oakenlup · 2 years
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oakenlup · 2 years
hey! i l love your writing for LotR!! Could you do something with either Aragorn or Boromir where they stand up for the reader and defend them from someone? not necessarily from a physical attack but you could totally put something like that in if you want. It could be just from a random stranger who doesn’t like the reader for whatever reason, maybe a toxic/abusive family member, or maybe something else of your design. for example, when you encounter this individual(s), it’s really tense and they’re on the offensive and you’re nervous they’re gonna do something drastic. when all of a sudden a familiar, and clearly angry voice goes “what is the meaning of this?” UGH its very cliché but idc it’s sweet. the conflict doesn’t last long bc who in the right mind would intentionally piss of either of them. when the threat is dealt with, the instant you two are in the clear they just round on you like a worried mother hen “oh my goodness are you alright?? i swear the audacity of some…” and they just spend time making sure you’re ok while trying to keep their own negative emotions in check. i just love these two. super fluffy pls!!
BOROMIR X READER: standing up for you
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Denethor. The lowest of the low - only favouring the best of the best, no second places allowed. Denethor didn’t like anyone that wasn’t his first born - he even had a grudge on Faramir for goodness sake.
You were taking a stroll around the city of Gondor, nothing special, just passing time until Boromir was back from sparring with his brother. You and Boromir weren’t anything unfortunately. You would flirt, he’d flirt, but recently...he’s been different, a good different.
About to exit the gates to go to a nearby meadow, you’re met face to face with Denethor passing the corner unexpectedly.
“Oh! H-hello”
He stops you off short with a glare. A small sigh leaves his lips after. “Stop seeing my son, I forbid it”
Your heart stops.
“I’m sorry?”
“You heard me, it’s forbidden, your peasant hands are distracting him from war” he tuts, eyeing you up and down. “I don’t know what he sees in you” Denethor adds under his breath, which makes you squint in an offended manner. You’re about to retaliate until you feel a warm hand on your shoulder, tensing slightly.
“What is the meaning of all this?” An agitated voice says.
“Son! I was just, having a chat with uh...them, that’s all” Denethor fakes a smile, which you give a glare in response. “Well “them” has a name” Boromir adds through his gritted teeth, the hand on your shoulder getting tighter. “Go Father, we have much to discuss, but right now I’m a little...busy” Boromir adds, giving you a quick, but sweet smile, which you gladly give back.
With a tut, Denethor makes his way back into the gates, the guards shutting them at his request.
With a small exhale, Boromir is putting your two hands into his. “Goodness, are you alright my sweet? I’m so sorry he acted so disorderly, it’s very rude of him to be like that” Boromir gritted, looking back at the gates as if he was still there. “Boromir listen, it’s alright, thank you for standing up for me” you giggle, dropping his hands as he looks back. “It’s my duty to protect you” Boromir said proudly, putting his hands around his back to look more intimidating, which makes you both laugh. “How was sparring?” You ask, linking your arm with the one he’s now let go as you both make your way down to the meadow. “Boring without you, you know, you should come sometime!
“How so?”
“So you can learn to give my father a right beating!”
You both burst into laughter before you reach a lovely cherry tree.
“May I ask you something?��� Boromir states, dying down his laughter and getting a little more serious. “Yes, of course...what’s wrong?” You cock your head to the side to see him hiding back a smile. “Can I, can I court you?”
Before the silence got too much, Boromir spoke up again. “I mean, I really do love you, and if we are together there is no way my father can harm you, he has no authority over me” Boromir said with a slight tange in his voice.
You don’t have to say anything to that, all you do is put two strands of his chocolate locks behind his ears, and bring yourself up for a quick kiss on his lips.
“Thank you, sweetheart”
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oakenlup · 2 years
𝐋𝐞𝐠𝐨𝐥𝐚𝐬 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐨𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐝:
warnings: periods mentioned, sex mentioned, Leggy being silly :3
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You were wiggling in pain on the bed. Periods, suck. It’s like one moment you find a good comfortable position, and the next, your womb wants to have a boxing match against you, while your heavily disadvantaged due to the fricking thing hiding away inside you. Legolas didn’t understand periods. Ellith’s didn’t have them, but he did semi-understand your pain, and did wish it didn’t come once a month to burden you. He often gave you space or tried to give you elven medicine, but nothing ever worked. You just had to lie there, and take it. Until one day...
“Meleth nîn! I managed to get in contact with Elrond, he gave me some pointers on how to make your pain go away!” Legolas said excitedly, shutting the door behind you, only to frown as he seen you face down in the sheets, rocking back and forth.
“Shh, I finally found a good position” you mumbled, continuing your rocking. “I promise it will help, it’s called pelvic floor yoga” Legolas responded, putting a spare blanket on the floor as you lifted your head. “Eh?”
You did think yoga would help, but it seemed too strenuous to do any good. “Yes love, come on, let’s give it a try” he came around and picked you up like a bride, carrying you softly to the ground.
Once situated, Legolas sits cross legged across from you. “Okay, now do as I do” Legolas whispered, stretching his legs out infront of him and moving his torso across the opening of his two legs. You quickly done as he said.
“Is it helping?” He asked softly, still in the position he didn’t even need to do. “A little bit, not much” you groan. “It maybe takes a little while to reach your hurty parts” Legolas said, making you laugh at his obliviousness to human anatomy. “I’m sure my hurty parts hate me too much to consider going away at a little yoga”you responded, lifting yourself back up as Legolas did the same. “Well, Elrond did tell me something else that could help”
“Oh, I think I know what he suggested”
You both go to speak at the same time...
“Sex” “hot bath!”
Your eyes bulge. “What? How does Elrond know sex would help periods?!” You tut, thinking Legolas just wanted a little action. “I’m serious love, he did say that! Unless you’re more comfortable with a bath, then I’m happy to oblige” Legolas smiled.
“I guess I could try out Elrond’s scandalous method”
shout out to all the peeps who are syncing with my period today 😙✌️
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oakenlup · 2 years
2022 boys...plz wear your hair like this, I find it very pretty 🥰
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oakenlup · 2 years
Ballroom Ballet Dancer: Part 2
Draco x Reader: fluff/(a little angst? idk)
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Turns out, Madam Pomfrey had to keep you over night to see if your wound would get an infection, which meant poor Draco probably spent more time than needed waiting for you in that tower. Your chance at explaining your feelings, gone.
