omgkevinallen · 15 days
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omgkevinallen · 15 days
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omgkevinallen · 2 months
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omgkevinallen · 2 years
This is probably one of the most important items you will buy for your companies web site especially if you sell your products on-line, if anything goes wrong with your web site it could mean you losing hundreds if not thousand in sales for your business not to mention the damage to your brand’s reputation if your site goes down. Thats why it is imperative to make sure that you choose a reliable and professional hosting company. Listed below are several things to look out for when you are making this decision for your company, it is definitely a good idea to make sure you have everyone covered.
1. Customer support
This might sound like it isn’t very important if you have an army of tech guys, developers and network managers at your disposal however it is still something that you really should take into consideration when buying your hosting. If there isn’t 24 hour support and your site goes down and you can’t find the issue or you need technical support for the hosts then you will struggle. Some companies like World Global Hosting have 24/7 support with their hosting packages if your hosting goes down for an issue on you end or there, then a company like this will be able to hold your hand through the experience and make sure that there is minimal damage to your site and company.
2. Bandwidth and disk space of your hosting package
This is also a very important aspect of your hosting to consider when you are deciding which company to go for you should always think about how much bandwidth and disk space you are getting. This is because not all services offer unlimited bandwidth, image you are on a capped package and you are a news website. If a large news story breaks on your site and it goes down because of lack of bandwidth them this could mean that thousands of people are put off your site.
3. Reliability of the service
This is always a major thing to consider, just like bandwidth if your site goes down because they hosting service lets you down then you could be facing real issues as a business. For example if your company was selling products on their site you could lose not only the sales but also the trust of the consumer, which is why every aspect of your hosting needs to be carefully considered.
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omgkevinallen · 2 years
Across the country, states have made it a criminal offense to simultaneously text and drive. But the danger doesn’t necessarily stop when you open the door of your car and get out. Even if your transportation is just your own two feet, it’s not necessarily safe to be texting. A recent CBS study found that distracted walking accidents are up 4.2 percent. The accidents are more serious, too: Injuries have gone up by 19 percent.
There were more than 1,100 emergency room visits last year as a result of distracted walking. The issue has become so serious that some towns have even made it illegal to text on your cell phone and walk at the same time.
In Fort Lee, N.J., careless walking can get you fined $85. In Utah, distracted walking—but only around trains—could cost $50 in fines. Around the country, there are some stories which may sound comical but could actually end up being quite serious.
A woman fell off of a pier and into Lake Michigan while texting, according to USA Today. Something similar happened to a man in New York City, who fell off of a subway platform and onto the rails, forcing bystanders to help rescue him before a train approached.
In Delaware, the towns of Wilmington, Newark and Rehoboth Beach have placed signs on the sidewalk urging pedestrians not to text and walk simultaneously as part of the “Walk Smart, Arrive Alive” campaign. “LOOK UP,” the signs say in bold, capital letters. “Drivers aren’t always looking out for you.
At first, the increase in pedestrian accidents puzzled researchers. Some original hypotheses attributed the uptick to unsafe pedestrian conditions. These might include wide roads and narrow sidewalks or more general road and traffic design problems.
Others postulated that an increased amount of people were forgoing their car for alternative means of transportation—biking or walking, usually—which led to an increase in the amount of pedestrians. And while it seems apparent that increased pedestrian use of cell phones is a major culprit, there are other factors that, if addressed, could greatly cut down on the number of traffic injuries.
Just under half of all pedestrian fatalities in 2009 involved alcohol use. Over 30 percent of all pedestrians killed by cars were legally drunk. Six percent of the time, the driver was too. But, aside from banning drunk people from walking, there’s little that lawmakers can do to cut down on alcohol-related pedestrian injuries. With cell phones, it’s another matter. As an April Fool’s Day joke Philadelphia officials created an “e-lane” for pedestrians who wanted to use their cell phones while walking. Unsurprisingly, it actually helped.  Some of the city’s citizens reported that it was easier to get around with an e-lane, reported the Huffington Post.
City authorities, like those in Delaware, are drafting a campaign to stop people from texting and walking. Yet even though governments in some parts of the country are tackling this issue, others are still failing to address it. In Arkansas, New York and Illinois, bills meant to curb distracted walking were voted down.
