pastorbillwhatshotn · 4 years
Finding Yeshua (Jesus) in the Names of God
Finding Yeshua (Jesus) in the Names of God
In Jewish culture, names are not chosen randomly or on a whim like my name William ויליאם. A person’s name is believed to affect their entire spiritual identity and even their destiny.  Scripture seems to enforce this idea; for instance, the Messiah was named Yeshua (Jesus).  That name means salvation, and Matthew 1:21 confirms that it reflects His destiny. “She will give birth to a son, and…
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pastorbillwhatshotn · 4 years
The Transforming Power Of Unity Between Jews And Gentiles
The Transforming Power Of Unity Between Jews And Gentiles
When Jewish people come to know their Messiah, fellow Gentile Believers (Christians) often feel that these Messianic Jews no longer need to express their Jewishness.
Both Jews and Gentiles pray at the Western “Wailing” Wall in the Holy City of Jerusalem “For He is our peace; in His flesh He has made both groups into one and has broken down the dividing wall, that is, the hostility between us.”  …
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pastorbillwhatshotn · 4 years
We Cover The Tribes, Journeys Or Matot, Masei Where Israelites Receive Their Inheritance This Week
We Cover The Tribes, Journeys Or Matot, Masei Where Israelites Receive Their Inheritance This Week
Welcome to this week’s Torah portion, Parasha Matot-Masei, or Tribes-Journeys, which will be read in synagogues around the world during the morning service this Shabbat (Saturday). Two parshiot are combined this week to accommodate the schedule of Torah readings for the Jewish year 5780. Please study this double portion along with us. We know you will be blessed!
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pastorbillwhatshotn · 4 years
Replacing The Star-Spangled Banner, Facebook Begin Blocking Conservative And Christian Articles, The Dixie Chicks Will Now Only Be Called The
Replacing The Star-Spangled Banner, Facebook Begin Blocking Conservative And Christian Articles, The Dixie Chicks Will Now Only Be Called The
A lot of people are talking about (and I don’t know why) a Yahoo music editor’s article callingfor replacing “The Star-Spangled Banner” as America’s National Anthem, possibly with “Imagine” by John Lennon. The excuse is that Francis Scott Key was a slaveholder (he also represented…
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pastorbillwhatshotn · 4 years
The Genesis of Discord and Strife Jesus Mentioned is the Korach Portion Explained
The Genesis of Discord and Strife Jesus Mentioned is the Korach Portion Explained
Welcome to this sermon which also happens to be a Torah portion, which is called Korach (Korah). But what is Korach or Korahand what did is meant by Jesus mentioned it and why? First, we will define and see what the Bible says about Strife, Envy, Causing Discord, Sowing Discord, to explain Korach or Korah. Defining Strife: noun. vigorous or bitter conflict, discord, or antagonism: to be at…
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pastorbillwhatshotn · 4 years
Messianic Prophecies Not Read In Any Synagogues
Messianic Prophecies Not Read In Any Synagogues
Every week during Shabbat (Sabbath) synagogue services around the world the Torah and Haftarah (prophetic) portions are read. The entire five books of the Torah are publicly read every year through a set reading cycle on Shabbat, Mondays, and Thursdays.  But the Haftarah constitutes only selected portions of the Prophets and it is only read on Shabbat and certain holy days. The readings from the…
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pastorbillwhatshotn · 4 years
God's Covenants and Promises for Your Life
God’s Covenants and Promises for Your Life
This sermon is about the New Covenant and the scripture reading we will use today is found in Jeremiah 31:27-35.
Western cultures are familiar with the idea of blood brothers, but they are often not so familiar with the concept of a blood covenant, which is significant in much of the world. Covenant is also one of the most important concepts and central themes found in the Bible.
 The Hebrew…
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pastorbillwhatshotn · 4 years
The Great Reset Exact Proof What End Times Would Look Like
The Great Reset Exact Proof What End Times Would Look Like
A friend and I were talking the other day about current events so I thought to put this out so we can Explore The Great Reset Transformation to catch everyone up!
The Great Reset Plan Revealed: How COVID Ushers In The New World Order For months we have seen our way of life change dramatically. We have been told time and time again things will never be the same and we must accept the new normal.…
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pastorbillwhatshotn · 4 years
The Prophet Ezekiel Summary Of The Chariot And The Throne Of God
The Prophet Ezekiel Summary Of The Chariot And The Throne Of God
Because of Israel’s great sins throughout the years when Babylon’s King Nebuchadnezzar carried off Judah’s King Jehoiachin and the leading families of Jerusalem into captivity in 597 BC, Ezekiel the priest was in that group.  God called this priest to be a prophet at the age of 30, five years into this first Babylonian exile. This captivity would be followed by a prophesied second captivity in…
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pastorbillwhatshotn · 4 years
The Marriage Feast Of The Lamb Explained According To Jewish Wedding Customs
The Marriage Feast Of The Lamb Explained According To Jewish Wedding Customs
We will have a sermon on For what does the marriage supper of the lamb entail explained according to Jewish Wedding customs of which Jesus and the Bible have spoken of in the Millenium.
