our-wicked-ways · 5 years
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Chapter 9 - Victoria Hook 
“Easy off the starboard bow!” I pulled my gaze from the beating waves against the hull of the ship to comply with my father’s order. He was a proud man at the helm of his ship, he’s not the same as it used to be, but his strength and regality remains nonetheless.
“Father, remind me again, why couldn’t Peter have joined us today. He does enjoy the little excursions we have.”
“Peter was otherwise occupied, you know he’s working dear.”
I sighed and stepped towards him at the helm, my arms crossed tightly across my chest. He always says I look like my mum when I’m like that. “You can’t keep sending him off on these assignments. Peter and I are to be married, whether you like it or not. He asked for your permission, which you gave, might I add. There isn’t anyone in the world you trust more, he is and was your best man, for Christ’s sake!’ “He is still a military man, therefore, I already have a limited trust for him.” Father hated to be wrong.
“Of course I’d fall for a military man. I was a military brat. Not like I knew anyone else.”
Father made a noncommittal noise, but nodded. “I may not trust him, I do have the utmost faith in him. There isn’t anyone I would rather you marry, is that what you wanted to hear?”
“Thank you.” I sang, standing up on the tips of my toes to kiss his cheek.
“Now, go on, we need all hands on deck.”
Rolling my eyes, I followed the “Captain’s” orders and went back to my position.
From the pile of our belongings on the deck, I could just barely make out the sound of the satellite phone ringing over the crashing of the waves. “Father! The phone!”
“Answer it! I’ll handle whatever business it is later!”
“If you say so!” I shrugged it off and answered the phone, keeping it between my shoulder and ear, “James Hook’s superior other half speaking, how may I help you?”
“Now isn’t this a pleasant surprise, I was not expecting this. You must be Victoria.”
“That’s me. Who are you?”
“Oh, how rude of me. My name is Antoine Felyne. Is your father available, I have some rather urgent information to discuss with him. I will be but a moment.”
I pulled the phone away and motioned for my father’s attention, “Say’s his name is Felyne and got something important for you to hear. Sounds all fancy and shit.”
There was a beat of silence from my father, him weighing his options mentally, “I’ll take it. Thank you.” He bit out, obviously not pleased with his decision.
A little skeptical of it all, I still handed the Sat phone over.
“Antoine. It’s been too long. What do I owe the pleasure?”
The call seemed tense to the say the least. I stood off to the side, listening to what I could from my father’s end. I could hear a handful of names, none of which sounded familiar. Felyne didn’t ring any bells either. My head jerked up when I heard my father snap, “No, no, I hear what you’re saying and  just don’t want to hear it. Fine, I will keep the offer in mind, happy? Good day, Antoine.” Father hung up the phone and shoved it away,
I stayed quiet for a good few moments, not sure how to go about breaking the silence between us. “So...what’d the Felyne guy want? No one calls while we’re sailing unless shit is real bad. C’mon, you know you can tell me.”
Father wouldn’t have told me so I had to push the topic. He knew not to brother avoiding the topic, I was as damn persistent as him. Not a battle worth fighting. “Felyne thought to call me to advise me that I send you off to London.”
“What the hell? Back up, who the hell is Felyne?”
“A colleague of mine. His daughter’s bodyguard is through us. I could trust him as far as I can throw him, but the man has his select moments.”
“But why back to London?”
“Supposedly my line of work and history has put you in danger-”
“Well no shit! Took him that long to realize that?”
“As I was saying, now the law enforcement has caught wind and is on our tail. The idea is to get you out of my hair for your safety.”
“You want me to stay. If you let me actually marry Peter, I can have a husband and a bodyguard in one. No one would have to worry.”
“To pull your beloved from his assignment could be detrimental to our current relationship with his employer. I want to bring him back to you, but at this point I can’t.”
I held my hands on my hips, straightening up, “Then I guess I’m going to London. I don’t trust any of your other guys, any one that isn’t Peter. You know that. Now I’m going to call this Felyne guy back to know more about whatever the  hell he’s talking about.”
There was a tense silence, Hooks were notorious of being damn pig-headed and determined when it came to getting what we want. But, I was raised as a princess and always got what I wanted. Father would cave, just a matter of time.
“Fine. You go and stay until I say it's safe to come back. And you come back, that is not up for debate. Only you. I can’t ensure the safety of every person. Alright?”
I gave a fake salute, “Aye, aye, Cap’n.”
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our-wicked-ways · 6 years
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Chapter 8 - Silje Westergaarde
Ever so slightly, I could hear the Annual Westergaarde Holdings “End of the Fiscal Year”  party. It was Grandpapa’s pride and joy, everyone who was anyone was celebrating in the floors below me. That’s just the thing, there was far too many people, especially for my liking. With all of Grandpapa’s sons with all of their children, I was able to slip away before anyone could really care to notice.
My first thought was to go up the floors to find my Papa’s office. It was amazing that Papa was able to have an office, especially considering that he was the youngest of the whole family. He made due, something we both had to learn how to do early on.
Time had managed to slip me by as I trace my fingertips over the spines of the book sitting neatly on the shelf behind his desk. I didn’t even notice the door open until a one sided conversation. From the book I held in my and, I looked up to find my Papa on the phone.
He continued to run his hand through his hair, trying to calm whatever nerves seemed to be on end. “Mhmm...alright, I’ll talk to you soon. I swear to you. I love you,” And with that, he hung up the call and slid the phone into his pocket. He turned my way and forced a kind smile, “Silje, darling. There you are. How long have you been hiding out here?”
I just knew something was off. “Not long, after the photographs, I would have to say. I heard the end of your call, was that?...”
Papa sighed, but nodded, “It was. She sends her love and misses you so so much.”