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omgkevinallen · 2 years
Marketing Insights on How to Promote a Blog
Almost every discussion about blogging eventually comes down to the question: “Do you have any marketing insight that will help me promote my blog?” The flip answer is” “Why do you want to?”
Do you want to: a)   gain more readers b)   gain more business c)    gain more business exposure d)   gain credibility for my business e)   gain more revenue f)     none of the above, just want to express myself g)   all of the above, I want to express myself and become famous in the process h)   all of the above, I’m not blogging for my health?
Only after you’ve answered the question can we begin to discuss the last “P” in the 5P marketing formula of Product, Place, Price, People and Promotion.  We discussed each in previous blogs and saved the best for last – Promotion.
Promotion is a horrible term that frequently gets confused with a marketing when, in fact, it is one component of marketing. If you believe in the 5 P’s, it’s one-fifth of the formula.  However, the 5 P’s are flawed, and promotion is more like 1/10th or 1/100th of a marketing equation.
In an earlier post, The R’s of Blog Marketing, I discussed how blogs help you market your business or ideas. But now, the time has come to discuss how to market your blog as if the blog, itself, is a product.
To keep this discussion simple, let’s define promotion as “getting the word out.”  For promoting a blog, use every means at your disposal for “getting the word out.” Here are just 10 quick tips.
Blog marketing insight 1: If you’re giving a speech, reference your blog somewhere in the talk.  At the end of the speech, have info on how to contact you and get to the blog.
Blog marketing insight 2: If you’re sending an e-mail, make sure your blog url is in every signature.
Blog marketing insight 3: If you have a web site, make sure the blog feeds into the site, has its own landing page, or at least have a link back to the blog on your home page.
Blog marketing insight 4: If you have a brochure, make sure the blog is listed. Perhaps instead of FAQs, list top questions answered or issues addressed in my blog.
Blog marketing insight 5: If you have an area of expertise, write a column for the local paper and reference the blog as part of your credentials.
Blog marketing insight 6: If you follow other blogs or web sites, comment and occasionally (not always) reference your blog.
Blog marketing insight 7: If you’re on LinkedIn, make sure your blog updates automatically to your profile.
Blog marketing insight 8: If you have an ad, make sure the blog url is listed along with your phone number and web url.
Blog marketing insight 9: If you have an away message on your phone, thank people for calling and while they’re waiting to hear back from you encourage them to check out your blog.
Blog marketing insight 10: If you have a great blog post, make a pdf of it and e-mail to interested prospects, or potential employers to show your thoughtfulness (Please proof the blog and use spell check first).
Blog marketing insight 11: If you have a business card, put the blog under your web site, or on the back of the card.
Blog marketing insight 12: If you have a store, put a sign by the register.
Just as promotion is 1/100th of marketing, these insights are just the tip of the iceberg.  There is no wrong way to “get the word out.”  With deference to the pop-culture book “The Secret,” the key to blog marketing is to not keep it a secret.  Scream about it from the rooftops.  Mention it in conversations.  Live and breath your blog and just like  a plant that is watered and allowed sun – it will grow.
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omgkevinallen · 2 years
Article Marketing Freelancers and Freelance Writers: 11 Wise Writing Tips When Writing for the Web
Writing articles or writing for the web does not differ too much from writing for “normal” printed publications. If you know how to write, you are one step ahead of most folks. Adjusting your writing to compliment the web, only takes a few minor adjustments that are easy to understand.
We all make mistakes, and I know that’s hard to admit for some, but it is a reality. We get in a hurry, don’t pay attention, or the dog comes wagging up to you with a mouse in his mouth! Yep, total distraction, and it happens to the best of us.
However, if you’re not careful, writing for the web can sometimes generate repeated mistakes simply due to the amount of work you’re trying to produce. Fortunately, with a few tweaks here and there, these mistakes can be avoided. You certainly don’t have to be an English major, a wizard or a genius to be a talented writer, especially when writing for the web.
The following are the most common mistakes a lot of people make when writing for the web.
It is, its and it’s
I’m assuming we all know how to use “it is,” but when it comes to the apostrophe, things can get twisted and distorted. For the record, “its” is a term used to express possession such as, “its color is black.” The latter, “it’s” is short for “it is” such as “It’s snowing outside!”
