nyokaposting · 2 years
The Keteman Liberation (170 2E)
During a time of unrest in the Valley of Storms, the people of Ketema saw an opportunity to break free from their colonial chains, and led a violent uprising in South Ketema, reclaiming their coastline.
Involved Parties
Otiscius Maxwell
Former King of Jazir (130 2E - 167 2E)
The Kingdom of Ketema
Under Rule of the Elder Council (50 1E - 179 2E)
For a time, beginning roughly 120 2E, Jazir held colonial power over the island of Ketema. The island nation had yet to catch up to other more developed nations in regards to technology, so Jazir’s invasion went nearly uncontested, as the seemingly simple people had no way of adequately defending themselves. Jazir struggled to develop reasonable infrastructure, the dense jungle proving to be a great challenge to their engineers, but the coastal city of South Ketema holds the most Jazirian influence, being nearly indistinguishable from a Jazirian port city, minus the towering jungle backdrop. While they had no trouble steamrolling the coast, their troops soon began to find that anyone who entered the jungle was destined never to leave.
So, they developed a bit of an unspoken agreement with the Keteman people that they would allow them to live freely within the jungle, but maintained a stranglehold on their resources, and imposed royal taxes on any goods imported or exported from the island. The Elder Council [see Article - The Kingdoms of Ketema] at the time in Ketema saw this as a reasonable concession, given the threat imposed by the naval strength of Jazir’s allies. No, they could never take the island from them, but the lack of any real organized military presence in Ketema and the overwhelming manpower that Jazir held left the people of Ketema trapped.
In 170 2E, this conflict came to a head. The Second Great War [see Article - The Second Great War] raged on to the South of the island. While this was a time of great struggle for everyone, the people of Ketema noticed that the military presence of Jazir and their allies was drawing more and more away from their coasts. The Elder Council held its stance, but the people of Ketema’s unrest began to prove too much to withstand, and a small army of guerrilla soldiers (pun intended) seized South Ketema from Jazirian rule. The Keteman People’s Army suffered massive casualties, and most of their troops were dead or injured by the end of the battle, but they proved themselves to be a force to behold - a people with an indomitable will, who would not be trifled with.
They defended the city for a fortnight, utilizing tactics they had learned from countless hours of studying Jazirian soldiers, as well as their own primal ingenuity, at one point resulting in a Guardian full-force chucking a barrel of gunpowder onto a Jazirian ship’s deck from one of the city’s docks. This worked surprisingly well, and the repeated use of this tactic was partially to be lame for steel becoming a standard shipbuilding material, because shit just be catching fire sometimes.
In an ironic twist, the Jazirian navy quickly realized that they did not have the firepower available to take one of their own cities. The fortifications were only recently installed, and still too advanced for them to breach. They left the people of Ketema to determine their own fate. When news spread back to Jazir, it caused a great deal of commotion, yes, but among Jazir’s other colonies lining the Belt of the Northern sea, that news was a rallying cry. Jazir would not know the consequences of their concession until it was too late. Within the next thirty years, five of their ten colonies would secede in addition. This caused an economic recession in Jazir, which it has not yet recovered from.
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nyokaposting · 2 years
The Kingdoms of Ketema
Throughout its written history, Ketema has revolved through three notable power structures. The Old Kingdom, The Elder Council, and the Dragon’s Pact.
The Old Kingdom (504 AE - 50 1E)
The Post-Simian race sprung up some time around 125 AE, and were mainly separated into various tribal clans until 25 AE, when Igna, the Emperor, brought the tribes together under a single banner. This was the time of the Old Kingdom. Their behavior was still relatively primitive and isolationist, but this began an expansion into nearby islands, and established a semi-coherent code of laws.
This period was marked with bloodshed, with tribes of other island people, notably the local Grung and Bullywug populations, dwindling into the hundreds by the end of the Arcane Era.
The Elder Council (50 1E - 179 2E)
In year 50 of the First Era, with the death of Igna, the Elder Council was established, a collective of five of his closest advisors. They ruled, unopposed, holding chief executive power over the Keteman people. There were numerous generations of Elder Councils, but they mostly held the same ideals, and highly prioritized self preservation and objectivity above all else.
Often their decisions went undisputed, and there was clearly a shared wisdom present in each iteration of the Council, but, with the conclusion of their colonial uprising [see Article - The Keteman Liberation] , the decision was made to dissolve the council.
