpless petrified body bc god knows they won’t figure it out themselves’
-wanted to take finals after like a month in a magical coma
-traveled through time to get even more homework
-figured out lupin was a werewolf and didn’t tell anyone because he was a relatively competent teacher compared to magic ryan seacrest and literal voldemort
-essentially snatched trelawney’s weave gotdamn
-slugged draco malfoy, terrified him and his hulking buddies into running, went back in time to watch it again
-confronted a werewolf and his alleged mass murderer friend because, again, ride or die
-broke time travel laws in order to jailbreak azkaban escapee and his pet hippogriff
-dated an international sports star
-put up with all the vile shit rita skeeter wrote about her
-joined secret order dedicated to fighting voldemort
-put up with harry’s shit
-imprisoned a woman in a jar for months, blackmailed her into doing what she wanted
-formed and organized secret defense class, peer pressured harry into leading it
-permanently disfigured the girl who ratted them out. snitches get stitches.
-manipulated the shit out of umbridge
-basically left her to rot in the forbidden forest
-went to fight death eaters with like six of her mates despite her misgivings (RIDE. OR. DIE.)
-immediately agreed to destroy the dark lord’s soul with her buddies despite not having any idea how (RIDE! OR! DIE!)
-mind wiped her parents and made them go to australia to keep them safe
-essentially singlehandedly kept harry and ron alive and functional for the majority of the deathly hallows
-wore the locket while still managing not to be a shithead
-got the shit tortured out of her by bellatrix lestrange. didn’t go insane.
-fought in the battle of hogwarts. didn’t die.
-was unfailingly loyal and did everything she could to keep harry safe for seven years, even when he was quite frankly being a jackass
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nymphadoradear · 8 years
the well known Harry Potter cycle
Step 1: thinking Snape is a bad guy
Step 2: thinking Snape is a good guy
Step 3: realising as you mature as a person that Snape was actually a terrible person after all and was an abusive bully who didn’t grown out of this stage even into his late 30s and an obsessive person who thought he was entitled to Lily just because she showed him friendship and no matter how many bias memories of his you are shown you will never see him in any different way 
unfortunately some people are still stuck in stage 2
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nymphadoradear · 8 years
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nymphadoradear · 8 years
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harry potter + spells (part ii)
part i
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nymphadoradear · 8 years
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