Punked out by Punctuation
Did you know that excessive use of the comma can turn readers off?! Yeah, it’s true. Furthermore, colons and their sister, semi-colons should be avoided all together if at all possible. If you find yourself using an enormous amount of commas, colons and semi-colons, what you should do is create shorter sentences instead. For example, let’s say you have, “It’s super important to keep in mind three basic aspects when buying a new car; appeal, affordability, and comfort.” What you should do instead is, “Appeal, affordability and comfort should all be aspects to keep in mind when buying a new car.” See how easy and natural that sounds? No semi-colon is necessary!
Periods and Spacing
We should all know how to properly space and put periods in their respective places, however, most of us learned in school to double space after periods. When it comes to the writing on the web, only one space after a period is all you need.
NO “And’s,” “But’s” or “Yet’s”
I don’t mean you can’t use these words at all, what I mean is you should never start a sentence with those words. It’s an easy and simple mistake to make and quite common. Instead of using one of those words, try using something like “However,” or something closely related.
Keep it Short and Perky
When you’re writing an article or web content, try keeping your sentences to a minimum and be sure to include some spunk. With a little personality added to a simple sentence, your reader will continue to read more. It’s also a fabulous idea to use bullets or numbers when making points.
Help with Headlines
Always capitalize the main words in your headline, but not all the words. Exclude “is,” “of,” “to,” and “for.” UNLESS one of those words appear at the beginning of your headline, then you should capitalize it. Additionally, breaking up your content into sections and using headlines to identify each piece is extremely helpful for the reader.
There, Their and They’re
Use the appropriate format for your sentence. Let’s go over it.
-        There, conveys location. “My book is over there.”
-        Their, conveys that someone possesses something. “Their writing sucks.”
-        They’re, used to shorten “they” and “are.” “They’re having such a great time.”
Than and Then
Just to set things straight, let’s define the proper use of these two little buggers.
-        Than: Usually this word will follow right after a “there” because it is a quantitative term, (meaning mathematical.) For example, “There is nothing more frustrating than someone who tries to tell people how to write.”
-        Then: This word indicates time such as, “We didn’t have the Internet back then.”
First person or third person, who really gives a flip?
Well, if you’re writing articles or any online content, you should give a flip. Pay close attention to how you begin your articles and how you finish them. Many times throughout the Internet you can see a shift in an article from first person to third person or the opposite. Figure out what perspective you want to write from and stick with it. It can be quite confusing if you don’t.
Oh yeah, I am writing for the Internet, and they have links!
When you’re writing, and if it is applicable, use links in your writing. Whether it’s for a definition, a place, an event, another website, or anything really, it allows the reader to get involved or find the answer to questions they might be pondering.
Try to avoid using “Just”
When you use the word “just” it implies to the reader that the task or subject matter is easier than portrayed. For some, this could upset them to the extent they may go off and tweet about it…heaven forbid. Simply remember, (I SO wanted to use “just”) the implication of this word and use it sparingly.
Alright, that pretty much sums it up and now you know the most common mistakes to avoid when writing articles or writing for the web. You are now equipped to write better copy and produce stunning results.
What are some of your mistakes when writing for the web? Do share; we’d love to hear them!
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omgkevinallen · 2 years
Elvis Presley And The Sound He Helped To Create
Playing an Elvis Presley vinyl on your home turntable, you are often immediately reminded of the man’s standing. Rock and roll’s beginning was majorly tied to him, and the music would not have gained traction as easily in his absence.
His good looks caught many females’ attention, and his tough guy personality helped him symbolize a male paragon that many young men strived for. In addition, given that he was no Bing Crosby, Perry Como, or Frank Sinatra, it was easy for young Americans to be enthralled with him. He and his work were, to the young people of that time, an admonishment of the older segment of the populace and their outdated ways.
The young generation’s obsession with Elvis was not a fluke. He, along with several others from his era like Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens, and Chuck Berry, set the table for what was to happen in popular music. The instruments, which had essentially served as a backing for the vocals in pop, were attaining more equal footing with voice. Elvis and other singers were also trying out different vocal tones and syncopations than those before them had attempted. With all the vocal whimsy and instrumental vitality, rock music was extremely exciting for the young generation to experience.
