#❝ i fucking hate fancy tags ❞ → ooc
i say this all in the nicest way possible, but act your age, not your shoe size.
first off, don't like, don't read. It should be that simple, but for all y'all who can't get that, i'll explain: there is a feature on tumblr where you can block tags AND CONTENT, so if there is a topic that you don't like seeing/a trigger for you, you can not only block the tag, but also block the content. i'm severely emetophobic, so i have content related to that blocked (don't wanna say the word, it's legit a trigger for me). it works wonderfully. if you do not want to see fics about dark content, there are terms you can filter. the internet is a place where people can post what they want, and you need to understand that it will not cater to you all the time. You can curate your own feed so that you can cater to your own needs, but everyone else is not required to change their content to suit your fancy.
in regards to leon and RE specifically, i hate being the "you have to know the lore to read/write" person but (and btw watching playthroughs counts if you cannot afford the games bc things are expensive, and i get that) if you have not made an effort to play or watch anything from the series, i don't know why you feel like you have any knowledge of 1. resident evil and 2. leon kennedy. he is not your "pookie bear", "lil innocent sweet cutie" (you can write him like that and I am not going to stop you! it's okay to write OOC). he goes through traumatic events in this horror series and is a suicidal alcoholic. he would probably not be a perfect father who brings home flowers everyday after work. ALSO HE IS NOT REAL. HE IS FICTIONAL AND HE DOES NOT HAVE REAL BEHAVIORS AND FEELINGS. "he would never do that". yeah, he wouldn't because HE DOESN'T FUCKING EXIST. it applies to all "versions of leon" that you wanna make up in your head. it's fictional. we're all talking about fake people. get a grip.
most of us on this site are adults. if you are an adult, you can consume and produce dark fics. if you don't want to, then you don't have to. here's a parallel: i really like the book american psycho and they sell it at barnes and noble where you or i could buy a copy, but neither i, nor the barnes and noble employee will force you to read it. it's the same thing here.
if you are a minor and you are old enough to get onto the computer/your phone and type "leon kennedy x reader" then I hope you are old enough to comprehend the words "minors do not interact". in fact, you can block the "leon kennedy smut" tag because those works involve sex and are therefore 18+! I do understand, however, that not everyone will heed the warnings, regardless, i am not responsible for putting up the metaphorical baby gate, as I am not anyone's parent.
more about dark content in general: some people write it because it's therapeutic - to those of you who say "it's not a healthy coping mechanism", show me your degree in psychotherapy and then, we'll talk. others enjoy writing or consuming dark content because it's interesting. personally, i don't write dark content, but i do consume it because i find it interesting. i have never found pure fluff interesting. when i was a child, i did not enjoy disney movies. i loved ghost stories, i remember begging my parents to let me watch the corpse bride when i was 5, i used to go on r/nosleep when i was a kid, my friend and i would get her older sister to take us to the movie theater to watch horror movies when we were too young to go by ourselves. all that is to say: i find certain shit boring.
producing and consuming dark content does not mean that you are endorsing that content. capcom makes horror content. do they endorse murder, rape, incest, etc.? i highly fucking doubt it. (yes, all of those things happen or are directly implied in the resident evil franchise). capcom makes the good guys the protagonists and i think that's why it's hopefully pretty easy to understand their intentions. sometimes, people write things where the bad guys are the protagonists :0 - that doesn't mean that they are endorsing the bad actions of the characters. bret easton ellis was not supporting murder, rape, cannibalism, necrophilia, etc. when he wrote american psycho (it's a social commentary about the vapid nature of consumerism and wall street in the '80s and it's a really good book.) vladimir nabakov was not endorsing pedophilia when he wrote lolita - humbert humbert is the villain. if you can't comprehend this, then i don't know what to tell you.
here's another great example to help you: i might reblog content that includes father/daughter incest, but that does not mean that i would do that stuff with my own father. FIRST OF ALL EW, and SECOND OF ALL I AM A FUCKING LESBIAN. I WOULD NEVER HAVE SEX WITH A MAN. EVER AGAIN.
learn critical media consumption and critical thinking in general.
also, if you are telling people 'you're not a real sa victim because you write/like dark content' or 'you're doing harm to victims', YOU ARE THE PROBLEM. most people that i know who have gone through sa (including myself) have struggled to accept that what someone else did was not their fault. it's a huge step in the path to overcoming/coping with trauma to recognize your experience and know that your experience was valid. if you try to invalidate people's trauma, you are actively pushing back their recovery process (for lack of a better phrase), so don't act like you give a fuck about victims! there are conversations that we can and should have surrounding SA, but that's not the conversation you're looking to engage in. i can almost guarantee that none of you are saying that in good faith. you are using SA victims as a reason to police content and i am telling you - as an SA victim - stop it. i understand that some of you may also be victims and i'm sorry that those things happened to you, you did not deserve it (no matter what side of this issue you are on, it's an awful thing and i don't wish it on anyone). if you have not experienced it (I hope you never do), please stop saying things like "this is harmful to SA victims" because it's not your place to speak on that at all.
also, i know some people have been getting rape threats, death threats, etc. YOU CANNOT ACT LIKE YOU HOLD THE MORAL HIGH GROUND AND THEN DO SHIT LIKE THIS. aside from the "moral high ground", you should never be sending that shit to anyone. knock it off. that's harassment.
in line with that, write things that you'd want to read. if you want to read fluff or "wholesome" smut, then write it, and encourage/interact with writers who write that content. for those who are looking for attention, maybe try making content. write what you want. bringing up drama is 1. going to bring hate your way too 2. not a sustainable way to garner attention 3. hopefully not fulfilling for anyone? do something creative. have fun. stop being negative and shitty just to have some weird puritanical circle jerk.
i didn't want to talk about this because I know that half of the people who are bringing this shit up just want attention but jesus christ i'm done hearing people invalidate, name call, harass. just shut up and grow up. i'm tired of reading your dumbass posts. thank you.
you cannot control what people post on the internet, but you can control what you produce/consume
people creating dark content do not endorse illegal activities
stop weaponizing SA victims (especially when victims tell you to stop) to justify your puritanical content policing
if you are seeking attention, this is a pathetic way to do so
if you want to see fluff, write it and encourage fluff writers to write more
stop harassing others. period.
the world does not revolve around you
<3 i mean this all in the kindest way. i'm just annoyed and hopefully you can understand my reasoning. i don't endorse hate to anyone on any side of this. this shit just makes me want to leave the internet tbh. or like, write for a different fandom idk.
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liraspins · 30 days
what the actual fuck. trying to portray an oc is wild. nobody cares. I've just made a canon anime rp blog a few weeks ago. and guess what...people are COMMUNICATING, people CARE. people share posts, plot, like starter calls, reply to open starters within minutes. even , ooc posts get like 4 likes on average. i feel like i can just rp for hours whenever i log in over there. and here? i just posted two big starters yesterday, a self promo i've spent HOURS on, i go to sleep, wake up and not even a single notification. Like...the ironic thing is that i tag my starters or calls with everything, indie rp etc. I KNOW that people see it. I KNOW that people scroll past it... and the other account...wait you're not gonna believe this: I DONT EVEN HAVE TO TAG ANYTHING ON A STARTER AND IT WILL GET REPLIES....BC PEOPLE CARE.
i honestly hate this snobbish rp enviroment here. Ocs don't get any love, nobody gives a shit. everybody has to have the slickest formatting, craziest themes and such. IT DOESN'T SEEM LIKE PEOPLE ARE DOING IT FOR FUN ANYMORE!!! idk i'm just really mad. for this blog, my oc i do A LOT, with next to no rewards. on my canon anime account i don't even have to do anything and people will just write starters, text me, send ask memes etc. my starters on here have 0 notes, just like starter and plotting calls.
that's actually the reason i left tumblr rping behind in 2016, because there were just these writers who were just better than everyone else bc they have fancy formatting and icons they've spent way too long on for them to be extremely small, wtf.
sometimes it feels like high school i swear
i cant even plot with people bc they will just...leave.
there is also no communtication on here.
i hate y'all sometimes...
and i'm so tired of running after everybody. I reply to starters, like starter calls, message people if they want to plot, and I'm nice about it. and i get ignored. but communicated to, no ignore. there is no "hey i just looked at your oc and i don't this this is a vibe" which i would love to get one of these day, no, it's just nothing. and then you sit there. feeling like a fucking clown.
y'know why i can say that? because nobody will ever read this post lol, because it's on liraspins and liraspins isn't important. fuck you. also this is a plotting call lmao
going back to the Naruto rp community fuck you at least i can have INTERACTIONS there...
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sempsimps · 7 months
Drunk Alastor x (fem reader)
oof here we go second fanfic ever, i loved the support i got from the first one and honestly i was confused and inspired (sorry if my writing sucks :] but im taking advice and using ,'s also this took me a week to write lol) also its a little head cannon of mine but i feel like Alastor would actually really like Shakespeare idfk
angst with comfort
description of a panic attack (writing from experience oop)
sub Alastor soft dom reader (be gentle he's sensitive lmao)
drinking ikik shock horror
some biting and hickeys mentioned
blowing off steam i guess
might be ooc becuse I've never written (anything) Alastor before
more tags to cum :P
i hate to say it but mimzy was right, put on some jazz and pour some rye and alastor becomes a kitten, so i did just that. when husk left he was my only cover from mimzy so i was stuck with her. all she talked about was either alastor and her "amazing dancing skills" 'yeah right, yesh talk about self centred' it was so obvious she liked alastor more than a friend but t did apreaciate the tips even if she didnt know we were a thing, the whole loan shark situation clearly was the last straw for alastor especially after lucifers whole uh well "fight", he claimed to have to let off some steam with the loan sharks but i could see right through him, although i secretly cheered when alastor told mimzy to leave the hotel the irritation was clear on alastors face his smile seeming off and so with my newly learned information to use i turn to husk he seemed shaken as well.
"yo husk you wouldn't happen to have a full bottle of rye?"
he looked at me one eyebrow raised and turned around to a locked box with a padlock and everything from under the counter 'the fuck'.