My heart fluttered at his words, I missed her too. My parents married, but only in name. Grandpapa and Grandmama never wanted it to be done in the first place. Though they did get married against their wishes, I am to stay in Norway with Papa while Mama is in Sweden, where she’s from.
“What were you two talking about? If I can ask-”
“We….we were actually talking about you. Somethings are going on and I needed to know what she thought, for the best for you, of course. We’re going to see her soon, I’ll make sure of it. One day soon, I promise.”
“What do you mean there’s something going on? Is everything alright?”
“Oh my darling, I wish everything was. But it isn’t. Would you please sit down?”
Whatever were the contents of the phone call, had Papa more worried than I can remember ever seeing him. I did as he asked and sat on the couch against the opposite wall. Papa followed an knelt before me, taking my hands into his own.
“Darling, you’re going to have to go away for a while. I ordered your plane ticket, you leave in the morning.” He couldn’t look me in the eye, simply kept his head hung low as his thumb traced over the back of my hand.
“What...what are you saying? What do you mean I have to leave??” I snapped, a bit more forcefully than necessarily.
“It’s for the best, I wouldn’t do it if I didn’t absolutely have to. But there is an Interpol Agent going after one of my clients and if the financials trace back to me,I don’t want to see you be caught in the fray. Do you understand?”
“I do..and you called Mama?...”
“To know if I was doing the right thing for you, for the family. I just needed to know from her. And bless her heart, she said I was. She said I was a good father and...and that’s what I needed to know.”
“You’ve always been a great father, Papa.”
A faint smile grew on his features, “Thank you darling. Sometimes, it doesn’t seem that way, but it is good to hear you say that.”
“The trip….where will I be going?” I chewed my lip nervously, not quite sure how to ask about it.
“Oh. That. Well, you have a non stop flight to Heathrow Airport in London. I wasn’t sure if you wanted a stop so I saved you the worry. From there, you will be driven from the city to a home. You won’t be there alone, some of my clients have children around your age that you’ll be staying with. Everything will be alright, I promise.”
“Have I met any of these other children before?”
“No, no, I don’t you have. I haven't met some of them in fact..” Papa’s words began to trail off as if he was beginning to rethink the whole decision.
“It’s going to be okay, Papa, just like you said, It’s all going to work out in the end. I’ll go and when this is all over we can go see Mama and be a family again. Like we’ve always wanted.” I offered a smile to help ease his worry.
Thankfully, Papa smiled back to me and he reached up to cup my cheek in his hand. “You’re so much like your mother. I see it in you every day.”
“One day, it’ll be easier, you’ll see.”
“You’re right. That day will come. Now, let's get out of here, one of us needs to start packing. And I have some work that needs to get done. Not everyone is getting a vacation from boring old real life.”  
“Would stay if I could, but I gotta go!” I shrugged playfully.
“Yes. You really do,” Papa wrapped an arm around my shoulders and smiled softly, “This trip will be good for you, my darling. You’re getting out of Norway, away from family to somewhere brand new with new people. Who knows, you might not even miss home.”
“I’ll always miss home and I’ll come back, I promise.”
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our-wicked-ways · 6 years
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Chapter 7 - Shan Chao
I was stark still, my breathing deep and shallow and a bead of sweat traced down my temple. My fingers rolled over the nock of the arrow all while I maintained my stance. I didn’t dare shift my gaze from the from the target a dozen of meters ahead of me. Father stood to the side, shoulders framed stiffly with his arms folded across his chest. Silence fell between us, of Father testing me once again: my stance, my arm, my attention, my obedience.
“Fire,” The word gave little notice, only to test me further.  My fingers unfolded, releasing the arrow from the hold. We watched like statues, frozen at the sight of the target being struck. Father made a noncommittal huffing sound, “You’re off. You told me you had fixed this earlier. I expected more from you.”
I nodded slowly, knowing to hold my tongue as I slipped an arrow into the nock of the bow, then raised it to fire, “Yes sir.”
He stayed quiet for the moment following, as if to have my actions, my words, my tone for any form of disrespect. Fortunately for my sake, he found nothing of note. Before the second order was given, a lacky, nothing more than a private, came running up to us on the green. He snapped to attention, chest heaving from exhaustion or feared nerves, it was hard to tell in any way.
“This had better be important.” Father bit out, his arms folding tight behind his back.
“Sir- sir-” The man gave himself a moment, “There’s a call for you, from a Monsieur Felyne. He says it's about your son…”
Both pairs of eyes trailed towards me, I stiffened under their gaze, but remained unmoving. “Stay. I will handle this.” Father ordered before departing with the private following at his heels.
This left me on the green on my own, forgotten like a child’s play thing when they were outgrown. It would be hard to say that I was surprised by his actions, This was all part of his “training”, his grooming to create the perfect heir for his empire. That’s all I was, nothing more but I mound of clay to be molded to his liking, much less a human being, or even his son. I was a protege, a pawn for him to manipulate for his own personal gain.  I stood for what felt like hours, but in reality would have been mere minutes. Rustling from to my left drew closer, my eyes darting slightly to see who was coming my way.
“You will be leaving for London, England. There will be two men waiting for you there.  Pack your things, you leave before nightfall, do I make myself clear?” This was nothing unexpected, Father would give an order that I could do nothing but accept. But to go to London on such short notice that caught me by surprise. When I refused to do so much as move, he only sighed, “Fire then dismissed. You are not to be late tonight.”
