osdd-culture · 3 months
P-DID system culture is not having amnesia or dissociation
P-DID culture is . . .
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osdd-culture · 4 months
OSDD cultire is not knowing who's fronting
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osdd-culture · 4 months
This is another “culture-is” blog for every OSDD system to share their experiences in relation to OSDD.
While sending in asks/responses, starting with “OSDD culture is…” is typical, you are welcome to write in more specific responses such as:
“OSDD-1b culture is…”, “questioning OSDD culture is…”, “median OSDD culture is…”, etc.
- Every type of OSDD system is welcome to send in responses (OSDD-1a, OSDD-1b, OSDD-2, etc.)
- Although this blog isn’t specifically focused on systems with endogenic origins, this is a safe space for all systems and you are welcome to stick around
- Questioning OSDD systems are welcome to send in responses as well (just be sure to start with “Questioning OSDD system culture is…”)
- Traumaendo systems & systems of mixed origin that have OSDD are also welcome to submit responses
- This is not a space for sys-course: please respect that and keep sys-course away from our blog and inbox (this includes tagging reblogs with syscourse tags!)
- Please avoid sending in content known to be heavily triggering for many (in other words, keep it SFW and while you may vaguely reference trauma, please do not describe any traumatic experiences for the safety of minors and easily triggered systems)
Other than our rules mentioned above, we do not have a DNI. Just be kind, respect our rules and keep discourse out.
A bit about us…
This blog is run by an OSDD system <3
We’ve seen plenty of “culture is” blogs for systems, but never one specifically centering OSDD systems and their experiences which led to this blogs creation.
12 notes · View notes