Hermione and Ginny managed to catch up with you before classes started and gave you little blankets or extra pillows, as the medical beds weren’t the comfiest.
You gossiped for a while, until last night’s activities resurfaced. “I still can’t believe Ron kissed Lavander Brown” Ginny giggled out, slightly disgusted at her brothers actions.
“What?” You asked, sitting up in your bed, now intrigued.
“Yeah, that’s what we were talking about before you smashed that glass”
Shit. Draco didn’t kiss Pansy, it was Ron who kissed Brown! You were too caught up in your stupid thoughts to even acknowledge it at the time.
“Oh...” you whispered, looking down, now feeling embarrassed. “Hey, what’s this?” Hermione said, picking up the black tie Draco left last night. “Oh it’s Urm-“
“Girls” Madam Pomfrey interrupts, prompting you all to look at her. “Classes are about to start, you two better get going” she added, picking up your bandaged hand as the girls went their separate ways.
“It looks as though it’s not infected, you are free to go” she said proudly, patting the pillow before picking up the excess supplies.
As you were gathering up the extra stuff the girls brought down, Madam Pomfrey spoke up again. “Say, it’s awfully weird for Draco Malfoy to take anyone to me” she questioned, cleaning up your bed for the next guest. “Yes, I uh, think he may of been drunk...haha, thank you for healing me!” You divert the awkward conversation with a praise. “No problem dear, here is an absent letter for if your late to class, and make sure to come back if the wound is acting funny!” She said, passing you the note. “Will do, bye bye!”
Potions; first class, and you are 30 minutes late.
You scurry in with your robes half done and book bag falling off your shoulder. “Sorry I’m late sir, I was at the infirmary” you babbled out, your apology only met with a stern glare from Snape. “Here is my absent letter” you squeak under his gaze, handing it to him, which he rudely flicked off. “I do not need such a thing, because I do not imagine you to lie as to why you are late to my class...sit down” he demanded, which was followed by you making your way to your desk timidly.
Sitting down, you get the inevitable whiff of Draco’s cologne, did he often wear it that strong? Trying to ignore your thoughts, you pull out your quill and notepad.
Before you can even get the date down, Draco is passing you a letter.
“You didn’t show up”
You frown and turn the paper over, writing on the back. “She had to keep me over night”
Draco sighs quietly and writes in the tiny space left of the small parchment. “Let’s try again, Astronomy tower, tonight, 8 o’clock this time”
You blush hard while reading it, he was really determined to speak his mind, or hear you speak your own.
You managed to get a few notes down in the small period of time you had left in potions, and managed to get through the day relatively quickly, however, your mind kept fazing back to what Draco has to say at 8 o’clock tonight.
It’s approaching night, and you’ve just finished up dinner. Your dormmates were currently either in the common room or in the library, and here you were, with your stained dress from last night in one hand, and Draco’s black tie in the other. You sigh as your hand keeps smoothing over the dress, you’ll have to get in cleaned, it looks bad enough as it is laying about in your room.
You walk back and forth in your dorm and decide you cannot wait any longer, you have to go up there. Trailing the cold corridors and opened the creaky doors, you’re met with the blonde, his back facing you. Your footsteps alert him instantly.
“Hi” he said quietly, seeing you approach him with something in your hand. “You forgot your tie last night” you whispered, gently putting it forward into his own hand, which made your fingertips graze each other’s. “Oh, well thank you” he said, looking around anxiously. “What did you want to talk about?” You break the silence, making him look directly towards you.
“You said the reason you were upset was stupid, and I said it must not be if it’s got you bleeding, so tell me...what’s wrong?”
“Draco, why do you care? Like honestly, you’re not the type to console someone, especially me, is this like...a prank?” You said, starting to get paranoid at his motives. This statement, unfortunately was not the right thing to say.
“How dare you assume that of me? Here I am trying to do a good deed and you think I’m pulling some kind of prank? Listen to me, I could spread the dirtiest rumour about you and you’d be laughed out the school, and no one would dare question me on how I found out!” He semi-shouted, his brows coming together, his hand squeezing the tie.
Draco seen you blink back tears, so he closed his eyes momentarily, trying to collect himself by giving out an exhale. “I’m just...concerned for you” he added, leaning his hands on the back of the wall. “It’s alright, I’m sorry to assume you would be malicious”
“What happened last night anyway?” Draco questioned, making you look back up at him with a paled face. “I ran out because...I thought you kissed Pansy”
“I thought you kissed Pansy, I thought she was your girlfriend”
“Nonsense, the only people I seen kiss that night was weaslebee and his little girlfriend” Draco tutted, shoving the tie into his robe pocket.
“I’m sorry, I got this all wrong, I got angry for no reason, it’s beca-“ you cut yourself off so you don’t spill the beans on how you have a massive crush on him.
“Believe me, Pansy and I have nothing to do with each other, I’d rather we didn’t know each other for that matter...why does it upset you anyway?” He asked, coming closer to you, your faces inches away.
“Because I have a crush on you”
Your answer was so quiet you could hear a pin drop, but Draco heard it crystal clear.
“Oh” he said, now feeling himself blush. Yes, he was seen as a playboy, and he did have many flings, but they were nothing to him, you at least were kept on his mind more than a day, more than a week, more than any girl has.
“I’ll go” you turn around and leave him there disgusted with your announcement, but Draco only responded with grabbing your hand in his. “Don’t...please”
You face him, anxiety starting to bubble inside your belly, or was it butterflies?
“I...like you too, more than a friend” he states, letting go of your hand to make you feel more comfortable
“But, your friends, they’ll make fun of you, you’ll be seen as less if you-“
“Shh, don’t worry about them right now, how about we get to know each other a little bit more at Hogsmeade this weekend? At least Snape can’t bust in on our conversation” Draco laughed out, seeing your smile resurface.
“I’d...really like that”
“I’ll see you there”
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oakenlup · 2 years
Animal Whisperer:
Legolas x Reader: Fluff
Request from: @otakumultimuse-hiddlewhore
Summary: You, are a lovely young elleth (once human) who has a strong bond with animals. What happens when Legolas spots you tending to one of the rarest creatures there are?
You often loved playing around with animals, they just naturally gravitated towards you. This may be due to many of the young elven maidens finding you a little peculiar due to your background, so you found comfort within animals.
You have no idea how you ended up in Rivendell, but Lord Elrond has told you he found you down by the river, and could not let you float away. This may have been due to him sympathising with this defenceless baby, or maybe because he felt the elven nature within you, which he thought was quite odd for a human.