"i know you and al are uh whatever the fuck you are but j-just don't tell him i gave this to you because well hell probably make me pay in some way"
"oh, okay then no problem i wont say a thing"
Husk handed me the bottle 'oh shit okay then he really loves ....' i turn the bottle to read the label, it said straight whiskey 'ah that makes so much sense, okay' i slowly nod at husk as he opened two more bottles 'oh shit that bad okay then' i gave him an awkward salute and walked off the bottle in hand, i headed to my room to grab a blanket and my speaker thing to play jazz/electro swing from my playlist with some of my favourites on there, after todays events i knew that he would need a drink and i wanted to save husk some trouble and ya know spend time with al. so i got to work setting up i had the only spare key to his private study and i thought that the swampy area would look nice, i brought a black and red plaid picnic blanket from my room to put on the ground using random rocks to keep the corners in place i found a short stool it was wooden and looked right at home in this room the deer accents on the legs added a nice touch i used that to place a candle, it said it was "black cherry" on the label 'that name isn't really fitting the candle its red, but it certainty dose smell like cherries' i placed it onto the wooden surface i stood up and walked towards the wooden side of the room looking back at my small display and smiled 'not as shit as i thought it would look, improvement !' i looked around the room and found some glasses they were cool looking 'oooo fancy' i set onto the stool along with the untouched bottle of rye, i connected the speaker to my phone Alastor disliked the fact i had it to begin with but accepted it as a safety measure if i ever needed it which he made sure i didn't, anyway the devices connected and the first song posing started to play i nodded my head along before i left the room i made sure to light the candle 'okay now to find the unusually grumpy deer' i exit his study and locked the door behind me, the rest of the staff and residents were off in their rooms or busy with somthing, it was quite late now. i heard the click of the lock and pocketed the key and off to search for the strawberry man, it didn't take me long to hear the static and loud screeches coming from the lobby i was now hurried in my steps i approached the sound of Alastor and seen him leaning over the bar half demon mode towering over husk his antlers protruding from his head and the green symbols slowly floating around him, no doubt dials in his eyes.
"husk for your own soul,where is it!?"
"i told you b-boss its not here"
'oh shit oh shit oh fuck, okay i fucked up' i seen husk slightly trembling ears pulled back, wings tucked behind him and our eyes meet he asked for help silently, i half ran and half jogged towards Alastor, i gently tugged at his coat getting a large radio feedback screech jumping a little at the sound, before he turned around around with an audible snap to see me and i reacted by rushing out my words.
"hey! al i know you hate being touched but i didn't know how to get your attention safely but that's not important right now! come with me"
i spoke rapidly briefly confusing the deer he froze. antlers going back to normal shape and size before i kinda dragged him out of the lobby towards his study by the tail of his coat giving husk a last look of apology, i felt a light tug at my wrist and i let him go immediately and i held my head down in slight embarrassment as we walked down a hallway.
"although i don't completely despise the touch from you my dear, but-"
"no no its okay sorry i know i pushed a boundary. just didn't know how else i was suppose to calm the situation and uh i have the rye Mimzy said you liked it so i asked husk for some that's why he uhh didn't have it...."
i seen his eye twitch momentarily as we walked. the silence was deafening low sound of static emitting from him echoing in the hallway eerily, but as we got closer to his study his ears fluttered up at the muffled soft sound of jazz that was coming from the room, his slightly strained smile fell into a smirk his whole face softening, he snapped his fingers to open his study greeted by the set picnic blanket and the sent of the candle wafted in the air masking the dead venison that was all around in this room with cherries instead.
"i know its not a lot but i thought it would help with the shitty day you've had, well i don't even know what to call the thing you got with lucifer.... b-but that's besides the point i just thought i would keep you company if you need too vent or just relax"
"thank you my dear, i appreciate the gesture"
his smile was soft as he walked over to the blanket and sat down i slowly trailed behind him, he took of his coat and folded in onto the stool his dress shirt looking a little dishevelled as he unclipped his bowtie resting it on top 'oh thank fuck i was scared he would be mad or kill husk, welp he isn't so ill take that as a win' i sat next to Alastor and he opened the whisky and poured us both a glass, his glass had more in it 'i guess he dose need this' Alastor sighed and took a large sip leaning back onto his elbows landing just at the end of the blanket i took a swig of my glass feeling the strong liquor on my tongue my eyes squinted at the taste.
"hey.....do you want to talk about it?"
the silence was now more comforting now the white noise of Alastor's static taking a soft spot within the wordless jazz songs, i still held my glass and decided to quickly down it i felt like i needed it for this conversation, it is liquid courage after all. he obviously felt the same taking a sip before answering.
"i didn't want to send Mimzy away.... we were in the same circles when alive... she's a dear friend of mine! but the danger she carries with her often causes trouble due to her very nature"
his ears pinned back to his head his smile straining ever so slightly his eyes showing his true emotion as he carried his rant i listened intently as he's now sitting up.
"and-and i just loath this feeling of being so controlled i was.... sad? to make her go but they made me! i feel that I've betrayed her my dear"
his head rested in his hands covering the sides his face, body hunched over suddenly his eyes scrunched closed in pain? 'wait pain!?' hands moving to his throat wrapping around like he was choking laboured breathing could be heard, his slight shivers running throughout his body, ears twitching, opening his eyes focused on the grass in front him the body movements seizing up smile ever present 'oh fuck uuhhh i need to do somthing' my voice slightly wavers as i softly spoke to not scare him.
"hey hey hey al its gonna be okay hey....'
i knelt to face him slowly putting my hands in front of were his eyes were focusing on the floor as to not scare him, the grip around his head and neck loosened and he removed his hands to place them gently in mine, they were shaking so i closed my hands around his softly. i looked towards his face his eyes were shut closed to try too banish the tears smile still present but barely holding emotion i knew he hated to show weakness so this was a very rare occurrence but the distress was clear. he moved my hands to his face i let him guide me so he could be in control, he reviled in the soft contact calming himself down, his breathing evened out and i felt heat leave his face and his body relaxed as he leaned back onto the blanket pulling me with him and i lay next to his form.
"heyyy al i know this is.... difficult but ill always be here. okay? ill always be here for you no matter what"
"t thank you...."
no words were said from there as we both had another glass clinking them before downing it each laying down again, i softly rub my thumb against his palm to be comforting 'im not good at this shit'. i sigh and i let go and reached out to refill my drink again i lifted it to my lips the smooth jazz ended and the next song on was "eat you by carnival of thieves" and i only had a sip of my fourth drink before i was on my feet 'when did he get up!' i placed the glass down on the stool.
"come on my dear lets dance!"
"are you sure?"
"why wouldn't i be?"
i looked to his face he seemed happier now 'ah alright then, glad he got that out' i linked hands with Alastor he pulled me into him almost crashing into his chest. i looked up to see in his eyes now looking at me with soft passion as we danced along the grassy area of the room, my feet not as accustomed to dancing as my steps were out of rhythm to the surprising fast pace of the song, Alastor just laughed in response and he carefully moved in step to guide me, hips swaying to the sound. our feet now moving in sync to the beat of the song, he looked happy as he started to sing to the song joining in staggering my steps and signing along to the chorus.
"i go hungry every night~ ,but not this time around~~.... I'm gonna eat you, your my desire~"
"im gonna sharpen all my teeth and build a fire~"
"im gonna eat you~ ,cook and defeat you~ ,gonna breath you in my lungs and make you mine~"
his hands loosened in mine as we gently moved across the grass together letting all the stress of the day be released in the playful dancing. Alastor spun me around with a fancy flourish carefully so his face could rest in my neck, as the slower verse played we began to slowly sway back and forth i accidentally stepped on his foot from the odd angle
"oh shit sorry"
"haha don't worry my dear it was an accident"
"okay still sorry though"
" l'amour ne regarde pas avec les yeux mais avec l'esprit, donc Cupidon ailé est peint en aveugle" (love does not look with the eyes but with the mind, so winged Cupid is painted blind)
"such a charmer as always my love"
once the song ended we continued to dance together for many more enjoying the time we had, until i tripped on a rock falling backwards Alastor caught me with one hand on the small of my back other one still in my hand he made it look like this was practiced and i wasn't a dumbass 'wow maybe I've to much to drink already' i was pulled back onto both feet before being lead to sit down.
"maybe that's enough for now my dear wouldn't want you falling for me again, the run of true smooth never love course. wait no that's not right"
i rolled my eyes as we laid together yet again having another drink each Alastor having two, i was feeling giddy from the whiskey and so was he showing his more comfortable loving side that was a rare sight, his hands resting on my hip tracing circles not that he doesn't do all of this already but he was letting me do the same guiding my hands to his side to mimic his movements tracing patterns as we just talked together enjoying the company but the funny thing is that Alastor is a lightweight when it comes to drinking so its not even after the 5th round he is slurring his words around.
"these mortals be fools lord what!"
"uh huh?"
"in shine ink my may black still bright love"
"al what are you talking about?"
we laughed and talked some more but Alastor rolled my body to lay upon his, maybe it was the drinks were getting to both our heads but Alastor face was slightly red and i was feeling a little hot under the collar myself, sighing adjusting my position on top of Alastor i moved down to feel somthing against my thigh 'oh what the hell?- OH' my eyes snapped back up to meet his gaze that was looking away ears pointed flat against his head face competing for his hair shade.
"oh shit i uh i can get off?"
only response i got was a tight grip at my hips when i was about to get off, i felt claws lightly scratching at the skin holding me in place my face getting red 'oh shit okay then' and a low static emitting from his chest it was similar to a purr 'heh like a cat cute', i attempt to sit up only to have a harsh grip on my hips, i lightly tapped his hand so i could do that i sat up my thighs on either sides of his form feeling his excitement more prominent against my thigh 'i did not think that's how this would go' i slowly move against him grinding my hips in a slow rhythm looking at his face for conformation his eyes darted away ears still back but he didn't look upset in the slightest.
