omgitssmallboi · 3 months
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POV: Akari had malicious intentions with Ryoma
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omgitssmallboi · 4 months
Heyo, I heard your take Ryoma related requests right? If so, then can I request Ryoma x reader as the ultimate florist, pretty please?
Like, imagine a scenario where the reader finds the shower room inside of Ryoma’s ultimate tennis lab and decides to put plants or flowers there, bc they are concerned that he would be reminded of prison?
Either they surprises him with plants/flowers there or ask him if they could decorate it?
Ryoma Hoshi x (Positive) SHSL Florist! 💛
Gladly! I’m a beginner writer but I tried so please like it😭 (won’t and can’t force you to like it)
Ryoma’s POV:
"Geez, this girl is loud-mouthed…"
I pull my hat down over my eyes as Miu continues to make vulgar and crude jokes. I honestly don’t know why she’s in here. All she does is say things that she considers “funny”. At this point, it’s becoming annoying.
But then they walked in.
[Reader] [Lastname]. The ultimate florist. It’s honestly a cool talent, I suppose. But I noticed something different about them compared to the others. They…are persistent, when it comes to talking to me. I’ve already told the other students not to talk to me ‘cuz I’m a murderer, but [Reader]…they won’t stop. They keep on following me, trying to talk or interact, and I don’t know why.
Reader’s POV:
"Hey, Ryoma, Miu!" I wave. The first thing I notice is Ryoma staring at the court, seemingly in lament, so I begin to walk towards him. "Hey! So uh, nice lab huh?-" "I’m not in the mood to talk right now, [Reader]." He responds quickly. "If you just came to talk, you might as well leave." I look down at him. "I only approached you to ask you something!" I said, kinda upset over his behavior.
He sighed. "Fine, what do you wanna ask? And make it quick, Miu already gave me a headache." I looked at Miu, her head thrown back, laughing loudly at what I’m assuming was one of her jokes.
"Why are you looking at the court like that?"
…At first he stayed quiet. He pulled his hat down, and looked away from the court. "Like what?" He asked. "So…depressingly?" That’s when he glared at me. "I’m not. Now stop askin’ questions." I was surprised at this sudden outburst. He didn’t seem like the kind of guy to get upset like that. Before I could say anything else, he just left the room.
"Wonder what’s his problem. He seems kinda pissed, or he could just be a whiny lil bitch!" Miu said, laughing obnoxiously after saying that. I shot her a glare before I noticed a door near the back of the lab. 'That’s weird, why is there a door all the way in the back of the room?' I asked myself as I began to approach it. I reached out to touch the handle, when I opened it, it was a room.
A shower room, I think.
The walls seem how you’d expect a shower room to look, some showers, tiled walls, a sink, a small hang-up of handcuffs…wait, handcuffs? I looked closer just to confirm. Yup, it’s some handcuffs. I remembered Monokuma, it was likely him that made these rooms…What kind of sick bastard puts handcuffs in a room made for someone who has trauma with prison…?
I wanted to just smack them down and make sure Ryoma never sees them again, but I knew I couldn’t. I kept on trying to think of what I could do about this. I can’t destroy school property, but I don’t want Ryoma to be reminded of…that horrid place…but then it hit me. I could…try to decorate this room! It’ll give more color to it, and probably draw less attention to the prison shit! I ran out the bathroom, past Miu, out of the lab, and to mine.
Ryoma’s POV: I was walking back to my lab. I feel like a piece of shit now. I got so…annoyed at [Reader]’s simple question and I just walked out on them…whatever. It’s likely they don’t care. When I got in, I saw that Miu was gone. Well that’s good at least. I began to walk towards the shower room. I’m not sure why. Do I *want* to be reminded of my mistakes? Do I *want* to feel like I’m back in that place again? Do I-
The room was brighter than I remembered. There was small purple and white potted flowers posted around the sink and a blue flower next to one on the showers. Of course I know who did it, but why? I got mad at them when they asked me why was I lamenting, so why would they do this for me? But then I looked down at the floor, a small, singular rose on the floor with a note attached to it, I reached down to pick up the note, and when I did, my heart felt…warm.
"I forgive you."
I gotta thank them next time I seem ‘em.
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omgitssmallboi · 4 months
Update on the ask blog: Akari is now scavenging the streets for Ryoma and his cat Betti. So, you can do asks related to that.
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omgitssmallboi · 4 months
Victim: Akari Kinan
Culprit: Maki Harukawa
Song: Best Friends (by OR3O)
Feel free to come up with theories on how this would happen!
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omgitssmallboi · 4 months
Making a singing comic of Akari if she died in the killing game.
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omgitssmallboi · 5 months
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Random green screen Ryoma
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omgitssmallboi · 6 months
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New side blog for Akari’s friend!
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omgitssmallboi · 6 months
(Li’l Doof is an old character I made that is supposed to act as a therapist, but is garbage at it. )
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My fingers after I finished this:
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omgitssmallboi · 6 months
Back with another fic! But this time, it’s about Ryoma and Kaito getting turned into babies by coincidence (AND DEFINITELY NOT ME IN A DIFFERENT UNIVERSE) and Shuichi has to take care of them temporarily.
Ryoma and Kaito, now two small infants curled up against him. Their tiny arms were wrapped around his chest, their heads nestled into the crook of his neck. They were so small, so helpless... and yet, they were still somehow intimidating. Their eyes fluttered open, revealing the deep blue of Ryoma's and the purple ones of Kaito's, and they yawned, revealing their tiny little teeth.
Shuichi couldn't help but stare, completely taken aback by the sight before him. "W-what... how?" he managed to stammer. It was like some bizarre dream, or a twisted reality he couldn't quite wrap his head around. He gently brushed a lock of hair from Kaito's forehead, his fingers feeling impossibly small against the infant's smooth skin.