Elrond was a busy man, so he had to give you to an older elven couple, but he’d still pop in from time to time. When Elrond did come to visit, he’d always see you playing in the gardens, surrounded by rabbits and deer. One day, when Elrond and your adoptive Ada (father) were having tea, they noticed you rush in with a wounded hare. “Ada! Ada!” You screeched, showing him the hare’s little ear, that had gone lopsided.
As your Ada pulled out some supplies, Elrond was more invested in your own ears, this was because they were starting to get pointy! He was astounded. From this knowledge he only knew you had of now be taking on elven forms, including your ageing process.
Many years later, and you’ve became quite the household name in Rivendell. Animals would naturally come to you if they were wounded, no matter how big or small. This prompted you to build them a little shelter made of wood, with hay and medical supplies inside. This caught the attention of many, but you never expected a prince to admire your work.
Currently, a white deer was in your lap, struggling to stay awake due to its energy being whisked away by traveling so far to see you. “There, there” you cooed, petting its ears as it relaxed further into you.
This special creature caught the eye of Legolas, a prince from Mirkwood. He was here to aid the “fellowship” but they had a few days before their adventure started.
Legolas quietly made his way over to you. You looked tall enough and mature enough to be his age, but your tiny points in your ears said otherwise. Legolas got caught up in his daydream, as his sneaking in the woods got caught short by you.
“Hello?” You asked, gently moving the deer to lay in the hay.
“Mae govannen” he replied, putting his bow back in his pouch and approaching you lightly.
You let this man approach, but soon realised, it was Prince Legolas! You quickly got to your feet and bowed to him, lifting your dress a little in greeting.
“No need for the formalities, I’m just, intrigued by your work” he said, taking a seat on the grass, followed along by you. He skimmed the deer that was quietly sleeping. A white deer. That means you must be very trustworthy, caring and loving.
“How old are you, Elleth?” He asked, still intrigued as to why your ear points are so little.
“Oh, I have no idea my prince, probably more than two thousand. I was told by Lord Elrond my strong nature almost, turned me into an elf after being human” you shrug, looking down to the grass.
“Your work, it’s, extremely admirable” Legolas noted, seeing a small bird plop onto your shoulder. “Thank you Legolas, it keeps me busy, I love caring for the animals of Rivendell”
“Say, could you heal elves too?” He questioned, as the bird flew over to his own shoulder, which made him giggle. “I’ve not attempted so, my expertise is with animals” you respond, going to pet the deer again. “Well, I must say you’re a very loving elleth, and I’ve never seen someone so beautiful do such a lovely thing for animals” Legolas remarked, making you blush at his compliment.
“Me and my Ada used to have a white deer that would roam our gardens, he was a cute little fellow” Legolas added, reminiscing in his past as the birds chirped around him. “They are very rare creatures, they must of loved you to of stayed around so long” you responded.
“Oh he did, we took very good care of him. Say, how about we go have some tea, and we can further discuss our love for animals” Legolas said, going to stand up, but stopped as you frowned.
“I’m afraid I can’t leave this little guy before he’s healed, I’m sorry my prince”
“Don’t fret! I shall bring the tea here” he added with a smile, which inevitably made you blush harder. Well this was going to be an interesting afternoon.
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oakenlup · 2 years
Ballroom Ballet Dancer:
Draco Malfoy x Reader
Warnings: Blood, no use of y/n, & a comforting Draco 😟
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The Yule Ball was approaching, and you are in a little bit of a situation. You’ve got no date, but that’s not the main reason. You’ve actually got a massive crush on...Draco Malfoy. He’s the school’s biggest asshole, but his smugness sometimes leaves your heart fluttering. What happens when you see him at the ball?
You stare into the mirror placed upon the vanity. Your hair was styled to your desired look, and your dress was spectacular - it’s a champagne colour that deliciously cascades down your legs and creates a puffy look around them, thankfully hiding your feet, which were in some old creme flats - you weren’t getting a blister!
You’d never seen yourself as the extravagant person, living life at Hogwarts somewhat normally. What was the need to get dressed up only to get poly juice poured down it, but tonight was different.
Tonight was different because, Draco Malfoy would be there, yes, he’s seen as the worlds biggest’s dickhead, but deep down you believe he was just misunderstood, told to be mean because his house and family demand it.
“Are you ready?” Luna called out from the creaked dorm door. “Oh, yes! I’m coming!” You said, picking up a small purse and making your way to the door, flinging it open with excitement.
There, you were met with Luna, clad in her baby pink dress. “Are you impressing someone tonight?” You ask sarcastically, closing the door and making your way down to the hall with her. “Noo, but you look like you are” she spoke softly, taking in your own dress. “Urm, no, I’m not, just uhh felt like expressing myself tonight” you said, covering up the blush of your cheeks by turning to look at the night sky.
Ignoring Luna’s skeptical side eye, you finally arrive at the doors, and lone behold, everyone is up, partying, having a good time. You see Harry and Ron looking miserable as always, the twins messing about, and the teachers looking as though they’d rather be in their bed than here.
“Everyone looks beautiful” Luna said, taking your hand and leading you over to the table which held Hermione and Ginny. It seemed as though Luna had to lead you as though you were blind, because you were looking out for a certain someone.
“Helloo?” Hermione waves a hand infront of your face, making you shake your head back to the table you miraculously ended up at. “Oh, hello all, you look gorgeous!” You said, looking at the girls that had their lovely dresses on. “Ugh, this dress was a waste anyway, they haven’t even started the dancing yet” Hermione complained, handing you a drink she got for you earlier. “Looks like you spoke too soon” Ginny remarked, seeing all the boys and girls face towards each other as music started to play.
You stood up immediately, drink in hand. Did Draco have a partner? Oh you wish he didn’t have one. Oh don’t be so silly he’s only nice to you in potions because he wants your notes, but he’s Snape’s golden boy? Why would he scrounge?! Your thoughts are caught off mid-think, as the girls voiced something you dreaded to hear...
“How on earth did Malfoy get a partner?”
“He’s a playboy, of course he’d find someone”
“He wouldn’t be seen dead without a girl round his arm”
Your heart momentarily stopped, was this...jealously? Your thoughts ran wild again.
Shut up, it’s a dance partner, not like their in love. That means she’s a one time thing, and if he was to ever like you, then you’d be a one time thing, oh dear what if-
“Did they just kiss?”