"you okay?"
i leaned down softly kissing his lips his pressed hard into mine savouring every moment 'he was touch starved has to be' moving my hand down to unbutton my shirt once down i sat back up to slide it off my body before i unbutton Alastor's dress shirt looking to his face for confirming it was okay which he gave a nod still grinding in my body i moved harsher and then i heard it. i halted myself completely 'holy shit this man whimpers' wide eyed he stared at my face i started to move again eliciting another breathy gasp and whimper. i reached down between our bodies to undo his belt with little effort and let his arousal out, the heat from it was intoxicating, as the precum smearing on my thigh my hand wrapped around it surprisingly big, plenty to fill me 'Jesus fuck he looks amazing' Alastor whimpers a little as i slowly pumped his length more low and quite sounds spilling from his lips i leaned down hands either side of his face to keep myself balanced his tongue asked for entry and i allowed it as i swallowed every sound he made i was getting out of breath and pulled away from the passionate kiss my body still moving against Alastor. his hands claw at my hips silently begging asking me to speed up, i lightly grasp at his wrists with both hands before i gripped them and pinned his hands either side of his head, ears perked up the look of shock and "fuck, do i find this hot?" in his face was worth dying for as i continued the teasing slow pace against his length he could easily stop me. he was powerful enough to, but he didn't, he let me take the lead and overpower him. i increased my speed feeling his ever heightening arousal he was quite vocal I'm guessing it was the alcohol because he doesn't tend to be like this the endless gasps filling the room 'holy fuck who would of thought that the great radio demon would want to be under me' i suddenly heard a low growl from his lips.
"stop teasing me dear"
"okay i will"
i moved my shorts and underwear to the side and lowered myself onto Alastor both of us crying out in pleasure as i fully went down, i didn't move 'fuck this feels so good fuck' i stayed still letting us both get comfortable again looking to him for a nod, in which he provided biting his lip. i slowly moved up and down along his length eliciting gasps from both parties. i had only moved so much before Alastor thrusted desperately into me needing the release i matched his pace quickly approaching my climax as i felt his cock twitch inside of me, the slick that pooled between my legs serving more than enough to glide it constant praise falling from my lips the demon under me turning into putty, a string of i love yous and gasps mixed with moans the outside world oblivious to us. i felt my body shake as i was close to cuming my thighs shudder as i hit my high, body slumping forward to kiss his lips. Alastor kept thrusting up into me he growled and snarled as he back arched and teeth sank into my collar bone, cock twitching as he came into me we both laid there in each others embrace finding comfort in one other as he lapped at the bite wound in apology. i phased in and out of sleep listing to his heartbeat 'I'm surprised he even has one' i felt him sit up keeping my body pressed to his.
"eh bien, c'était du sexe splendide, ma chérie"
Alastor took his cock out of me pushing it back into his boxers before he picked me up and walked us towards the wooden area of the room and opened a door into his actual bedroom laying us both down on his bed peacefully sleeping in the warmth of our bodies.
sorry if the ending seemed rushed i am completing this before i need to be up in like an hour and this has been driving me mental for a week sorry if my writing sucks :]
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plasticfangtastic · 1 year
Can we be lonely together? Ch. 8
A Homelander X Stalker! reader
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This is a G/N reader fic, a slow burn fic and as off now almost 100 page novella at least according to the google doc... oh and also a Supe! reader fic. Long chapter ahead!!!
Author note: I'm too self indulgent but i promise the ending is coming soon. might have the next chapter done by the end of the wk, but work is wearing me down mentally. I will edit one day UwU Previous chapters in the #my fic tag in me blog
Sypnosis: You've become enamored with Vought Number 1 hero and will do anything to gain his affections... he just won't like the lenghts you took to get him to like you.
R18+ blood, murder and cannibalism mention, light smut, S.A. mention. Homie is a little OOC
Chapter 8
Canapes for Cannibals.
Trembling with fear, watching your eyes water, I feel the sting of your grip as you try removing my hands off your face, stammering your whimpers, clutching at me unsure of how much strenght to give.
“Are you even real?” Your voice is crumbling– I don’t need this… I… I fucked up… he hates me, and now I’m seeing things” your voice a broken mess.
Lonesome tears cleansed your cheeks better than I ever could.
“I’m right here. I… I am right here, Homelander. Mi sol…”
“No!” The leather of your gloves squeaking as it cracks my wrist, my fingers turning blue as I wince into my teeth– What are you doing here? Thought you were fucking your fancy journo fucko!”
I could feel the sound of your thoughts coming back to me, muffled echoes from across the street, pedestrians around us too loud to understand what you’re saying, this building too busy. 
I couldn’t help cupping your face, leaning closer wanting to kiss you– to comfort you.
“You’re my last, remember– why would I look for anybody else, John? If I don’t expect to survive you– Now tell me what happened? Why did you came home looking like this…?”
You nodded your head reluctantly, softening your grip, watching my fingers regain their color.
Watching me like I’m a stranger, wishing for me to be a mere hallucination. 
“He hates me…”
“He was probably startled… now go and get all of this off, and I’ll go check on your boy.”
“What the fuck do you know about being a parent!? Or Ryan!?”
More than you, if I am honest– I’ll admit I thought that.
“John. Anybody would be frightened if you showed up covered in guts… you got some pancreas in your hair.”
The way my voice stood still, so coldy that it didn’t seemed natural anymore, you thought it was rehearsed, it unsettled you.
“Not you? Used to seeing guts?” You chuckled, taking a step back from me forcing a stiff laugh from between your teeth– you… you’re a piece of work. You toy me around and then act worried, showing up in my house unnanouce saying you want to help me! I don’t need your bullshit!! It's not like I’m your boyfriend! Aren’t I just a fucktoy!? Who the fuck are you!? Who are you really!?”
You shouted. I am sure even my neighbors heard your bellows.
So I offered you some truths to ease your weary soul, you wanted anything to distract you from your own mess, after all and I always indulged you.
“I don’t consider myself a serial killer but legally speaking I could qualify as such.” I ignored you moving to the bathroom, not bothering to raise my voice while I picked towels– career criminals more like it… after I ran away from my foster home– back when I was a teen. I met some mobsters, and they helped me achieve my full potential. Don’t get me wrong, they helped me get through community college and stuff, as long as I did my job of course, but that’s back before my knees got too old for my age.”
You stood still even as I handed you the towels.
“I can tell you all about my rough upbringing after you stop using me as an excuse to ignore the actual issue upstairs. I fucked up. I should’ve been here instead of wasting time with Kent, and I’m sorry.” Now I’m the one whimpering inside my own grave– I’m not a good person… John… I’ve hurt people just to keep my belly full. For fun. For no reason. But always on purpose, why would you want someone like me around?” my stomach sank– I don’t deserve to love you.”
It all made sense at this moment, what I wanted to fight the most against.
This attachment that took hold of me with the same intensity as a head-on collision on the freeway.
“I came ‘cuz I wanted to apologize… that’s why I brought” I moved away from you doing my darndest to not look at your face, or listen to you. Picking up my desserts– I know you don’t care for Ice cream but… forget it. Just clean up and I assure you the kid is fine.”
He was fine, just embarrassed about his outburst.
“Is that your superpower? Telepathy?”
“Being a tech-wiz isn’t enough in this economy… you need a master degree just to get minimum wage.” I place the snacks on your coffee table– but yeah. You two have been right a couple times…”
“You two…? What are you talking about?” How cute seeing you try to hide it.
“Your friend… your father, mother and brother all-in-one package. Homelander… the one that kept you safe back in the bad room.” I murmured while heading to the nearest mirror, catching your bloody reflection– this guy. I see him… just like you do.”
“Hi John… Hi Homelander… Do you have a real name? ‘cuz I’ll just call you Jon, or would you prefer Jean? Actually Homie should be fine.”
Must’ve looked stupid waving at the mirror, my eyes seeing an absence of movement but superimposed was the sight of that other you awkwardly moving its hand side to side.
“You really didn’t even hesitate from the get go. Talking to us both… is like you didn’t want to hide it while saying nothing”
“I didn’t. You don’t like liars.”
“And yet…” You squeeze the stuffing out of the couch– you lied to me. You went out of your way to hurt me!"
“I was protecting you.”
“You call this protecting me?”
You point at the dozen bags and wet buckets around us.
“I wasn’t ready to let you know ‘bout my powers! I had to make sure things around us were perfect before I told you! Is that so hard to get!?”
“You don’t get to make that decision. You brainwashed me! erased my memories!”
“That’s a bit rich coming from you!”
We both stared at each other while the meat rot around us.
"I would've loved you the same... I would've been happier with you if I knew from the start. He would've been happier too..."
"You say that... but not even my parents wanted me... nobody ever has... because I'm not intune with people... I am voyeur. and sooner than later I would've wore you down."
“Not that it matters” 
Wish you hadn’t made eye-contact with me, catching that white cloud washing over your baby blues.
“Forget the last minute. And get cleaned up John one and two… I’ll be here so calm down.”
I know my voice sounds like it’s underwater, a blanket covers you, your heartbeat pauses and restarts with a calmed steady beat, a wave of calmness washing you, the blur in your eyes fades completely returning me the eyes I’ve craved so often.
“I don’t want your apologies.”
“I’ll leave. Is basque cheesecake– not too sweet I promise.” I wanted to let you keep those memories but at least I’ve said it outloud  ‘just keep the bad to make this easier for me’ I thought to myself–  Thank you for offering me the cabin.”
I gave the other you a glimpse, wishing I could talk to this one instead, as I made my way out your house, putting the key you gifted me back by the hall table.
“You think I’m a serial killer, too? I killed lots of people… I let a whole plane fall into the ocean. I killed a congressman, I had a wannabe VP assassinated, I killed Madelyn and Noir and I might kill that cuck wearing Noir’s suit– and I loved them both. I killed people who flirted with my property, I killed a guy just for fucking up my coffee, I killed my teacher! The first time I got laid” You chuckled stiffly– I was 15 and they wanted me to develop properly, no jerking off for me! So they got me… I guess an escort…? They told me I had to do it! and after I was done-- like 30 seconds later… she just had to laugh… so I squeezed her neck until it resembled a straw, the third time I fucked somebody– I panicked because well fucking men is wrong. I killed a bunch of hostages the first time they let me out, and so many… many… fucking worthless cocksuckers.”