The Dragon’s Pact (179 2E - Present)
In the year 179 2E, there was a shift in power in Ketema. Following the Keteman Liberation, the Dragon’s Pact was signed, founding a republic officially. Jazir’s imperial rule had vast consequences, mostly negative, but Keteman scholars found Jazirian books on philosophy, politics, and psychology particularly interesting, and soon found their own political systems to be archaic and limiting.
The island was split into three tribes, North, South, and Central, each with their own representatives, and the decision was made to conduct a summit once every three months, where they would discuss issues affecting the island and make executive decisions through a rigorous voting process.
The system is far from flawless, but it’s a step forward toward a free, prosperous life for the people of Ketema.
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nyokaposting · 2 years
Trolls of Nyoka
Trolls are an essential piece of Nyokan infrastructure, dating back centuries. Every bridge worth shaking a stick at has a troll protecting it, and every troll has a particular schtick.
They’re not a particularly sophisticated society, nor one rich with culture, but their reputation as the infamous Highwaymen of the Valley has cemented their place in folklore.
Troll Logistics
They’re not, like, constantly under there, though. You see, it’s more of a day job for them, with different trolls working different shifts at different bridges. They often even work in tandem with nearby cities, operating Troll Booths alongside busy roads, collecting tolls and taxes on behalf of local nobility. It’s a family business.
Nine times out of ten, they’re just doing their job, so if one asks you for a couple spare coins, think twice about putting a sword through his body. Hate the game. Don’t hate the player.
Vast Connectivity
Family is not necessarily a good descriptor for the bonds that connect the trolls of Nyoka, even though a good number of them are related (somehow.) Every troll knows every other troll, through some loose association.
They gossip like mad when wronged, or even when they hear something particularly juicy, and are especially grateful when an adventurer shows kindness or generosity. Word gets around - odds are, you fuck with one troll, and you’re fucking with all of them.
Criminal Associations
Trolls are also known to operate a bit like a mafia. Some are known to deal various substances, legal and illegal, and some of them you can talk into unashamedly whacking somebody if you know what route they’re taking across the countryside.
They take debt seriously, and if you do a troll a favor, it’s understood they’ll almost always do one for you.
You just gotta know which trolls you’re talking to, and if you don’t pay up, well, you got a meeting with Lenny Bignose.
Lenny Bignose, The Immortal Troll King
[Excerpt - Article - TCoNaOSMB] “If you’re trying to picture him, imagine an oilier, muskier, taller Ted Cruz, toting a cigar and a baseball bat - sized club. Somewhere between Tony Soprano and a megatherium.”
Lenny Bignose is the guy who’s really running shit. Not only a physical powerhouse, Lenny’s got a pretty sturdy thinker on him, and whatever plans you’ve got, he’s already figured them out twice.
All trolls refer to him, and if you need something done in Nyoka, no matter how big or small, he’s your man.
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nyokaposting · 2 years
The Second Great War (162 2E)
In the year 162 of the Second Era, tensions rose between the many central city-states of Central Nyoka, causing a great conflict across the Valley of Storms. Let me introduce our players.
World Leaders (162 2E - 171 2E)
Tuk-Tuk Dingleby
Former Prime Minister of Surak (123 2E - 185 2E)
Thyadin, the Iron Hand
King of Olveris (145 2E - Present)
Otiscius Maxwell
Former King of Jazir (130 2E - 167 2E)
Rex Reigel
Former Premier of Crimson Sands (135 2E - 171 2E)
The Ninth Chancellor of Xibei
Chancellor of Xibei (148 2E - Present)
Ulysses (Rampart)
Presiding Ruler of Qalea (105 2E - Present)
Trash Can Tim
Presiding Ruler of Almutahar (Unknown - Present)
Kamari, of the Iron Lung
Former Emperor of the Southwest Villages (178 1E - 190 2E)
Casualties (by City-State)
43,236 (1,300 civilian)
5,670 (74 civilian)
23,460 (2,340 civilian)
Crimson Sands
37,834 (3,530 civilian)
13,450 (450 civilian)
11,456 (128 civilian)
9,865 (75 civilian)
One fateful morning, an axe arrived on the doorstep of a young Thyadin, recently crowned ruler of Olveris, and within the next two years, through countless battles guided by a Surakan / Xi-led campaign across the Royal Coast, many cities were left in ruin, and the standing King of Jazir was left decapitated.
This was thanks in part to the help of the people of the Spectre’s Bridge, the Swamp Giants and Hollow Folk serving as valiant, nearly indestructible front line troops.
From 167 2E to 170 2E, the city of Inman fell under siege a total of eight times, but despite growing casualties, would retake itself within days of invasion.