The glass smashed in your hand at that comment.
“Oh, goodness, are you alright?” Luna exclaimed, seeing the glass dribble down to the floor, along side your blood. “You’ll have glass in your skin, you need to see Madam P-“
“SHUT UP” you shout at whoever said those words, picking up the attention of a few bystanders.
Looking at the shocked girls with tears forming, you ran out the hall, which was followed by a “wait!” from Hermione.
You ran to wherever your legs could take you, that place being the astronomy tower. You balled your eyes out. How could you be so stupid? Of course he had a girlfriend, or a fling or a whatever! It’s Draco Malfoy for goodness sake.
“Merlin, you’re bleeding” a male voice sounded, causing you to look up.
Draco Malfoy.
“Uhm, uh” your strangled voice said through the tears, which caught the attention of Draco even more. “Hey, shh, let’s get you fixed up eh?” Draco said softly. He took off his black tie and used it to wipe the excess blood off your hand, not delving into the cut just yet in case it still had glass inside. “You got it on your pretty dress” he tutted, trying to wipe off the still wet blood on your dress, but that just caused a bigger stain.
You had to be dreaming, no way is he speaking to you, especially so softly, how did he even find you?
“I heard the glass break, and seen you run out” he said, almost as though he read your thoughts, putting his nursing duty momentarily on hold to look at you in the eye.
“What, a-about your g-girlfriend?” you mumbled out, as the tears continued you to have breakage in your voice.
“What? What girlfriend? You mean Pansy? She dragged me up there faster than I could say no to her” he said with a little furrow of his brows.
“What’s got you so upset?” He added, now sitting in a cross legged position.
“It’s stupid”
“Well it’s not stupid, if it’s got you bleeding, speaking of...let’s get you to Madam Pomfrey, shall we?” He said, standing up, asking for your free hand, which you took with slight hesitance.
Draco managed to guide you down to the medical beds and call over Madam Pomfrey, which had a look of shock.
“Oh dear!” She said, pulling out bits and bobs to heal you. Draco stared at you with a slight frown, and went to open his mouth, but he got caught off by the voices of Pansy and Blaise.
“Oi, Draco, who you with?” Blaise said, as he couldn’t see behind the curtain.
Draco’s eyes widened, he didn’t want to be seen with you, but he couldn’t leave you.
“Uh, no-one, I’ll be 5 minutes, just go to the common room or something” he replied with a little annoyance, sending them off with the flick of his hand.
Noting they were now away and that Madam Pomfrey was dabbing some liquid into a towel elsewhere, he leaned in to your ear.
“Meet me back at the astronomy tower tonight, 11 or so, only if your wound is better” he whispered, giving you one last look of sadness, before walking off to his common room.
Part 2
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oakenlup · 2 years
I’m about an hour into Pride and Prejudice but like.....
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oakenlup · 2 years
Since it was snowing where I live, how about...
HP Character’s on a snow day!
Draco, Sirius, Remus, Luna, Cedric:
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Draco Malfoy: Sledding
It was below freezing and all you wanted to do was snuggle in your warmest blanket with your coziest socks - but what does Draco want to do? Go sledding.
With Draco putting on 3 layers for you like you were a little baby, you managed to shimmy your limbs to walk outside, Draco hot on your tail with two sleds behind him.
Approaching the small hill that was only a few minutes away, you and Draco managed to dodge ice on the ground many times, give or take a few foot misplacements along the way.
“Let’s race!” You exclaimed, taking your red sled and placing it at the tip of the hill. “Ok, your on” Draco responded, getting on his own sled and holding his gloved hand with yours. Eventually, Draco disconnected your hands with screams of fear and excitement.
Seconds later, you open your frightful eyes and seen you’ve landed safely at the bottom. However, your boy was not so lucky, knocking over a poor kids snowman in the process, covering him in a soft lacing of snow.
Sirius Black: Ice Skating
“It’s perfect weather! It’s snowing for goodness sake” Sirius said, practically jumping up and down in impatience. “What’s so magical about it anyway?” you say, rearranging yourself on the couch. “Urm, it’s cold” he said, looking out the window like a sad little puppy. “Aw, like you?”
He rolls his eyes in distaste.
Feeling back for the bloke, you get up and run upstairs towards the bedroom. “Oh your not getting out of this!” Sirius laughed, following behind you up the stairs.
Before he could scold you for being a party pooper, your pulling out two ice skates from under the bed. You managed to get you and him a pair a few months back, but the snow unfortunate did not make its grand entrance until now.
“Ready?” You say, throwing him the skates.
Remus Lupin: Building Snowmen
“Ahh it’s so cold!” Remus laughed out, rubbing his gloved hands together as you patted down the snowman’s head, making it some what rounded. “I know i know, it’s almost done though, look at how well you done on the bottom parts!” You said, taking in the well shaped middle and bottom Remus done.
“Thank you dear, what’s next?” He asked, seeing you put on his carrot nose and button eyes. “Oh uhh, a hat!” You respond, taking off your own hat and placing it on the snow man. “Oh darling you’ll catch a cold!” Remus’ protective side coming to light, pulling you closer to him so you can both intake the snowman.
After you acknowledge this poor snowman was probably going to melt in the next few hours, Remus sighed, and broke the silence?
“Yes please”
Luna Lovegood: Snow Angels
Luna, was currently twirling around in the snow, the white particles making her look like a queen. Oh how she loved the snow, it was so pretty, so innocent.
“How about we make snow angels?” You questioned, looking above you at the snow that refused to stop.
“Oh, yes yes, let’s do that!” She said excitedly, taking your hand and plopping down to the snow together.
With your hands still connected, you managed to make two snow angels that were slightly attached at the wing.
With a giggle, you broke the comfortable silence.
“My butt is now wet and cold”
Cedric Diggory: Hot Chocolate
“It looks like we are snowed in” Cedric announced, looking outside the window to see the snow piling up second by second. “Let’s hope we’ve got enough food and that” you say, walking into the living room with a big jumper to keep you warm. Cedric chuckled and directed you back to the kitchen, where he deviated a plan.
Making a quick turn to the kitchen, you see chocolate powder, whipped cream and marshmallows all laid out on the counter. “Oooh, hot chocolate?” You ask, seeing his little cheeks get red. “Yes, of course! Now let’s boil the kettle shall we?”
Moments later, the kettle was boiled and all the compartments of your coco were nicely toppled on top of each other in the mug.