Since June is known as the month of weddings, there is no better time to reflect on the much anticipated gathering of the bride (kallah) and the wedding of the Lamb!“For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and His…
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pastorbillwhatshotn · 4 years
The Cross Is So Offensive To Many Even To Some Christians
The Cross Is So Offensive To Many Even To Some Christians
WHAT???…Wait, who said the Cross was offensive?   The Bible did!   I’ve needed to do this sermon for a while now so, here it is!   This expression “the offense of the cross” sounds strange to our modern ears.   Because you see, we have a beautiful cross on our churches. We have crosses in the lapels of our coats. We have crosses around our necks. We have crosses embossed on our…
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pastorbillwhatshotn · 4 years
Armed Police Sent To Shut Down Black Baptist Church; Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot, Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker, And New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio are 'Like the Soviet-Styled KGB'
Armed Police Sent To Shut Down Black Baptist Church; Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot, Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker, And New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio are ‘Like the Soviet-Styled KGB’
Proof that we as Christians are in the Lacodean phase of the church age is we are succumbing to all that man says and forbearing what God has said to do!   What do I mean by this?   Nowadays churches are disgraced, especially those brought about by public and governmental abuse because of strong public criticism and verbal abuse. We endure years of contempt and obloquy by abusively…
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pastorbillwhatshotn · 4 years
The Lord Bless And Keep You, Naso
The Lord Bless And Keep You, Naso
We will talk today about the duties of the Levites, this Scripture portion also provides the law of the nazir, or Nazirite, of which I have completed, and the Aaronic Benediction (Birkat Kohanim — ברכת כהנים), more commonly known as the Priestly Blessing.  
“And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying, Speak unto Aaron and unto his sons, saying, On this wise ye shall bless the children of Israel,…
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pastorbillwhatshotn · 4 years
United Nation’s Agenda 21 policy Exposed No Way Reopening The Churches But Release Over 67,000 Convicted Felons
United Nation’s Agenda 21 policy Exposed No Way Reopening The Churches But Release Over 67,000 Convicted Felons
As I said in my first post of a three-part series.   I was talking to a friend the other day that told me they were letting hardened criminals out of prisons whilst incarcerating people that just didn’t wear masks in public so I dug into what he was talking about and Wow was I shocked, to say the least! It goes very much deeper after I scratched the surface and saw not only the tip of the iceberg…
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pastorbillwhatshotn · 4 years
Because Of UNITED NATIONS Gender-Inclusive Language We Are Now Being Reduced To Just Living Beings
Because Of UNITED NATIONS Gender-Inclusive Language We Are Now Being Reduced To Just Living Beings
I was talking to a friend the other day that told me they were letting hardened criminals out of prisons whilst incarcerating people that just didn’t wear masks in public so I dug into what he was talking about and Wow was I shocked, to say the least!   It goes very much deeperafter I scratched the surface and saw not only the tip of the iceberg but the whole clandestine iceberg under the…
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pastorbillwhatshotn · 4 years
Arabs Say The Area Is Called The State of Palestine, Jews And Christians Say The State of Israel, Who's Right
Arabs Say The Area Is Called The State of Palestine, Jews And Christians Say The State of Israel, Who’s Right
Three years ago, the US president visited the Western (Wailing) Wall. Wearing a black kippah and placing a prayer inside the crack of the historic wall, Trump sent a clear message that this holy site belongs to the Jewish People. “I was humbled to place my hand upon the wall and to pray in that holy pace for wisdom from God,” Trump said at Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial Museum. “The ties of the…
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pastorbillwhatshotn · 4 years
Jordan’s King, King Abdullah II Threatens Israel With ‘massive Conflict’ Over Annexing Judea And Samaria
Jordan’s King, King Abdullah II Threatens Israel With ‘massive Conflict’ Over Annexing Judea And Samaria
Abdullah does not rule out suspending peace deal with the Jewish state, insists two-state solution ‘the only way forward’
Jordan’s King Abdullahhas warned that should Israel move forward with plans to annex parts of the West Bank, it would lead to a “massive conflict” with his country, and did not rule out pulling out of Amman’s peace deal with the Jewish state. As you read this story coming out…
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