I made a soft hum in a form of a response then released my hold on the arrow. A straighter shot. Another hum and Father turned on his heels to return inside rather than giving me some form of approval. Slowly, once I knew he was gone and far from ear shot, I finally let my guard down. My arms fell to my side, my chest collapsed, releasing all pent up tension I had built up over the course over the past hours. Everything was sore and ached dully from the lack of circulation, I was grateful for it finally be over. It took a moment to ground myself, letting the orders sink in for the first time since receiving them.  The thoughts still ran rampant through my mind as I fathered the remaining arrows and began the trek back to the barracks.
All I needed was a rucksack for the trip, it wasn't as if I knew what to take or had much worth taking with me, let alone enough to pack that would take up more room. I started my way through the halls, my bag thrown over my shoulder as I passed my mother who was seated poised and elegantly, watching life pass us by through the window.
“And where do you think you’re going?” She mused softly, not even bothering to look up from the window as she raised a cup of tea to her lips.
“I have been ordered out. I’m leaving for London this evening.” I paused, finding the right words for the situation I have found myself in.
She nodded slowly and gestured me to come sit beside her, which of course, I obeyed. “Do you know why you’re going to London?”
“He didn’t give any reason, I only know a “Felyne” called about me then I’m leaving.” Mother stilled at the name, which I noticed regardless if she was trying to hide it or not. “Who is Felyne, mother?”
“Antoine Felyne is nothing short of a mad man, but you did not hear that from me. Everything in the dark world is in one way connected back to that man. Nothing could come of him calling for you. Be vigilant and aware, my son. Your father has a great many ties, but this is the one to be most worrisome over. He knows what is best for you, my son. And this, this is all according to plan for him. We best follow in suit.”
If I had to say, I was at a loss of words at her warning, but I caught myself easily. “I will. I understand the choices he makes and what is best, I knew that this was one of those choices from the start.” That simply sugar coated my opinion on this. It was a miracle of my release, but there had to be a reason that was not being told to us regarding the sudden choice. Father was never one for another’s opinion so to have Felyne talk him into something, I knew not to underestimate the control Felyne had.
“The world beyond our own is not to be tempted with, but there is so much more than what you know. It will be what is best for you.” There was a hint of longing in my mother’s eyes as she spoke, longing for what could no longer be hers, what was just outside of her grasp: freedom. I was given a gift that was far beyond her ability to gain.
“I best be off. I don’t want to be late. That was made abundantly clear the consequences that would be dealt if I do not make it.”  I stood again, readjusting my straps over my shoulders only to gain no form of action rom my mother. I did not honestly expect anything from her. She could not argue with her husband’s words, there was nothing she could do or say except watch her only child leave home at the hands of two mad men across the world. This is the life we must live, unfortunately.
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our-wicked-ways · 6 years
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Chapter 6 - Roux LeGime
“Another round!” Gaston raised his glass high above the energetic crowd who only erupted in louder cheers.
I wanted to throw up on sight. His “smile” dripped with self pride where he saw himself as the superior, above anyone and everyone in the bar. Everyone loved him regardless, fawned over him as if he was God to them or something. He could do no wrong in their eyes, completely perfect in every way. Oh was he lying straight to their faces, but could they see, hell no. God it was disgusting. I eyed the sight before me with such disdain, a grimace growing in my features as I raised my own glass to drink it dry.  
The bartender tipped his head towards the crowd once I turned back in the stool, “Some guy, huh?”
“Yeah,” I bit out, a cruel smile forming. “Some guy. Put it on his tab, why don’t you?”
He nodded with a shrug and pulled the glass from the countertop. I slipped off the stool, pulling my jacket over my shoulder and fished through Gaston’s own jacket for his cell phone. I’ll get a kick out of it later. No one even noticed I was leaving, the crowd was still cheering on Gaston for exploits I didn’t care to understand.
The moon danced in the late sky, where clouds hung before it’s face,dancing elegantly  as I wandered down the cobbled streets outside the barhouse. I took a good moment under its light basking in its glow, breathing slow and easy to let everything out. What I would give to be out on a job right now, but no, we have to be grounded for who knows why. Bursting away wouldn’t be an issue if I could actually take credit for my work. Whatever I take down, always manages to get under his name one way or another. Gaston can’t bring himself to admit that I can out shoot and succeed above him in every way so he cheats. Surprising? It lost the charm a long time ago.
I managed to trek a good distance from the bar until I felt a soft vibration against my leg. My first instinct was to check my own phone, but its been quiet for who knows how long. Gaston’s, on the other hand, was full of life. Unknown lit up the screen, and so, just to screw with him more, I answered. “Bonjour”
“Now, Gaston, you know you shouldn’t be having your girls answer for work. That just doesn’t look good for business.” The man in an icy purr drawled out.
“Look, I’ve got to ask, please tell me you talk to him like this all the time.”
“Well, that all depends on exactly who you might be. I don’t believe we’ve been properly introduced. After you, my dear.”
“Roux LeGume. Now I think it's your turn.”
The man hummed a response, “I’ve heard much about you, LeGume. I must say, I’m very impressed with your skill set.”
I would be lying if I said the compliment didn’t feel good, but I knew not to make it known, especially to the likes of Felyne. “Now it's your turn.”
“Oh yes, how rude of me. My name is Antoine Felyne.”
“As in Cheshire Felyne?”
“The very one.”
“This ought to be good. What you calling Gaston for, then?”
“Fortunately for you it is very good. There is a certain Interpol Agent by the name of Simba Mwangi, perhaps you’ve heard his name in passing. It would appear he has a knife to grint against Scar Zaki, the black market tycoon. And how this applies to you, you must be wondering. As any concerned parent in our line of work, I was calling your loving father to see what his plan was for you.”
“Throw me to the wolves, if I had to guess.”
“Oh dear, now that is most unfortunate.” It was hard to tell if he was serious or just being an ass. I would put money on the latter if I had to. “How does this sound, I have a proposition for you.”