Taking the first sip, you let out a sigh of delight, which in return makes Cedric laugh. “What?” You ask, seeing him shake his head. “You’ve got cream on your nose” he replies, wiping it off with his finger.
Tags: @bella-pas
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oakenlup · 2 years
HP Characters and reader doing; Arts & Crafts/ Fun Activities together!
Draco, Sirius, Neville, Cedric, Luna, Remus x reader (separately)
DRACO MALFOY: Bead Bracelets
Sitting down on the carpeted floor, you and Draco sat back to back, each at your own activity.
What was that activity?
bead bracelets of course.
As more and more tiny multi coloured beads scattered around you both like a forcefield, you began to come to an end of the bracelet making.
“Mine is so pretty” you say, with a little snide laugh, which Draco was too caught up in the moment of his threading to notice.
Sliding the last bead through and tying your red strand in a knot so they don’t fall off, you turned to Draco, handing him the finished product. In return, Draco tied his bracelet, and handed you his completed craft. Looking at the letters in a light green shade, Draco laughed “Blondie <3”
You also let out a giggle, reading your bracelet as well. The letters had a white background, but the decorative pink beads added a nice touch. “Idiot <3”
At least he added a cute heart!
SIRIUS BLACK: Colour by number
“When you said colouring in, I thought you meant we’d make our own drawings” Sirius huffed, looking as you pull out a page with owls on them. “C’mon, this is a fun brain activity!” You laugh, taking in his disgruntled face that rested at the foot of the bed lazily.
“Now, 3 is brown and 1 is black, you can do those while I do the green and the yellow, ok?” You ask, seeing as he picks up the correct colours with a hum.
Multiple hand bumps later and a few discolours here and there, you and your man’s beautiful drawing was complete!
“We should call them...gummy and grumpy” you say, taking in the two owls that were coloured in brown and black.
“Why, because that’s how you’d describe our owls in real life?”
“That’s exactly it, smarty pants!”
Neville was surprisingly good with building, even though he had a habit of belittling his ability in everything not plant based.
You were on your second bag, currently building a section of a Lego amusement park. Bag number two contained a lovely ice cream parlour.
“Ugh, I’m missing a two by two brick, stupid Lego” you argue with the bricks unintentionally.
“Dear, it’s right there” Neville says, pointing towards the cream brick sitting right in front of you!
With a slight “oh” escaping your lips, you see Neville with his impressively built mini roller coaster. “How’d you do all that! In like...30 minutes as well!” You exclaim, it took you almost 30 minutes to open the damn bag and sort your pieces let alone build anything.
“Sharp eyes, I guess” he smirks, eyeing your half built ice cream parlour. “Need help?” He asks sincerely, hands moving over the comfy rug you both sat upon.
With multiple folds in your paper, your frog was coming along splendidly. “He’s almost done” you whisper under your breath, folding the green card backwards.
“Urm...” Cedric said lowly, comparing his frog that lay almost lifeless next to yours.
With a peak from the side of your eye, you see Cedric’s paper was a crumpled mess. You laugh unintentionally but manage to calm yourself.
Poor boy, he’s never done this before.
“Can you help me?” He asks, a little ashamed his frog was more like a snake at this point.
“Of course! Here, here’s mine”
Cedric takes your frog from your hands and gives it a little smile. “He’s cute!”
“Oh I’m going to beat you so hard” you said to Luna, giving her the side eye as the Lady Gaga song began to play from the speakers.
“Although I’ve never heard this music before, I sure am a good dancer” Luna responded with a smile. She was too cute to beat at a game.
However, her cute confidence wasn’t going to stop you from busting out as many moves as possible.
5 minutes later, and the scores are in...
Luna: 2000 points
You: 1000 points
“WHAT!” You exclaim, looking at Luna with slight jealousy.
“No offence love, but you looked like a wriggling worm” Luna softly said, scrolling past the scoreboard and picking a new song she can twirl too.
REMUS LUPIN: Book Swapping
Every Sunday after your stressful work days, you and Remus would make a cup of tea and stick on the fire in the living room.
Here, you would exchange books for one another to read for the week.
“Thank you darling” he said, taking his tea from your hands. “So! How’d you find Pride and Prejudice?” You ask excitedly while getting comfortable on the couch. “Well, let’s just say I may have a crush on Mr. Darcy” Remus said, taking a light sip of his tea. “Well, that’s Austen for ya, and your book was wonderful too, the characters got me emotional” you state, glossing over the cover as you both swap at the same time, exchanging your old ones for a fresh start.
After taking in the covers and reading the blurbs, you and Remus dived in. As you lay your head on his shoulder, you hear him gasp unexpectedly. “What is it? Oh! Have you got to the part where-“
“Shh, No spoilers!” He rushed out, noticing you peek at the page numbers. “Get back to your book, nosey”
“Drama Queen”
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oakenlup · 2 years
working on the plot: 🚫🙈🤢🙅
working on tiny worldbuilding/character details that probably won’t even make it into the story: 👌😍💯👁️
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oakenlup · 2 years
“We only need to wear shoes because the British built roads which hurt our feet.” - Anthony Burgess, Time for a Tiger
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oakenlup · 2 years
Cute <3
Hi! I was wondering if I could request a small fic with Kili? I had a very hard day at work today and I started thinking about how Kili would take care of his one/reader being all exhausted and sad after a long day of walking/working? Maybe he would give her a massage or bathe together, I don't know... it would be very nice please 🙏! I hope you're having a good day ❤ and thank you!
Hi lovey! I hope you enjoy the fic and I also hope you’re having a wonderful day too! ❤️
Your movements were sluggish as you entered your shared chambers, the stress from the day combined with the heat was enough to make you want to take a bath and then curl up in bed, not facing the world for another moment. 
“(Y/n)?” Kili questioned, he too coming back to your shared chambers after sparring with Fili. 
Not hearing him, you continued inside, tossing your basket of goods on the dresser before face planting into the bed. You sold things in the market every day except for two days of the week, but today just was too much. The heat, the yelling, the demanding for you to lower your prices, it was too stressful. 
Peeking his head in first, Kili frowned when he saw you sprawled face down on the bed, your shoes not even taken off. 
Lifting your hand you gave a small thumbs up to acknowledge him. This was odd. Usually you’d give him a kiss and a hug as a greeting, or even a bright smile and a ‘hello’. 