Upon the second night of the eighth attack, General Karl Warrens directly disobeyed the orders of the Premier, and simply turned around. He claimed it was impenetrable.
The same could be said of his home, Capitan, the capital of Crimson Sands, but the Surakan troops realized quickly that they didn’t need to make it to the city center to cause problems for the Premier.
The outer rings of the city were left mostly indefensible, and they razed the city’s subsidiaries, the magical forces of Xi casting flame upon the land, until outside of the walls of Capitan, nothing was left but ash.
The war ended before it came to any conclusion. The Surakan military never made it within the walls of Olveris. They met for a treaty on a spring evening in 171 2E, in a heavily warded, lead-lined room. They discussed their terms.
Olveris would return any prisoners of war captured in exchange for the Premier of Crimson Sands relinquishing his position immediately.
Those prisoners were never returned, and, similarly, neither was the Premier.
He was assassinated in a carriage robbery on his way through Nasmont, possibly by a radical activist, but it’s often theorized, and you didn’t hear it from me, that Tuk-Tuk Dingleby arranged the assassination himself.
Peace remained in the Valley of Storms, but in the wake of the conflict, especially with the economic and even physical destruction of the coasts of Jazir and Crimson Sands, and Olveris managing to limit their own casualties to only a few thousand in number, tensions remained high, and it remains unclear whether the conflict will ever descend back into the chaos it once was.
Many optimists like to believe that the war will remain cold.
Many pessimists can already smell the bodies burning.
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nyokaposting · 2 years
Minor Deities of Nyoka
Minor gods aren't always necessarily gods. Most often, they are mortal to some capacity, possible extremely powerful mages who have ascended their mortal form, or a force of energy manifested through a collective thought.
List of Minor Nyokan Gods
Nexus is a god of puzzles, riddles, problems, and solutions. His brain is a Rube Goldberg machine. Nexus is nonviolent, but that doesn't stop him from being the most bastardous and annoying piece of shit you'll ever have to deal with. Him and Weâbus are magical colleagues, but since ascending to a god status, have had a bitter rivalry. They both have their respective cults, but the cult of Nexus is mostly filled with psychopaths and blithering idiots. If he could kill them all, he would, but the contract he signed explicitly prevents him from doing so.
Nexus appears as a young man, roughly 15 years old. Due to him striking a deal with a fiend at a young age, he was granted biological immortality, but was not informed he would remain in the same physical form for the remainder of that immortality. This makes it hard for him to get taken seriously, and he is well aware of this, and while it can be advantageous at times (he saves heaps at buffets,) he is not a fan of that fact.
Weâbus, the handsome, suave, all-seeing blind god of time. He's one of the two most powerful warlocks in known history, one who ascended past this plane of reality to another, where he's revered by members of his own cult. He can tweak history to his own benefit, and if he didn't want you to know about him, you wouldn't. Luckily, he's got just as much ego as he does power.
Arion is a patron god of the sick and injured, as well as the disabled, the mentally ill, and healers who tend to them. Helpful in times of crisis. A guardian of life. Typically appears as an old man, or a shepherd.
Marakas is a god of the working class, and a god of justice. Marakas is a bastardization of Marx, as their followers’ religious texts are made from lost editions of Marxist writings stored in the Library or discovered in tombs. Marakas is seen as a guardian of the weak, and an almighty unifier. Worship of Marakas is banned in Olveris, Jazir, and their subsidiary settlements, for obvious reasons.
Pascus is a god of war and peace - particularly ordered, balanced, and just warfare. They're not an angry or violent god, but they are stoic and lack much empathy for cowards and war criminals. Pascus is seen as an influencer in who wins a battle. People assume Pascus watches each attack, watches the moral bearing of every general, watches the determination of each soldier. Whoever fights the hardest, whoever puts the most of themselves toward their goal, will have a helping hand in battle.
Corinne is a god of death, though she is not feared or seen as a dark, looming presence. This god of death is seen as a life-bringer, in ways, especially by the Hollow, who see her as a figure of maternity. She typically manifests as a woman in a long, white dress, with a warm smile and flowing hair, but she is said to appear in whatever form makes you the most comfortable. It could be a friend, a significant other, or even a dog.
Argon is the seafarer’s patron. Typically depicted as a dark-skinned man wielding a fisherman’s spear and a net, Argon represents the ideals of the gritty sailors that float across the Northern Sea. Sailors tell tales of their encounters with Argon, but it’s always hard to tell which stories ring true. One consistent trope is the appearance of a lighthouse during a storm, one that dissipates as the ocean settles.