I stopped walking, I had listened to Felyne drone on with no real interest, but how something was worth my time, “Go on.”
“Since you’re obviously left to your own devices, you can make your own decisions regarding this. Would you rather be thrown with the wolves or run with the pack? A similar acquaintance of your father and I share has a son, not too far off of you. She is housing him just out of London, I heard from down the grapevine that there is room for anyone would care to stay. But you didn’t hear that from me, love, yes? Wonderful. Now, I best be off, Ms. LeGume. Things to do, you know how it is. Au Revoir my dear~” His icy pur dripped with his farewell, making me grimace long after he hung up.
I had heard of Felyne on a handful of occasions, some head dealer for the likes of the  Queen of Hearts, who maybe fancied himself too many samples of his product. He known for knowing everything, be it information about the the dark web, governmental figures, or anyone in between.  Thing about Felyne is that he has a tendency to only do things for his personal gain in the long run rather than simply as a favor. There was a catch for this, I had no doubt. Did I honestly care, it was more likely that Felyne was doing this out of the goodness of his heart.
I continued down the street, but this time, I had a plan. While still on Gaston’s phone, I bought a plane ticket, first class on his card for London. Just for good measure, I made sure to transfer out some spending money from his accounts, left just enough to keep him upright. Now, that was going to hurt. As I turned the corner for my loft to pack a bag before the morning flight, I tossed Gaston’s phone into a nearby rubbish bin. I wasn’t just going to run with the wolves, I’m going to lead the pack.
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our-wicked-ways · 6 years
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Chapter 5 - Allistor Vinderand
Screaming through the city streets, I shifted the car’s gear and punched on the gas to cut through a yellow light. I kept well above the speed limit the whole drive. Did anyone try to stop me? Oh I’d love to see them try! They all know when they see a black and red blur pass by, to just leave it be. Half of the force was on my payroll, the other half was just too damn scared to do jack shit about it. The car slammed to a stop in front of a booming warehouse with a bustling line far down the block. In black, white, and red neon lights “Down the Rabbit Hole” blinked proudly for all to see. Time to go to work.
I pushed open my door and grabbed my hat that rested on the passenger seat as I stepped out, slipping it on my head. The crowd erupted at the sight of me, which only made me smirk. The bouncer remained a statue at the door until I pulled the Queen of Hearts card from the band of y had. He nodded approvingly and stepped aside for me to enter. I winked and tipped the brim to those who had to wait in line still.
A waitress, her face covered in playcard decorated mask instantly sided beside me upon my entrance with a glass of scotch on a silver tray, waiting for me.
“Too kind, love.” I purred, raising the glass to my lips.
“The lounge is ready for you, Mr. Vinderand. The book are waiting on the table as well.” She smiled slyly in return and turned to go back to her rounds.
To be honest, I had absolutely no clue who the hell that was. She works here obviously, but her name? I got nothing. They all wear masks for a damn reason. I shrugged it off and began my way through the club. The music was blasting and lights around the room. As I passed through the growing crowd, strangers tried their hand at flirting, It was cute, don’t get me wrong. I only smiled back, but didn’t really give them much thought.
The bass suddenly dropped at the hands of the Rabbit at the DJ’s stand as I climbed up the stairs for the lounge. A modern style room decorated in black and red with accents of white and gold. Got to give it to her, but mum does have good taste. I threw my hat onto an armchair, took the tablet that waited by the couch and clicked it awake before leaning forward on the guardrail that rounded the balcony.
I swiped slowly over the numbers that lit up the screen, numbers for shipments, income, payments, the likes. All made sense, never needed an accountant where I knew it all. Halfway through this month’s records, I could feel my phone vibrate in my back pocket. Right when I thought it was going to be an easy night, mabe find a girl to take home, too. I downed my drink in my hand as I felt the vibrating die down. Mum. Missed Calls (2)
“Oh bloody hell.” I groaned out loud, throwing my head back and redialed the number before putting it to my ear, knowing this couldn’t be good.
“Hello darling. Did I catch you at a wrong time? At least tell me you know her name.”
“Very funny, mum. Just got to the club and ignoring your calls.” I made eye contact with the Rabbit behind the bar and shook my class where he nodded in acknowledgement. I could just hear Mum sigh my comment, which held very little bite.
“How kind of you, Allistor. I’m so proud of you. Very funny.”
“I like to think I’m hilarious. Seriously mum, as much as I love these little chats, you usually have a reason.”
“Let’s see if this is just as hilarious: when was the last time you spoke with Dinah Felyne?”
“Dinah Felyne? God. I dunno, last time I was in town? What does Dinah Felyne have to do with anything?”
“Oh, her not so much. Her father on the other hand, yes. If I remember correctly, you know Antoine all too well.”
“That was one time, mum. Back on topic, please.”
“Yes, yes. I was chatting with Antoine earlier today, catching up on work and the such, you know how it is. Anyways, he alerted me on a rise in concern as a one Officer Simba Mwangi has all but declared war on Taka Zaki.”
“Not our problem, our records aren’t connected to the bastard, trust me, I’ve seen them,” A girl came up to me and quickly exchanged the empty glass for a filled one, earning a smile from me in return as she scuttled off.
“This is Interpol we’re talking about darling, they always find out.”
“Alright then, so what do you have in mind then?”
“I’m pulling you from New York. You are to come back to London. There you will be staying with some other children of some fellow coworkers. I will take over the American division in your absence. Your flight leaves in the morning so put down the drink, keep it in your pants and go start packing. Give Dinah my love when you’re over, why don’t you? You two have much to catch up on. I love you darling, just be careful.”
