nyxinterstellar · 2 days
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Obsessed with the implication that Gumshoe and Angel knew each other in high school and somehow have shared backstory and that this exists entirely in the form of this single piece of optional dialogue
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nyxinterstellar · 3 days
When I was younger everyone cared about Talk Like a Pirate Day. Every September 19th it'd be yars and shivers me timber all the way down, and people took delight in it. Now nobody ever talks like a pirate, on that day or any other. So few of us cling to the old ways. This is where our society went wrong. People not talking about pirates once a year, everything else about society is fine, probably
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nyxinterstellar · 4 days
Tumblr Tuesday: Many Mikus
"Draw Hatsune Miku from your culture," they said. "Ok," you said, proceeding to create Hatsune Miku from every culture under the sun. From Catalonian to Korean, from Nigerian to Navajo: Please enjoy this staggering abundance of Hatsune Miku fanart inspired by cultures across the world. 39!
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nyxinterstellar · 5 days
Chinese weighlifter Li Wenwen successfully defended her title, winning the gold medal in the women's over 81kg category at the Paris Olympics on Sunday!
In her private life, the Li is actually a fan of traditional Chinese Hanfa.
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(Saw this post on Facebook and loved it, and since Facebook always steals Tumblr posts, I figure I can do the reverse and steal this Facebook post)
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nyxinterstellar · 6 days
*slams you with my fucking PUSSY
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nyxinterstellar · 6 days
Save Dr. Farhat's family from genocide in Gaza
�� "Unveil the truth – Dive into the full story."
✅ This GoFundMe Verified (248) on this list 🔍 by @el-shab-hussein @nabulsi @90-ghost
In the heart of war-torn Gaza, where destruction and loss are a daily reality, lies the deeply moving tale of Dr. Husam Farhat and his family. Amidst the relentless bombardment, Dr. Farhat faced an unthinkable tragedy: the martyrdom of his beloved sisters, Inas and Amal, along with their husbands and children, and his brother Mustafa. This devastating loss shattered not only their dreams but also their hopes for a peaceful future.
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Life Before the War: Memories of a Beautiful Home
Before the war, my life revolved around a beautiful home where I lived with my wife, our daughter Sham, and our sons Muhannad and Muhammad. This home was more than just a place to live; it was a sanctuary filled with love, warmth, and the joy of watching my children grow. Every corner of our home echoed with their laughter, turning it into a place where dreams for the future felt not only possible but inevitable, but then the war came, and in an instant, everything changed. The place where we once felt safe and secure was reduced to rubble. The life we had carefully built, the dreams we had nurtured, and the bright future we had planned were all torn apart. The war didn’t just destroy our home; it uprooted our entire existence, leaving us with nothing but the painful memories of what once was, Now, standing in the ruins of our former life, I'm left with fragments of a distant dream. The joy and security we once knew have been replaced by loss and uncertainty as we face a future overshadowed by harsh realities.
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The Loss of My Professional Dream and Life After the War
And it wasn’t just my home that was destroyed. My accounting office, one of the most renowned in Palestine, was also reduced to rubble. I had worked tirelessly to build this office, which wasn't just a place of business but a reflection of my passion and dedication to the field of accounting. It was our primary source of income, providing financial stability and security for my family, My office was well-known for its exceptional services and strong reputation among clients. Over the years, it had become a symbol of success and hard work in the accounting world. But the war took it all away in an instant. Everything I had worked so hard to achieve was destroyed, and years of effort and dedication were wiped out in moments, Now, I stand on the ruins of my office, just as I stand on the ruins of my life, trying to piece together the remnants of my dreams and memories. This office was a source of pride for me and my family, but the war has left us with nothing, facing an uncertain and difficult future.
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War's Toll on My Dreams and Future
The war didn’t just destroy my home and office; it shattered my dreams and future. As a PhD candidate in Accounting Information Systems at Universiti Utara Malaysia, I was in my final year, pursuing research that is a significant contribution to my field and valuable to entrepreneurs. With a master’s degree with distinction and a bachelor's degree, I also taught at several universities, sharing my knowledge and passion, But the war disrupted everything. Years of hard work, academic progress, and my contributions to the field have been torn apart, leaving me with an uncertain future. Now, I am faced with the daunting task of not only rebuilding my life but also reviving the dreams and ambitions that once drove me. The journey ahead is filled with challenges, but my resolve to continue remains strong.
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Displacement and Uncertainty After the War
Now, after all this devastation, my family and I are living as displaced people, homeless and jobless, with no clear future for ourselves or our children. Every day is a struggle to find food for my children, who have been robbed of every chance at a normal life by this war. Once, we lived in Shuja'iyya, in North Gaza, where we had a home, a life, and dreams. But now, after being displaced over nine times, we find ourselves in the refugee camps of Nuseirat, the war has stripped us of everything—our home, our security, and our future. Our daily life has become a constant search for basic necessities, a far cry from the life we once knew. The dreams I had for my children and myself now feel like distant memories, overshadowed by the relentless challenges of survival. Each day brings new uncertainties, as we navigate this harsh new reality, clinging to the hope that one day we might rebuild what was lost.