Your voice wavering, spitting quickly your confession feeling your mouth painfully dry. Your chest heavy but your mind was being cleansed– I had become a confessional booth without being a saintly man of the cloth to absolve you.
“Do you feel bad about it? I feel bad sometimes… not about all of them… just some of them. But I still sleep soundly from time to time.”
“Noir. I killed him when all he wanted was to protect me… my father… he was… bad.” The memory makes you whimper, your eyes red as your lips twitched– I loved him… How could I do that to him? The plane I could’ve steered– maybe? I dunno… I was afraid I would fuck it up again with Madelyn and the board! and this fucker” You pointed at your clothes– because it made Ryan upset with me!”
“I don’t care then. I knew you killed people… I stole some of your files.”
“If I didn’t feel bad would you care?”
“I would be surprised if that was the case.”
“... You don’t think I’m a bad person? Unredeemable garbage?”
“You’re bad but I think you weren’t always trying to be bad… I don't think I ever thought I could be anything but bad... so I’m just as bad… maybe worse. I had a choice, and I always picked the wrong ones…”
“I picked bad ones… always… until now nobody's opinion mattered, they encouraged it and covered it, so why bother to change… and now I want to change for my son– but I can’t.”
You stood there looking so frail.
“I don’t think that’s true. You could still change… I think a part of you still wants to do good, even if you aren’t sure what that might be… me? I dunno what I’m gonna do now.” I tried to forcibly laugh to try to ease the tension– any suggestions? What should I do?”
“Love me… please.” Your hand catches my shoulder– If you don’t mind all my bad… I won’t mind your bad.”
Your kiss tasted like iron, pushing me against the wall, your hands dirtying my cheeks without care. Your lips pushing me and pulling me, clumsily dancing as you try to force your affection-- our tango was one sided but I soon gave in, I hesitated kissing you back but I had no self-control. 
Wanting to make a home in your lips I held you until we matched.
“I love you. I love you, Homelander… I love you, John. Mi sol... if you let me... can I love you?” 
"Love me... that's all I ask of you..."
We both laughed against each other, I never been happier than at that moment– not that I could recall anyhoo.
“I go get change… your shirt…”
“Is okay… I got layers.”
Watching you obey my awful little command, I headed upstairs, your Son’s mind beating itself, I threw my dirty jumper down the rail after cleaning most of your leftovers off my face, feeling the crash incomming.
All I needed was to hold on for a couple more minutes.
My powers were a mess. I wished I was better at this… a supe that struggles to control their powers… pathetic. I reached your son’s placing the peace offering by the slit of the open door, He’s watching me carefully, pretending to be asleep, but he feels far more predatory than you at this moment.
“Hey Ryan… is me… hope everything is okay. Your dad brought you something.” I sounded very awkward– Hey bud he really didn’t mean to scare you…”
“I know.” He moves fast– seems he’s developing too quickly. I heard him thud against the door within the second– He’s upset isn’t he?”
“Your father is a very sensitive man… delicate even… is not your fault he just thinks he hurt you.”
Ryan watched me in the most uneasy of ways, I could tell I was falling out of favor, he had heard some of our conversation downstairs with little red sparkles in his eyes.
“Can I open this door? I just want to make sure you’re alright.”
Still a child, he meekly opened the door eyeing the ice cream pint before me, and unlike you he was easier on my neurons.
A cloudy haze thicker than I've ever seen engulfed his sight.
“Be a good child, have your cake and have a heart-to-heart with daddy… then go to sleep. Sleep soundly, Ryan.”
Staying quiet, I got away from your kid, your mind still mellow and both of you over the moon. 
“He seems alright” 
I whispered, surprised to see smoke coming out of your towel as you rather viciously towel-dried your hair, based on the trail of dirty towels behind, you wanted every microscopic dot of blood off your person before letting your kid catch a whiff, altho I’ve never seen a towel be set alight by friction alone.
“How do you cut your hair?”
You raise an eyebrow, combined with your playful smile you seemed to enjoy this question.
“Very sharp scissors and on my own, straight razor for my face– just needs a bit of pressure.”
“Cool. Altho I don’t think your maid would appreciate you burning the towels– Ryan is eating so maybe join him.”
“What Maid?”
“Ms. Cha? The lady that’s been cleaning your house for the last twenty years.”
I laid down on your couch, feeling the inevitable.
“I��� I never noticed. Twenty years!?”
“If it makes you feel better, she thinks you’re less messy than her kids, and you leave your shit covered in blood all the time…”
That made you happy. I watched you fly to the next floor
“Twenty years!? How?”
Here’s my favorite part.
Almost breaking my neck as I trip on your mess, I can hear you sussurating– your conversation is klutzy and gawky, neither party able to convey properly, I wished I could say I cared about what you two were saying but I was busy puking my guts, my head finally permitted to file a formal complaint against me, between scallops and my bloodied nose I could barely crawl to the bath-tub soaking my face under the faucet, my brain on fire.
Falling unconscious to the sound of your apologies. 
Watching your memories I knew you found me close to drowning, my nose an inch or two above water as I just sat in the heated pink pool before you came in and threw me into the floor checking on my pulse with your hands for some reason.
Walking up in your bed with damp hair, your ears focusing on me.
You don’t ask questions, just studying faded marks in between my toes, you could smell Compound V in my veins even if it had been weeks since I last took it. 
“Still taking heroin?” you ask, indulging in a lie for once in your life– if you’re going to be around my kid I need you clean. You got any idea how bad it would reflect on me if the press got a hold of your little habit.”
My head is pounding with the sounds of this building, down to the thoughts of mices and their everyday worries, your boy sounds asleep dreaming of owning a pair of dogs, and here is you picturing a different version of me-- I could tell you could heard the sound of my swollen brain and the discomfort in my throat, dried blood flaking inside my nostrils, I nodded.
“I killed Roman. I followed you during your date then I found Roman.”
I was speechless.
“How did you do it?”
“His driver was taking him somewhere and I made the car swerve, got in front of it just in case the tree wouldn’t kill them… the blood was from the driver smashing against me.” You pause to play with my hair– he was alive… and I just broke his neck.”
“I might’ve scared them a bit… so they could go fifty or eighty over the speed limit.”
“That’s better. You made it look like an accident, right? No proof you were there.”
“I thought you would be more upset.”
“My head hurts too fucking much right now to care… now I need you to tell me word for word everything that you did so I can make sure it looks like a fucking accident.”
“I have it covered… not my first rodeo, babe.”
You kissed me not caring about the smell on my breath, shoving yourself further into the blankets forcing yourself into my arms, there’s a smoky smell to your hair but not a burnt end on sight.
“You don’t need to meet that journo anymore. You don’t have to leave Vought and you can stop worrying about that guy coming after you.” kissing me more– now you can focus on important things. Us for example.”
“Assuming you don’t go to prison this time.” I could see the movie in your head, my life in a prairie dressed in pretty clothes, my hair a little messier than usual, and the sound of the stove sizzling, there’s another kid pulling at my clothes and we have a dog barking on the front porch while Ryan and you read your favorite book “Fight Club” together– John…”
“I’ll protect you from now on… I’m a superhero. I’m the fucking definition of a Superhero! I don’t wanna hear about Roman ever again, or your side-hustles! From now on we can be together. So call off whatever you had with the journalist.”
“Maybe after we have dinner with him and his husband.”
“Why would I do that?”
“My friend Dolores is unveiling the restaurant’s new menu now that she’s the new head chef… she’s aiming for her Michelin, you see… and me and Kent are going… if my future husband was so kind as to support me while I support my best friend I would greatly appreciate it, is a big night for her–
Your mouth looked smaller than your eyes, the way you lifted yourself pushing me down, your jaw stammering, your heart so loud that it’s all you can hear in your head. 
“--you just killed one of your biggest competitors, and one of the richest men in the country… for me. Nobody I’ve ever known would do such a thing for me…  I should marry you if you let me. If I could... could I?”
There’s a nice shade of coral colouring your eyes and the sheets around us, for a second you lost control of your blinkers.
This must’ve have been the perfect day for crying, you seemed so happy as you made love to me, so hungrily, I didn’t need my powers to know I fired something in you, not once had you held me so tenderly, not once did you treat me so kindly, Your hunger and the emptiness you were so familiar with faded away, I could feel my own clinging as I watched you picturing our wedding day… you were so corny… it was beyond cute.
From this night forward things went rosy.
Even those beneath you could see that your mood had changed, most brushing it to you enjoying parenthood, it had been good for your ratings and the company’s image-- after all. 
You suddenly appeared more approachable and relatable, the public pondering on your struggles as a single parent became a popular topic seeing just how admirable you were, and Ryan was sweet every kid wanted to be like him and everybody wanted a piece of him, soon he would be on lunchboxes if you gave your blessing to put him in a suit yet as eager as you were nothing they had given you was perfect fit for your son, and people called you a DILF left and right rubbing your ego just the way you liked. 
But in private I got to enjoy a happier side of you, you still had your bite and snark, your awful habits but now it seemed you felt at peace with your demons, I didn't judge them, I accepted your brutality and appreciated my efforts to conceal such unpleasantries from your son.
You joined me (albeit begrudgingly) for degustations, your palette unrefined for a man used to eating fine cuisine, for having two private chefs you sure had issue understanding the art, but watching you try to make sense of foams, foods disguised as other foods, or the depth and story presenting itself on this fifteen course dinner was exciting, your stomach full by the sixth plate, so it was even more exciting to see you do your darnest to stomach this meal, just to make sure I looked good, after all there was press around us.
You interacted courtly, you’ve been trained well… but behind your poised smile you did your best to interact with Kent disguising perfectly your murderous gaze, having your expectations subverted by the presence of his socialite millionaire husband, surprised that Kent was a homosexual... but that failed to dissuade your jealousy.
But you did behave.
