oneluckylibrarian · 6 months
I have a blog now!
Thanks to some prodding in the comments on a @netherworldpost post, I have finally made a WordPress blog to host my dissertation and other assorted ramblings. The blog is a bit rough at the moment and I'll work on making look prettier soon - I literally threw it together because Tumblr doesn't host pdfs and I don't want to send people shady links via email. So here it is! Hope you all enjoy it
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oneluckylibrarian · 8 months
Spicy opinion: no academic papers should include more than five* authors. I do not want to have to type names for 20+ minutes during original cataloguing processes**.
*Yes, I know that this is an arbitrary number and some projects require larger teams. My hands just hurt. **The whole academic publishing/funding/careers system needs an overhaul because it is directly contributing to the volume of co-authors on papers as people NEED to publish regularly*** otherwise they can't access the funding or career opportunities to actually get things done.
***Publishing is expensive, it makes sense to spread that cost across as many people as possible, especially when you're all stuck needing to publish to keep your jobs and/or funding; plus, it provides networking opportunities.
I understand all of these things, but again: there shouldn't need to be so many authors on the one academic paper.
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oneluckylibrarian · 1 year
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sometimes i say things on twitter and then make a little graph about it
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oneluckylibrarian · 1 year
Nearly finished writing my dissertation (finally) and it is reading like a love letter to the fanfiction community (which it essentially is)
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oneluckylibrarian · 1 year
Data Wrangling: My Beloathed
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oneluckylibrarian · 1 year
I miss when library books used to have little paper pockets inside with a list of all the people who borrowed it and when... I hate that this is now exclusive knowledge of librarians. I do care that a miss Mariana borrowed this book in 1985 and then Dario in 1997. They're my brothers and sisters
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oneluckylibrarian · 1 year
I'm bored. Let's do some author slander
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oneluckylibrarian · 1 year
Is it okay to be funny in the introduction to my thesis? Because honestly, it's the only way I'm going to finish writing it (and it needs to be written).
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oneluckylibrarian · 1 year
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[image description: a picture of a printed message on a piece of paper. before the message is a picture of pope john paul II smiling and with his hands raised in the air. below it reads:
if you're reading this message, it's highly likely that your printer is exposed to the public internet via port forwarding. This means that *anyone* on the internet with some technical knowledge can send print jobs to your printer - or worse, try to exploit it and use it as a part of a global botnet.
If you didn't intend for this, please look into disabling UPnP (Universal Plug and Play) on your router, or remove the port forwarding rule for the port 9100.
~ a friendly catgirl hacker :3
end ID.]
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oneluckylibrarian · 1 year
The science fiction short story magazine Clarkesworld is now temporarily closed to submissions after a deluge of AI-generated stories.
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(Neil Clarke's blog post mentions that the February numbers are only for the first 20 days of the month, when they paused submissions.)
The problem, Clarke explains, is not that the AI-generated stories are as good as human-written ones. The problem is that lazy grifters think they are.
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oneluckylibrarian · 1 year
It's so weird to be reading about invertebrates and seeing termites presented in a positive light (because they're soil engineers)
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oneluckylibrarian · 1 year
Carruthers’ falseface - what a name for a plant! (Pseuderanthemum carruthersii)
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oneluckylibrarian · 1 year
Currently reading 'Trees with Edible Leaves' (Perennial Agriculture Institute - Toensmeier & Klopf, 2022) and it is a fantastic read. It has been made freely available under the the CC-BY-NC-ND 2.0 license, and I put the link to the blogpost where you can download it in the book title. It's also embedded in the page, so readers don't need to download it.
It's neatly divided into sections according to climate type, has reference images, and is written for the layperson instead of expecting specialised knowledge from the reader. Names for plants are provided - where possible - in the 20 most spoken languages. 10/10 would recommend for anyone interested in carbon friendly solutions to food and nutrition problems. Happy reading!
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oneluckylibrarian · 1 year
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the paper goes on to describe the frog species Hyloscirtus tolkieni, so named because "the amazing colours of the new species evoke the magnificent creatures that seem to only exist in fantasy worlds."
(Sánchez-Nivicela et al. 2023)
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oneluckylibrarian · 1 year
Anyone who has worked in a bookstore or library knows that, unfortunately, books aren’t easily recycled. During my first bookstore job, I gaped in horror as my boss carried our barely damaged stock to the trash.
It was shocking to realize that books cannot automatically be recycled (but, but, they’re paper) because of mitigating factors, such as their format and even where you live. You might have assumed that paperback and hardcover are treated the same way, but this isn’t the case.
Instead of just tossing away broken books or donating to a place that will likely have to throw them out as well, here are a few more options to make your reading life greener.
Use the Library
Not only is supporting your local library good because visiting equals stats equals funding equals better services, but using it also cuts down on future waste.
Trade with Your Friends and Neighbors
Here is an idea: maybe host a book exchange with friends and acquaintances. You can have tasty snacks while trading books, a win-win for your belly and the environment.
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Reuse Damaged Books
Just because a book is getting on in years, it doesn’t mean you can’t reuse parts of it. You can turn illustrations or text into all manner of magnets, collage art, planters, and other crafty things.
Read Ebooks 
Using ereaders is not my vibe, but I get why people find them convenient. Just make sure to recycle these bad boys by researching locations where you can bring electronics.
Click through to read more.
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oneluckylibrarian · 1 year
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oneluckylibrarian · 1 year
you ever get emotional about ao3 and how special it is?
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