onestrangechild · 1 day
Hi I exist again
You wanna know what one of my favorite flavors of Angst is? The self destructive depressed medic. And I don’t mean some some grizzled old dude who thinks“I’m doing what I can for them”
No. Gimme that Young dude who just started like a year ago, who burns the face of every person he doesn’t save into his memory. Gimme the guy who saves 10 but can’t stop thinking about the 2 he had to give a merciful end and wrestles with it in his nightmares. Gimme the dude who was an absolute golden retriever who could only look up, now broken and mildly unstable with a dark dry sarcastic sense of humor. Bonus points tho if they have a few hobbies that make them happy again
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onestrangechild · 18 days
I love the trope of “God dammit it just kiss me”
Sniperscout and spydad just being there, ready to snap mick mundeez nuts’s neck.
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The story of their first kissh
Made just the first page then thought it was a bit boring so i added a lil continuation lol
Bonus doodle inspired by this post :
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onestrangechild · 18 days
Saving this for later
I've found a List of the Names of the TF2 Ships
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Here is a link to the original poster of this (thanks to someone in the comments for finding it)
the only ship name that isn't included is scout x miss pauling which i think is called 'caught you looking'
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onestrangechild · 7 months
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onestrangechild · 7 months
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onestrangechild · 7 months
RBing to try this with some blankets
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Costume. Chitons.
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onestrangechild · 9 months
reblog to violently explode a trans kid’s transphobic teacher
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onestrangechild · 10 months
Oh my god AC made me fall inlove so hard with this man only for that ending TO HURT
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If you had told me a month ago I’d be crying over a superpower emoji octopus teacher from a 2015 anime i wouldve said get outta towwnnnn
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onestrangechild · 1 year
You know, it occurs to me that the known internet phenomenon of Reddit “am I the asshole?” posts having completely misleading headers is actually a really great example of a far less known but far more common practice of extreme journalistic spin in cases where there are large monetary incentives to diminish the story in question.
Like, if you see a Reddit post titled “Am I the asshole for buying my wife a new dress?”, the post is pretty much always something totally deranged like: “I (48) really dislike the way my wife (20) dresses, because I think it’s too revealing and makes her look slutty, which was fine when we started dating five years ago, but it makes me feel like she’s going to cheat on me now that we’re married. I’ve politely asked her to get new clothes multiple times, and every time she refused because she said she liked her clothes, and didn’t want to waste money buying new ones. Yesterday I couldn’t take it anymore so I threw out a bunch of her old dresses and bought her a new one that was more modest looking. She started crying because one of the dresses I threw out had been left to her by her mom who died when she was a teen, but I couldn’t have known that it had sentimental value. She said that I should have asked, but obviously if I asked she’d have just told me not to throw out any of her clothes, including the ones that weren’t sentimental. Also, the more modest dress I bought was pretty expensive, and she never thanked me for it. Am I the asshole here, or is she being unreasonable?”
Similarly, whenever you see a headline like “Woman Wins Millions From McDonald’s Because Her Hot Coffee Was Too Hot”, if you dig a bit, you’ll almost always quickly find out that what actually happened was: A 79-year-old ordered coffee which, unbeknownst to her, was being served extremely dangerously hot, because McDonald’s was trying to have coffee that stayed warm over a long commute without spending any extra money on cups with better insulation. The coffee spilled on the old woman’s lap, giving her severe third degree burns over a huge portion of her body, including her genitals. She got to a hospital and they managed to save her life with skin grafting, but she became disabled from the accident, and her genitals and thighs were permanently disfigured. She tried to settle with McDonald’s for her medical costs, and McDonald’s refused to cover any portion of her medical expenses at all, and so she sued. At trial, the jury discovered that this same exact thing had happened seven hundred times before, and McDonald’s had still decided not to change their policy because paying out individual suits was cheaper than moderately reducing their coffee profits. As a result, the jury awarded punitive damages designed to penalize McDonald’s two days worth of their coffee profits, in addition to the woman’s medical costs.