You spend time in my home, our relationship continue away from the public eye, you had began looking forward to dinner, I would cook for you no matter how tired I was, you made sure to let The Deep know not to overwork me, forcing my surviving coworkers to pick of after me, I enjoyed the special treatment, I enjoyed our secret dates, I somewhat enjoyed being taken gallantly in your arms to fancy european addresses as we broke borders laws, our outings and picnics in secret with your son, like having fresh porchetta sandwiches while picnicking at the stomach churning hills of Monte Baldo with Ryan.
So I behaved too.
A little bit.
I felt guilty putting a bug in Ryan’s phone and his computer, but I only did so I could make sure he was doing alright in his new school to make sure how to support you better. 
I felt a little guilty when I put a bug on Ashley’s phone to make sure she wasn’t going to betray you suddenly, your ears could only listen to so much and with my powers a secret I had to actually have proof of things, just in case.
In my spare time I would sit in front of my screens just watching and processing audio files, for you.
I would watch and replay hundreds of images, until my eyelids fought with me, your every move gave me homework and my every move had to be the perfectly graded in response.
On a peculiar afternoon this dream had to crumble, as all things do.
“You have no idea how much grief he’s going to give me, once he smells you on me."
I sat on Kent’s armchair, surrounded by his wall of professional accolades.
“I can’t just send you this shit in an email! Look now that Roman is dead I know you didn’t want this in a hurry… but this could make me bigger than Larry King, I could be the next Anderson Cooper– fuck! You think Woodward hit it big with Watergate! This is my Watergate! Vought it’s done for, shit will crumble if this hits the presses and if you didn’t know my address I would have slapped this shit on the front page by ‘morrow!”
He screamed quietly, inside his empty apartment music playing just loud enough to block our voices, this six million dollar apartment was straight out of the pages of Architectural Digest, it screamed old money and it was the reason Kent lived there.
“Everything I’ve ever wanted in life– my name written in the annals of history! To put me as one of the greatest Journalists of all time is right here! but I have to give this back! Because we’re friends.”
“You’re only doing this because Homelander will kill you. I know you don’t care much for Bruno or the seven kids you got, but you don’t need to pretend you’re a good person with me Kent.”
“I don’t want to die. I don’t want my kids to die… or Bruno just for the record! You should leave him.”
He handed me the hard-drive rather urgently.
“The moment he finds out you got this before he did– he will kill you. Maybe after he recreates 9/11 and tumbles that tower over…”
“What’s in this?”
“Leave him. Throw that shit in a microwave and leave him, my guy… my hacker guy, I had to ask Dolores to get rid of him just to make sure there’s no loose ends. She made canapes for her little cannibal group with him! I had to ask to contact your old gang friends to track down all of his friend to check the fucker didn’t spill anything! So leave Homelander now! Y/N I care ‘bout you, we been friends for a long time but this information is not something you can toy with.”
“Thank you Kent... but I can’t leave him. I love him. Whatever this is that has you so riled up won’t make me leave him.”
“Don’t ever set foot in my home ever again. I might not be a great husband or father but I won’t let you be the reason I lose Bruno and the kids. It was nice working with you– somebody of your talent will surely find greener pastures.”
The way he watched me wasn’t much different from you this evening.
“You mean that?”
“It was nice knowing you, Now leave! Audrey!-- Please don’t die over a man… the Y/N that I know… knew… wasn’t this stupid.” 
The maid promptly escorted me.
I made it home feeling rather hollow– making the whole thing with you murdering Kent rather pointless considering he had no genuine desire to ever see me again. 
I sat in my room listening to your text messages ringing in the background, the little backlight for this horror film.
I headed back to the Tower with a sense of urgency, you weren’t there instead you were dealing with a sudden disaster that needed your attention after all you had two new rookies to show the ropes to, and when this shit happens Heroes are needed.
I knocked on somebody else’s door not caring if the cameras could see me.
“We need to talk, Kevin.”
The Deep looked at me confusedly, more shocked that I addressed him by his first name.
“What brings you here? And did you just call me Kevin!?”
“work, dipshit. Now let me in, we need to talk.”
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movedkagen · 3 years
𝚐𝚘𝚓𝚘𝚑𝚒𝚖𝚎  is such a straight ship 4 straight ppl i stg
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blisterinballista · 3 years
last night i had some weirdly fucked up hallucination/dream experience which i swear showed me a fluffy rp starter ask sent to me by a tabi rp blog in my inbox and next thing i know im awake and it's never arrived😭 set me free i beg please
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partxilos-blog · 6 years
i apologize for my long absence but,,,,life got in the way of me doing things :’( i’ll try to reply to everything tomorrow / over the weekend tho so uhhh look forward to that ig
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mlm-writer · 4 years
Tonight’s Not the Night (Mingyu x M!Reader)
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Kinktober Day 8: Sex turning into wholesome laughing because everything goes wrong
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Pairing: Kim Mingyu x Male Reader (NOT trans-friendly) Rating: Explicit Words: 1050 Summary: Sometimes sex just doesn’t work out the way you wanted it to and that’s okay.  Note: Special thanks to this thread. Also Mingyu is probably hella OOC, but fight me if you want to.  Tags: Swearing, laughing, rimming, attempted protected sex, banter and some very brief almost implied frotting.
EDIT: There is now a sequel 
Mingyu made a fancy twirl before falling backwards onto the bed the moment he saw you emerge from the bathroom. “My body is ready”, he proclaimed as he stretched himself out. You laughed, facepalming. “My prince, please come save me from this sexless life,” he continued as he stretched his arms out towards you. 
“Sexless life? We literally had sex this morning.” “And it feels like a lifetime since I had a taste of the most beautiful man ever.”
You sighed, crossing your arms and shaking your head. “Are you done being dramatic?” He shrugged and made grabby hands for you. You dropped the towel from your waist and moved into the bed, straddling him. He sat up and smiled at you, pulling you in for a kiss. You wrapped your arms around his neck. As always, you leaned against him, deepening the kiss to get in the mood. That proved harder than usual when Mingyu’s arm slipped on a pillow and he fell backwards. Your teeth clashed together and you winced as you pushed yourself off him. “Ouch, watch out,” you complained as you rubbed your hurting mouth. When you pulled your hand away, you were pleased to see no blood on your finger tips. A quick glance at his lips also showed that he had no injury. 
“Sorry, let me just…” Mingyu sat up to rearrange the pillows, putting them in a bit safer position. “There, now where were we?” You chuckled and shook your head, hating the cheesy line, but also easily getting carried away with your boyfriend’s lips on yours. “Your lips are so soft,” he muttered as he bit into the flesh softly. 
You didn’t think about it, speaking before you had paid any thought to what you would say next. “Thanks, I moisturise.” You felt air shoot from his mouth against yours as he pulled back to cover his mouth, trying to muffle his laughter, but it was still loud. You raised a brow at him, not registering yet what you just said. “You… moisturise?” He laughed as he held his stomach with one hand.
It then sort of dawned on you and you had to laugh as well. “Okay, not my most sexy bed talk, I admit that,” you wheezing as you poked his shoulder, “now stop laughing.” He nodded, but it took him a moment before he stopped. “You’re so mean,” you whined playfully. 
Mingyu put a hand on your shoulder, his grip promising. “Well let me make it up to you.” You grinned as he pushed you backwards. You fully expected either a rimjob or a blowjob and you were here for it. In your excitement you let yourself fall backwards, forgetting just how much space you had on the bed, and you made a backwards roll off the edge, landing on the floor. “Oh my God are you ok?” 
You were in a very uncomfortable position with your ass propped up against the bed and your body folded in half with your shoulders resting on the floor. Mingyu appeared between your legs, looking down at you from on top of the bed. “Yes, just uh… a little startled,” you groaned. You wanted to get up, but stopped when you felt a tongue licking over your hole. 
“At least this position gives me perfect access,” Mingyu mused as he circled your hole with the tip of his tongue, making you shiver. He got to work in earnest, eating you like a buffet. The pleasure overruled the pain forming in your bent spine. You sighed and panted through his ministrations, keeping your balance with both hands on the floor. Your cock twitched between your legs and you wanted to stroke so bad. You couldn’t stop yourself any longer and reached for your cock, only to slip and slide away from Mingyu. 
“Dammit”, you curse as you pushed yourself up, “fucking hell, my back.” You tried to stretch the pain away. “Shouldn’t have stayed in that position”, you huffed as your boyfriend offered a hand. He pulled you up and lifted you in his arms as if you were light as a feather. 
“Sorry, I thought it was ok since you didn’t stop me.” “I didn’t stop you, because you’re good at eating ass.”  “Tongue so good you’d break your back for it? I’m flattered.” “Just shut up and get your dick in me.”
Mingyu laughed and put you on your back on the bed. “Patience, lover boy,” he mused as he got on top of you and reached for the lube on the nightstand. He dropped a little on his fingers and spread the thin layer over his hands. You relaxed against the soft mattress and watched as he wrapped his hands around both your cocks. He stroked you in a loose grip, just tight enough to get some pleasure out of it, but it was teasing. When you were both completely hard, he got a condom off the nightstand. “Now I can get my dick in you.” 
He grinned at you as he put the corner of the package between his teeth. He pulled roughly at it, only to wince when he pulled the package across his mouth rather than opening it. You laughed as the soft ‘ouch’ left him. “Very smooth,” you teased, only to be told to shut up. He tried to open the package with his hands, but the residue lube on them was not helping. “Give it here.” 
He handed you the packaged condom and you tried to open it as well, but this specific package was unyielding. Unfortunately for both you and the package, you were a stubborn man. When fingers failed, you tried your teeth. 
“Babe, I can just…” “No, I refuse to be defeated by a condom.” “I can try again.” “No, I got it.” “Doesn’t look like…” 
The package flew out of your hands and ended up hitting Mingyu directly in the face. You couldn’t hold your laughter. He tried to keep it together, but eventually he joined you. A minute or two later, you were lying side by side in bed, bodies still shaking a little from your laughing fits. “Sorry, but I don’t think tonight is working out very well for us,” you giggled. 
“Yeah, agree. Want to watch Knowing Brothers?”
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dusterson · 2 years
rules & ooc (mobile)
this line it not to be edited as to maintain the integrity of the post’s URL. please inform the mun if any directories to this post do not work properly.
