pathfinders-rp · 13 hours
Yes exactly I'm your husband so you can always speak to me about everything " he says and takes a bite of the cotton candy.
"I know. And I will, so I hope you don't regret it when I will talk about aaaaaall the random things that come to my mind." He leans forward, kissing Jay softly, smiling as he whispers, "Now you taste sweet..."
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pathfinders-rp · 13 hours
He giggles while brushing his teeth and hums. After he is done he rinse his mouth. He steps in the shower and turns the warm water on reaching for the soap and rubbing it over his body while starring at magnus.
Magnus turns to be able to watch Darien, and keeps facing him even after he rinses his mouth too, just standing there and staring at his beautiful fiancé. "Are you trying to get yourself clean, or are you trying to make me horny again? Because if you stare at me like that..."
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pathfinders-rp · 13 hours
Thank you for letting me come back. "he breaks the kiss, bites gentle his bottomlip and kisses his lips again." how does your butt feel" he mumbles and gentle caress babes butt, but not in a sexuel way.
Babe reaches immediately to lightly push Caleb's hand away, not knowing how to react to the other being caring towards him. "I'm okay. No need to worry, you would need more than this to break me." He grins, then remembers something. "We didn't make a deal in the end last night."
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pathfinders-rp · 13 hours
He takes the tootbrush and nods his head."or do you want to do a quicky before?" he chuckles and starts to brush his teeth.
"If I ever die, it will be because of exhaustion, you know? But it will be a very happy death." He nuzzles Darien's cheek before he starts brushing his teeth as well, watching Darien through the mirror with a smile.
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pathfinders-rp · 13 hours
Oh me too, my breath is proably terrible " he says with red ears and gets up, reaching for magnus his hand so they can go together.
Magnus laughed, getting up and walking with Darien to the bathroom, then used magic to summon their toothbrushes and toothpaste so they can use it. "Do you think we need a shower too?"
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pathfinders-rp · 13 hours
He sees the flinching and mentally slaps himself. "we can also watch kikis deliver service, it's a very cute movie about a little witch and her cat, she makes delivers"
Magnus shakes his head, and reaches up to stroke Darien's cheek. "No, love, it's okay. I'm sorry about my reaction, it was a reflex. I know you meant nothing bad about it." He smiles warmly, kisses Darien's nose, then sits up and stretches. "I need to use the restroom, and brush my teeth."
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pathfinders-rp · 22 hours
How about we watch some Animes? I would like to start with something called demon slayer, would you be okay with that? "
Magnus flinched for a second when hearing the title, but pushed it aside and nodded. "Sounds interesting? But promise to hold me close if it gets scary?" He joked, nuzzling softly against Darien.
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pathfinders-rp · 22 hours
Caleb his eyes close again and he gentle cups babes cheeks while he gentle deepens the kiss. "that's a nice way of saying good morning" he mumbles against his lips.
"Thank you for coming back last night." Babe whispers into their kiss, voice still hoarse from sleep, and he slides a hand lazily along Caleb's side while they kiss.
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pathfinders-rp · 23 hours
Mhmmm.. " a soft sound escapes his lips and he licks his lips. He turns his head to the side and slowly opens his eyes.
The moment Caleb opens his eyes, Babe leans in to kiss him, as if all he was waiting for was him to wake up, to be able to consent to it, to have the freedom to accept or reject his kiss.
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pathfinders-rp · 23 hours
By now Caleb is laying on his back. His arm is underneath babes head while his lip are slightly parted,he is still sleeping.
At first, Babe pushes himself up, rubbing at his eyes and yawning, but when he realizes that he is in bed with Caleb, he isn't in any rush to get food anymore, and instead lies back down, snuggling against Caleb's side. He trails a few, sleepy but affectionate kisses along his face.
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pathfinders-rp · 23 hours
After an intense Orgasm and my fiance by my side I slept so well " he says and caress the olders chest." Okay sounds good... How about we watch a movie? "
"Mmm, sounds fantastic. Should we watch something romantic, or something animated, or.. action?" He strokes repeatedly along Darien's hair, obviously not being in a rush to move at all or go anywhere.
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pathfinders-rp · 23 hours
His eyes get heavy and after a little while he falls also asleep. His fast heartbeat is slowing down.
Babe cannot recognize that it is the reason why, but Caleb's presence, his embrace, the warmth of his body all help Babe sleep without trouble, and he only wakes up when his body gives a signal that he is getting hungry.
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pathfinders-rp · 23 hours
He wraps his legs around the older and kisses his nosetip. "did you sleep well love?"
"I did, actually. Amazingly well. And you?" He wrinkles his nose playfully after the kiss, and strokes Darien's back. "Shall we stay in our hotel room for today, seeing as it is kinda late now? And we can plan what to do tomorrow."
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pathfinders-rp · 23 hours
Caleb slept well for the first time in a while m there where so gruesome dreams about his past life in hell. When he opens his eyes the room is still pitch black. But he is able to see well with his eyes. His fingers gentle brush the their out of babes face. His heart beats fast and gentle kisses his forehead. He is still in his clothes. He snips his fingers quietly and is again naked, babes body feels cold. He pulls him very gentle closer against his chest andbwraps his warm arms around him,then he reaches for the blanket to cover them. Body on body he tries to concent with babe as much as possible. Just staying friends is okay with him, as long he can be by his side.
Babe stirs as he's pulled closer and even covered with a blanket, but not enough to wake up. He snuggles closer, mumbling something unintelligible, and it doesn't seem like he could be awakened anytime soon. He's in a deep sleep, needing it to work off the stress of all that's happened the day before, and since he doesn't have anywhere to be for the day, he didn't set an alarm, so he could sleep however long he wished.
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pathfinders-rp · 23 hours
Morning " his voice is raspy and he rubs his eyes." did we sleep so long again? "he giggles and lays down again.
"Honestly, I don't mind. We can stay here however long we want, and I'm glad to see that you are resting well." He gently pulls Darien close, cuddling against him.
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pathfinders-rp · 23 hours
When Darien open his eyes it's almost dark again. He sits up and rubs his eyes. Mhm.. His hair stand in all direction.
Magnus is awakened by his fiancé's movement, and he smiles sleepily as he looks up at him. "Mmm, 'morning?"
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pathfinders-rp · 1 day
His fingertips gentle caress babes back while he kisses the top of his head. His eyes fall close and finally he is able to fall asleep.
Even with Caleb there, Babe is unable to sleep, his mind running a mile an hour. He wonders why it feels so good to have Caleb there, and thinks about how the way he had felt once he left, like he had been used and taken advantage of, was how people felt when he had sex with them before races. He's afraid he might have been cruel this whole time, with everyone, and that is what finally tired him out enough that he falls asleep.
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