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nyokaposting · 2 years
The Nyokan Moon
Something is strange about the night sky.
Voltán, the Shield
Voltán, the Nyokan moon, is distinct from its former self in two important ways.
For one, you may note the presence of another, smaller moon, the body known as Öpik, lodged into the side of it, and secondly, you may notice a blooming aurora spilling from its crust.
In roughly 1130 AE, Elven astronomers surmised that a rogue moon was set to collide with Nyoka. The story differs from mouth to mouth, but legend tells of an Elven sorcerer, Voltán, after whom Nyoka’s moon was named, guiding Öpik directly into their own moon, acting as a shield to protect the people and land of Nyoka. Bards tend to exaggerate things, so it might not have been as cool, and there is a chance this all could’ve been coincidence, and there never was a Voltán, but that’s the thing about folklore - it doesn’t matter either way.
The aurora is said to be a remnant of Voltán’s soul, left to wade along the surface of her namesake, but it is also possible the added mass of the condensed Öpik has started to form a roaring electromagnetic field, an atmosphere in its infancy, or that the collision caused a release of natural gas deep within the crust of either celestial body. Regardless, it looks damn cool.
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nyokaposting · 2 years
The Council of Nymphs and Other (Superb) Magical Beings
What Are Nymphs?
Nymphs, magical elemental beings, each representing different facets of the natural world, were a product of the Collapse. They are said to have been human, at one point, but were gifted supernatural abilities beyond their comprehension.
They function similarly to Minor Gods, and work in close proximity to them, often socializing, but are distinguished by their specific connections to the Veins of Nyoka, the radioactive / supernatural highways that run through the crust of the continent, and their capacity to plane shift, often disappearing into Pockets.
Extra-Planar Pockets
Pockets are extremely small dimensional planes, each roughly the size of a large city. Each Nymph has a specific Pocket over which they rule as gods, able to create, destroy, and shape the land to their will. This is their place of rest, and, depending on the Nymph, their home.
This is absolutely unnecessary information in regards to the functioning of the Council, but I’m sure as fuck not writing another article on Nymphs when I already described them here.
The Nymph Council
The Council of Nymphs and Other (Superb) Magical Beings is a gathering of powerful magical entities and minor gods, who meet on each solstice, as well as in times of crisis, to discuss current events and coordinate their actions to best suit the needs of the world as a whole. They are behind the curtain.
The Council meets on a freezing, desolate island in the Northern Sea, along the coastline, within a towering Neoclassical mansion, lined with intricately decorated columns, featuring decadent inlays of gold and marble.
Within are several sleeping quarters, a large kitchen, a common area with several long leather couches, a massive, sprawling library full of ancient artifacts (including Necroa’s record player,) and a dining hall, where, along a lengthy table, adorned with an ancient tapestry for a tablecloth, the Council holds their discussions.
The building is often shifting, rooms changing shape and contents as needed, but those rooms specifically are always intact.
Their process is generally democratic, but supreme authority usually ends up in the hands of Eria, the Nymph of Natural Forces.
The majority of the Council’s lineup has not changed since its inception.
A 5/7 vote in the favor of including minor gods and other celestial or omnipresent beings passed an amendment in 752 AE, granting the addition of Nexus, Weâbus (who was later removed,) Argon, Allis, and Corinne.
In 173 1E, following the Second Great War, Lenny Bignose, the Immortal Troll King, was added to the roster, and, the latest addition, Sosama, of the Iron Lung, a fully mortal spell caster, was inducted into the Council on the Winter Solstice of 192 2E.
Taking Attendance
Members (current and former,) are as follows…
Eria, Nymph of Natural Forces (1955 AD - Present)
Eria, the Nymph of Natural Forces, such as the tides, the winds, the sun, and the rain, is the closest to an executor the Council has, for better or for worse. She’s maintained order over the Council since the beginning, but has felt her hold slowly loosen with new chairs being filled in on the Council, tensions rising regarding her tendency toward isolation and observation, and with other Council members noticing her manipulative behavior.
She’s stayed on top for this long, a ruthless matron, but how long can she maintain that control?
She has always been vague about her position in life prior to the Collapse, but those close to her know at one point she was a school teacher.
She appears as a woman, humanoid, in her mid to late 30’s, with a flowing mane of dark red hair, and cycles between a wardrobe full of excessively formal gowns. She has never dressed casual a day in her life. She had a Cruella Deville phase in the First Era, and no-one will let her live that one down.