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Rebuild Hope: A Call to Stand with Us
We urgently call on all those who stand in solidarity with us, and every supporter, to help save what remains of our lives. Your assistance, even in small ways, can make a significant difference in helping us rebuild and restore our shattered world, rebuilding feels like an insurmountable task, but with your help, we can begin to piece together what was lost. Your contributions, no matter how small, can provide the foundation we need to start anew, offering hope and a chance at a better future for our family. Your solidarity means the world to us as we navigate these challenging times.
👉 https://gofund.me/e9f9ce20
Thank you for your compassion, your time, and your commitment to freedom and justice.
With deepest gratitude,
Dr. Farhat's Family
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nyxinterstellar · 6 days
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appreciation post for what actual baby peafowl actually look like
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nyxinterstellar · 6 days
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nyxinterstellar · 7 days
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nyxinterstellar · 7 days
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nyxinterstellar · 7 days
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Ace attorney villain café
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nyxinterstellar · 10 days
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this image can only be shared on Thursday, Sept. 12
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nyxinterstellar · 10 days
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nyxinterstellar · 10 days
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nyxinterstellar · 11 days
Stop letting your heart and your pussy choose your men.
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nyxinterstellar · 11 days
Recent Palestinian fundraisers 9/7/24
These are all people who have reached out to me in my inbox, i am getting quite a lot of them now so I'm going to compile them here.
Funds less than 10% to their goal are indicated in red, and funds that are more than 80% to their goal are indicated in green
As always, mind currency types and exchange rates when donating
Vetted urgent fundraisers: these are fundraisers for injured or very sick people who need medical treatment ASAP, highest priority
@save-amal-family / fundraiser link / vetted (#475) / €24,331/30,000 EUR
@ahmed79ss / fundraiser link / vetted / $11,950/50,000 CAD
@ahmedomer9 / fundraiser link / vetted by association / €2,551/50,000 EUR
@alaa-gaza / fundraiser link / vetted by association / $4,535/5,000 USD
@wafaaresh6 / fundraiser link / vetted / $11,929/50,000 USD
Unvetted but likely legitimate urgent fundraisers
@ahmed-gaza1 / fundraiser link / dono protected+clean RIS / $311/60,000
@alihelles2 / fundraiser link / dono protected+clean RIS / €863/100,000 EUR
Other vetted fundraisers
@mahmoud201191 / fundraiser link / vetted by association / €60/50,000 EUR
@fatma-anqer / fundraiser link / vetted / €7,960/20,000 EUR
@savepalestineinfamily19 / fundraiser link / vetted / €6,937/50,000 EUR
@emanalmadhoun1 / fundraiser link / vetted (#109) / €16,336/20,000 EUR
@rasmi-gaza / fundraiser link / vetted / $5,953/50,000 USD
@shah599 / fundraiser link / vetted / €5,110/20,000 EUR
@emanabosedo / fundraiser link / vetted by association / $666/50,000 USD
@abedallhferwanagaza / fundraiser link / vetted / €4,581/35,000 EUR
@huda-gaza / fundraiser link / vetted by association / $470/10,000 USD
@lamahourani7 / fundraiser link / vetted by association / $1,859/10,000 USD
@ahadihasan / fundraiser link / vetted (#314) / €1,453/50,000 EUR
@sameer-gaza1 / fundraiser link / vetted by association / $4,404/50,000 USD
@maha-sh18 / fundraiser link / vetted (#88) / £14,251/50,000 GBP
@mariam-gaza / fundraiser link / vetted by association / $165/20,000 USD
@ayoosh-gaza / fundraiser link / vetted by association / $4,758/20,000 USD
@noorabd1992 / fundraiser link / vetted / $15,336/45,000 USD
@abuadam86 / fundraiser link / vetted by association / kr7,990/500,000 SEK
@dodoomar12345 / fundraiser link / vetted / kr188,562/300,000 SEK (They are evacuated but need further support)
@dinamahammed99 / fundraiser link / vetted by association / $5,368/15,000 USD
@lina-gaza / fundraiser link / vetted by association / €39,325/45,000 EUR
@ahmadresh / fundraiser link / vetted / $12,324/31,000 USD
@maria-gaza1 / fundraiser link / vetted by association / $3,808/30,000 CAD
@abdallaalhaj / fundraiser link / vetted by association (OP is a verified fundraiser) / £153/50,000 GBP
@moh26 / fundraiser link / vetted / kr3,479/300,000 SEK
Other unvetted but likely legitimate fundraisers
@hebamatar / fundraiser link / connection to verified campaign / $210/30,000 CAD
@hamdiali112233 / fundraiser link / dono protected+clean RIS / €572/25,000 EUR
@kareeem-sd / fundraiser link / dono protected+clean RIS / €2,176/50,000 EUR
@saveomarfamily / fundraiser link / dono protected+clean RIS / $455/35,000 USD
@shady0598767755123 / fundraiser link / dono protected+clean RIS / €715/50,000 EUR
@a6h16 / fundraiser link / dono protected+clean RIS / €105/49,200 EUR
@mahmoudalmasrifund / fundraiser link / dono protected+clean RIS / €190/70,000 EUR
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nyxinterstellar · 11 days
What type of relationship does a ship name refer to?
Any type
Strictly romantic
Strictly something else
Usually romantic but can be platonic/other
I don’t care
See results
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