Deciding to not disrupt your silence further, Kili slunk into the bathroom, beginning to fill the bath with salts and scented oils. Once the tub was full enough, Kili quietly walked back into the room, his expression softening seeing your deep breathing. You were exhausted. 
Grabbing two robes and a comb, Kili went back into the bathroom to set them next to the tub. 
Checking off his mental list, Kili nodded, satisfied that he was ready to help you feel better. 
“Lukhudel? (Light of all lights)” He called out softly, rubbing your back as you opened your eyes from your light dozing. 
“Ki?” You called back, confused and not realizing that you fell asleep. 
“C’mon…” He helped you sit up as you rubbed your eyes, tugging you into the bathroom. 
“Let’s get you relaxing now, hm?” Kili was so soft seeing you so sleepy and clinging onto him that he felt bad ruining your comfortable bubble of sleepiness but he knew it was for the best. 
Helping you tug off your clothes, Kili followed suit before sitting in the water and beckoning for you to sit in front of him. Carefully stepping into the steamy water, you sighed as you rested against his chest.  “Rough day?” Kili questioned, running his hand up and down your back, cupping water in his hands and pouring it down your back to warm it. 
“Jus’ exhausted,” You responded, looping your arms around his waist. “I don’ know why I do this to myself, Ki… I love what I do but what am I doing it for?” You questioned, looking down at the rose petals he sprinkled in the water, feeling a smile threaten to tug at your lips. 
“You’re doing it because it makes you happy, getting to see smiles on peoples faces because of something you created... “ Kili reminded you of your words that you said a few days ago when you came home elated from the happiness you were able to spread. 
Humming in acknowledgment, you pressed a kiss to his chest. “Maybe you should take a break for a few days?” Kili recommended as he began to lightly massage your back. 
“Maybe…” You agreed as you felt your tension slowly leaving your body.
Kili slowly adjusted you, making you sit up so he could wash your hair. Taking a small cup, Kili poured water over your hair before rubbing the soap in between his hands to make it foamy, running it through your scalp to remove the dirt and oil from the day. 
Relaxing into his hands you hummed as he rinsed it out, pressing kisses to your wet hair before applying oils and creams to your hair to keep it soft. 
Moments later you sat on a bench in a robe, Kili in his own robe behind you with a comb in his hands, carefully combing and braiding your locks before pressing a soft kiss to your neck. 
“Can we cuddle now?” You asked, leaning your head back to look up at him. Kili smiled before pressing a kiss to your nose. “Of course.”
Kili would do anything to help you feel better after a long exhausting day.
Forever Tag-
@lady-of-lies @all-things-fandomstuck  @fizzyxcustard @izzydaelleth @aquaangel18@raindancer2004 @love-colorfulglittercollection @underthemoon-n​​ @ladylouoflothlorien​ @unlikelysamwinchesteronahunt @bad268​​ @legolaslovely​ @bthtallmadge2​ @abesottedlass @wilhelmyna @tigereyesf​
Kili Tag-
@greennightspider @ashleygrrrl @skylarkvip  @narnvaeron   @queenofmankind
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oakenlup · 2 years
Hello this kinda my first time asking/requesting since I’m so used to just writing prompts so idk if am at the correct spot
I have a request if your interested, it’s a Legolas x reader, where the reader is a bold savage warrior constantly fighting to get stronger then she already is. She’s also half elf and half uruk-hai or orc so she has a very strong and big body like a orc but beautiful features and soft long hair like a elf! She wears an animal skull as a mask to appear more fierce and threatening! L
Aww, I’m so honoured to be one of your first requesties! And yes, this is the right place! This is such a cool and creative trope like, I wish that was me hehe. <3
Legolas x reader: Fluff
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gif creds go to the owner
Legolas was twirling an arrow on his finger, his pointy ears about to fall off due to Gimli’s bickering. Gimli better be glad the elf didn’t throw him into the fire infront of them.
However, the chatter was cut short, as leaves and branches began to creak, notifying the fellowship someone or something was near.
Drawing his bow, Legolas aimed it towards the trees. It was dark, but his elf eyes could make out a faint figure of something big, burly.
“Who goes there?” Aragorn states, drawing a sword from his left side, seeing Boromir shield the hobbits from any danger.
With a ruffle in the trees, your figure is visible now in the fire-light. A dirtied goats skull with broken horns appeared first, followed by a set of light green arms that shot up saying “I’m friendly, don’t shoot!”
The fellowship didn’t lower their weapons though, too busy taking in the jade coloured skin that was heavily decorated in strong muscles and a few scratch marks here and there. “Show yourself!” Gimli shouts, axe in hand, ready to pounce.
Lifting one arm up, you pull your mask off and plop it to the ground, letting your long silky hair cascade down the sides of your large form.
The fellowship began to lower their weapons; this person didn’t seem dangerous?
Legolas lowered his bow, but kept his eye fixed on the figure he was seeing. It was a woman!
Everywhere Legolas has been in his thousands of years in middle-earth, all the woman have been dainty or scared of battle, but not this one, this one is freakin’ gorgeously fierce!
“I’m here to make peace and join you all, Gandalf must of mentioned me?” Your surprisingly soft voice penetrated the air, followed by the crackling of the fire.
The fellowship’s faces frowned at the mention of the wizard, which notified you immediately on the situation.
“Come, sit with us, maiden” Aragorn asks, dropping his sword to the ground, but only getting a huff in return from the woman.
“Maiden? I assure you little ranger, I am no maiden. I’ve fought wars bigger than middle-earth itself. I’ve chopped off more heads that are present here right now. I have lifted a horse’s carcass, with my bare hands!” You say proudly, two green hands resting on your equally as impressive hips.
Legolas, was drooling.
“Well, you’re going to make a fine addition to our team then aren’t ya lassie? Haha, get the woman a drink dammit!” Gimli said, his laugh breaking the tense air.
Half a rabbit meal later, and you and this elven fellow have made good bonds. Sitting on a log facing away from the sleeping crew, you both make small talk on every adventure one another had been on.
“Your ears, their like mine” Legolas says, your ears now fully visible after being hidden by your glossy hair. “Yes, I am half-elf,” you say, giving them a little wiggle. “I see, and half orc, I presume?” Legolas says, taking in the rest of your orcish features. “That’s right, mother was a burly orc, and father was a soft elven warrior from Rivendell, they both died in battle” you retort, going off on a tangent on how both your parents managed to make you as strong as you were today, which made Legolas frown at their fate, but marvel at how you became this goddess you are today.