No-one has seen her Extra-Planar Pocket, with the exception of Titan, but some within the Council theorize her Pocket may be the mansion itself.
Titan, Nymph of the Mountains (1953 AD - Present)
While there are no romantic ties between them, if Eria serves as the mother of the council, Titan, the towering, bearded Nymph of the Mountains, serves as the father. His voice is respected, but his tendency to maintain order and peace at the table is often a roadblock in the way of any conclusions.
He’s a sweet guy, but he often lets himself get walked on, especially by Eria, whose passive aggression he still has not learned to see through, and whose approval he relies on to feel comfortable in his own choices.
Before the Collapse, he had a wife and daughter, and he worked construction. He lost one family, and he’d move Heaven and Hell before he loses this one.
Cassius, Nymph of the Sands (1962 AD - Present)
Alluring, dreamy, smooth talking, but not afraid to crack a beer bottle over someone’s head if she finds an excuse to. Cassius, Nymph of the Sands, Guardian of Izmana, the Hidden City, is probably the most effective and outspoken voice on the Council. Often she feels the need to advocate for those she views as younger siblings (Necroa, Shia, Koke,) and is not afraid to admit she shines when there’s an argument to be had.
She values freedom, mortal life, and a good drink above all else, and anything or anyone that comes between her and her goals is welcome to choke on a throat-full of sand.
She is unique in regards to her relationship with her Extra-planar Pocket, the city of Izmana, which technically exists both in and out of Nyoka, and has a couple thousand permanent residents. The city itself plane shifts between the Izmanian Desert and its own, small dimension, constantly shifting in location.
She appears as a tanned blonde woman, humanoid, around 6’1” tall, is absolutely stacked, and is either dressed for glamour or a fist fight. There is no in between.
Before the Collapse, she was a serial shoplifting barista, and a radical political activist. Not much has changed.
Necroa, Nymph of Decomposition (1965 AD - Present)
Necroa presents most often as a small drow woman, visually in her late teens, with a chopped up bob and a dark void within her eyes, simply because she wants to be hard to read.
Necroa is difficult whenever possible. In fact, not many of her fellow Nymphs are sure of any of Necroa’s opinions, because she plays Devil’s Advocate often, and in place of a value system is a little gremlin in her brain that aims entirely to piss people off. Despite this, maybe because she’s too darn cute, or maybe because they’re a little scared, she’s a beloved and essential member of the Council.
Necroa operates as the Nymph of Decomposition. In the Spectre’s Bridge, she has been a subject of folklore for decades, bards from Independence to Qalea whispering of The Vulture. They describe the Vulture as a greyish goblinoid creature who feasts on the bodies of fallen animals left to decay on the forest floor, and while most would be offended, Necroa feels that goblins have long been marginalized, and takes the comparison as a compliment, and, to be fair, she does snack on a rotting corpse every once in a while.
Her touch has a necrotic effect to it, and melts skin on contact, with the exception of undead creatures, and this has created a bit of a tendency toward hiding away from the general populace, which has not helped her already antisocial behavior.
She doesn’t take much stock in these meetings anymore, and is honestly tired of showing up. Her role is more to fill in a chair at this point than anything else.
Before the Collapse, she was a homeless high school dropout, and a failing musician. She’ll still pick up the guitar sometimes if she needs to get some aggression out. Her voice isn’t pretty, but there is something about it. It’s the only time she’s genuine.
Shia, Nymph of the Woodland (1971 AD - Present)
No-one is exactly sure why she is the way she is.
Whether it was some sort of life-altering trauma, or some kind of a developmental delay… despite centuries of experience, Shia, Nymph of the Woodland, maintains a childlike innocence.
This, of course, means Necroa takes every chance she can to fuck with her, but if anyone were to lay a hand on her, they’d have several nymphs and a forest full of wild animals on their ass in seconds.
It also means Eria’s manipulation tactics work all too well on her, and Cassius has begun to catch on with time, and is all too willing to call Eria out on it.
She’s the little sister of the group, and she very much enjoys that role. She doesn’t get taken too seriously, though, and, while, to be fair, she is mentally and physically 13 years old, she has some really creative solutions (often involving unicorns,) that deserve some consideration.
She talks to squirrels, and to trees, and they’re her biggest fans. She protects the forest, and the forest protects her. The trees don’t talk back, but she claims they can understand her. They definitely cannot.
She appears as a stout, darker skinned young woman, with large, floppy rabbit ears and a trash can lid sized mushroom for a hat. It looks ridiculous. She loves it very much.