I bit out a goodbye to her, my grip on the glass threatening to break it. Yeah yeah I get she wants what's best but this is my division, I make the calls here. Must be the Vinderand paranoia of everything wrong in this wretched world. I downed the rest of the drink and set it on the table before grabbing my hat and the tablet before making my way back down the main stairs from the lounge.
“Leaving so soon, Mr. Vinderand?” The Rabbit at the door asked, surprised at the time.
“Off to Jolly Ol’ London, ‘pparently.” I bit out, climbing into the driver’s seat of my car that never left the front of the club.
This better damn well be worth it.
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our-wicked-ways · 6 years
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A peak in the wardrobe of Allistor Vinderand, the only son of Cordelia “Queen of Hearts” Vinderand
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our-wicked-ways · 6 years
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Chapter 4 - Nyoka Acqua
I felt the sea air sting against my face as I trailed along the railway of the cargo ship, but I didn’t care. Behind us the port of Havana could be seen just over the pale horizon. We were now heading southward towards Columbia and Venezuela. Cuba was nice, I had been there before, so it wasn’t all too new. Though with the country changing up with the trade, it does cause a bit of stress for Mama’s business, but nothing we can’t handle.
I stopped by the starboard side, letting the sounds of the sea wash over me and admire how the waves crashed alongside the hull of the ship.
“Excussse me, misss…”
I perk up at the empty voice from behind me. Like statues stood mama’s right hands and papa’s younger brothers, the twins Flotsam and Jetsum Henrikson. Dressed paired in a steel grey suit, deep emerald dress shirts and a golden tie and pocket square that gleamed against their pale complexion.
“Oh hello there boys. I didn’t notice you were there. What can I do for yah?”
They stared blankly at me with their beady green eyes. “ Your mother...wissshessss to ssspeak….with you.” One said slowly.
“It’sss important….ssshe sssaid.” The other finished.
“Oh-okay, thank you. I’ll be right there.” With a tight smile, I slipped past them and back inside.
The ship was like a maze below decks, it takes a great amount of skill to know your way around. Many a new sailor had gotten lost down here, me on the other hand, I had gotten the hang of all the turns and dead ends. It gave ease to finding my way around now. Flotsam and Jetsam trailed behind me, whispered directions like ghosts. I should have guessed she was in her office, if she wasn’t on deck or on the bridge, she’d be here.
Considering she knew I was coming and how “important” it was that she saw me, I opened the door in lieu of knocking. Before I could close the door, the twins managed to slip in behind me.
Mama looked up from her work n the desk and smmiled proudly, “Ah my beautiful babies!” She stood, her long black dress billowed as she came to us, wrapping me up in her arms.
“Hi mama, they said you wanted to talk with me?”
“Yes, yes.” She let go of me just enough to cup Flotsam and Jetsam’s cheeks in her hands, “Thank you darlings. That will be all for now.”
A ghost of a smile flickered over their faces before they slinked from her grip and back out of the door.
“Is there something up?” I asked, hoping up onto the desk face, fiddling with a pen I found.
“There’s been a slight change in our course.”
“We gonna go back up? Something in the Antilles? Let me guess, we get cheated outta a haul?”
“Not exactly,” Mama came forward and took my hands into hers, “There’s been some news making headlines recently, of one Simba Mwangi from Interpol. In lack of a better word, he’s declaring war on our dark world.” “So what? Mama, he’s nothing, we can take him on.”
“This is different my little sea witch. We’ve never seen anything like this before. WE are going to port in Grand Cayman in the morning, where you are going to fly to Miami, Florida then to London where you will be safe.” I was speechless. I looked back to my mama with a gaping mouth. She sighed and continued, “Don’t give me that look, please. This is for your own good. As soon as this is over, you’ll come home and everything will be alright again.”
“But when will this be over?”
“I can’t tell you, I don’t know.”
“But to go…”
“I know you don’t want to go, I don’t want you to go either. But this is for the best. I do have something for you, I’ve been saving it for the perfect moment. No better time than the present.” Mama let go of one of my hands to help me down and to follow her out of the room. Through the passageways, every sailor and worker snapped to attention as we passed out of respect and Mama’s superiority. We traveled down a few decks and further down until we reached her grand quarters. I took a seat on her bed as she went for a drawer and dug deep.
“There we go. I knew it had to be here somewhere.” In her hands rested a small black pouch, just large enough to fit in her palm, “I’ve had this forever. I can’t even remember how I got it, but I wish for you to have it. Considering it something of home to take with you.”
Gingerly I took the pouch and from her hands and opened it into my own palm. Out slid a bronze sharks eye shell hanging on a thick black string. “Oh Mama, it’s...it’s so beautiful.”
“If you ever need help while you’re gone, this will help you. You and only you, my little queen of the waves. Your safety is the most important thing to me. Not them. Promise me you will put your safety above all of the others.”
“I promise, Mama.”
“That’s my girl. Well, I should leave you to pack,” She began for the door, but I spoke up to stop her.
“You do promise that I will come home when this is over?”
“I promise. It’ll all be back to normal once it is all over.”
I nodded slowly to myself and watched her leave to return to her office. Weighing the shell in my hand, a bit confused by how something like this could help me when I’m in London. I unclasped the string and hooked it behind my neck and felt the gentle weight against my chest. It was comforting to know I will always have a piece of home with me. Against my better judgment to pack, I walked out into the passageways up to the deck, just to feel the Caribbean Ocean breeze against my face one more time.
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our-wicked-ways · 6 years
Author Update
Four hours and counting today alone of work to perfect and develop the Wicked themselves. Research into the lifestyles, cultures, governmental structures, and norms and taboos. This work makes the characters truly come to life and I couldn’t be prouder of what we are producing. 
