oldprince1587 · 1 year
A friend whose reading HS for the first time was like i wanna make a trollsona and they were trying to like classpect themselves, and they did! And i was like, i havent classpected myself, it seems too hard. I feel like my history and sense of self is too scattered to like, think of something.
So i said yeah, i feel like im too involved with myself to really be able to point to any aspect and be like, yeah, thats the one. And then i proceeded to go on a little ramble about Self and how "everyone you have ever met have little fractals of you in their own minds"
And then i was like wait
Thats Heart player talks
Anyways, i think ive classpected myself as a Maid of Heart
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oldprince1587 · 1 year
Its time for a little something I like to call “William Needs to Come Up with Ideas so he Talks to Himself”
The topic of today is
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I have a little logo and everything, it’s hysterical.
I know that a number of people have made homestuck ttrpg adaptions, and I’ve read a lot about one called Tablestuck, if I recall correctly. They’re super neat and all the little things that they have are super cool! HOWEVER! The thing about Tablestuck is how many RULES there are.
Like holy shit. There’s SO MUCH. SO MANY THINGS. Every cannon grist type that has a name is listed. There’s a WORKING ALCHEMY SYSTEM and theres like SIX MILLION TYPES OF DAMAGE!!! That’s cool and all. However.
I am a fucking todler in the world of TTRPGs. I’m so very new to them. I’ve never ran a campaign. I’ve been in some, though!
So, the issues that I am facing; 1) The existing system is TOO hard. 2) The game should be enjoyable for people who aren’t huge homestuck fans
The solution? Resort to much more personalized, abstract, and interpretive concepts.
There’s so much about homestuck that I can’t like, sit here and be like “okay you’re a void player so at X level you get x many hp and get these traits” like you do in other systems, because Classpects are so diverse and personal. And you know how you fix that issue? You don’t!
For each character, we are going to discuss exactly what we want out of level ups, which decides what Fraymotifs (i think thats the right term. if its not, i dont care) they get! Things that will fit their character AND be useful to them. It’s personalized!!!!!!
Another thing about Homestuck that was carried over into tablestuck that i couldn’t work with was how lonely it was. Everyone was separated, there wasn’t much of a party. That’s a theme of Homestuck. HOWEVER! That is NOT something I can deal with, and it wasn’t something my players enjoyed. Solution??? Put em all together.
It really doesn’t matter how, I suppose. It’s like any other campaign, find a way to get them all in one spot, baybie!!!
But like. What about the character sheet? It went through a few iterations, honestly. But I’m settling on something more like this!
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Its so pretty! and it’s a google doc!!! look at it!!! I’m so in love. The thought for the stats was that we have four, maybe five. They’re called HARDER BETTER FASTER STRONGER as an obvious reference. It was a remnant of our first concept. However, these WILL be changed in the near future, since they overlap way too much to make sense. A fun thought is that all the stats are very general, so you get to make your case to the DM about which one to use for a roll. I feel like I’m gonna use some sort of dice scaling, but yeah! Not sure. And, under the categories, people get like, special skills to roll more on!
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oldprince1587 · 1 year
Welcome Home Neighbour ❤️
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I got a hang in drawing wally finally
Made alternate versions as well
Tw: Disturbing imagery
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oldprince1587 · 1 year
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once again, in love. Wally my baby. My dear, my darling. This was inspired by an older audio demo from Clown’s blog, where Wally talks to the listener through a toy phone. It really got me good. Hes so silly.
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oldprince1587 · 1 year
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ok so
i have fallen in love with Welcome Home! It is so interesting and i am OBSESSED!!!
I am in LOVE with this story so far! I have so many thoughts and feelings about it! LOVE LOVE LOVE!!! I want MORE!!!!!!!!!!
This was my first piece of fan art for it! This is one of the first pieces I’ve painted in a while (aka i haven’t picked up a pen in like weeks)
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oldprince1587 · 1 year
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Cecil and Lilea! They are partners and work together on a comedy improv type of show. They’ve been in a relationship for most of high school, but Cecil absolutely hates Lilea, who has a strangle hold over his whole life.
they are. not good for each other.
Lilea Castro belongs to my good friend Kama! idk if she has. a tumblr. idk where
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oldprince1587 · 2 years
Ok so they aren’t as fleshed out as Morticia and Ivy but I love them ok
Nicois Cerino is an Olive blood with a bird lusus, but its like. The size of a housecat. He always wanted to fly with her, so he spent so much of his time making flying machines so that he could fly with her, to variable success.
He lives in a big tree house! filled with textiles made by Helara! He’s a very upbeat and :3 troll. He has the cannon classpect of Rogue of Void, due to his proficiency with creating things and urge to help! Everyone!!!! Especially his Moirail 4 lyfe
Helara Urctus is a rust blood with a reindeer-bear lusus, whom she loves very much and rides around. Some time ago, almost a sweep?, she was attacked by a high blood and lost her eye! Now, she sees ghosts! but she can’t hear them. She spends a lot of her time trying to make spirit boxes and other devices under the guidance of Nicois, and to dubious success. However, she like to make clothing items in her spare time! A lot of Nicois’ clothes were made by her. He stole them, which is why they’re too big on him. However, he refuses to ask her to make clothes that fit him. However, she has made him a scarf that matches her blood, just for him, and he wears it ALWAYS.
