paninifaery · 4 years
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Hateno Village, Link’s House
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paninifaery · 4 years
bookshop but with a bakery environment. something wholesome & relaxing to make friends with other writers, readers & coffee lovers.
oh, to be the owner of a small bookshop on a cobblestone street with roses climbing the front of the building, where books are stacked about in piles and there’s always coffee brewing and a sleepy shop dog lifts his head at the sound of the door’s bell and thumps his tail against the hardwood
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paninifaery · 4 years
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Art by Jennee. Y
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paninifaery · 4 years
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- It’s later than you think, but it’s never too late -
Keep reading
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paninifaery · 4 years
We could have been happy. I know that, and it is perhaps the hardest thing to know.
— Ally Condie, Matched
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paninifaery · 4 years
What convinced me to blog?
A lot may question my abilities in language and logic. Some would have the time to scorn my capabilities, undermining the least. What’s wrong with trying anyway? Whatever. What they don’t know is the fact I used to blog way back in my high school years. But scared to post it - scared of lambasted comments regarding to my language and inconsistent logic of the content. Sad to say my mind always shift to many ideas. Like- a minute of thinking of what word to type next, then shifted to what’s the most expensive coffee, LOL. 
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Anyways, the main reason why I’m doing blogging these days is to master the language - THE REAL REASON! I want to test my vocabulary limitations. Another thing is I also hide my identity here because I know for sure you’ll search my name on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, then sending me spiteful messages of how irrelevant my blogs are.
But can’t we just enjoy here? We never know some day if I have the guts to publicize my identity maybe it’s the day I have the courage of not being grammatically-obsessed or content-conscious of my blogs.
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paninifaery · 4 years
Internal Monologue
The views that were once clouded by my perceptions – the religious prejudiced, the internalized misogynist, the favored privileged, the fascist elitist – landed me to resent myself on how spiteful, horrendous my views were.
As I traversed the issues surrounding me, changed my being as I entered the void by disowning my past perceptions that tethered my stained mind. Learning the unseen which I failed to notice. Now invoicing my birthed stance to stand in solidarity for change.
In this testimony, I for one am certain that I developed character-built over the past months.
The world today has lacked reverence. This is a poignant reminder to our paradoxical blinded faith and misused ideals to reflect our inflicted glorified ego to amend it.
Though there are certain things I also doubt. It never ceased my mind to be skeptical.
Learn and unlearn; I for one agree correcting the wrong is never a mockery, but an opportunity to learn and to unlearn the flawed mindset.
There is no shame for admitting ignorance, being reluctant does.
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paninifaery · 4 years
if we ever cross paths again by chance, know ive changed 
People take different roads seeking fulfillment and happiness. Just because they're not on your road doesn't mean they've gotten lost.
— Dalai Lama
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paninifaery · 4 years
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paninifaery · 8 years
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ユーリ!!!onICE || GUUCHUN [pixiv] || Weibo ※Permission to upload this was given by the artist (©). **Please, rate and/or bookmark her works on Pixiv too** [Please do not repost, edit or remove credits]
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paninifaery · 8 years
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paninifaery · 8 years
forever does exist 
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The longest marriage on record lasted 90 years and 291 days. It ended in October 2016 with the passing of Karam Chand, who married his wife Katari in 1925. Though he died a few weeks short of his 111th birthday, the couple was able to celebrate their 90th anniversary together. According to their family, they never argued. Source Source 2
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