Chapters will continue on a monthly schedule of the 20th of each month with incorrect quotes and character features throughout. Reminder, this is an ask blog so questions geared to the character or the parent will be more than happily answered. 
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our-wicked-ways · 6 years
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Chapter 3 - Makori Zaki
I groaned at the morning sun that streaked in through my curtains. It was too early for anything and I wish for it to be a day of nothing. The chances of that actually coming true, well, it would be a gift if it was even a possibility. I pulled the sheets further over my head when I heard my cell phone buzzing on my night table. It couldn’t be any friends calling, probably because I don’t have any. That left one person who could be the caller and it only made me want to bury myself deeper. The vibrating continued for a good few minutes then stopped. Giving the idea that the caller had given up, yet the vibrating started up soon after. That’s it. I threw off the sheets and grabbed for my phone, nearly knocking over the lamp that took up most of the table’s surface. To be honest, the phone almost went flying out the window when I saw the caller ID.
“What do you want dad???”
“Well that is just plain rude. I doubt that came from my side of the family-”
“I’m gonna have to stop you there,” I dragged my hand over my face to surpass groaning again. “I really don’t think you called just to talk about who’s side of the family I take after, now did you?”
“No, but you would not be any more cheerful regardless of my reason. That you get from your mother.”
“Get to the point, while we’re still young, why don’t you.”
“Firstly, still rude. Secondly, come by the office, I have some pressing information to discuss with you. I’ll see you in a bit then, and I do expect you to be here Makori. I would be most cross if I have to come to you. I don’t think you’ll want that.” His voice came deathly calm. One would wish for his threat to be empty or playful but in reality that would have been nothing but a childish dream. I tensed slightly at the threat, bit it was not out of fear. I would never stoop to the level of admitting I fear my father. There are reasons that are not known by even him of why I remain in his grasp.
“I will be there in an hour.” I bit out.
I could hear the smile return to my father’s voice , one that would remain in the shadows at night in a nightmare.  “I expected nothing less.” And with that, the call clicked off.
The world finally decided to catch up to me once I knew he was finally gone. I swung my legs over the side of my bed and sat up. With my face buried in one hand, I gripped my phone as if it would cure all of the anger I had pent up. My vision started to blur and the metal pieces dug into my palm, but I didn’t care. Time became nonexistent, I couldn’t tell if it had been a mere few seconds or even an hour. On the spur of a moment, I snarled at myself for weakness and threw the phone clear across the room. I would be lying when I say the sound of the glass and metal shattering at the force wasn’t satisfying.
I took a slow breath before finally pulling myself out of the bed. To the sound of the city outside, I stumbled around the apartment to get changed and knick my keys as I walked out. I slipped through the market to where I parked my bike. The roar of the engine worked to ease some of the remaining tension I had pent up though I could feel it pool once again the closer I came to the warehouse that dear old dad called his office.
Twenty minutes passed and I found myself parked in front of the dockside warehouse. I bared my teeth at the sight and held the helmet under my arm as I pulled myself forward inside. The smell of fur, spices, and gunpowder hit me like a punch as soon as I stepped foot through the door. I promptly chose to ignore it all, trekking my way up the stairs into the office. Just in spite, I barged inside with no regard for knocking. Sitting behind the desk, my dad was engrossed in the small white mouse that was desperately trying to escape his hand. Manipulative bastard no matter to whom, I thought to myself as I pulled out a chair and slumped over it with my arm over the back, still holding the helmet, ready to bolt at any moment.
“You could have knocked.”
“I’m here aren’t I?” I sneered with a rolls of my eyes.
“You definitely made an entrance, my boy. But, have I taught you no manners?” He mused, still watching the furball scurry about his palm.
“I wouldn’t push your luck if I were you.”
“Well, my deepest apologies, your highness. I won’t keep you here longer than you wish.” He motioned to the desktop with his free hand, “The folder.”
With a scoff, I reached forward to take the folder from on top of his desk, I tested the weight in my hand for a few moments, eyeing my father as I did so before opening. A legal Kenyan passport, various amounts of American bills, British pounds, and Kenyan shillings, and a paper boarding pass with a destination for Heathrow airport in jolly old London, England departing later that day.
“Kicking me out, huh? Surprised it took you this long.”
“Oh come now, don’t be like that. You sound like your mother when you get like this. Its just being my pissant of a nephew, your cousin, is making quite a ruckus on a global scale and I need to take a handle of things. So it may seem, Zakis, as I have noticed, are a pain in the arse and are notoriously hard to kill. Now play nice, I’ll phone you when you land.”
“Won’t answer.”
“And why is that, may I ask?” He turned his way slightly to me for the first time, daring me to continue.
“Phone broke. Things like that happen.”
“So it seems. Now run along. Some of us have to work for a living, so shoo.”
I rolled my eyes and gave an offhanded saluted with my hand that gripped the folder before slipping out of the office. London, never honestly wanted to go to that rainy wasteland, but its out of Kenya and out of the underground, so at this point, I doubt I can complain.
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our-wicked-ways · 7 years
James McAvoy’s role in Victor Frankenstein and his natural De Vil streak solidifies his role of Zephyr De Vil
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our-wicked-ways · 7 years
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Chapter 2 - Edgar De Vil 
Reservations were set for noon on the dot. As I would expect with my mother, I found myself alone at our table at noon. Taking another sigh, I motioned the waiter aside with my free hand to avoid ordering, but I let the man refill my flute of Veuve Clicquot Champagne as I gifted him with only a portion of my attention. I kept a loose eye on the corridor that led towards the door and the other on the notifications of an incoming shipment on my cell phone that rested at my elbow.