The two boys stirred, their tiny lungs filling with air as they let out contented little sighs. They seemed to sense Shuichi's presence, because they slowly unfurled their arms from around him and sat up, revealing their chubby little legs. They looked at him with solemn eyes, as if they were trying to figure out what had happened to them.
Shuichi reached out a hand to touch their cheeks, feeling their soft, warm skin beneath his fingertips. "Hey, you two," he whispered. "I'm not sure how this happened, but I'm here to take care of you." He couldn't help but smile a little, despite the absurdity of the situation. "I'm Shuichi, if you can’t remember in this form." he introduced himself, his voice gentle and reassuring. "I'm your big brother now."
The two infants looked at each other, then back at Shuichi, their expressions unreadable. He wasn't sure if they understood him or not. But then, Kaito let out a tiny squeak, and pointed at Shuichi with one chubby finger. "Ba?" he said, his voice barely a whisper. "Ba?"
Shuichi chuckled softly, leaning in to plant a kiss on Kaito's forehead. "Yes, I'm your big brother. And this little guy here is Ryoma." He motioned to Ryoma, who was watching them intently. "He's your friend. Or your other brother."
The two boys seemed to process this information for a moment. They exchanged glances again, and then, in unison, let out a tiny giggle. It was an adorable, infectious sound that made Shuichi's heart melt. They leaned into each other, still laughing, their tiny hands reaching out to touch one another's faces.
Shuichi smiled, feeling a strange mix of affection and protectiveness welling up inside him. He gently picked up Kaito first, then Ryoma, and carried them both into the bathroom. He filled the sink with warm water and placed them on a soft towel, making sure they were comfortable and safe.
Next, he went to his closet and rummaged through some clothes, finding a couple of onesies that should fit them. He dressed them both, making sure to button up Ryoma's onesie all the way to the top and to tug Kaito's diaper snugly into place. As he finished, he caught sight of himself in the mirror. He looked like some sort of strange, surrogate parent figure, with two tiny infants draped over his shoulders.
Shuichi made his way back into the living room, setting the two boys down on the floor. They immediately began exploring their surroundings, crawling around and bumping into furniture as they tried to get their bearings. Shuichi crouched down next to them, watching them with a mixture of amusement and protectiveness.
"You two are going to be the best of friends, you know that?" he said, ruffling Kaito's hair. The purple-haired baby let out a squeal of laughter, clapping his tiny hands together. Ryoma, who was inspecting a lamp cord with interest, looked up at Shuichi.
Shuichi smiled down at him. "Yes, you and Kaito. You're going to have so much fun together." He glanced around the room, considering their options. There were plenty of safe toys and activities they could explore. "Why don't we start with that soft, fluffy pillow over there?" He pointed to a plush, throw pillow in the corner of the room. "You can crawl over to it, Kaito, and then you can show Ryoma how to play with it."
The purple-haired baby let out a happy squeal and began crawling across the carpet, his little hands and knees making adorable sounds. Ryoma watched him for a moment, then hesitantly followed suit. They both reached the pillow at the same time, their tiny hands grasping at the fabric. Shuichi knelt down beside them, laughing as they tugged on it and rolled around on the floor.
"Good job, you two," he praised, gently tousling their hair. "That's a great way to get to know each other." He glanced around the room again, searching for another activity to engage them in. His eyes landed on a small box filled with colorful blocks on the bookshelf. "Hey, how about we build something?"
He picked up the box and set it down on the floor, then helped Kaito and Ryoma each take a block. They inspected them curiously, their tiny fingers exploring the smooth edges and bright colors. Shuichi sat down cross-legged next to them, watching as they began to experiment with the blocks, trying to figure out how they fit together.
"You can put them together however you want," Shuichi told them, leaning in to get a better look at their block-building efforts. "There's no wrong way to do it."
The two boys continued to experiment with the blocks, their tiny hands deftly moving them around as they tried to create something. Kaito seemed to have a bit more experience with fine motor skills, but Ryoma was quick to catch on and even managed to build a few small towers before Kaito knocked them over in his excitement. They giggled and laughed, their infectious laughter filling the room.
Shuichi smiled, watching them interact. He couldn't help but feel a swell of pride in his chest as he watched them grow and learn together. It was a strange, unexpected feeling, but one that he found himself cherishing. He reached over and ruffled the hair of each of them, eliciting more giggles and squeals.
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omgitssmallboi · 6 months
I keep on getting the silly little thought of Ryoma cursing someone out in Italian-
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omgitssmallboi · 6 months
(Li’l Doof is an old character I made that is supposed to act as a therapist, but is garbage at it. )
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My fingers after I finished this:
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omgitssmallboi · 6 months
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Making some animation. I’m trying my best-
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omgitssmallboi · 6 months
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More art of stressed + overly obsessed! (Hey! That rhymed!)
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omgitssmallboi · 6 months
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My two types of pregame Ryoma…..
Either he’s stressed and depressed, or he doesn’t believe in sleep over someone.
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omgitssmallboi · 6 months
Pregame Akari and Ryoma!
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omgitssmallboi · 6 months
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Goofy lil shitpost
I’m about to do something where I add peoples OCs chasing Ryoma with a gun. If you wanna join, just comment! Also you gonna have to post what you’re OC looks like so I can add them to the image. SO THEY CAN EITHER RUN OR TRY TO SHOOT RYOMA. (If you’re OC is gonna run, they gonna carry Ryoma. If they shooting, they gonna have a paintball gun. NOTE: Akari doesn’t.)
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People who have joined so far: @likeadeadbattery
THEY RUNNIN FROM THE ACTRESS WITH A GUN. (Just realized I didn’t give Ryoma a shadow)
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omgitssmallboi · 6 months
Ryoma at 4am:
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