They met their human buddies through two mutual friends (wink wink nudge nudge) who provided them with plugins to their messaging app to talk to Morticia!
Nicois tried to keep it secret to Mort that they were aliens, but Helara spilled the beans almost immediately. She didn’t entirely believe them, but tbh, she had a dog girl with green blood in her basement. it wasn’t really that weird. And their mutual two buds were also aliens? She could believe that.
They came to be aware of the ending of their planet and knew that the only way out was to play SBURB, which they would have to get from Morticia- information given to them by the mutual friends. She agreed, and thus the events of Desperate occur and the four players play the most fucked up session known to man (not really but ya know)
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I LOVE THEM! Nicois Cerino and Helara Urctus! My beloved trolls.
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oldprince1587 · 2 years
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I LOVE THEM! Nicois Cerino and Helara Urctus! My beloved trolls.
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oldprince1587 · 2 years
Ok! So! Morticia Geiger is the dark haired girl with glasses. Ivy is the dog girl with lime blood.
Morticia was raised by an insanely smart and well known scientist, who’s name I haven’t made yet lol. But Dad Geiger and Mom Geiger loved her very much growing up and she loved them! Being a Derse Dreamer, she occasionally woke up there in her dreams and explored the moon, before returning to her bed. However, at some point, the roof of her tower was torn off, and every time she dreams there, she looks up and sees eldritch gods, who whisper to her to find the truth. So, she goes into her parent’s science lab basement, which is filled with expensive and dangerous equipment. Thus, she wasn’t allowed. But, she went down anyway and found Ivy.
Ivy is Morticia’s ecto sister. She was found by Mort’s parents not long after herself! However, instead of taking her in, they experimented on her, to figure out what, how, and why she has dog-like features, and what other weird things she has going on. It’s hard to explain without taking their Ectoparents into the picture, so more on that later.
But Mort was dumbfounded and angry. At the time, she didn’t know of their blood relation, but she was so upset that her parents would even CONSIDER this, but there was nothing she could do but sneak down there an spend time with her.
Ivy spent a lot of her time before the session sleeping. It was really the only thing she could do, but because of it, she spent a lot of time on Prospit, basking in the light of Skia and interacting with a lot of the people living there. She’s become good friends with the Queen and the citizens, despite hardly speaking. However, she also has made interesting friends with a human man who had appeared on Prospit a few years prior to the session beginning named Jeffery. Why or how he got there, she doesn’t know, but he’s funny!
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Sorry to inform you that I’m a filthy homestuck and these are my ocs, Ivy and Morticia. On my twitter, i’ve talked a bit about them, but FUCK you im going to talk MORE about them, but I’ll do it in a reblog to save people the pain
They are (were?) part of my MSPFA, Desperate, but since the site has been down for some time, I haven’t been able to work on it. But I do be thinking about it.
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oldprince1587 · 2 years
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Sorry to inform you that I’m a filthy homestuck and these are my ocs, Ivy and Morticia. On my twitter, i’ve talked a bit about them, but FUCK you im going to talk MORE about them, but I’ll do it in a reblog to save people the pain
They are (were?) part of my MSPFA, Desperate, but since the site has been down for some time, I haven’t been able to work on it. But I do be thinking about it.
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oldprince1587 · 2 years
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Saffron, literally the funniest motherfucker on this planet. Being pretty much raised by Jeremiah Harding, she was brought up on the surface. Hence her brown and salmon-y coloration. They are besties. She loves food! Is the entire reason that Jer has to actually cook. As soon as she was able, she stole the kitchen from him.
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oldprince1587 · 2 years
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Jeremiah “Jer” Harding is the son of a former Octarian soldier. She was in charge of a reconnaissance mission, intent to return Octoling deserters to Octavio’s rule. However, in the wake of the second game’s events, the agents part of this mission realized that there was nothing to actually fear and become one with inkling society.
His mother eventually married an inkling and had Jer! Jer always had a love for exploring and learning, which culminated in him becoming a member of the Human Research Lab! Now, he spends his time traveling through human ruins and excavating them in search for artifacts and data on what humans once were, alongside his young Chum bestie, Saffron.
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oldprince1587 · 2 years
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After being deemed a threat to a tyrannical government, research scavenged from Sanitization Research was utilized to transform them into a cold, unfeeling soldier to take down the very revolution they once lead.
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oldprince1587 · 2 years
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Joey Hook! Commissioned for Titantium# 5108
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oldprince1587 · 2 years
the phrase "moon's haunted" rewired my brain the moment it entered my vocabulary never in my life have i encountered a phrase more infectious or fun to use
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oldprince1587 · 2 years
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So what if Salmonids mutated into something... fresher?
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oldprince1587 · 2 years
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This one is actually a commission and I had a great time designing him! My baby
commissioned by @/gwimm#7248!
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