ouchihaha · 3 years
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haha i miss them :,> 
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ouchihaha · 3 years
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Even after his birthday Xiao was frequently seen catching lots of crystal flies, I wonder why..? we can say that his birthday message lives in my brain 24/7 and not that I procrastinated enough to just finish this now..
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ouchihaha · 3 years
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you know I’m the lazy kind of fan artist when I draw Genshin Impact characters in modern clothes... I’m sorry! The details are too much for me </3
So anyway, here’s Scaramouche, the grumpy edgy kid? ig? Oh! for more Genshin Impact content I have another blog “shiroyukineko112″
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ouchihaha · 3 years
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My friend rly went and said "Kaeya is easier to draw than Childe."
Me, foolishly, drawing both of them in fullbody to proof a point: "wanna bet?"
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ouchihaha · 4 years
Omg yes somebody said it!!
• Seeing Jack Frost be hated because of fanfiction people have read of him;
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• Seeing Jack used as a prop to ship Jelsa;
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• Seeing Jack being written out of character, aka: as an egotistical, over confident, cheating jock type, who brags about his looks and makes fun of others for no reason;
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When in reality he's a gentle soul who doesn't even realize how amazing he is and brushes off any compliments given to him.
The only person he makes fun of is Bunny and that's because Bunny initiated it and it's taken as brotherly banter. He gets along with the other Guardians without a hitch!
He doesn't pull pranks for the sake of doing it, he does it because he was alone for 300 years and just wanted to be noticed. He loves kids and would protect anyone (even those he hates) with his life. He literally DIED saving his sister for god's sake!
He's low in self-confidence because of his isolation and more than likely lost belief in himself during that time. But he still held on to his hope and kept a smile while fighting through the pain.
He's an emotional guy and can sometimes be irrational. He's mostly playful but he does know when to be serious, as shown during every dangerous scene in his movie.
And he's not even a jock. He doesn't have much muscle, he's very thin and it weirds me out to see fan art of him buff. Just...
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If he was human, he would much rather be in gymnastics or track. Maybe even ballet, he's flexible. He'd be the type of teen to volunteer to help homeless shelters and kids clubs/daycares.
He's also the last person on the planet to cheat on anyone. HE WAS ALONE FOR 300 YEARS! He understands personal space but he'd be so emotionally attached. He'd be jealous if his lover flirted with others like anyone else, but he wouldn't go out of his way to act dominant. He's not even really that dominant to begin with because as I said before, he's an emotional guy.
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HE'S SO RESPECTFUL!!! Why would you possibly want to write him as a cheating ass?! He's not a flirt and never has been.
So to those of you who insult his character for the sake of a ship or because you actually think he's a jerk for some reason;
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ouchihaha · 4 years
Okay Gabriel Agreste. 
These two lines make him sound so much like a dad. Like its just how he says them is very dad-like.
Okay Daaaaad
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ouchihaha · 4 years
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Kakashi been teaching Sasuke things, and it’s not good for Sakura’s heart but she never minds. :,> -------------------------------------------------------------------
(Will Joseph Cook- Be Around) Yeah, it’s that tiktok trend. the song’s just cute and it’s been on my brain for weeks now lol
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ouchihaha · 4 years
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ouchihaha · 4 years
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Little ninja need lots of sleep between missions
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ouchihaha · 4 years
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!!!! [NOT SASUSAKU , NARUTO, OR BORUTO RELATED]!!!!!!!! Hi I’m also a fan of Mystic Messenger (it’s an otome game) and I saw Cheritz decided to hold a fan art contest. So I can’t let this slip by and I had to join! posting ss fanart soon! hehe
oh and umm if you wanna see more of my mysmes drawings i have a twitter account @gemmariyuh 
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ouchihaha · 4 years
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kakashi knows that wearing a mask keeps others safe! 
also this is my new comic style so you can expect something similar to this in future comics (whenever I feel like putting effort into making one)
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ouchihaha · 4 years
*whispers*your art ask with mysme is so good. I was wondering if you could do something with mysme and a chubby, insecure mc. I understand if you dont want too, I just thought id ask ;-;
I’m sorry this came so late but so much kept coming up!!
I’ve been working on this sporadically since you sent this ask, to be honest, and I’m honored that you trust me to answer this sensitive question for some.I wanted to share screenshots from the game where I remember the members themselves telling MC they dont care what she looks like, but somehow I can’t find them though I remember them!! (So many routes, how would I remember which one it happened in;;)
But nonetheless I worked on this, hopefully it conveys my feelings on the matter. I thought that the best to answer this would be the one guy who probably knows the least about what you look like….
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ouchihaha · 4 years
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[read from left to right]
Road to Ninja AU: After finally realizing that he’s madly in love with Sakura, Charasuke decided to leave behind being the town flirt and focus on winning a certain kunoichi’s heart. Will Charasuke be able to win Sakura’s heart with all the obstacles he faces?
It’s been a while since I drew Charasaku, the one on my header was the last Charasaku fan art I did and I miss them AAA  Honestly though, I really love the Flirty Sasuke and Tsundere Sakura trope ever since, and I guess I’m not letting that go lololol. I just love the dynamic hehe
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ouchihaha · 4 years
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Since my first fashion TodoBakuMomo post I ended up liking the idea so I made this :) hope you like it!
look @littleroundpumpkin :D
Inspired by this and this song (Taemin once again in the playlist lol)
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ouchihaha · 4 years
some of u didnt have tumblr before the porn ban where u would literally just randomly be scrolling through your dash and happen upon a series of aggressive gay porn gifs because one of ur mutuals happened to be horny that night and it shows
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ouchihaha · 4 years
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It’s canon that Sauce is very overprotective of his waifu, no one can convince me otherwise! It’s been a while since I posted about sasusaku and I miss them so much! I haven’t been catching up with the Boruto series lately neither have I heard news about ss so :V I’ll do my waiting.
Also I got this concept from an icorrect quote on twitter, I have asked the author permission to draw this into a comic uwu
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ouchihaha · 4 years
i am so sorry but i made this. im bored to death
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