She is also distinguished from other Nymphs by her lack of an Extra-planar Pocket, and her unique connection to the Feywild, where she spends about half her time.
Antares, Nymph of the Divine Timeline (1961 AD - Present)
Turns out, if you give omniscience and a full understanding of the broader context of the multiverse to a normal person, that’s going to give them life-long trauma. Who would’ve guessed?
Antares, once a curious young woman selling Xanax as a cashier at a bookstore, is now a formless, millennia-old, shape-shifting Nymph of Time. She has seen everything the universe has to offer, from the genesis of mankind to the world’s end. She’s a bit disillusioned.
While fate is indeterminate and constantly shifting, Antares is, like, a meteorologist of world events and outcomes. She finds it fun to spit out prophecies at people just to freak them out. Necroa also finds this fun, and encourages it often.
Antares is also a bit of a mess of cultures. She’s been a citizen of several countries in different decades, centuries, and millennia, some for years at a time, and has picked up slang and references that are a bit jumbled. Things are hard to keep track of.
Visually, she’s usually a thinner woman in her early 20’s, with big wire frame glasses and a cardigan, but she is known to change appearances often, more than any other Nymph, so depending which point in time you’re dealing with, there could be distinct visual changes, or possibly a different face or pronouns entirely.
Koke, Nymph of the Fields (1964 AD - Present)
Koke, Nymph of the Fields, is the problem child of the bunch. While his powers extend over seas of grain, he specifically has taken a bit of pleasure in fermentation, and has become the Dionysus of the Council, partaking in wine, women, and revelry, with an unmistakable bastard charm that never fails to help him accomplish whatever goals he may have in mind.
He’s most often spotted with a burlap sack over his head, possibly out of insecurity, possibly to evade authorities. Few have seen him without the bag, but Cassius testifies he’s actually quite handsome. He denies this. This insecurity is likely associated with the fact he is the only Nymph who cannot functionally polymorph.
His problems with impulse control will eventually be his downfall. Rarely does he make it to anything on time (in fact, Necroa is often assigned to drag him to meetings from whatever hole in the wall he finds himself in,) and if he was capable of contracting disease, he would have several sexually transmitted infections by now.
Eria still pretends he’s got it together, as she’d rather not deal with sorting things out, and Titan still sees potential in him. It’s really up to him to decide whether or not he’s capable of changing at this point.
Before the collapse, he was in the LA County Jail for a Public Indecency charge. This is not surprising.
Nexus, Minor God of Puzzles (1230 AE - Present)
[Excerpt - Article - Minor Gods] “Nexus is a god of puzzles, riddles, problems, and solutions. Nexus is nonviolent, but that doesn't stop him from being the most bastardous and annoying piece of shit you'll ever have to deal with. Him and Weâbus are magical colleagues, but since ascending to a god status, have had a bitter rivalry. They both have their respective cults, but the cult of Nexus is mostly filled with psychopaths and blithering idiots. If he could kill them all, he would, but the contract he signed explicitly prevents him from doing so.
Nexus appears as a young man, roughly 15 years old. Due to him striking a deal with a fiend at a young age, he was granted biological immortality, but was not informed he would remain in the same physical form for the remainder of that immortality. This makes it hard for him to get taken seriously, and he is well aware of this, and while it can be advantageous at times (he saves heaps at buffets,) he is not a fan of that fact.”
His role on the council is that of a master tactician. He’s typically pretty spaced out, often bored, but the minute you give him a problem to solve, he will work tirelessly for as long as it takes to complete. Aside from the complaints associated with his chain smoking of hand-rolled cigarettes indoors (Necroa calls him Chimney, but he calls her Corpse Fucker, so it’s fair,) he’s relatively well-liked, and has mostly been adopted by the Council.
Weâbus, Minor God of Time (1232 AE - Present) (Former)
[Excerpt - Article - Minor Gods] “Weâbus, the handsome, suave, all-seeing blind god of time. He's one of the two most powerful warlocks in known history, one who ascended past this plane of reality to another, where he's revered by members of his own cult. He can tweak history to his own benefit, and if he didn't want you to know about him, you wouldn't. Luckily, he's got just as much ego as he does power.”
His role on the Council was pretty understated, with him mostly snacking or sleeping through the meetings until his departure in 7 AE, when he and Nexus had a falling out over a petty squabble.
He claims Nexus’ issues with him come due to the fact Weâbus had his growth spurt earlier, and sits at a full 6’2”, but Weâbus’ blind arrogance (pun intended) destroys pretty much every relationship he’s ever tried to form.