At nearly a quarter past, my mother graced me with her appearance. Coming in with the newest coat of dubious origin flowing behind her and her signature black and white hair naturally matching. She pursed her cherry red lips for a moment that turned into a smile at the sight of me, “Edgar, my darling boy!”
I stood and and smiled in return, entering in her open embrace, “Mother, it is good to see you again. I love the coat, it almost looks to be of my design.”
“Now, now, Edgar, don’t be like that.”
“I am simply making a statement, nothing untowards. Would I ever?”
She cupped my cheeks in her satin gloved hands, “No, and that is why you’re my favorite.”
“Oh that is a relief, I was worried I was being outranked by Horace and Jasper. I was losing sleep over that, you know. Or does Zephyr outrank me, it’s always hard to tell with that one.”
“Edgar, we are not having that talk now. Besides, you know I do not love one more than an other. Speaking of your brother, have you spoken to him recently?”
I couldn’t help but let out a dry laugh at her comment, “Mother. Zephyr doesn’t want to be spoken to. He basically threw the name away to be his own person, or so he says. It was that or you throw it out for him yourself.”
She paused, giving me a once over with worried eyes, “Is everything alright? You seem a bit on edge today.”
“It’s been a long week, I have a shipment coming in that has eaten all of my energy.”
“I couldve guessed, it's barely noon and you’re already drinking. This isn’t good for your health. I don’t want you to work your life away all alone.”
I had returned to my seat when I guessed a lecture of some sorts was coming on, but paused mid sip of my champagne at her closing statement. “We’ve been over this before, mother, I am not alone. Louis is plenty enough company for me.” Louis was a prince of a Bichon Frise that I had adopted shortly after moving into my own apartment.
My mother simply sighed and took the seat across from mine, “As much as I love Louis, and I know you love him, but you need people, genuine human connection. And not those groupies I see at your shows. Do you understand? I only worry about you because I love you.” She reached across the table to take my hand into her own, giving it a gentle squeeze for emphasis.
“I understand. I love you too.”
“That’s my darling. Now, where has that waiter run off to, you must be starving.” As soon as the words left her mouth, the waiter, jittering with excitement and anxiety, appeared. It's not an everyday luxury to see not one, but two people such as the De Vil family, despite our reputation being less than perfect in the public’s eye. Mother was notorious in her company that she works her way around the rules of society. The furs are of animals that most designers would never dare to go near. And to make the clothes, the workers are, well that's not the most legal aspect of our livelihood either.  With a shaky hand, the waiter jotted down our orders before scurrying off just as fast as he came.
The peace and gentle quiet unfortunately did not last long. A piercing harmony filled the void like a flood. Both of us instinctively reached to check our phones, mother’s apologetic smile proved its origin.
“Cruella De Vil, who might this be?...Antoine, darling, it has been too long...no,no, I'm just having lunch with Edgar...oh yes, he’s wonderful. And Dinah?”
Their conversation lost my attention fairly quickly. The names Antoine and Dinah run faintly in my memory, but I did not put in the effort to remember. The chances of it being an old friend simply checking in outweighed anything else. A good few minutes passed before mother hung up the phone and set it aside.
“Edgar, darling, you don't have any shows in the near future, now do you?”
“Unfortunately no, I’m in a rather annoying slump as of late.”
“Well that is fortunate. After lunch I need you to go back to your apartment and start packing. Gather up the essentials at first, I’ll have Horace and Jasper come and pick you up later today, and the two of them can bring what ever else you wish to take with you.”  
I nearly choked on my drink then and there. I tried to gather myself and looked to her with wide eyes, “Pack?? Mother, what are you talking about??”
“That was Antoine Felyne, my eyes and ears on the world. He just called to say that there are ripples forming as a certain Interpol agent is digging a bit too close to the underground. I only want to protect you, you know that. I’ll put you up in nice housing, just outside of the city, It might be a bit large because I left it open to whoever is worried about their family as I am. See, Edgar, possible human connection. It could surprise you, you might come out of your slump because of this.”
I sighed and leaned back in my chair, folding my arms over my chest. Though, I was not pouting. Despite how much I wanted to, there was no use in arguing when mother makes her decision. “Don't forget about Louis,” was all I could manage.
“I would never forget about the prince. This will be good for you darling, just you wait and see.”
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our-wicked-ways · 7 years
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Chapter 1 - Simba Mwangi
“Deep breaths, deep breaths. You’ve got this, why are you worrying? Stop worrying, hakuna matata.” I told myself as my foot bounced anxiously on the stark grey carpet of the waiting room. I readjusted the manila folders in my grasp as my eyes darted from the receptionist at the desk before me and the closed door to my left. A shrill cry of the telephone caught both of our attentions, only making my nerves run more rampant.
“Yes. Yes, of course, sir,” The receptionist set the receiver back down before turning in her chair to face me, “Director Elias will see you know.”
I nodded with a soft “thank you” as I stood for the door. Before advancing any further, I snuck a look back to the receptionist who only mentioned me ahead. Taking a deep breath for courage, I opened the door enough to poke my head inside. “Director Elias, you wanted to see me?”
From the desk perked up a pale faced man with a thin moustache perched above his lip and an equally thin head of hair. Walter Elias wasn't a broad man, more height than muscle, but I knew to keep all comments to myself on the matter. “Agent Simba Mwangi, as I live and breathe! Look at you, last time I saw you you were still a Zaki, clinging to your father’s leg and were about ye high,” He hit his hip with the edge of his hand a couple times to prove the point. “I still remember when your old man would bring you to the office. Good man, good man.”
“Yes, he was. It’s almost been two decades now.”
“You’re making me feel old. Stop making me feel old kid, that’s a direct order,” Though there was very little bit in his remark.