“My father would not approve of this, but you are a very beautiful young lady, your stature is admirable, better than every man or elven body I’ve seen... and your features are, stunning, like a swan or beautiful dove” Legolas states shyly, was he being too forward?
You laugh, who knew this privileged prince would be able to see something beautiful outside of his status quo. Yes, you were half-elf, but your battle scars and muscles bigger than Frodo himself did not resemble that, only your soft, delicate face and hair did.
“Well thank you, little one” you reply, taking in how Legolas was significantly smaller than you in muscle mass.
“To make this watch duty a little more interesting, how about I re-braid your hair? It must of gotten tussled in all those battles” Legolas quirked, seeing as the conversation had simmered down.
“So I can keep it out of the blood of my enemies? That would be grand!”
Although it was not the response he thought he’d get, Legolas couldn’t help but oblige to this powerful woman he had the fortune to sit next too.
Why do all my fics end with Legolas and braiding LMAO. @imhereiguess420
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oakenlup · 2 years
Hey! Im not sure if you’re taking requests at the moment, but I really like your writings :)
I would love to read how Legolas would react to a really short human!reader <3
PS: I‘m also European :)
Yaas I am taking requests! And this is so cute <3 Thanks for luvin and supporting my stuff! :)
Legolas reacting to a short human! reader:
So, you were out adventuring with the hobbits + Aragorn and you arrive in Rivendell
Elrond holds his council and your sitting next to Gandalf, but Leggy over here is like 👀
He couldn’t stop staring
Not in a bad way, he was just like, are they a hobbit, a dwarf? Nooo, too pretty to be either
Once the meeting commenced you stood up with Gandalf, and the poor blonde’s eyes almost shot out his head
He’s thinking “ok, who brought a child to the council?”
Curious, he follows you out to the gardens as everyone dispersed to their own doings
With a little tap on your equally as little shoulder, you turn around to see this big elf dude staring down at you, literally
“You are tiny”
He would apologise and say he was only curious as to what race produced such mini things
You respond with that you were just a normal human being
Legolas is relieved to see a new race didn’t just pop into existence, but is still confused due to your small stature. Legolas has only seen a handful of humans, and they’ve all been around 6ft or more!
With you laughing at his questioning face, he shakes out of his thoughts
“Your little shoes, and little hands, do you have to eat little portions too? Or in a little house? Do you have little tea cups?!”
Again, you chuckle at his obliviousness, guess elves have never really had any shortlings before, except the children of Rivendell
You answer all his questions, and he’s surprised you can eat a full human’s meal without throwing up!
“How about we test this! Me, you and Gimli, eating competition...winner Uhh” he tries to think of a plausible gift
“If you win, I’ll braid your hair elven style. If Gimli wins, he gets to brag to me all night about his dwarf winnings and heritage, and if I win...”
“I’ll get you a specially made little bow! And teach you how to shoot it, deal?”
Oh he’s on!
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oakenlup · 2 years
The Lord of the Rings Characters comforting an insecure reader about their stretch-marks.
Faramir, Aragorn, Legolas & Boromir
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Looking down at your body, you felt...wrong. Every maiden in Gondor had perfect silky skin and you felt as though you did not fit into that category. With a huff, you began to dress yourself for the day. “What a beautiful way to wake up” Faramir said groggily, getting a full view of your backside. Shocked, you turn around and slip the gown down further. “What’s the matter?” Faramir questioned, sitting up in his bed. “How is that a beautiful sight?”
“What do you mean dearest?”
“My stretch marks! They’re, they’re”
“Gorgeous, stunning?”
“You’re just saying that” you sigh, folding up your side of the bed. “Excuse me missus, sit down” Faramir demanded, fully serious now.
Slightly shocked at his sudden demand, you sit down on your freshly made side of the bed. With Faramir sitting up right, you could get a full view of his burly chest now. “Your stretch marks, are beautiful, I’m not just saying that” he paused, slightly offended you felt so little about yourself. “It shows your body has been through a plethora of things, and succeeded! It’s just a friendly reminder how badass you are” Faramir ends, a broad smile on his face.
Looking up with slightly wet eyes, you pull your soft husband into your arms. “Thank you” you whisper, rubbing his back. “I love you”
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Watching Aragorn strip out his gear, his admirable muscles appeared infront of your eyes. From his gorgeous hair to his soft voice to his accepting personality, you started to get doubts as to why he chose you. Your body was scarred with these lines that remind you of your past, and constantly remind Aragorn no doubt.
Without even making a noise, Aragorn already knew you were in distress. “What’s wrong little love?” He pressed gently, removing his tunic that was damp from the sweat, again, flexing his defined chest. “Why are you with me? I’m not the prettiest maiden in the orchard” you shudder at the thought of Aragorn feeling obliged to marry someone he didn’t exactly find beautiful. “Excuse me? Is this because of your stretch marks?”
Oh how did he already know!
“Come here” Aragorn said seriously, petting his lap for you to sit in. With a defeated trudge, you walk straight into his lap, taking a comfy seat. Without a beat, he traces your stretchmarks that littered your body. “You’re like a tiger, each mark resembles a battle, a war you have fought, how resilient you are” he whispered, giving each little one a separate kiss, his beard slightly tickling it. “See this?” Aragorn asked, pulling down his pants slightly to show a nasty gash that went through his lower hip. With a hiss, your fingers glide over it. “Not so pretty huh?” Aragorn laughed, seeing your expression. “Aragorn your perfect, this is just a mark that shows how perfect you are”
“Do you get my point now, darling?”
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Why is he so friggin perfect. Perfect lips, perfect skin, perfect hair. Damn him! Damn elves and their perfectness.
“Your thinking is loud, dove” Legolas said, back still facing you from the bed, as he stared out the window. “Sorry, I guess I’m just, I don’t know, insecure?”
Legolas quickly flipped his stupidly perfect body around. “What? How?” Legolas asked, approaching you and taking a seat next to you on the bed. “Legolas, you and every single elf to exist has perfect genes, your hair can’t even get tangled, that’s how perfect you are” you mumble, playing with your hands. “Well, elves do grow up in a very, cleansed environment, but what makes you think your beauty is different?”
“See these?” You say, exposing the skin that held the tiny little lines of insecurity.