It is worth noting he is actually the reason the full title of the Council includes the word “Superb,“ as he argued for it for a good ten minutes.
Argon, Minor God of Seafaring (Unknown - Present)
[Excerpt - Article - Minor Gods] “Argon is the seafarer’s patron. Typically depicted as a dark-skinned man wielding a fisherman’s spear and a net, Argon represents the ideals of the gritty sailors that float across the Northern Sea. Sailors tell tales of their encounters with Argon, but it’s always hard to tell which stories ring true. One consistent trope is the appearance of a lighthouse during a storm, one that dissipates as the ocean settles.”
He doesn’t have a very strong identity within the Council. His control over the natural world has a very limited extent, but his best guess is they keep him around because he serves as the Krakkengärd, Master of Monsters, and the Council decided it was best they stay in his good graces. He doesn’t mind much.
He does have a bit of a drinking problem, but he shows up on time, and at the very least, he’s a fun drunk. What do you expect from a sailor, y’know? Eria does wish he’d work on his table manners, though.
Corinne, Minor God of the Afterlife (Unknown - Present)
[Excerpt - Article - Minor Gods] “Corinne is a god of death, though she is not feared or seen as a dark, looming presence. This god of death is seen as a life-bringer, in ways, especially by the Hollow, who see her as a figure of maternity. She typically manifests as a woman in a long, white dress, with a warm smile and flowing hair, but she is said to appear in whatever form makes you the most comfortable. It could be a friend, a significant other, or even a dog.”
Corinne’s role on the Council is as a representative of the Undead people of the Spectre’s Bridge, as well as someone to send and receive messages from the beyond.
She’s quiet, and a little too agreeable? She’s the kind of person that just doesn’t have any strong opinions about anything. She’s made peace with the inevitability of death, so she tends to come off a bit detached.
She’s liked well enough, but even Necroa finds her a bit off-putting. The scent of nightshade and embalming fluid tends to have that affect on people.
Lenny Bignose, The Troll King (15 1E - Present)
Lenny Bignose, Immortal Troll King of the Valley of Storms, patriarch of Nyoka’s vast system of trolls, acts as the Council’s primary eyes and ears on the ground of the mainland.
If you’re trying to picture him, imagine an oilier, muskier, taller Ted Cruz, toting a cigar and a baseball bat - sized club. Somewhere between Tony Soprano and a megatherium.
He’s a bit big for the table, but he provides a valuable service to the Council, and is willing to do some dirty work if it means some extra vacation time and some low-risk coin.
Necroa thinks he’s kickass, and if Troll King was a viable career path for her, she would be actively pursuing it.
Sosama, of the Iron Lung (172 2E - Present)
A gifted mage hailing from the Southwest Villages, Sosama acts as the Overseer of the Village of the Iron Lung, a small city mostly populated with those practiced in Smoke magic, creating powerful evocations and summoning even more powerful elementals. Sosama sits at a looming seven feet tall, with a wide-brim Jingasa resting on a head of long, shaggy hair. At 28, he has accomplished much, murdering his uncle, the ruthless Kamari of the Iron Lung, by the age of 18, and taking the seat of power for himself.
He sought out the Council on his own initiative, and after a year and a half of a pilgrimage searching the Northern Sea, he made contact with Titan directly, in the mountains of the Rabbit’s Jaw, and made an argument for why he should have a seat at the table. He was brought before the table, and it was put to an anonymous vote. He was voted in 11/1. Nobody knows who voted against it, but my money is on Eria.
Sosama acts as a representative of mortal interests at the table. In the past eight years, he’s done much to quell the chaos surrounding the rising tensions on the ground, and, despite his role as the only aging member of the Council, commands a great deal of respect.
He’s got a bit of a stick up his ass, but he is that motherfucker, and he knows it, so he’s not too concerned about whether or not you’d want to have a drink with him.
The only question remaining is, if the time came, which loyalty would he put first? The Council, or the Iron Lung?
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nyokaposting · 2 years
The Nyokan Calendar
Which specific calendar you’re using depends primarily on which region you have travelled to, as well as your own personal background, but, for the last 198 years, the Common Year has ruled supreme.
An Important Meeting
On the eleventh of Waning Harvest, on the 212th year of the First Era, a council of Elder Kings and Tribal Chieftains, most either speaking in broken Common or being provided assistance by a translator, met on a cliffside to discuss matters of international unity.
To organize trade between kingdoms, two major things had to happen.