Music such as Elvis’ also challenged norms in popular music because it was able to incorporate elements of more than only the classic pop that had dominated in previous decades. The major cities of the Northeast and the customs of the white citizens within them were closely tied to the old pop and big band genres that had reigned. Black communities, of course, had begotten the very disparate styles of R&B, blues, and gospel, and these majorly influenced the rock sound. The communities that had birthed these genres were in countless different areas of the States and were both urban and in small hamlets. The rural white communities of the South and West had helped create country, which was another influence on the music of Elvis and a handful of other rock personalities. Elvis’ songwriters may have knowingly included more country leanings, knowing that the man, who happened to be a Southerner, would be an appropriate voice to express it all. Rock, then, was absolutely a more “American” sound form than anything prior to it, given the array of sub-cultures that Elvis and others’ music referenced.
Elvis was able to maintain a large fanbase even into the later years of his career in the 1960’s and 1970’s. A great number who lived through those decades still have vinyl records of his albums and songs. Years after his death, Elvis remains highly respected, and widely considered as one of America’s most noteworthy and most pioneering musicians.
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omgkevinallen · 2 years
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omgkevinallen · 2 years
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omgkevinallen · 3 years
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omgkevinallen · 10 years
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This might have explained why it was a bit smelly in my hotel in Paphos, Cyprus last week.
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omgkevinallen · 10 years
Cyprus 2014 - The Perfect Holiday
Сурrus іs thе іslаnd оf іnсеssаnt sunshіnе, сlосkіng uр оvеr 300 sunnу dауs а уеаr. Іn аddіtіоn tо thе glоrіоus Сурrus wеаthеr, а vіsіt tо thіs bеаutіful Меdіtеrrаnеаn раrаdіsе wіll еnsurе а tіmе оf rеlахаtіоn, frіеndlу fасеs аnd іnсrеdіblе sіghtsееіng. Іf уоu'rе рlаnnіng оn tаkіng уоur hоlіdауs іn Сурrus, wе'vе соmріlеd thіs brіеf guіdе tо sоmе оf thе mаnу thіngs thаt уоu саn dо whіlе mаkіng thе mоst оf thе fаbulоus Сурrus wеаthеr.
  Ніt thе bеасh - bесаusе thе wеаthеr іn Сурrus іs grеаt thrоughоut thе уеаr, уоu аrе рrеttу muсh guаrаntееd реrfесt bеасh dауs оn уоur Сурrus hоlіdау. Yоu саn еnјоу а wіdе vаrіеtу оf wаtеrsроrts (іnсludіng sоmе ехсеllеnt dіvе sіtеs) оr rеlах оn а lоungеr оvеrlооkіng thе саlm bluе Меdіtеrrаnеаn wаtеrs оn оnе оf іts mаnу bluе flаg bеасhеs.
  Таntаlіsе уоur tаstе buds - уоur hоlіdау іn Сурrus wіll рrоvіdе thе реrfесt орроrtunіtу tо sаmрlе а rаngе оf сulіnаrу dеlіghts; frоm lосаl tаvеrnаs оffеrіng trаdіtіоnаl dіshеs аnd Сурrіоt mеzе, іntеrnаtіоnаl rеstаurаnts оffеrіng а tаstе оf thе оrіеnt, frеsh fіsh еаtеrіеs, tо gаstrо rеstаurаnts wіth tор сhеfs - thеrе's sоmеthіng fоr еvеrу kіnd оf арреtіtе. Yоu саn еvеn tоur а sеlесtіоn оf sоmе оf thе fіnеst bоutіquе wіnеrіеs thаt Сурrus іs fаmоus fоr.
  Тrаvеl bасk іn tіmе - hеаd оut іntо thе Сурrus wеаthеr аnd tаkе іn sоmе оf thе аwеsоmе аnсіеnt sіtеs thаt dоt thе іslаnd. А hоlіdау іn Сурrus јust wоuldn't bе thе sаmе wіthоut рhоtоs аnd mеmоrіеs frоm Κоurіоn Аmрhіthеаtrе, thе Раfоs Моsіасs, Аnсіеnt Ѕаlаmіs оr thе Тоmb оf thе Κіngs. Воth Lіmаssоl аnd nеаrbу Κоlоssі Саstlе аrе wеll wоrth а vіsіt аnd уоu саn аlsо trу оut thе musеums, аrt gаllеrу, thе Lіmаssоl Ѕсulрturе Раrk, Рарhоs Віrd аnd Аnіmаl Раrk оr thе аquаrіum. Ву еnјоуіng а vаrіеtу оf thеsе рlасеs, уоu саn buіld а rеаl рісturе оf thе hіstоrу оf thе іslаnd, frоm іts fіrst sеttlеrs tо thе mоdеrn dау.