Mun is over the age of 21, muse is under the age of 18. Mature themes concerning violence, trauma, abuse, death, etc. will be present. Romance will not surpass mild PG-13.
godmoding metagaming etc. ain’t cool, ooc drama is even less cool, don’t reblog IC posts you’re not involved in, yadda yadda yadda, i’m crossing my fingers here that i won’t need to make an entire encyclopaedia of regulations here i have faith that you’re smarter and more mature than that.
i like anons throw em my way ic or ooc, but misuse the anon function and you lose the privilege of being a faceless horror-terror that gives Dustin nightmares.
i’m not going to say no drama because humans as a species are the biggest drama-mongers of the earthly organisms. but i will avoid engaging in it like the plague. i do not tolerate hateful and/or aggressive behaviour. i don’t care why, to who, or what about. calm. down. this is a fucking hobby.
the muse is not the mun, if my answer’s no then it’s no. if you pester/nag me after saying no, i’ll just block you. my post length will vary and no i don’t expect you to match or vise versa. i don’t really fancy up posts for rp replies that’s too much effort i’m here to write you know?
i am disabled physically, neurologically, and psychologically; that along with other IRL circumstances mean that i will be slow. i may need to take breaks from rping, not have the focus for this specific muse, and i might forget things. i don’t mind the occasional poke if you feel i’ve forgotten a thread or an ask etc, but please be patient with me.
do not get angry with me that i roleplay to my comfort. if i don’t meet your expectations i don’t want to hear it, just find another cove to sail.
dustin is a minor in official canon and in my canon. i ain’t shipping him with anyone outside his age range, and i sure as fuck ain’t shipping right off the bat. i don’t know you, therefore i don’t trust you, to write that kinda dynamic with you. any romantic/affectionate content will be light PG-13 if not straight-up PG. if you try and sneak in suggestive or NSFW shit i will thanos snap your creative motivation. and block you.
i may unfollow blogs that have a highly frequent amount of such content on their blog.
any commonly triggering content will be tagged (example tw), such as gore, abuse, suicide, etc. but don’t be afraid or ashamed to request i tag something specific for you. i’m grouchy, not judgemental.
don’t hesitate to let me know if you’re losing interest in a thread, don’t know how to respond, or even that you’re no longer interested in rping. honestly if the third’s the case you don’t even need to explain, yeet to freedom my sweet bird good luck out there and for the love of god enjoy yourself and feel no shame for it.
that’s why i’m saying the don’t part, cos i’m trusting you (kind of) not to be one, cos like you got this far so you can’t be one see? here’s some apple cider, thank you for coming on the tour, now let me introduce myself.
So now all THAT’s out of the way, ‘sup. You can call me Saahs or J. I’m a 28 year old artist, writer, and lover of horror. Any pronouns are fine with me. RP has been a major part of my life for 99.9% of it, I started playing AD&D before I could properly write, and I’m not letting this strain of hobby go any time soon. Like I said I probably won’t be a highly active rper due to chronic illness and IRL issues, but my messages, askbox, are always open! And I’m happy to give my Discord if you’d like to chat over there as well. The rules are a lil snippy I wrote em at 4 in the morning initially then it only got worse cos and I’m a jaded animal but legit I don’t assume You are gonna break rules or anything there’s just been too many times man. Like I’m a shy guy and I don’t like having to deal with conflict so don’t make me ok
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negociateur · 7 years
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fanfic tropes! identity porn, friends to enemies to lovers, hurt/comfort, coffeeshop au (don't have to answer them all, pick what you like). hope work went by quickly :)
Ahhh! Thank you, anon!
Identity Porn
How  likely am I to write it: Identity porn isn’t really a narrative kink  for me, so I wouldn’t go out of my way to put it into anything, if it didn't come up naturally. Or if it would be funny.
What characters/ships/fandoms would I write it for: I don’t  really have a lot of fandom I could do identity porn for, too, so that's the next problem I have. RoL doesn't go for it much, and neither do TMA or Witcher or SGA. In the MCU/marvel comics I'm kind of only invested in Characters that just superhero under their legal name, zero fucks given in all canons I'm aware of, so oops there. Hannibal, maybe? Hannibal might work. Altho I prefere season 2 era, with everyone vague degrees of aware of each other's bs and scheming like petty murder divas.
Friends to enemies to lovers
How  likely am I to write it: Very unlikely. I think the only thing with this dynamic I like is Hannibal, as in, both Hannigram and Clannibal and Clannigram, but I don't think I'd really seek it out in fic or write it. I don't even know why, I should be into The Drama Of It All, but I'm just not.
What characters/ships/fandoms would I write it for: Like I said, Hannigram/Clannibal/Clannigram, if it's something that retells an arc. I don't really do Ironstrange, but enemies to lovers or friends to enemies to lovers might be the only way I would, probably. They just don't get along in canon, and I DO NOT UNDERSTAND why people ship it so much. Also why is their Doc always ooc. Enough moaning, I'll stop, I'll stop. Have fun ya'll, but stop the goddamn cross/mass-tagging. There shouldn't be that much Ironstrange in the gen tag, ya hear me?
How  likely am I to write it: VERY LIKELY. Hmmmmmm give me that good hurt/comfort.
What characters/ships/fandoms would I write it for: Basically everything, lol. All my faves are idiots who need to be shipped with therapy and tortured with hugs. The Bev & Thomas fic is very hurt comfort-y, as is the Nonromantic-Soulmates WIP. Yes I know I never finish anything, shhhh. There's also an unfinished Strangewong fic in my drafts that's technically sick!fic (I MEAN ... what else lmao) and involves cuddling and soup and being sad about Endgame, so. Which, btw, is THE ONLY reason I will ever acknowledge that dumbassery masquerading as plot. To mine it for FRIDGE HORROR *evil laughter*. And then hand out soup.
coffeeshop au
How  likely am I to write it: Relatively unlikely? I don't really do fluff without plot (and I'm down with emotions as plot or snapshots that reveal something halway and sideways), and incidentally the only version of this trope I ever started would need a Graphic Violence tag lol. (If it wasn't LANGUISHING IN MY DRAFTS.) So I think I might be doing this trope wrong. Also doesn't help that I have experience manning a beer-counter / drink station, so I fall hard in the camp of 'that's an awful place for cute/fluffy shenanigans, have ya'll ever worked customer service lol'-camp. I see the appeal, but I also ... don't.
What characters/ships/fandoms would I write it for: Like I said, the only one I ever started was low-key a joke, because I don't do the trope and the fandom didn't have (and still doesn't have) one, and also because, you know. Graphic violence.
Have the first four or so paragraphs of the very unfinished RoL Demi-Monde Coffeeshop ... pre-canon canon divergence. Is there even a tag for that kinda thing? Anyways. I think the best part about this is getting to write a snotty totally-an-adult!!!-Peter who has zero respect for anything and thinks Thomas is the most ridiculous person he ever met. No graphic violence yet, only canon-typical ableist language.
There’s a lot of reasons people hate working in customer service; The bad pay, the atrocious hours, the customers, the service.
I did about two year of it, first on-and-off positions in some retail shops around where I grew up, punctuated by getting dragged along to my mother’s cleaning gigs, and then later, about a year in a not-actually-fancy Coffee House near Russell Square. And I figured afterwards my stint in customer service and retail had, at the very least, taught my younger self some much needed humility and compassion.
I’m kidding, of course. It just confirmed the suspicions I held towards my fellow humans. Especially the kind that start magic duels in public.
Now, I worked in a Coffee House, not a coffeshop, which meant Management got to price everything even more ridiculous then the rest of the world, we played wannabe-jazz elevator music instead of pop and our clientele wasn’t weird and crazy but more slightly bizarre and very deranged.
Like that one vaguely East-European guy who thought combining windowpane and paisley was a grand idea and who we – that’s the staff – did certainly not call Dracula, or the posh black lady who came to pick up her coffee before heading into the City every morning, except for that one time when, I swear on my dad’s record collection, she was wearing a diving suit under her costume, and of course Mister Stranger-Danger, who was the reason younger cousins didn’t get to do their homework behind the counter any more.
Of course we got your everyday stroll-by white girls and hipsters, but our regulars where, as far as I could tell, decidedly posh, but mostly not yet fully upper class, and also completely batshit looney, is what I’m saying. No offence to actual crazy people, because they certainly don’t dress that badly.
That’s why I didn’t even bat an eyelash when one day someone walked into the shop who was either a time-travelling noir-spy or a runaway extra from Downton Abbey.
He was a white guy, in that inexplicable past-40 age range where I can’t tell their age for the life of me, with a side sweep that must have been held in place with actual pomade, and dressed in one of those sleek looking, old suits with the broad, deep lapels and incredible narrow waists. To round off the impression that he’d come over, lean homoerotically close and tell me the name of the Kraut’s informant any moment now, he’d draped a Burberry over his arm and lugged an actual, honest to god walking cane around the city. It seemed impractical to me, but who am I to judge people’s fashion choices; I’m only the barista.
He also had that stiff demeanour about him, which I’d taken as a sign of something shifty going on anywhere else. Here, in seven out of ten cases, and even more with posh dudes, it meant that he longed to order something utterly ridiculous, with a long name, six ingredient and maybe some speculoos dust uptop, but didn’t have the courage too. Honestly, the way grown men start acting once there’s pumpkin spice on the menu is hilarious – you’d think we’re selling sex toys under the table.
