onlyfairytail · 10 years
Hello~ I wanted to ask you, if you can draw Natsu. Laughing or smiling? Please? I miss him anyway T.T Have a nice day!
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I miss him too :’C 
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onlyfairytail · 10 years
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onlyfairytail · 10 years
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Samuel Larsen as Gajeel Redfox
inspired by (x) and (x)
more personifications
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onlyfairytail · 10 years
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onlyfairytail · 10 years
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Fairy Tail bamf ladies. Lucy as an example in 385! 
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onlyfairytail · 10 years
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onlyfairytail · 10 years
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Who are you in Fairy Tail? Myers Briggs Personality Test Version
Click on each row to view at readable size.
Take the test to find your type here. Read More about your type here.
Non Tumblr Version (Uncropped)
Edit:Very sorry for linking to a test that costed money. Fixed and changed to a free one now.
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onlyfairytail · 10 years
Could you draw maybe Natsu Lucy watching over their newborn cold or Wendy? I just love your art and I really need some Nalu feels.
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they’ve had no sleep for two nights but their little girl is worth it
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onlyfairytail · 10 years
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onlyfairytail · 10 years
I'm only on episode 14, but I really am wondering why they didn't show Erza re-quiping and Grey's ice powers until the episode when they defeated the form of the flute.
Erza and Gray were barely mentioned in the beginning of the story. The first three episodes rarely involved either of them. Also, episode ten was an omake/special episode, so it wouldn't have followed what was going to happen.
I, myself, don't really know why Mashima keep their powers under wraps until that arc, but I think it was the best arc to display them because they were obvious more powerful than the villians they faced, and it eased the audience into the following arc, Gray's. I only say it eased the audience into it because it involved a creature of Zeref, like Deloria, and it centers around Ice mages, Gray's powers.
Well, I hope that helps! :)
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onlyfairytail · 10 years
god dam just once can you make a fight good this shit sucked if there strong make them better matches more even no one wants to hear some sob story for the hole fight while the heros get wooped then win it the end by some bull shit fuck
First of all, yes, the cliche idea of a sob story win is getting a bit boring, but there are always good fights too. Good fights include: Erza vs. Erza Knightwalker, Juvia vs. Gray (the sob story was just her background, but it was a fair fight), and the Dragons, future!Rogue vs. Fairy Tail and others (I don't remember any sob stories there) and more.
Secondly, I don't actually write the story. I'm just a fan taking care of this blog (badly).
Thirdly, it's okay to be annoyed very once in a while. Also, I feel ya, this storyline is sooooo gooooood.
I hope you and everyone has a good day! :)
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onlyfairytail · 10 years
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"To protect our family… We’d become enemies of the state and the world! That’s Fairy Tail!"
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onlyfairytail · 10 years
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“YOU finished the food in MY fridge, didn’t you?!??!?”
I was so conflicted with my feels when I saw that Lucy had Aquarius’ powers. Mostly because while one side of me was depressed over the emotional separation of Lucy and Aquarius, the other side was already coming up with headcanons of how much fun it’d be when Lucy finally gets to torture Natsu whenever he annoys her. Oh gosh. It’d be the best.
Though I’m not sure whether this “exchange” is temporary or not.. Most likely it is!
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onlyfairytail · 10 years
It’s come to my attention that some anons have been throwing death threats around.  I don’t know who the victim is, nor the exact reason they’re being targeted, except that it is Fairy Tail related.
No one, and I mean NO ONE, deserves death threats, especially over a dang anime/manga series.  If someone doesn’t share your opinion on a character, ship, plot point, etc. the appropriate response IS NOT DEATH THREATS.  
Such actions are vile, inhuman and not to mention - ILLEGAL.  Anonymity is an illusion on the internet - you can be found.  If the person you harass commits suicide, YOU CAN AND WILL BE CRIMINALLY CHARGED.  This isn’t a fucking game.  This is a person’s life.  An actual living, breathing human being with a family, friends, significant other, and people who depend on them.  So before you decide to hide yourself behind a false veil of anonymity, think about your words and actions, and their possible consequences.
If this is the route the FT fandom is going down, I don’t want to be a part of it.
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onlyfairytail · 10 years
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The 12 Golden keys' Spirits
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onlyfairytail · 10 years
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Rise up, old friend
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onlyfairytail · 10 years
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"There are times when I have to fight. I’m going to become a Sky Dragon!"
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