  Lіvе іt uр - Сурrus hаs lоng bееn knоwn fоr іts vіbrаnt раrtу sсеnе іn thе Ауіа Νара аrеа, but thеrе аrе mаnу оthеr hоtsроts fоr hіttіng thе tоwn whіlе оn уоur hоlіdау іn Сурrus. Lіmаssоl, Рарhоs аnd Lаrnаса аll hаvе sоmе grеаt сlubs аnd bаrs аnd thеrе аrе рlеntу оf fаmіlу-frіеndlу рlасеs аrоund tоо.
  Тhе grеаt оutdооrs - аnоthеr wау tо mаkе thе mоst оf thе аmаzіng Сурrus wеаthеr іs tо јust gеt оut аnd еnјоу thе nаturаl bеаutу оf thе іslаnd. Іf trеkkіng оr mоuntаіn bіkіng іs уоur thіng, hеаd fоr thе Тrооdоs Моuntаіns аnd іts bіggеst реаk, Моunt Оlуmрus. Yоur Сурrus hоlіdау саn bе full оf оutdооr fun fоr уоu аnd thе whоlе fаmіlу; ехрlоrе thе lосаl fаrmіng vіllаgеs аnd рrеttу Вуzаntіnе сhurсhеs thаt аrе sсаttеrеd аrоund, оr hеаd іntо thе fооthіlls оf thе mоuntаіns аnd lush fоrеsts fоr bіrd wаtсhіng; оr sіmрlу еnјоу thе sіght оf thе соlоurful оrсhіds аnd аll thе оthеr dеlіghts thаt уоur nаturе-fіllеd Сурrus hоlіdау hаs tо оffеr.
  Тhіs іs јust а smаll sеlесtіоn оf іdеаs fоr уоur hоlіdауs іn Сурrus, but thеrе іs sо muсh еlsе tо dо оn thе іslаnd thаt уоu соuld fіll еvеrу dау wіth асtіvіtу іf уоu wаntеd. Тhе fаbulоus Сурrus wеаthеr аnd thе nеvеr-еndіng sрlеndоur оf thе sсеnеrу wіll lеаvе уоu wоndеrіng whу уоu'vе nеvеr tаkеn а hоlіdау іn Сурrus bеfоrе.
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omgkevinallen · 10 years
Hotels In Cyprus - My Next Holiday
I loved Cyprus so much and not just the Ayia Napa club scene but also the country itself.
Cyprus offers a wide range of things to do from Watersports, Snorkeling around the Mediterranean to just chilling eating the best Greek/Cypriot food and of course sipping on a Keo or Leon.
For my next break I don't have so many days holiday as my last visit to Cyprus, so I am now considering booking a hotel in Cyprus, but I am not sure yet to go back to Ayia Napa and book a hotel there or look for a nice hotel in Paphos.
At the moment the best value hotel booking website I have found is Hotels in Cyprus here not only have they got cheap hotel deals in Cyprus but also some of the cheapest car hire quotes I have found for driving in Cyprus.
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Stay tuned and I will let you know where I finally book. 
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omgkevinallen · 10 years
Coral Bay Cyprus and Peyia Cyprus
I just came back from a fantastic holiday in Cyprus. Originally my mates said Ayia Napa was the only place worth going, but I found a cheap flight to Paphos (PFO) airport so that kind of dictated to me which end of the island I was going.
After reading about Coral Bay and Peyia on the Tourist Information Cyprus website, it became clear that I could have all the fun of Ayia Napa from the Tourist Area at Coral Bay and stay somewhere relatively cheap in Peyia.
Cheap OMG a pint of beer was only €2 and I was getting a Full English Breakfast for €3.90...a real bargain.
I really had a great time and would recommend it to anyone who is thinking about a holiday to Cyprus
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omgkevinallen · 10 years
I was looking for a cheap hotel in Cyprus and found this great site. We'll worth a visit.
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omgkevinallen · 10 years
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