onasaki · 4 months
Update on my post about my tc.
I didn't get his autograph 😔. C'est la vie. I would have been so coquette with my copy of Lolita signed by my tc... So embarrassed that i had the balls to ask him. At least I tried. Mother would be proud.
Send help.
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onasaki · 4 months
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Current read.
Re-reading the first 50 pages like nobody's business. Love Dostoevsky <3
The end of an era and the beginning of the end.
Send help.
Oh god.
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onasaki · 4 months
Is it true that I'd you mention pizza, pizza responds back?
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onasaki · 4 months
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onasaki · 4 months
get therapy 🙏
Execuse moi? Why?
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onasaki · 4 months
Life hack: eat oranges in the shower 🍊
Why? It is PURE BLISS. No mess. No sticky hands. You can enjoy the juicyness with clean hands. Just you, your naked body, and the juice from the orange. DRIP. DRIP. A simple act of rebellion against routine and the status quo. The aroma from the orange intensified by the steam, oufff.
Peel it, take a bite, and you can let go. A joyous moment in a sea of stress. Do yourself a favour.🍊🍊🍊
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onasaki · 4 months
BTW, don't let the rats get you
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onasaki · 4 months
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onasaki · 4 months
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onasaki · 4 months
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onasaki · 4 months
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onasaki · 4 months
Yesterday, at school, there was a football game between the seniors and their high school teachers. Among the teachers, there was my tc, and I'm not kidding you, he was on fucking fire.
I've never seen sm play so well, irl. Now, all the boys in my class want his (and the other teacher's) autographs on their football balls.
I'm gonna ask for my tc's autograph on my copy of Lolita.
I'll post updates.
BTW all the girls in my class know I fancy him. I even have nicknames for him (like every other girl)
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onasaki · 4 months
Omg. You of all ppl get me
the problem with reading and writing leading to a strong vocabulary is that you tend to know the vibe of words instead of their meanings.
if I used this word in a sentence, would it make sense? absolutely. if you asked me what it meant, could I tell you? absolutely not.
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onasaki · 4 months
I love my English teacher, favourite teacher ever. She always says I'm good at English (and i know for a fact im the best in my class, as I'm the only one from my class who was selected by her to participate in the English Olimpiad), but she never seems to notice me, or like me as a person.
I'm not attracted by her, I just want her to notice my personality and my writing. For context, I live in Romania, and I'm in 6th grade, so we don't focus very much on writing or story analysis, but we do get writing prompts sometimes and I'm always eager to read them out loud as I set aside my free time to make my stories and compositions as good as they can be.
She never picks me to answer, only if I raise my hand and she always prioritises the other students over me. The only way I can answer her questions is by saying the answers unprompted.
What can I do to make her like me more? And notice my skills? She knows I'm good at English, but she barely hears from me in class, and I'm worried she doesn't actually know how vast my vocabulary actually is and how I actually write.
Please send help.
I want to be her favourite. My teacher is so sweet. I want her to like me too...
(I have mommy and daddy issues, and I think I'm maybe too atatched to her, and I'm just paranoic. Idk what my sexuality is. I think I'm straight or Bi...)
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onasaki · 4 months
*gay teens and girls with mommy issues
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Why the fuck can I relate to this…
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onasaki · 4 months
I feel bad for her, but she deserves it honestly... That's what she gets if she doesn't pay enough attention to me in class
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onasaki · 7 months
I wish I had an ed
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