“Yes sir.” I couldn’t help but laugh along with him at the memories, “I actually haven't been a Zaki for years. Mwangi is my mother’s maiden name. Zaki is the name of the man who killed my father, we didn’t want to be connected to him. Even if it distances me from my father.”
Director Elias’ smile faltered and with a tired sigh, he motioned the chair across from his desk to me and sat down himself. “Simba, I hate to be a broken record, but there is no proof that Taka Zaki killed his brother, your father, Mufasa Zaki. I’m sorry.”
“No, no, no. I can find the proof, I know he did it. I will not leave this as a cold case. He deserves far more than this and you know it.”
“Alright. Alright. What did you have in mind?”
“If we can not first find proof of the murder, we can start with the Black Market dealing and go from there. No one is bigger than him. And he has a web of associates that are as dirty as he is. It could take years to pin them down for what they have done, but if we have confessions from their children, that is where we come in. We can then work out the proof of the murder, that is the ultimate end game, the dark web would just be a cherry on top.”
“Children, Simba? Really?”
I knew he would be skeptical of the idea, I couldn’t blame him. And so I opened three of the four envelopes and set them on the desk before Elias. “Zephyr and Edgar De Vil, sons of Cruella De Vil, poached illegal animal fur and overseas child labor. Roux LeGume, daughter of Gaston LeGume, personally has had a hand in the extinction of several species of animals. Allistor Vinderand, son of Katrina “The Queen of Hearts” Vinderand, he heads the New York division of the Wonderland drug trade.  Zaki had four children: Makori, Nuka, Vitani, and Kovu. The youngest three were extracted after the divorce with Zari over a decade ago. They’re relatively untouchable. But that leaves Makori, let’s just say he’s been groomed for the family business. That is all just to name a few.”
I watched anxiously as Elias took the folders into his hands and looked over the contents, “You found this all by yourself.”
“There has been a confidential informant, I must confess.  He’s got eyes and ears on the dark world, just what I needed. But this is a task that cannot be accomplished by one man and one man alone. I need help, manpower, anything. Please.”
“I…” Elias gave my plea more thought and sighed once more as if all of this was too tiring for him to fathom under the sudden pressure of my request. “I can give you one man. He’s young, but he's the best you'll ever come by. Name’s Jakob Fitzherbert. Yeah, that Fitzherbert. Solid agent, just keep him on the straight and narrow.”
I gave my thanks again, but made no effort to leave and Elias was quick to notice, “Was there something else that needs to be addressed?”
With that out of the way, I handed over the final envelope, “James Henry “Thatcher” Clayton, son of William Patrick Clayton. When his father was killed on a hunt, the younger changed his name and changed the game of the poaching for his family, transitioning to human targets rather than simply animal. Add on three years of trailing and tracking, and Clayton found himself in the high courts of Great Britain for dozens of counts of murder, attempted murder, aggravated assault, poaching. And that is just at the top of the list.  He’s been in prison, jumping in and out of solitary ever since. My request is to temporarily release him, have him infiltrate with the children and try to pry out the proof we need. They wouldn’t trust Fitzherbert and they most definitely would not trust me. Clayton is one of them, and with luck on our side, they’d accept him. It would be completely temporary, he would be on a tight leash as I give the commands, regardless of that, you will pull the strings on the whole operation.”
“You’ll have Fitzherbert, but I will need time on Clayton, especially to see what it would take for the release. You definitely did not pick an easy man to pry out. But before anything begins, I want everything: your files, notes, findings, recordings; all of it and whatever you continue to find as you find it. I would like to know what ever you can give on this informant, this amount of information by a single person worries me.”
“Of course, consider it done sir.”
“Tread lightly my friend, you are playing with elements you do not fully understand.  I know how much this means to you, just don't let the vengeance consume you because you will not return the same man. This was for your father, he would be proud of you regardless if you find his killer, do not let this mission make you forget what you wanted in the beginning.  This is a world beyond your own, things are different than what you know. There is wickedness seeping in through these stories, keep to your course and do not let it come to you.”
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our-wicked-ways · 7 years
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“I wasn’t just going to run with the wolves, I’m going to lead the pack”
Check out this amazing fan art of Roux LeGume drawn by @low-x-battery!!!!
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our-wicked-ways · 7 years
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Thorns of a Rose
iTunes || Spotify || Youtube
Outlaws - Delta Rae // Disney Villains Medley (feat. Whitney Avalon) - Peter Hollens // I Will Never Die - Delta Rae // Legend Has It - Run The Jewels // Hit and Run // Blame - Bastille // Good Girls - Elle King // King of the Silver Screen - Randall Shreve // I’m A Wanted Man - Royal Deluxe // Wonderland - Natalia Kills // Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing (feat. William Beckett) - Set It Off // Atlas: One - Sleeping At Last // Lady Marlene - Katzenjammer // Tightrope - Silent Comedy
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our-wicked-ways · 7 years
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And with every passing hour, I'm so glad I left my tower,  Like all you lovely folks, I've got a dream
Nina Hoss as Rapunzel Fitzherbert
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our-wicked-ways · 7 years
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Age: 28
Movie: Tangled
Parent: Rapunzel & Eugene “Flynn Rider” Fitzhebert
Song: Tightrope by The Silent Comedy
Personality: Adventurous, Confident, Idealistic, Well-Balanced 
Jakob Flynn Fitzhebert: David Kross
Rapunzel Fitzherbert: Nina Hoss
Eugene Fitzherbert:  Til Schweiger
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our-wicked-ways · 7 years
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It's What I Live For, To Help Poor Unfortunate Merfolk, Like Yourself. Poor Souls With No One Else To Turn To
Octavia Spencer as Ursula Acqua
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