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unfrgivble-archive · 3 years
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-----   𝐏𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐄𝐃   𝐏𝐎𝐒𝐓   !!   independent   &   highly   selective   LUCIUS   MALFOY   from   the   harry   potter   franchise.      written   by   mary   (   she/her   22yo.   )   anti-jkr   and   dilf   enthusiast.   personals   dni.   discord   available   to   mutuals.
carrd.   threadtracker.   interest tracker.   pinterest.   spotify.    barty crouch jr.
intro. this is an independent & highly selective roleplay blog for lucius malfoy of the harry potter franchise. mutuals only pls & thx warning. there will be triggering content on this blog. the opinions my muse do not reflect my own. if you find it difficult to seperate the writer from the character, this blog is not for you. lucius malfoy is a bigot towards muggles and muggleborns. i will not water him down for your comfort. disclaimer. this is a strict anti-jkr blog. if you support her or sympathize, with war and hate, please fuck right out of here. transphobes/terfs, racists, homophobes/biphobes, antisemites, etc can get right off of my blog. another disclaimer. currently in the middle of reading the books and rewatching the movies. characterization is iffy at the moment. please, excuse a very ooc lucius based on my daddy issues and personal headcanons until i am reversed in harry potter knowledge. credit. some icons are made by myself, others i found on hollowart. PSD is blake by gorefrey. all other graphics are made by myself unless otherwise stated. dni. i will not write with anyone from the hamilton fandom. too many bad experiences. i tend to stay away from ppl using problematic faceclaims. writing. i can do short para to novella. pls note that i do like to have some plotting for longer replies. i am personally no good at super prosey writing, fair warning. if you write prose, pls lend me ur brain. formatting. i do like a fairly simple format. i do use small text, icons, and fancy font. pls let me know if you would prefer me to change my formatting for accessibility purposes. i would be more than happy to oblige :) misc. no bigotry will be tolerated. swift block if you are an asshole. hate mail will result in me crying on dash - just don't. shipping. welp. i am the biggest ship whore you will ever meet. i am not going to beat around the bush here. if you ask, i will most likely say yes unless your muse is a minor. mun is 22. muse is a 40-something year old dilf. (pls give me enemies to lovers) additionally, lucius is a married man but if you are wanting to ship, we can discuss a circumstance whether he is unmarried, divorced, widowed, or something else. nsfw. smut will probably occur but will be tagged accordingly and placed under a cut. i am much more comfortable writing smut with those who i know ooc, so if you are interested, let's chitchat a bit :) ps. you must be 18+ to write smut w/ me. tags. i tag all basic triggers that i think may be appropriate. i am only a human so i may mess up sometimes. pls poke me and i'll make corrections. meet the writer. helloooo!! i'm mary. 22. mentally & chronically ill with too much time on her hands. closeted bisexual. armchair titanic historian. animal crossing extraordinaire. squishmallow enthusiast. she/her pronouns. i live in upstate ny so EST timezone!!!!
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partxilos-blog · 6 years
anyway i'm adding clarisse to this blog bc she's my wife(tm)
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fanfic-corner · 4 years
A-Spec Across Fandoms
23/10/20 - I know I have already done an a-spec post for Destiel fics, but it is asexual awareness week next week, so I thought I’d read a load of fics with ace characters from a few different shows I like! We have some Supernatural, some Doctor Who, some Sherlock, and a couple from Good Omens. Happy ace week!
broken when I’m lonesome by SailorChibi on AO3. (7,015 words).
Tags: Asexual Castiel, Demisexual Dean, Panromantic Castiel, Biromantic Dean, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, PTSD, Dean Has Self-Esteem Issues, Dean Has a Sexuality Crisis, Angst, Fluff, Touch-Starved, Comfort, Platonic Cuddling, Castiel is Not Oblivious, comments that could be taken as ace-phobic.
My Rating: 5 stars.
Description: After being saved from hell, Dean's old methods of coping aren't working anymore: he's not sexually attracted to anyone, and he's not interested in sex no matter how many times he climbs into bed with hot, naked women. Sam is convinced that his brother is just depressed, but Dean knows this goes deeper than that. He still craves the intimacy that can make him feel safe. Fortunately, Castiel is there to both understand and provide.
Notes: This fic really hit home. I’m not sure if it is because almost every person I have ever talked to has had some form of this conversation, but it was still cute.
La Vie A Plus by K_K_TiBal on AO3. (6,260 words).
Tags: Punk Castiel, Asexual Castiel, College/Uni AU, Roommates, oh my god they were roommates, College Student Dean, College Student Castiel, Pining, First Kiss, Misunderstandings, Art Student Castiel, Love Confessions, Gabriel is a Little Shit, Tattooed Castiel.
My Rating: 5 stars.
Description: Dean Winchester is hopelessly, head-over-heels in love with his best friend and roommate, Castiel. Castiel - with his blue hair, and his tattoos, and his artwork, and his perfect everything. Dean never stood a chance, really. It only sucks because, as far as Dean can tell, Castiel is definitely not interested. But love, much like art, has a way of being unpredictable. Even if you think you know where you're going with it.
Notes: The angst is strong in this one! Again, I feel like many aces have had this conversation or that fear that people (allos, especially) may not want to be with them.
Exposed to What You Hide by SailorChibi on AO3. (1,890 words).
Tags: Alternate Universe - Hunters, Creature Castiel, Procubus Cas, Asexual Castiel, Established Relationship, Hidden Relationship, Assisted Suicide, Cuddling, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Fluff.
My Rating: 4 stars.
Description: "We think Cas is a procubus," Sam blurted out. Then he winced and yelped when Charlie kicked him under the table. "Ow!" "Smooth, Sam," Charlie snapped. Dean looked back and forth between them, realizing that they were both 100% serious. "A procubus." "Basically it's the sexless version of an incubus or a succubus," Charlie explained before Sam could. "It's... it's a demon that kills people by sleeping with them." She was chewing on her thumbnail now, eyes big and apologetic. Sam had done one better pasting on a truly epic kicked puppy expression of apology. "You think Cas is killing people by cuddling with them," Dean said, just to be sure. 
Notes: Well that took a bit of a turn. I’m not sure why, but I love fics where Cas keeps bees, it was just so cute to see him that happy! (Even if he was crazy. Shut up).
Consolation by Trell on AO3. (1,195 words).
Tags: Aromantic, Aromantic Relationship, Asexual Relationship, Asexuality, Asexual Character.
My Rating: 3 stars.
Description: In which both of them are ancient, and neither of them are in love with each other.
Notes: Okay, I would first of all like to say that I do not ship Cas and Ten. I was kind of curious though, and clearly whoever wrote this ships Destiel and Ten/Rose. That being said, I am here for some angst; poor Cas and his unrequited love, and poor Ten because all his friends are dead.
Doctor Who
don’t hold this war inside by WishingTree on AO3. (1,824 words).
Tags: Asexual Yaz, Pre-Relationship, Asexual Character.
My Rating: 5 stars.
Description: “It’s just - I’m scared,” she finally manages. “Scared?” the Doctor stills where she’s been trying to roll up the sleeves of her coat, shoving the material of one arm over her elbow and asking, “Scared of what?” Yaz doesn’t answer, can’t answer, and the Doctor goes to reach for her, aborting the movement halfway and only managing an awkward swaying motion. “...Scared of me?”
Notes: Thasmin is a ship that, had I not stumbled across it on Instagram, would never have thought of on my own. Much like Sabriel, however, now the idea is in my head, I ship it! Also, the author in this fic manages to perfectly capture the Doctor’s personality, which is quite an impressive feat.
Whatever fits my skin by lloydsglasses on AO3. (1,481 words).
Tags: Friendship, Male-Female Friendship, Cross-Generational Friendship, Asexual Character, Asexuality, Canon Gay Character, LGBTQ Character, Aromantic, Pride.
My Rating: 5 stars.
Description: “So, does that happen to you a lot?” Bill asks once they’re safely back in the Doctor’s study, each cradling a mug of tea. “Getting snogged by gorgeous women as a thanks for saving their lives.” The Doctor sets his teacup down gently on the desk, mouth pursing in distaste. “Far more often than I’d like.”
Notes: Oh my god that was so (fucking) cute! Now I want more fics of characters going to pride. Maybe for next June. Also, I’m just saying that I hated Nardole and nothing you can say to me will make me change my mind.
Take It, Leave It (But you’d better believe it) by lloydsglasses on AO3. (760 words).
Tags: Friendship, Male-Female Friendship, Cross-Generational Friendship, Asexual Character. Aromantic, Canon Gay Character, Coming Out, Implied/Referenced Homophobia, LGBTQ Themes.
My Rating: 4 stars.
Description: “I told my foster mum that I’m gay. Now she keeps trying to set me up with guys." 
“Ah,” says the Doctor, with a frown. “That seems… counterintuitive.”
Notes: I’ve always loved Bill and Twelve’s relationship, and this is such a cute scene! It is a crime we haven’t got more River Song content, by the way.
Crescendo by tenscupcake on AO3. (6,013 words).
Tags: Fluff, Asexual Character, Romance.
My Rating: 4 stars.
Description: As her relationship with the Doctor slowly develops into something a little more than friendship, Rose starts to wonder what's holding him back. But one fateful night, he confesses something that makes her realize she never had any reason to worry.
Notes: Beautifully written! I don’t think I’ve ever read a Ten/Rose fic before, but I have always shipped it and it is adorable.
The Important Bit by Solshine on AO3. (9,984 words).
Tags: Asexual Sherlock, Platonic Relationship, Amarriage, Same-Sex Marriage, Bromance, Domestic.
My Rating: 5 stars.
Description: Just where exactly is the line between “to love” and “to be in love”? What difference is required between “flatmate” and “husband”? (Besides the rings, obviously.) No, the important bit is that they have each other. Thirty years, give or take, in an atypical marriage. Basically a long bit of platonic domestic fluff.
Notes: Oh, this is absolutely one of my favourite Johnlock fics now. Absolutely adorable (because I love domestic Johnlock okay), I nearly cried, and now I want all the art of Sherlock with a fancy old cane!
the art of getting by (isn’t really so artsy at all) by stupidmuse_hatesme on AO3. (6,521 words).
Tags: Asexuality, Asexual Character, Asexual Sherlock, Romance, First Time, First Date, Slash.
My Rating: 4 stars.
Description: “He's treating things like they're normal! Things are not normal.” Sherlock drags his hands from his mussed up hair and covers his face. “You aren't helping much,” he mumbles into his palms. “I hope you know that.” The skull only grins from his perch and says not a word. “Really, you're supposed to do more than just--sit there.”
Notes: John is so unbelievably sweet in this, but Sherlock was bit OOC.
what does the world get by coloredink on AO3. (2,302 words).