“Yes, I’ve always wondered how you got them, they are gorgeous, like little lightening bolts” Legolas chuckled, tracing the lines. “You know, whenever it’s bad weather outside and the lightening rumbles through Mirkwood, I always think of you and those little lines, like your trying to show the whole of middle-earth your appearance shouldn’t be feared” he states, still tracing. “Whenever your away adventuring, and I hear it, I often think it’s you, reminding me you’re still very much alive and saying hello” he whispered out, hearing you sigh in a happier tone than before. “Thats so sweet” you say, a smile inching its way onto your face as you place a hand over his. “Not as sweet as you, my little lightening bolt”
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Sitting in the bath with Boromir behind you wasn’t common. Boromir was happily scrubbing your back, but you couldn’t help compare thighs with him. His; defined, slight tan, hairy. Yours; littered in little uneven lines.
With an unintentional groan, Boromir stops his scrubbing. “Did I do something wrong?” He asked, turning to kiss your cheek. “No Boromir, it’s just, ugh, look at me!” You splash the water in frustration. “Hey, hey, calm down lovely, what’s got you in a tussle?” He calmed you down with wrapping his arms around your middle, slightly stroking. “I’ve got stretch-marks, they’re ugly” you huff, petting the arms nicely wrapped around you.
“Oh darling, don’t you get me started. Your body is lovely yes, but you think a few silly lines will repulse me? Noo darling, they only show just how different you are to the other maidens out there, in a good way!” Boromir added with a little chuckle. “But in all seriousness, don’t be saddened, it saddens me” Boromir tucked his head into your neck. “You’re so beautiful, if I had to walk into Mordor just to prove it, I would” he says, taking in his own scars now.
“Remember, every warrior has their fair share of marks and bruises, it shows your braveness! Which I know turns me on” he whispered in your ear, which elicited a small laugh from you.
Only your Boromir could get horny from your deepest insecurities.
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oakenlup · 2 years
HP Characters and attempting gymnastics/yoga: Draco, Sirius, Neville, Remus, Cedric & Fred Weasley
I did spell check this then it like deleted some stuff so apologies if it’s not grammatically correct lol
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“Help me” Draco complains with a slight drawn out sigh. With his arms straightened and right above his head, the infamous Malfoy was scared to attempt his very first cartwheel. “I literally can’t, I showed you! Just land on them and then land on your feet” you laugh, showing him one last simple demonstration; The manor was big enough for your arms and legs to scatter about without hitting any precious vases or paintings. “Ok, ok I’ve got this” he whispers to himself, boosting his motivation and confidence. With an exhale out, he gracefully lands two hands on the ground, followed by two feet, ending it with an unintentional beautiful landing, two hands above his head, just like how he started. With wide eyes, you both started jumping for joy. “I knew my quidditch athleticism would be useful one day!” He exclaimed, jumping up and down in your arms.
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“Namaste” Sirius whispered to himself, cross-legged, wine in one hand and the other sitting in his lap. “Doing yoga tipsy, great work. It’s meant to clear your mind idiot, not intoxicate it!” You scold him, ruffling his dreary locks. With a sigh, he opened his eyes. “Ok! Show me your “advanced yoga” ” he said with fingers resembling quotation marks. “Stand up” you instruct, which erupted a huff from the man. “Here, try the tree pose” you gently say, gracefully sliding one leg on your other, and bringing two clasped hands above you. “Easy!” He said, dropping his wine and putting one leg up. However, seconds later, his body contorted, and his face was promptly planted on the living room mat. “I’m ok” his voice muffled from the carpet. “Pass the wine, will you?”
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“I’m a little scared” Neville mumbled, looking at the intimating ropes that held two rings at the end of it. “It’s easy Nev don’t worry, here I’ll show you” you rub his back as you approach the ropes. With grace, you lifted yourself off the ground and promptly flipped yourself backwards, arms still on the hoops. Releasing, you threw them up above your head. “ta-da!” You say excitedly, which made Neville chuckle. “Ok, I’ll try, my upper arm strength is good, I think” he stammers while approaching the ropes. With two steady hands, he lifts himself and does a flip backwards, landing a little wobbly. “Woohoo!!!” You cheer, catching Neville off guard. “Hey, that was easy!” He said happily, giving you a little side hug. Maybe he could be a gymnast one day.
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“This is so dumb” Fred says, seeing you do a perfect handstand against the wall. “All the blood will rush to your head” he tuts. “Shut up and try” you walk towards him while still in the handstand position, making Fred laugh as he catches your upside down legs, flipping you back over. “Right, here I go” he murmurs, launching himself towards the wall, making his head smack into the wall. “Oh my merlin, what the hell Fred!” You say worryingly, a moment of silence is filled with laughter. Upside down and on the ground, Fred looks up at you with dizzy eyes and states he’s stuck. Helping him get back up, you give him a small hug and rub his head, poor boy, you think to yourself. “Georgie will have a field day with that one won’t he?” Fred says, dropping his sore head onto your shoulder. “Silly, you should of asked for help!” You rub his head even more, hoping he hasn’t went daft.
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“I’m not that flexible, you know” Remus shamefully states, rubbing the back of his head. “Hey, c’mon, this ones easy, and it will help relax those tense muscles you always have, you know” you say, doing some light stretches on the ground. “Ok” he says defeated, stripping off his work tie. “Naked Yoga?” You tease, knowing he’s only removing it to be more comfortable. “Shh” he retorts, sitting his butt opposite you on the ground, his knees up to his chest. “Hold both my hands” you reach out across with straight arms reaching his. “Now lift your legs and connect your feet with mine” you add. Complying, Remus connects your socked feet with his and lifts them above, creating a triangular shape, both your hands caging it in. “Yay!” You say, turning your head to the side to see his face, he looked like he was holding something in. “My calves burn” he squealed, exhaling a breath. With a laugh, you release your legs and hands. It’s time to massage those legs you may or may not of just made more stiff.
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“You can do the splits??” Cedric asks, blown away by your level of flexibility. Walking into his dorm room and seeing you with both legs extended on the ground was not what he was expecting. “And you can’t?” “Cheeky” he says, bending down and taking in the position. “Can you teach me?” He asks, and with a nod, your legs return back to their normal position. Giving him a few stretches, you feel as though he’s ready to be split like a banana. “Ready?” “Ready”
With an exhale out, his legs start sliding. Your smile grows, but starts to disappear once he stops half way. “Ced?” You quirk with a raised brow. “I don’t think I can have kids anymore” he struggles to say, continuing to be stuck in his compromising position.
Tags; @bella-pas
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