A) Roads were to be constructed between the City States, connecting them by land, and -
B) They needed to be running on the same schedule.
The Agazi of Xi had already been following their own lunar calendar for a little over two centuries at that point, miles ahead of some other nations technologically as a result of their dedication to archaeology, and with some minor concessions based on proposals from other nations, including the beginning of a new Era, the Agazi calendar was adapted into common practice.
What Year Is It?
Years in Nyoka are measured first, by Era, and secondly, by Year.
For example, the “present” Common Year is 2E 198.
Let us address the issue of Era. Recorded history is divided into three major segments, or Eras. Eras do not have a set length, but instead, the end of an Era is put to a vote during a time of global change.
It should be noted there is a 5606 year gap between the years 1985 AD, and 1254 of the Arcane Era.
The first is the Arcane Era, AE, a time before the Agazi had developed their lunar calendar, as well as a time marked by bloodshed, feudal rivalries, and religious crusades. This Era extends from 1254 AE, counting down to 1 AE.
The second is the First Era, 1E, a span of 212 years between the adoption of the Agazi Lunar Calendar and its establishment as the calendar that state governments coordinate with.
The third is the Second Era, or 2E. Nothing has come to pass that has felt extraordinary enough to cap the era off. I guess that challenge is up to you.
What Month Is It?
There are ten months in the Agazi calendar, corresponding with the unstable cycle of the Nyokan Moon, Voltan. The months are as follows.
New Dawn
Season : Winter
Length : 36 days long.
Defining Feature : New Year Festival
Al Frigus Valde
Season : Winter
Length : 40 days long.
Defining Feature : The Carnival of the Soul
Rising Sun
Season : Winter / Spring
Length : 25 days long.
Defining Feature : Water Level At lowest
Season : Spring
Length : 31 days long.
Defining Feature : Rainstorms
Turning Page
Season : Spring / Summer
Length : 38 days long.
Defining Feature : Tropical Storms / Typhoons
Season : Summer
Length : 28 days long.
Defining Feature : 20 Hours of Daylight
Waning Harvest
Season : Summer / Fall
Length : 45 days long.
Defining Feature : Peak of Flow in the Veins (Nyokan Ley Lines)
Dusk On Kotoro
Season : Fall
Length : 36 days long.
Defining Feature : Peak of Water Level
Falling Star
Season : Fall / Winter
Length : 30 days long.
Defining Feature : Northern Sea Begins To Freeze
Soul’s Respite
Season : Winter
Length : 25 days long.
Defining Feature : Aggressive Aurora Borealis
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nyokaposting · 2 years
The Collapse
Nyokan history and traditional history diverge in August of 1985, where, in the Nyokan timeline, a barrage of nuclear weapons left society to crumble into ash, leaving bits and pieces of its former glory behind, and leaving the world as we know it entirely unrecognizable. A hard reset on a planetary level.
The Rebirth
Life, however, always finds a way. Over time, the world returned from every corner of what was once the Earth. New races of sentient humanoids evolved from the remaining fauna, and the survivors of the Collapse, both tucked away in holes in the ground and in small communities far from population centers, started to organize into larger cities, losing a good bit of their culture and language along the way.
By 200 2E, society has brought itself back in a major way, and while much of Nyoka remains untamed, and, for a large part, unexplored, technologies are starting to develop that may be a sign of a coming Industrial Revolution.
The Opening of the Veins
With the Collapse came a release of Magic, an electromagnetic pulse of dark matter and energy, tamed by scholars, sorcerers, and those in touch with higher powers.
Something within the radioactive wind that raced across the plains and through the forests of Nyoka for centuries caused a shift in the properties of that energy, and with it emerged the Veins, highways that carry this energy through Nyoka's crust. Monks, wizards, warlocks, sorcerers, priests, and even alchemists and Arcane craftsmen draw their power from the Veins.
Religious and Spiritual Speculation
Now, most commoners you ask, and even some of the most studied of scholars you ask, aren't entirely sure of the specifics of the Collapse. Pre-history is largely vague and mysterious, despite the texts and structures that have been salvaged and maintained from the Before Time. Many attribute the Collapse to be more of a moment of Divine Intervention, a Holy retribution for the Oldfolk's misuse of Nyoka, her resources, and the greed and malice that they succumbed to.
The Agazi, the Keepers of the Library are the most knowledgeable of the events that led to the Collapse, and while only Agazi High Priests are permitted to access the Ancient Texts freely, their religious beliefs and their tendency toward enforcing strict moralism, conservation, and selflessness all stem from the lessons learned from their extensive study.
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