Tags: Asexuality, Asexual Sherlock, Asexual Character, Asexual Relationship.
My Rating: 3 stars.
Description: A women's magazine quiz leads Sherlock to investigate the nature of love.
Notes: A cute lil’ fic about exploring your (in this case, lack of) romantic and sexual attraction.
Surprisingly Simple by heeroluva on AO3. (855 words).
Tags: Asexuality, Asexual Character, Asexual Relationship, First Kiss, Touching, Fluff, Cuddling and Snuggling. My Rating: 3 stars. Description: In which John is asexual, and Sherlock never asks. Notes: Pretty cute, and it is always nice to see a character who is just cool with it, without some massive explanation. I can dream.
Good Omens
An Honest Surrender by Kedreeva on AO3. (4,107 words).
Tags: Ineffable Husbands, Post-Apocalypse, Love Confessions, Marriage Proposal, Marriage, First Kiss, Cuddling & Snuggling, Fluff and Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Soulmates, Soul Bond, Aziraphale’s True Form, Crowley’s True Form, Asexual Character, Asexual Relationship.
My Rating: 5 stars.
Description: "For six thousand years," Crowley said, voice cracking, "I have wanted something I couldn't have, because I asked the wrong questions. But I'm asking the right one now. The only one that matters." In which Aziraphale follows Crowley home after the nonpocalypse.
Notes: Seriously, reading Good Omens fics always makes me so relaxed and sleepy it is unreal. I need to read them more often. Anyway, this is such a cute explanation for the final episode, and I loved it!
You’re the Only Prayer I Need by Kedreeva on AO3. (5,507 words).
Tags: Ineffable Husbands, Wingfic, Angel Wings, Angel/Demon Relationship, Wing Grooming, Bathing/Washing, Cuddling & Snuggling, Asexual Character, Asexuality, Asexual Relationship, Snake Crowley, Love Confessions, Trust, Non-Sexual Intimacy.
My Rating: 5 stars.
Description: Crowley had, in the six thousand years Aziraphale had known him, shed his skin exactly twice that Aziraphale knew of. Both times he had disappeared without a trace, having retreated somewhere very safe and very, very unknown to hide while he was so vulnerable, and Aziraphale had never thought to ask beyond that information. Everyone was, he had supposed at the time, entitled to their secrets. The problem was that he had stumbled directly into this secret now, and there was hardly a graceful way out of it.
Notes: The sheer level of trust is adorable, and I’m always here for snake Crowley.
A Little Less Celestial by Kedreeva on AO3. (2,360 words).
Tags: Non-Sexual Intimacy, Non-Sexual, Sharing a Bed, Ineffable Husbands, Literal Sleeping Together, Wingfic, Cuddling & Snuggling, Asexual Character, Asexual Relationship.
My Rating: 4 stars.
Description: Aziraphale accidentally falls asleep, and Crowley teaches him sleeping isn't so bad, really.
Notes: Oh my God, this was so calming to read in a way I really can’t describe? Also, now I want a bookshelf bed.
Just One Yesterday by Kedreeva on AO3. (1,952 words).
Tags: True Form Crowley, True Form Aziraphale, Ineffable Husbands, Angst with a Happy Ending, Love Confessions, Post-Apocalypse, Time Travel, Time Loop, Asexual Character, Asexual Relationship, Canon Compliant, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Missing Scene.
My Rating: 3 stars.
Description: Crowley and Aziraphale didn't stop the apocalypse on the first try, but you know what they say... try, try again.
Notes: I could not tell you the plot of this, but that image of Crowley’s true form was beautiful (and the artwork was phenomenal!).
So, there we have it! I hope you enjoy them, and have a nice week. By the way, if you have instagram, please would you consider following @justaceofficial? They are trying to get funding for a TV series which focuses on an asexual main character, and they ran an asexual advent running up to this week!
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thememcry · 4 years
-> Mun meme <-
Repost rather than reblog, thanks!
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name (or preferred online name): kay, kerrigan. age: 30. birthday: february 24. country: usa. fluent in: english, sarcasm.
Writing details:
preferred genres/tropes/aus: horror, angst, psychological, thriller, dark genres in general, romance. disliked genres/tropes/aus: college life / school life stuff gets boring really fast. certain kinds of fluff are really boring (like ... fluffy scenarios where you have to write out like, a dinner scene between people. you don’t have to describe every forkful unless it has something to do with the rest of the reply). that kind of junk. and typically like ... pregnancy stuff, but only because it’s always a trope of itself. every plot bunny thing you see in the tags regarding pregnancy is always the same shit and that’s not fun? i don’t mind writing a muse being pregnant, etc but ... just --- it’s not a plot? it’s just something that happens? preferred writing styles: multiple paragraphs to novellas. one-liners usually lead nowhere, they’re good for crack but unless we’re planning on quickly branching that into something bigger, it kind of feels like a waste of time? also, as everyone else said, purple prose. a nice new word to describe things is great every so often but if you’re literally using the thesaurus on every other word then you should stop. you’re not tolkien, and even he was annoying with it sometimes. personal icon preferences (do you use them? do you prefer certain sizes? ect.): i do use them, but i have no issue with not using them. sometimes you just don’t have the resource available and that’s okay. i’m cool with any size but once you get below 100x100 it’s pointless. your 15x15 icon with 300 lines indenting it inward that has a psd relative to the kfc secret recipe is an eyesore, sorry to tell you. partners icon preferences (do you prefer your partners to have certain icon styles or not care?): again, i don’t really care. but if your icon is as above mentioned and i can’t even make out what it’s supposed to be ... then you’re just telling me you care more about aesthetic than writing and we’re probably not going to jive. a nice psd is fine but jfc if it’s so crispy or color-oriented that i can’t tell what’s in the icon, what’s the fucking point?? any other details about your writing preferences you want to include: when you format your post to have sub, sup, double small, 379 spaces and && of 200 different colors, it looks a bit pretentious. you do you, but if the formatting drops when i reply to you then ... that’s pretty great. easier for me to read. my eyesight is not getting any better in my old age.
Get to know me:
what fandoms do you consider yourself a part of, even outside of this blog?: honestly, anything? uh ... this is my first step into an actual fandom, before this i was strictly indie and before that i was always apart of group role plays. so most things? i’m in the process of setting up a multi muse so anything there that my muses are from? so uh ... silent hill, resident evil, harry potter, rainbow 6, star wars, diablo, the witcher, orphan black, dragon age, devil may cry, mass effect, the punisher, probably a lot more. what fandoms are you entirely uninterested in?: supernatural (the tv show), the vampire diaries and all 800 spin-offs, the riverdale & sabrina things, uhh ... stephen universe, rwby ... that kind of stuff. just doesn’t tickle my fancy. i like aspects of some of them (give me a good vampire au any day) but ... not the way those shows went about it. favourite foods: steak, as rare as humanly possible. soups, good pasta dishes. that sort of stuff. favourite drinks: tea, water, arnold palmer kind drink. hobbies: writing, video games, character development, sleep, being bad at art and photoshop. list ten things you want to do in the future: be healthy, get a place with my better half, finish school, get a job i actually like, be financially stable, get a cat. that’s it. i don’t have 4 more. what do you wish would change in the rp community?: just because you don’t like what someone is writing doesn’t mean it needs to be put in a callout post. if it’s not illegal or harmful to anyone, just go away and let them do it. i don’t want to read about why you dislike it. also anon hate. just stop. you’re acting like a child. unfollow / block the person and move on. let them do their thing. i see too many of my followers getting anon hate for stupid shit. like their lifestyle choices? dude, who the fuck cares how someone is ooc? let them be that and leave them alone. what does it concern you? what are some of the things you love about the rp community?: i’ve met some incredible people here. i met my best friend in a group rp like 8-9 years ago. i met some amazing people now. i cherish every single friendship i’ve made, for those who have dared get to know me. i wouldn’t trade that for anything. anything else you’d like to add?: my name is kay and this has been the disney channel.
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go-forth-and-live · 4 years
3. What current rp trend do you hate? 35. Do you read other people’s threads or do you only read your own? 36. What’s one thing that other people seem to hate that doesn’t bother you?
Honesty meme || Not Accepting
3. What current rp trend do you hate?
you know that thing in Fancy RP Layouts where you have a bunch of little aesthetic buttons that don’t say anything about what they link to and you have to either hope there’s a tooltip that tells you what it is or maybe it’s noted in the URL? And you have to like go on a fucking scavenger hunt to find somebody’s rule page? Oh my godddd I hate it. 
Also, anyone out there ever tried hovering over bits and bobs in a layout that looked like they were the Aesthetic Buttons That Link To Things, but they actually were just decorative theme elements, and the actual Aesthetic Buttons you’re supposed to click are something else? Like you see a bunch of little squares above the bio and it’s like “Oh! It’s probably that!” But you hover over it and get nothing, because it turns out the actual Aesthetic Buttons you’re supposed to click were like these tiny star graphics hovering over the sepia tone sidebar picture, but they also blend in with the graphic so they don’t immediately stick out, and like goDDAMNIT I JUST WANT TO READ YOUR ABOUT PAGE DUDE
35. Do you read other people’s threads or do you only read your own?
I primarily just read my own, but I definitely will pause over close RP partners’ threads when I’m scrolling through the dash now and again! Especially if it’s a scene I know they’re really into or excited about.
36. What’s one thing that other people seem to hate that doesn’t bother you?
I think I talked about interacting with personal blogs last time I got this question, and beyond thatttt... idk, I don’t really care when someone posts a lot of OOC content or shitposting? If I’ve literally never seen you write a tag and it’s pretty clear your blog is primarily a personal, sure, maybe I’ll unfollow, but it’s to a point where I have seen people noting specific percentage IC-to-OOC content ratios in their rules sometimes, just. Come on y’all. 
And like!
I am biased! 
Because I definitely post OOC content and I am a perpetual shitposting machine! 
But like, this ain’t our job, we don’t have to refrain from making personal calls while we’re on the clock and shit. I like getting to know the person on the other end of the screen! And a bit of shitposting is good for the soul. 
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