painsciencenetwork · 8 years
BROUGHT TO YOU BY THE PAIN RESEARCH FORUM Source: RELIEF: PAIN RESEARCH NEWS, INSIGHTS AND IDEAS – BROUGHT TO YOU BY THE PAIN RESEARCH FORUM   This is a wonderful website written by expert science writers that bring you all areas of pain. I would suggest that if you are interested in getting the latest research and news, that you follow this site. I cannot say enough good about the content here.…
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painsciencenetwork · 8 years
Chronic Pain May Be Caused By 'Memory' Of Initial Injury In Gene Expression
Chronic Pain May Be Caused By ‘Memory’ Of Initial Injury In Gene Expression
via Chronic Pain May Be Caused By ‘Memory’ Of Initial Injury In Gene Expression  
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painsciencenetwork · 8 years
Cells of Life
I have disappeared for the quite some time, and for that I apologize. I am sharing what I have been spending my time doing. I have escaped into the world of art, in particular painting. I have been exploring cells of the body, including those that transmit pain – the neuron. I believe art has a powerful ability to heal. For the artist, it is a wonderful distraction and gives pleasure. And we know…
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painsciencenetwork · 9 years
Miracle cure for rheumatoid arthritis?
Miracle cure for rheumatoid arthritis?
I came across this news release about a study that stimulated the vagus nerve to reduce RA symptoms. I am pasting a series of news articles describing the evolution of the research and the latest findings. Promising? Future research will need to not only test for efficacy but also for safety and potential side effects – especially with long-term use. the thought of giving up drugs with serious…
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painsciencenetwork · 9 years
The Father of Pain: a short history on pain management
The Father of Pain: a short history on pain management
  https://www.ted.com/talks/latif_nasser_the_amazing_story_of_the_man_who_gave_us_modern_pain_relief?language=en The treatment of pain has changed dramatically over a relatively short period of time. Latif Nasser tells an amazing story of Dr. John Bonica-this is the person that all pain scientists and clinicians recognize as the “father of pain”. He recognized pain as a problem when doctors just…
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painsciencenetwork · 9 years
Inflammation upregulates pain genes in nociceptors
Inflammation upregulates pain genes in nociceptors
A recently published study examines changes in pain genes associated with Rheumatoid Arthritis. Camilla Svensson and colleagues used a well-established animal model of arthritis induced by injection of collagen systemically. In this model they show that pain persists despite the fact that the inflammation has resolved. The figure shows inflammation scores on the top panels and pain scores on the…
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painsciencenetwork · 9 years
Ability to repair cartilage with stem cells steps closer
Ability to repair cartilage with stem cells steps closer
This nicely written article describes the use of stem cells to successfully regenerate cartilage. While the technique is still being tested in animals, there is potential to actually cure cartilage degradation and thus reverse the joint damage associated with arthritis. Scientists report using embryonic stem cells to generate new, healthy-looking cartilage in rats without adverse side effects…
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painsciencenetwork · 9 years
Immune system changes depend on level of disability after injury
Immune system changes depend on level of disability after injury
I just came across this interesting new paper describing changes in the immune system after nerve injury using an animal model. They examined rats with a nerve injury for a variety of behavior and immune system changes. While they used the standard mechanical withdrawal threshold as a measure of nociceptive behaviors, they added an interesting additional analysis that allowed them to subclassify…
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painsciencenetwork · 9 years
What is graded exposure for pain control?
What is graded exposure for pain control?
I am currently attending the World Confederation of Physical Therapy meeting in Singapore. I am sitting in a current session on exercise for chronic pain. An interesting talk by Rob Smeets on graded exercise exposure as a method to manage pain. One statement peaked my interest and made me start to wonder if this was better than just a standard exercise program. Graded exposure or graded activity…
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painsciencenetwork · 9 years
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The Right Dose of Exercise for a Longer Life – NYTimes.com Two new studies suggest that the ideal dose of exercise for a long life is a bit more than many of us currently believe we should get, but less than many of us might expect.
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painsciencenetwork · 9 years
Optical Illusion Relieves Arthritis Pain Scientific American and
Optical Illusion Relieves Arthritis Pain Scientific American and
This very interesting story talks about mirror therapy for people with rheumatoid arthritis. In fact, as you read the article, it is clear that mirror therapy was developed for phantom limb pain. It was found that there was reorganization of the cortical maps in the brain-which really means that the area where the limb was removed in an amputee was filled in by inputs from areas that still had…
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painsciencenetwork · 10 years
Is Pain in Your Head? What is the Truth?
Is Pain in Your Head? What is the Truth?
There are multiple news articles and it is now fashionable among health practicioners to suggest that chronic pain is all in your head. But is this really true, and what does this mean to the person with chronic pain? Is pain really a sensation that is solely a concept of the brain?
Well technically, the sensation of pain is a brain function and is thus “all in your head”. You do not…
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painsciencenetwork · 10 years
Pain Really Is All In Your Head And Emotion Controls Intensity
Pain Really Is All In Your Head And Emotion Controls Intensity
I was driving home from work yesterday and to my surprise there was a report on Pain. I thought the report was well-done and wanted to share with you. You can listen to it, or read the transcript. I am extremely interested in your take, particularly those who experience pain. What do you think when someone says your pain is really all in your head? Are you able to tell that some thoughts and…
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painsciencenetwork · 10 years
Love and Laughter Decrease Pain
Love and Laughter Decrease Pain
On this Valentine’s Day I bring you information on how being in love can decrease pain. Research from several laboratories has found a link between romantic love and pain responses. Dr Sean Mackey’s laboratory examined the effects of love on pain, and imaged brains of those with chronic pain. The study is described in this NY Times article Love Can Relieve Pain – NYTimes.com.
Here is the summary…
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painsciencenetwork · 10 years
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painsciencenetwork · 10 years
Penguins? and Pain?
Well, I know this post is really not about pain, but is a really interesting story about someone  who is 109 years old and is knitting sweaters for penguins.
109-Year-Old Spends His Days Knitting Sweaters for Penguins.
“The craft has been used as a therapy to boost mental health, it relieves stress, and it boosts brainpower. One study found that crafting lowers your risk of developing mild…
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painsciencenetwork · 10 years
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