I think it’s largely the same phenomenon, but I know a lot of people who are familiar with the first case, but don’t know to look for the second. If you see some totally outrageous “how could a person ever sue over this stupid thing?” case, you should immediately be incredibly suspicious that that’s all that actually happened, because a lot of the time, it absolutely isn’t. The people who have the most incentive to make their opponent look not only wrong, but completely crazy for having any sort of grievance at all, are often the actually unreasonable ones. 
Anyway this is all to say that if I see ANY of y’all automatically siding with McDonald’s over the recent case where 4-year-old girl was severely burned by their chicken nuggets because “hurr durr dumb kid didn’t know that chicken nuggets were hot, people sue over anything lol”, I will grab that McBoot you’re licking and shove it all the way up your McFuckingAss.
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onestrangechild · 1 year
Man I wanted to be a parkour guy 😵‍💫
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onestrangechild · 1 year
Fuck you, I love heathers so much ;-;
What if we knew exactly what JD was thinking before the ending?
“I am damaged… far too damaged”
I was fucked. I couldn’t take it anymore, people started actually LISTENING when someone died! For just a few golden moments after the… I don’t remember her- the Mythic Bitch, we all stopped and really asked “what the hell are we doing to eachother?” And it was great! So, I needed to scale it up
“But- you’re not beyond repair”
But… what the hell am I doing?! Am I really about to bury a bunch of innocent people to prove to Veronica that life sucks?! What kind of boo-hoo tantrum shit is that?!
“Stick around here. Make things… better.”
I’d pluck the teeth outta any shit-head that looked at her weird, but here’s my dumbass about to blow her up
“Cuz you beat me fair and square”
She did. It took till now to realize I turned into my dad. I wouldn’t like me. I'd kill me. but you cared enough to at least try
“Please stand back now.”
“A little further…”
I’m so sorry
“Don’t know what this thing will do~”
Just let me make this quick!
“Hope you miss me!”
Oh fuck…
“Wish you’d kiss me”
I’m actually doing it…
“Then you would know
I worship you~”
… and I mean it
“I’ll trade my life for yours!”
Clean start.
“Oh my god!”
“And once I disappear…”
I won’t let myself fuck with you!
“Wait, hold on!”
“… Clean up the mess down here!”
“Not this way!”
“Our love is god”
I used her.
“Our love is god”
I made her my enabler. My scapegoat. She was stuck helping my death addiction so we could maybe grow old with eachother
“Our love is god”
I don’t trust myself to not do it again. And it hurts, grief clashing against the momentary lapse in psychosis, something genuine besides a god and martyr complex
“Our” Veronica “love” I’m “is” Scared “god”
“…say hi to god”
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onestrangechild · 1 year
Oh my god that’s why I LOVED working at a bar/restaurant. People who work at little places like that were always so genuine, no “rules of socializing” my neurodivergent ass could butcher
Obsessed with this girl. Queen shit.
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onestrangechild · 1 year
Fuck you, I love this
any art of any of the batman rouges?
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i have this
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onestrangechild · 1 year
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This is advanced villainy.
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onestrangechild · 1 year
Aye, unprovoked hot take time
I love the idea of König secretly being an Eldritch demon and the whole *King of the deep* brand fuckery that’s been sprouting up… but tentacles feel cheap
BY NO MEANS AM I SAYING ITS BAD TO LIKE! Tentacles are classic when you think “horrible creatures beyond the comprehension of man”, but I wanna spice this up.
I had the idea for a simple like… 4 panel comic of someone being rude to Horagni (cuz I love this ship) and König just walks up behind them stone cold poker face, throws his veil over their head, and you hear really creepy shit fog billows out, the dudes screaming bloody murder and thrashing but can’t seem to get his head free, then König pulls the veil back and the guy falls to his knees gasping, then some reaction out of Horagni either in the vein of “Fuck in the What was that?!” or “A bit… overkill but thank you”
I can’t draw worth-a-shit (I’m good at stick comics tho ;u;) or I would sketch this myself, discuss however you’d like
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onestrangechild · 1 year
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König sketches + Körangi 👑🐯
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onestrangechild · 1 year
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Pink Prison, a comic I did for my color theory class this semester! we had to pick a color, research it, and do a piece related to it somehow. i chose pink :)
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